FIGHTING IX A TANK. lietter Descriptive of Battle of Messing Ridge. In Belgium, June 10, 1917.?Dear M:?Your letter found me in hospital and was most delightful company, writes Lieut. Z., of the British army, in Scribner. My trouble is not much, just a bullet through flesh part of right forearm and a graze in the side, and I am up and about and going back to my lot in a day or two. We were an active part in the great drama of the 7th, and what with the bursting mine-earthquakes and the trempestuous bombardment, one ? 1 * A 1 **'* * ! > was lUCKV IU ue itJLt v> im uuc ? scuoco. I, personally, was very successful, reaching all my objectives and getting slaped in the blue gray devils, Bavarins, and blazing away like a drendnaught. Oh! The sights which were seen! Luck, good and bad, was with me, for my bus caught on fire in action just where the thing was the thickest, and I ordered the whole crew out, with lire extinguishers, to put it out. Out we went and got busy. I left my crew on the sheltered side (more or less), but my corporal, without orders, got on top while I went to the exposed side, vociferously ordering the corporal down, and we got the blaze out between us. Meantime one if my crew was blowed over. We got him back inside and later he came to and is recovering. Where I was the bullets were spattering around me and hitting old "Squash 'em Flat" and slashing me with fire sprays of broken metal, and there it was I got my trifling wound and scratches, but it was only bad Bavarian shooting that kept me and my corporal (who was unt9uched) from being turned into hhman sieves. After that, we carried on, and as I had finished my job to the last letter, we came on home and' I brought the old thing back safely.] When home I had the arm dressed at j the most advanced place and the bits j of bullet casting in there pulled put and, as it seemed so trifling, I put on my coat and carried on as before. . _ The next morning by brigadier ?came to my sleeping palace, in person, and indignantly asked me if I were going about with a bullet in my arm, and I as indignantly denied it, but he ordered me to the hospital to be luuuuiaieu iui auiuciauiuc, paucu my back, shook my sore arm, and said we had done the best show of our lot the whole day. Punishing Traitors. 1 It .is very gratifying to know that the government is going after its enemies at home and abroad. It will soon be unfashionable as well as dangerous-in South Carolina to talk or print treasonable matter. Uncle Sam is not going to discriminate in favor of any rascal or traitor, and Judge Smith seems to be peculiarly well qualified to administer justice?evenhanded justice?adequate and swift, to those who have violated the law against the United States. We hope Judge Johnson will follow the example of Judge Smith when he goes $o deal with the scoundrels who are guilty of sedition and treason in his district. Those who are not in sympathy with this war must, nevertheless, be made to realize that they must keep their mouths shut and their pens still.?York News. Y Y iH f r X WE ARE IN A P0? RISE IN PRICES, AN] X WELL TO SEE US AT AFFORD TO SELL Y( - t 000 Italians, the German war ofiice announced today. More than 300 ^uns also were taken. At many places the Germans are now fighting on Italian territory, the I announcement says. The statement says the northern i wing of the second Italian army has been defeated and is retiring.. Ger | man Givisions are advancing ue.\unu j Karfreit and Roziana. The Germans passed beyond their i objectives, the announcement says, and threw the Italians from strong I rear hill positions. The Italians have j begun to evacuate the Bainsizza-Heiligengeist plateau. Bith Karfreit and Ronziana are on the west bank of the Isonzo. Kar: freit is in the sector north of Tol| mino and Ronziana is 011 the front south of that city, Horrors! No! "I wish that chickens were built ! like centipedes!" smacked the old gourmand, gnawing a drumstick. 1 Don't yoii?" i "Great Scott, no!" cried the young ; man, blushing.- "I'm to marry one j tomorrow."?Judge. Read The Herald, $1.50 a year. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Yoar druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. MB PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Engines AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injec- | tors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood j Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting. Gasoline Engines LAROE STOCK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works. Supply Store. AUGUSTA, GA, : " SHIP YOUR PRODUCE ?to? JACKSONVILLE FLA. / WE WILL PAY THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Hens any size.....?. 20c per lb. Frying size up to 2 lb...32c per lb. I Roosters 12c per lb. | Ducks 18c per lb. j Turkeys + 22c per lb. Good fresh eggs 38c per dz. | WE PAY THE EXPRESS The Blount-Wilson Co.j 351 East Third Street JACKSONVILLE, FLA. I . Tk JTa ATA ATA ^ T^T T^T ' Mil :laube 5ITI0N TO SAVE YOU MO* D IF YOU ARE LOOKING I ONCE. WE HAVE A BIG )U CHEAPER AS OUR STC rsted Suits_for. Boys' O1 ..50 to S20. Men,g aU at $5 to $9. pair ore ) Boys' Kii .75 to $20- All wool IS AND MONEY SHERtFF'S TAX SALE. By virtue of execution directed to I me by G. A. Jennings, treasurer of : Bamberg county, I, S. G. Ray, sheriff of the said county, have levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder, in Iront of the court house door during the legal hours of sale, 011 Monday, ' the 5th day of November, 1917, the same being salesdav in said month, the following described real estate, | to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or , tract of land situate in said county j and State containing 327 acres, more | or less, and bounded on the north by the South Edisto river; east by ! the lands of Brutus McCorniica and ! A. Bessinger; south by Augusta j branch of the Southern R. R., and j west by the lands of the estate of /"(fl Cimmc Qfcirl lurirt trv tip | YV . KJHIH U1 U Oiiiiuio. va miiu vw 1 sold as the property of J. B. Doden hoff for taxes due and owing the ! county of Bamberg and the State of i South Carolina. ! All that certain piece, parcel or j lot of land situate in the town of I Bamberg, said county and State, | measuring 195 feet east and west, i and 210 feet north and south, and ; bounded as follows: North by R. C. : Jones and Maggie Owens; south by I Wyman street; east by C. R. Brab| ham and west by R. C. Jones. Said | lot to be sold as the property of Rebecca Faust for taxes due and owing the county of Bamberg and the State of South Carolina, j Terms of sale: Cash; purchaser j to pay for papers. S. G. RAY, Sheriff for Bamberg County. ; Bamberg, S. C., Oetober 17, 1917. TAX NOTICE. The treasurer's office will be open for the collection of State, county, school and all other taxes from the 15th day of October, 1917, until the 15th day of March, 1918, inclusive. From the first day of January, 1918, until the 31st day of January, 1918, a penalty of one per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From j the 1st day of February, 1918, a penalty of 2 per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of March, 1918, until the 15th day of March, 1918, a penalty of 7 per cent, will be added to all unpaid ! taxes. THE LEVY. For State purposes 8 Vz mills I'For county purposes ...7% mills i aa! f q v Q ty1 illo I | ^uiidiiiuuuuaji ovuuv/i tuA u xuiiAu Total 19 mills j SPECIAL SCHOOL LEVIES. Hopewell, No. 1 3 mills ' Midway, No. 2 :... 2 mills Hampton, No. 3 2 mills ; Three Mile, No. 4 2 mills Fisb Pond, No. 5 2 mills Hutto, No. 6 ^2 mills Buford's Bridge, No. 7 2 mills Olar, No. 8 9 mills Salem, No. 9 4 mills St. John's, No. 10 2 mills Govan, No. 11 8 mills Binnaker's, No. 12 3 mills Lemon Swamp, No. 13 4 mills Bamberg, No. 14 9 mills Oakland, No. 15 8 mills Hunter's Chapel, No. 16 8 mills j Colston, No. 18 4 mills Clear Pond, No. 19 2 mills Oak Grove, No. 20 4 mills Denmark, No. 21 6^ mills Ehrhardt, No. 22 13 mills i Lees, No. 23 4 mills j Heyward, No. 24 ;. 2 mills j All persons between the ages of j twenty-one and sixty years of age, j except Confederate veterans and sailors, who are exempt at 50 years of age, are liable to a poll tax of one Capitation dog tax 50 cents. All persons who were 21 years of age on or before the 1st day of January, 1917, are liable to a poll tax of one dollar, and all who have not made returns to the Auditor are requested to do so on or before the 1st of January, 1918. I will receive the commutation road tax of two ($2.00) dollars from the 15th day of October, 1917, until the 1st day of March, 1918. G. A. JENNINGS, Treasurer Bamberg County. ;p?c ?T %. M, . FEY ON YOUR SUITS ANI ! OR THE RIGHT KIND OF STOCK OF ALL WOOL M >RE EXPENSE IS LESS A rercoats $3.50 to $10. wool Pants per $3.00 to $6.50 ee Pants 75c to $2.00 Sweaters up from $5.00 V A W V Dr. THOMAS BLACK, JR. DENTAL. SURGEON. Graduate Dental Department Uni- ! | versity of Maryland. Member S. C. j } State Dental Association. Office opposite new post office and j over office of H. M. Graham. Office i | hours, 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. BAMBERG, S. C. I No. ?6? | | This it a prescription prepared especially ! for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEV?R. ; I Five or six doses wit! break -any case, and j | if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not 1 l return. It acts on the liver better than ' j Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c j ; , The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- ! TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary ntn'm'tip and does not cause nervousness nor ' ringing in head. Remember the lull name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE* 30c. i Oranget XX Novembe H XX' | XX Has Outgrown Its Nami VV Y: YY n XX Rest room f *X 1 commodations Vv ft YY $ ?? Containing. ! are ready for c Yy - Horse races yy ' h^s ever playi I attractions, t^v YT YY XX Crowning o1 A A parade. w TT yy Citadel-Clen V Y phy Cup to wi] >Y Big Dance by YY i events. yy YY CONCERTS YY OLINA REG3 YY pieces. ft . || Are \ II Big Free / j l6fc. A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^kA^A AkJ y |y viuiiui Yxof Quality" | - . hi i i? n*t/>n*rrtttoi ?% OUGHT EARLY JUEJTURJS iflii riJMuiuriuuo j OWEST SPOT CASH PRICE YOU WILL DO X ID GUARANTEE TO UNDERSELL. WE CAN iD DEAD ACCOUNTS. VISIT OUR STORE. X LOWING Regal Shoes at the old price, I: pair $4. and $5. * ^ ~ 1 TTv, J AimrAntl M.UU Jttovcii iriusii uuuci wcai ^ and $5. Suit $3.50 % to $10. Sliawknit and Knoxknit Socks, none <|> to $10. better, pair -25c to 75c & ===== ? ' C! "THE STORE t kJ OhQUALIir i i J V# ..