)t Pamberg peralb l;ST\BI ISHKI> APRIL, 1891. Thursday, November 8,1917. We are mighty sorry that the city fathers could not see their way clear to commence a little paving at this time. We trust the delay is only temporary, and that the matter will not be permitted to die out complete ly because of the inability of the council to raise the necessary fundsjust now. * * <: * * # Beginning last Friday, the people began paying war taxes on letters and other mail matter. Where two cents . used to carry a letter it now requires three cents, and where one cent carried a postal card, two cents are now required. Three-cent letter postage is calculated to raise more than seventy million dollars in revenue per annum. The war is coming clos er home every day. \ ****** We are glad to note that Chief Kirkland has started in to enforce the city's traffic ordinance. We trust that he will enforce it not only at the street corners, but in all particulars. There are more motor vehicles on the streets of Bamberg now than ever before in the history of the town. The more cars we have, the more public safety demands a strict regulation of motor traffic. ****** Speaking of the war, we notice that a Greenville boy was one of those captured by the Germans the other day. Thus, tne first South ? Carolinian has 'en into the hands of the Germans from among America's forces in Europe. It will be a matter only of weeks before we hear that the first Bamberg county boy has happened to misfortune in Prance. There should be no spirit of levity about this war business. Every day the war comes closer home. And we may as well prepare ourselves for bad news, for certainly there will be bad news before the victorious end is heralded. Bamberg men will be among the captured, killed and wounded. ?$ We thought Fire Chief W. D. Rhoad had about persuaded the city council of the advisability of purchasing a truck for the use of the fire department. That was. some time ago. As nothing has been said about it lately, the idea must have been given up. If the, fire department had had access to a motor truck Monday, there is very little doubt that the fire at Mr. Jones's house would not have amounted to near so much as it did. Also the city is sadly in need of some sort of fire alarm system. This thing of having to fire off pistols and shotguns like a charge against a German first line of defense is about fifty < years out of style. Of course there are so many things the city needs, it is possible there are more pressing demands upon the city exchequer. ****** Now that the strictest economy is being urged upon the people, they can help some by saving the government money. For instance, when mailing letters, (parties -should never , use three one-cent stamps on one letter. Instead a three-cent stamp should be used. This saves the gov ernment the cost of printing two stamps. One-cent stamps should no# he used on letters or postcards except where stamped envelopes or cards are used, and where the stamps are one or two-cecent denominations. Also the people can help the government in another manner. All parties residing on rural free delivery . routes should have their mail delivered by the carriers. This helps the route to insure its continuance. The! same thing applies to city delivery. If mail that should be delivered by carrier is handed out at the general delivery window, it entails extra extra expense upon the government. Fundamental. # He looked at his wrist watch. "Will you marry me?" he said. She blushed. "There is really no time to lose. Tou see I have only had twenty-four hours' notice. I must report at headquarters tomorrow at 9. We sail for France in three days. Will you marry me?" "T J 'A ?J '? :,1 ?rk?lv T x uuix t iiuiiu, siiw saiu. 1 should li!:e to rcake one condition." "And this is?" "I have dreamed for years of getting married, but not in this way. But I will marry you if?when you return?you will pror.ose to ire aili j over again, and we can go on a, honeymoon, and I can be courted, and?well you know, I am sure!" "A1! right," he said, with a smile. "To be honest with you, dearest, Ij thought I was going to escape all that?but I see it's do use. 1 might: have known better. Even a war like this cannot keep a womVn from hav-j ing her own way?especitllv about a wedding." If the price of ga-oline beeps on' mounting, It ought to put a damper on the automobile thieves. AD ITTCEV RILEY & COPELAND | J Successors to W. P. Riley. Fire, Life LIFE INSURANCE j Accident Bamberg, South Carolina INSURANCE .?? _____ j Office in J. D. CopelancTs Store ~ 7T~7 ~ ~ 1 BAMBERG, C. Read The Herald, $l.o0 a year. ib?^^ I JUST ARRIVED f * f A awiai??si/i wws?r? mv^7Tvm fi I7ff1 o:<> | MUNE'S K1CH MUll tARt, f Y ?IN? V Y Y X 1 AND 4 POUND PACKAGES X y f i X try a pound package and X X you will want a 4-pound X X cake for christmas. X f f Y Phone 15 For Quick Delivery *? % x Itom duckerI > Phone 15 Bamberg, S. C. ! Iloo^hereT! V 2 V ?????????? I BEFORE YOU BUY f A ^ > Every tiling in furniture at the lowest price you've seen since the war. And listen, in case the price on any article that you ?* may desire is not herein stated, write or call me up at my ex- ^ j pense and I shall furnish same. Freight paid on all out-of * town business (and I'm shipping it in and out every day.) +A JL Undertaking business up-to-date; no charge for hearse rent. Jk T I Solid Oak Dressers, plain or quartered, from $10.00 to 4^ $25.00; large mirrors. ^ J Bedroom Suites, Oak, 3-piece, a perfect beauty, only $35.00. ^ y large mirror. v Bedroom Suites, ivory, 4-piece, can't be beat anywhere, lat- ^ ^ est style, $150.00. ^ Bedroom Suites, Mahogany, 4-piece, prize winner, latest out, ^ only $165.00. ^ J Bedroom Suites, 3-piece, large mirrows, dandy bed, at $40.- J ^ Chairs for kitchen and dining from 75c to $2.10. Guaran & teed bottoms for three years. ^ t Rockers from $2.25 to $8.50, guaranteed bottoms for three l-J V years. "Swell styles." ^ Mattresses from $3.50 to $12.50; ail weigh 45 lbs., and ex- ^ J tra good tick. J Large 8-foot dining table (round) for only $18.50. V XMAS TOYS A SPECIALTY. V A | Write if you are too far to call and visit an up-to-date fur- ^ niture Stoi-e. ^ IF K r.RAHAM I *1**1* *i* v a w *?$ Y 7 V V YY Y andth XX X want e XX X ing a I YY Y *n an^ YY Y some f YY Y lieve v YY Y ' Vy Y I! J. M, I z YY *Y EHRHARDI V V V r r v i'H I Put your money in tne oanK. ic is sare mere g Add to your balance every cent you can spear. Soon | you'll be "a man with money." 2 Put YOUR money in OUR bank ] We pay 4 percent interest on savings accounts. Peoples Bank BAMBERG, S. C. 1 I / f f 1 C A At AJk AA AA V A X > X Once a Customer CLJDLJ A D P\T C O A Square Deal X Always a customer 1 y O# V^? t0 ^11 ITKe nvan with money keeps it in the Bank where it is safe from fire or burglars or his own extravagance. When you carry your money in your pockets the | temptations and chcr.ces to cpend it ere very great. I (Greater than you think, for a few dollars hers and fe there to borrowers and for things you don't actually E need, soon melt your pile away, | ? .1 r* i 11 ?-1_ ? _ Hi Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors Pnmris and Fittinas. Wood Saws. Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Pelting, Gasoline Engines LAKOESTOCK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Work* Supply Store. AUGUSTA, OA. Dr. THOMAS BLACK, JR DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate Dental Department University of Maryland. Member S. C. State Dental Association. Office opposite new post office and over office of H. M. Graham. Office hours, 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. BAMBERG, S. C. MARKETING HOGS. Beats burying them. Steve Hoover, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, writes, "Commenced feeding my herd of about 100 hogs B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder over two months ago. Fifty were sick and off feed. Nearby herds had cholera. I did not lose one?they are well and growing fast."?C. R. BRABHAM'S SONS, D r* rM CJ C I uaiiiuci^, u. v/. j GOING OUT OF ?AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS ONE OAR ON HAND $875.00 Will Buy a $.1050.00 REO FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR 35 horse power, 60 inch wide guage, regular equipment, Reney electric ctarting lighting system. Extra tire and tube thrown in. , All or Part Cash or On Time. J. W. BARR The Reo Man Bamberg, S. C. H* ff \ XX X *u* ^ tt f ft T TT T fx X We wi TT A and cu < >! pying < t f f better xY V serve 1 YY V see us t A A town, i :d: | wheth, * > nave ji 1 i units FORMER DEPUTY COU CLERK OF C COU 1 t Hon. Jno. \V. Bullock, Prominent1 South Carolinan, Says He Wouldn't Take Five Thousand Dollars For Good New Preparation Did Him. ' j SUFFERED TWENTY YEARS AND NO OTHER MEDICINE REACHED H IS TROUBLE. GA! N KI > 18 POUNDS AND FEELS LIKE A BRAND NEW MAN. j "Vitona overcame a serious attack j of kidney trouble that had been pulling me down for 20 years, and I have gained 18 pounds since I began taking this remarkable preparation," said Hon. Jno. W. Bullock, formerly deputy court clerk of Greenwood county', S. C., a few days ago. Mr. Bullock was born and reared in South Carolina and is one of this State's most prominent men. He also served as clerk of the ways and means committee of the South Carolina legislature and was later inspector of dispensar-l ies for the State. "No one knows how I suffered all those years," continued Mr. Bullock. "I had awful pains in my back and | sides, and my sleep was broken all through the night. I had severe head! aches and was dreadfully nervous. I My appetite was poor, and I lost ! weight and strength until I was so {weak I could hardly stand on my feet. My whole system was run-down, ;and I finally had to take to the bed. jl tried all kinds of medicines, but [nothing reached my case. "A friend knowing the condition I was in, advised me to take Vitona, and after a few days I noticed an improvement. It just looked like the | more Vitona I took the better I felt. !l seemed to gain strength every day, ;and now I feel like a brand new man jand consider myself in as good phyjsical condition as any man in the 'State. I have a big appetite, what I jeat agrees with me perfectly, and I sleep like a log. I get up every mornjing feeling rested and refreshed and i ready for a big day's work. The head| aches have disappeared and I am not nervous and dizzy like I was. I don't E TO SEE / ish to announce to our stomers that we are nov >ur New Brick Building,? prepared than ever be! their every want. Com and our new building w we are always glad to & ;r you wish to buy or no jst received an extra nice n AND M W ? V e price on these are righ :veryone who is thinking iorse or Mule this fall t< look this lot over, as w< ine animals in this drove ? behave one that will si SOUTH / P.T| \ XEENWOOD NTY PRAISES YITONA . ' i ' ls \ 111 1 1111 HON. J. W. BULLOCK 1 i | have those pains in my side and bask now?in fact," all my troubles ksv* * been overcome and I am full of mow life and energy. I really wouldn't . take $5,000 for the good Vitona did me and I urge anyone who has kidJMT trouble, or is in a general run-dowm condition, to get a bottle at once, ft certainly builds a man up." Mr. L. S. Bean, the Vitona expert, made the following statement: "Vitona, the wonderful new discovery, is daily overcoming catarib, stomach and kidney disorders, rhemmatism and blood disorders, an<{ is < building up hundreds of listless, ramdown men and women. Vitona is met to be classed with the average pee- v prietary medicines, which, in mam? cases, are nothing more or less tkam ' r. medicated alcohol, which stimulates and does not give lasting relief. V3tona is more than a medicine. It is the liquid extraction of a rare miners* combination, prepared in natare's laboratory, in the bowels of the e&rtk * ages ago, but therefore unknown t# man. It contains iron, calcium, sodium, lithium, stontbian, magnesia*, and other monerals, each of whiah possess great therapeutic value." Vitona is sold by Mack's Brae Store, Bamberg; Peoples Pharraaar, Denmark; J. H. Roberts, Ehrharit. m.\ _ I * "V yj ?adv. YY :us!l i i t YY & vy friends % f OCCU- > ind are > ava fn V *4?*# & UO, I I I Y YY ' CAROLINA V ft Y YY Y YY yy yy " ** " ? s> ' > x *?> ' " ' ' > ' ' "iJCS&y&v *m.!? * M hile m a ee you > t. We <4 load of f ft f ft T VV ISLES 11 f ft Y TT ? we x xx m of buy- | xt lM > come &A e have ? * and be- V YY lit you. Y VY Y YY f it Y Yf ' A A Y *Y