PERSONAL MENTION. / ~ People Visiting in Tliis City and at Other Points. ?Miss Sallie D. Free is visiting friends in Ridgeway. ?Mr. John R. Martin, of Denmark, was in the city Saturday. ?Mr. G. B. Kinard, of Ehrhardt^ was a Bamberg visitor Saturday. i ?Mr. C. W. Rentz, Jr., of Blackville, spent Sunday in the city. ?Mr O. J. C. Lain, magistrate at Olar, spent Saturday in Bamberg. ?Messrs. B. F. Free and Thomas \ Ducker spent Tuesday in Charleston. ?Mr. Louis G. Poliakoff left this Dolfim ava + r\ nnrphiiQP wcoa. iui uamuivic (. w pu>v?v>w| J goods. ?Mr. Carl 0. Kirsch spent the n week end at home with relatives and friends. * ?Mr. J. H. Fender, of the Hunter's Chapel section, spent Saturday in town. ?Mr. Calvin McMillan, of the! Colston section, was in Bamberg on Saturday. ?Mr. J. Felder Hunter, of Orangbburg, was in town last Friday for a ? short stay. n * ?Surveyor P. S. Norris, of Aiken, g, was in the city on professional business this week. C) ?Mr. B. H. Carter, a prominent y, farmer of the Ehrhardt section, spent f Saturday here. tl . ? * ? ?Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wright, a of Orangeburg, spent Sunday in the a city with relatives. & ?Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Hitt, of ~~ Montmorenci, are visiting relatives in the city. ?Dr. Simms Fender, who is practicing medicine at rjnrnarai, was ' in Bamberg last Friday. !k ?The Rev. C. S. Felder, pastor of the Methodist church at Ehrhardt. was in the city Saturday. ?Mr. G. C. Varn, formerly of Bamberg, but now of Savannah, spent several days here recently. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smoak and . little son, Julian, made a quick trip to Atlanta and back this week. ?Miss Florence Roach, who visited friends here the past week, has returned to her home in Charleston. ?Mr. R. C. Rowell^ who is empoyed at the Charleston navy yard, visited relatives here the past weekend. r ' ?Mr. Fred Murdaugh, an old Bamberg resident, but now of Charleston, v spent several days here last week. :?Dr. George F. Hair has returned from Spartanburg, leaving Mi's. Hair there on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. J. J. Cudd. ?Mr. Henry S. Felder, of the 1 United States naval ship Cyclops, is .on a visit to friends and relatives in " 1 ? ~ Vinro frnm JDiiiXluei uaviug w;uic kuw \ New York city. ?Mr. C. D. C. Adams, who was raised in Bamberg, but who for the last 18 years has been a resident of Colleton county, was in the city the first of the week. ?Mr. Thomas J. Hadwin, Jr., formerly of Bamberg, but who has been working in Charleston for the 1 last few years, spent Saturday here with relatives and^ friends. ?The many friends of Mrs. H. J. Brabham- will regret to know that she may have to undergo a serious operation at an early date. Mrs. Brabham has gone to John Hopkins hospital in Baltimore for a physical examination to determine her exact condition. Slates and slate "pencils at The Herald Book Store. Save paper by j ^ using a slate. ^ FOR A TONIC IRON IT CAN'T BE BEAT, CONCENTRATED FORM OF NATU- J RAL IRON CHEAPER, STRONG- J ER, UNEXCELLED. J IAcid Iron Mineral.?All Druggists I Have It. i 2 ' J "I found such quick relief from tak- ! i ing Acid Iron Mineral (natural iron) | +4 ^ for rheumatism and chonic indiges- j <8 tion I want to urge more people to: J take iron instead of other remedies j ^1 when needing a tonic and something ! \ that will build them up," said J. C. 1 Shelton, of Roanoke, Va. % "I was weak, had a sour stomach, ^ bad appetite, and suffered most all ^ ViQ T norlor? si tr?nir? hnHlv n.nd A lUd UUit. X bvutv , when I started taking Acid Iron Mineral I found the remedy I needed," continued Mr. Shelton, who lives at 502 12th St.,, N. W. < Acid Iron Mineral is highly con- < centrated medicinal iron testing over'< 10 degrees specific gravity and a few L drops in a glass of water makes an i unexcelled medicine for the blood, di- j gestion, and appetite. It is sold by * ' druggists in six and twelve ounce ? bottles under the Ferrodine Chemi-|< cal Corp. trademark, which guaran-J^ tees strength and efficiency. Be sure you get the genuine. Get a bottle. It is cheaper, stronger and better for i you. t ! New Advertisements. Lost Advertisement. Klauber's?Clothing. J. F. Hunter?For Sale. L. P. McMillan-?Wanted. A. J. Kirstin Co.?Wanted. Peoples Bank?Bank Book. Klauber's?Women's Wear. Farmers Gin Co.?Gin Days. Klauber's?Ladies, Attention. J. B. Brickie?We'll Find Out. J. W? Barr?Reo Automobiles. Bamberg Banking Co.?Perhaps. Mrs. G. A. Jennings?For Sale. H. C. Folk?Clothes, Collars, etc. Enterprise Bank?Steps to Wealth. C. R. Brabham's Sons?Your Boy. Tom Ducker?Stone's Fruit Cake. C. H. Uorsett?Will be at Denlark. Bamberg Auto Co.?Maxwell Cars, 745. Farmers & .Merchants Bank?The Jareful Man. Bamberg Banking Co.?Protect our Family. Death of Mr. C. I>. Hutto Mr C. Dan Hutto of the upper ection of the county, died last 'hursday afternoon at his home five liles from Denmark, after being icl^ only a short while. The funeral ccurred Friday at the Denmark emetery. Mr. Hutto was about fifty ears of age and was a prosperous armer. He had numerous relatives iroughout the county, and also left wife and nine children, all of whom re unmarried except one daughter, Irs. William Zorn, of Denmark. wmammmmamMBSKBam ssseseh The manv The way to get the full | REGULARLY. No matter ho\ , it. As your balance grows, a for the future, grow with it, you because, come what m secure against want. Our Bank is a safe plac< Put YOUR mor We pay 4 per cent inte People BAMBE f HACKNEY ^ There is no better wa; ^ them is expected in this ^ them. [ BUGGIES, Hi I sell the best buggies prices. Harness, L^p Rc ? ways on hand. I MULES AN 1^ f I have just received a s ^ imals, which I am selling ! them. No matter what s want, see me. T will suit I PRICES * |: J. J. SI : bambe: L A A^k A. A..A. A. IV" W TAT VAT V T4T v4* ! AUTO-INTOXICATION RESPONSIBLE FOR 95 PER CENT. OF ILLNESS. I ! Is the Self-Poisoning of the Human Body. >1 RESULTS ARE SERIOUS. ^ New Discovery, Vitona, is Sold to Overcome This Dreaded Malady. j Scientists hold that ninety-five per : cent, of all human ills are due to j auto-intoxication. In . fact, everyi body is subject to this trouble to a greater or less extent, but few are ; said to realize they are effected until i : some severe ailment or disease develops as a result of it. Auto-intoxication can be best asI cribed to our own neglect or carelessI ness; When the organs fail or falter in the discharge of their duties, the putrefactive germs set in and generate toxins?actual poisons, which filie one's own body. It is then that i the more serious consequences begin. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lasitude, billious. j ness, dizziness, sick headache, acidity ! of the stomach, heartburn, offensive : breath, anemia, loss of weight and ! muscular power, decrease of vitality 1 or lowering of resistance to infec; tious deseases, disturbance of the j eye, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastr; tis, many forms of catarrh, asthma, ' ear affection and allied ailments rei suit from auto-intoxication or self; poisoning. In Europe this condition has been /ith money I Bank I irv aiways I ve a I all plate, I slate is to bank your money hi small your deposit is, BANK feeling of comfort, of security . The world looks brighter to ay you and your family are I % z for your money. ley in OUR bank rest on savings accounts. s Bank RG, S. C. WAGONS I p Y ^on made. A carload of > week. Don7t fail to see % 4RNESS, Etc. | Y 5 at the most reasonable >bes, etc. A full stock al- ?? A [D HORSES I y shipment of extra fine an; cheap. I have plenty of V ;ort of mule or horse you V ; you. ^ RIGHT | koak | iRG, S. C. +** tested with some success. However, the method of treatment there is considered antiquated when compa% ed with the latest discovery in this country. America has advanced to a commanding position in chemistry and a preparation has, at last, been discovered and perfected, that is sai.d ; to be a combatant of the ailments I arising from this insidious poisoning of the human system. More than that, Vitona, as it is called, has proven to be a stomachic tonic, appe-; tizer and invigorant of astonishing merit. Unusual praise is being accorded the preparation of the people who have taken it and been wonderfully benefitted, and who leclare it; seems to almost actually restore and Keep up the vigor or youtn. Vitona is now sold at .Mack's Drug; Store, Bamberg; also Peoples Pharmacy, at Denmark, and J. H. Roberts,; at Ehrhardt. I _l_? ! IB Read The Herald $1.50 the year. | BcUflner 41L 11 You H THIS $^1 y?l 2$|| you; the 1 ?S ter it pie 11 Y?Uil ^innuiimutm &jj| H SHOES |S?! 1 MEN M I Wo ol i i ^ ^ I v. / y MARKETING HOGS. Beats burying them. Steve Hoover. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, writes, "Commenced feeding my herd of about 100 hogs B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder over two months ago. Fifty were sick and off feed. Nearby herds had cholera. I did not lose one?they are well and growing fast."?C. R. BRABHAM'S SONS. Bamberg, S. C. CHARLES H. DORSETT Will Be At Tlie DENMARK HOTEL SATURDAD, NOVEMBER 3rd AM) WILL UK GLAD TO MEET PARTIES WANTING LOTS IN DENMARK I 1 ' ia are the "fc \ men's store of ours i / lr benefit; what you salesmen are hired better they serve yen ases us. y [ like to do business 1 so handle the best shoes, sut jrshiem & Ralsti X~___Health Shoes \ / ^j?ue~~7 ?? y cfe, SHOES g/G,uch^ / LADI: // ( See onr stock p^ji dren's shoe fe ? % size and c he Home of Good Clothe / # GOING OU'f OF AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS ONE OAK ON HAND * SS75.00 Will Buy a $,1050.00 REO FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR :*5 hoise jx>\ver, 00 inch wide guage, i regular equipment, Reney electric ctartlag lighting system. Extra tire and tube thrown in. All or Part Cash or On Time. J. W; BARR The Iteo Man Bamberg, S. C. j Waternians Ideal Fountain Pens at ; Herald Book Store. >oss" IIE is run for ^ say goes. Hjj to please i the bet- . ! lere* US iiminniuuiig . four Kind ? 5j^5 Shoe | Z&J :h as s . -US. on J jj| ~ for Men % US FOR 1 If ES I 11 ; of chil- s Jjg s, ^ny | ^ ssons j . . ' : ' ; Js ;- J..