KArn:\sio\ or thk i>kakt. Bill Being Prepared to Call Out All Men Prom IS to 40. Congress will be asked immediately on reconvening, to include men from IS to 40 in tlie draft. Amendments to the present law are already in prep" a ration. The amendments will be introduced "by Representative Julius Kahn. Republican of California, ranking member of the house military committee. Behind the Kahn amendments, to lit* intrnrtuppri immediate!V UOOIl the re-opening of congress, will be, it is stated, the full support of the war department and the president. America may as well accept the situation at its true value, according to army officials. This is to be no short war and every man wno would not he more useful at home is needed to bear arms. Speakers soon will start a campaign. it is hinted, to nnng these facts home to the people. Representative Kahn, himself, after conference with Secretary of War Baker and Provost Marshal General Crowder will undertake to draft legislation to provide the men needed. The amendments he will introduce provide that every man betwen 18 and 21 and 21 and 40 shall he registered for military service. It is estimated that this will give the gov eminent an additional 12.000.000 men to draw upon. The amendments provide, however, that youths while obliged to register upon attaining the age of IS, shall not be called to the colors until they are 21. Provision is also made that no man of more than 5i shall be called to the colors until all the present draft?from 21 to .11?is used up and the boys who have attained the age of 21 since the June f> registration shall also have been called. Representative Kahn's plan would give America a reserve of 19.000.000 men to draw upon?all between IS and 40. Will Public Get Cheaper Bread? Governor lidge. of New Jersey, says that from his investigations he has not found that the producer is the man receiving abnormal profits. "It is the continuous adding to the producer's price multiplied through many hands that establishes the retail price." Governor Edge is convinced that government control will not benefit the consumers if price-fixing stops with the producer. That unless it is the intention of the federal government to follow this down to the price that can be exacted by the retailer there will be little relief from food gouging. A study of the law reveals but scant purpose to curb the retailer. For example, take section the section authorizing the President to license wholesalers and curb excessive profits. It expressly exempts the retailer and defines a retailer as "a person, copartnership, firm, corporation or association not engaging in the wholesale business whose gross sales do not exceed $100,000 per annum." Section 11. under which the government has limited the miller's profit provides "that the President is authorized from time to time to purchase. to store, to provide storage facilities for. and to sell for cash at reasonable prices, wheat, Hour. meal, beans, and potatoes." V So far the government has acted only with respect to wheat. It lias fixed the price which it will pay for wheat wanted by the Allies and wheat which it will buy for distribution to the mills, and by a voluntary agreement has limited the miller's profit at twenty-five cents a barrel. There it seems to drop the product. Apparently it has intention of cutting out the retailer by selling flour direct to the consumer. Mr. Hoover in fact, has issued a statement that under the food control act. except in isolated instances, the food administration has no control of prices from the time flour reaches the wholesaler until it is sold by bakers and retailers as bread. A price reduction. he says, can be accomplished only by voluntary action by bakers and retailers and by the assistance of the public in eliminating waste. But that is the case only because the government is not exercising the full extent of its powers. The government can buy wheat and it can sell, and the law sets no limitation on the extent to which it can carry its sales. But so far it will sell only to the mills and after that it is hoped that the price will not run wild before it reaches the consumer. The wholesaler and the retailer are being given an opportunity to handle the product at moderate profits. If they fail, if they show greed the President has ample, power under the law 10 sweep inem asme and sen sovernnient flour direct to the consumer?. Any man can drink like a fish, but only a few can stand up under it as well. FKKXCH KXWTTK WOMAN. I Deaiitiful Dutch Dancer Accused of Aiding (>ermatis. j Paris. Oct. 1 ">. ? Alata-Hari. the Dutch dancer and adventuress, who ( two months ago was found guilty by ja court-martial on the charge of espionage. was shot at dawn this morn-! ing. Mile. Alata-Hari, long known in Europe as a woman of great attractivej ness and with a romantic history , was. according to unofficial press (lis-1 patches, accused of conveying to the; Germans the secret of the construe-j tion of the Entente tanks, this result-; ing in the enemy rushing work on a snecial eras to combat their opera-1 tions. She was said to have left Paris last spring and to have spent some time in the- English town where the first "tanks" were being made. J afterward traveling back and forth between England and Holland, and later going to Spain, where she! aroused suspicion by associating with a man whom the French secret service long suspected. When she reappeared in Paris she was arrested, a contributing circumstance, it appears. being the fact that she was seen there with a young British officer attached to the tank service. Her conviction was confirmed by a revision court and 011 September 28 the supreme court confirmed the previous findings. (io-To-Sunday-Sohool I >ay. To the people of Bamberg county: We believe that the Sunday-school is an efficient agency for promotion of Bible study and for the development of Christian character. The South Carolina Sunday-school association has designated Sunday, November 4th. 1917, as Go-to-Sun day-school day for South Carolina. The International Sunday-school association has set apart this day as Go-to-Sunday-school day for the North American continent. Governor Richard I. .Manning has issued a proclamation in which he says: Believing implicitly in the great work now being done in our Sunday-school, and desirous of encouraging those who are contributing their time, energy and money to this great cause, 1. Richard I. Manning, governor of South Carolina, do hereby proclaim and set apart November 4. 1917. as Go-to-Sunday-school day for South Carolina. On that day I earnestly urge all South Carolinians, as well as all visitors within her borders, to attend the Sunday-school of their choice and I trust that they will unite in the hearty support of this great agency which makes for character and good citizenship." Now, therefore, we, the undersigned officers of Bamberg county, following the example of the governor of the State, do hereby urge all people of Bamberg county, as well as as all visitors within our borders, to attend the Sunday-school of their choice on Go-to-Sunday-school day. November 4. 1917. This the 4th day of October, 1917. .1. .1. BRABHAM. .JR. Probate Judge. ' A. L. KIRK LAND. Clerk of Court. G. A. JENNINGS. Treasurer. S. G. RAY, Sheriff. R. \Y. D. ROWELL, Supt. of Education. 38,000,000 rXDEll A1 I.MS. Of These 27,.">00,000 Arrayed Against Central Powers. "Washington, Oct. 22.?At least 2S.000.uuo men are bearing arms in the war?27..>00,000 on the side of the world Allies and 10.000,000 on the side of the Central Powers, according to latest War Department compilations from published reports in various countries. These figures do not include naval personnel strength, which would raise the total several millions. Against Germany's 7.000.000, Austria's 2,000,000, Turkey's 200,000 and Bulgaria's 200,000. are arrayed the following armed forces: Russia.| 19,000,000: France. 0.000,000: Great Britain, .">,000,000: Italy, 2,000,000; Japan, 1.4 00,000: l.'nited States, more than l,000,00o: China. ">41.000: Rumania, 220,000: Serbia, 200, 000; Belgium. 300,000; Greece. 300.Ooo; Portugal. 200,000: .Montenegro. 40,000: Siam. 30,000: Cuba, 11,000, and Liberia, 400. San .Marino and Panama also have small forces under I arms. i .Military experts do not regard these figures as entirely accurate, but believe they represent in round numbers the comparative strengths of the contending armies as published recently. The War Department has many confidential reports on the forces of the Allies, and considerable data concerning enemy armies, but this information is not made public for military reasons. Crowned heads are a word nuisance. but they often come in handy in a card game. MASTER'S SALE. Pusuant to an order in the ease of ! B. T. Zeigler. administrator of the j estate of I. J. Zeigler, deceased. ! against Alma Zeigler et al. in the Court of Common Fleas for Bamberg j county, the undersigned will sell, at i public auction, to the highest bidder j for cash, before the court house door. | at Bamberg, S. (\, between the legal hours of sale on the 5th lay of November, 1917. the same being legal sales day, the following described ! lot of land, to wit: | All that certain lot or parcel of | land, situate in the town of Ehrhardt, j county of Bamberg, State of South I Carolina, containing one acre, more or less, oounuea as ioiiows: 011 me North by lands of ihe Atlantic Coast Line R. R. company, on the East by Pearl street, on the South by Jackson street, and on the West by lands ol O. E. Kearse and by lands ol' the estate of Conrad Ehrhardt. J. J. BRABHAM. JR.. Judge of Probate, acting as .Master for Bamberg county. | October 8th, 11) 1 7. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless ! chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole .System. 60 cents. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE ?TO? JACKSONVILLE FLA. WE WILL PAY THE FOLLOW IXG PRICES: Hens any size 20c per lb. Frying size up to 2 lb...:.52c per lb. Roosters 12c per lb. I Ducks 18c per lb. Turkeys 22? per lb. flood fresh eggs 28c per dz. WE I MY THE EXPRESS The Blount-Wilson Co. 351 East Third Street JACKSONVILLE, FLA. I * New Millinery rr glad to see thtir Just received nic children fixed u] COATS AXI) SI ITS. i For suits and coats of the better kind, come to us. We are having two shipments soem out of New York weekly. We have the styles here within three dayes after they are shown on Broadway. Sizes 14 to 4 0. Prices $112.50 to $35.00. i SEPARATE SKI UTS. t i Don't worry about a lit. Come I to us: we are showing another LaVerr BAMBERG, S. C. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind,EleedingorProtruding Piles in 6tol4days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. E PORTABLE AND STATIONARY AND BOILERS Saw. Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors. Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting.* Gasoline Engines *u^ucT/iric AO A Pfcr\ L,uiviD/\rcu Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works, Supply Store. AUGUSTA, GA. II Women! j I |l[ f Here is a message to l j [1 fl suffering women, from I B 9 Mrs. W. T. Price, of H S Public, Ky.: "I suf- B I B fered with painful...", 9 W she writes. "I got down (raj! y IE with a weakness in my g IzA H h back and limbs...I BIB B felt helpless and dis- w ?3 9 couraged...I had about fl 9 I In ?iven uP bopes of ever | g fl IB being well again, when fl SB TAsIU * friend insisted I f/JTy I IBB II I Ifln H ' Take "i CARDUI The Woman's Tonic [in. Hi SLLUi L VVUHO X oan a BB H marked difference... 9 H I grew stronger right I H along, and it cured me. 9 U I am stouter than I jJi j g m have been in years." 5 1 | If you suffer, you can 9* 9' S m appreciate what it | 9 3 h means to be strong and || w a I well. Thousands of wo- p & Nir men give Cardui the rjT R 'fW credit for their good M :.i 9 health. It should help I 9 1 ?3 you. Try Cardui. At all | J| ^5 MILLH lost every day. Mr old friends any tim e selection of Childr p to=day. beautiful line of skirts, in black, navy, and fancy plaids and stripes, made of all woo! French serge, all wool, storm serge, all wool garbadine, all wool poplins, mohairs, etc. We have had a wonderful business in skirts. Prices to $8.o0. SNK.YTFKS. We have a good stock to select from, in red, green, eopeni hagen, navy, white and black, in all wool and mixed cotton and ie Thom TRADE AT THE Iii many instances, no doubt, the Some men are like a bass drum; exemption boards have lived up to they are good for nothing but to make their names. a big noise. (Wear a Smile! | I TRY ITI I Buy of us your fi 8 Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Suits, Pants I Children's Dresses, Rain I Coats and Cloaks I Any of these?AND YOU WILL I SMILE. You will chuckle to your- H self and say: "Oli, you have just I ,|j And, oil farmers, make your 8 fields smile with Wheat, Rye, and B Oats?and Rape for the hogs. We have varieties of seed of each of B N these. Then we have the great B prafai nrodueimr fertilizer?the B IHH v-> 7? 1 m Tliomas Phosphate. Also 16 per H jg cent. Aeid. Get all these in time? I 9! and in due time your fields will * i RENTZ & FELDER I I BAMBEEG, S. C. B GOOD is the word that fits the Lerchandise we carry. No other ind ever comes into our store and M e STAND BEHIND everything we J ill you. What we sell you will be IGGT, though, because long experi- * ice has taught us which mills and ictories turn out reliable merchanise. We have many lines for which , e are exclusive agents; that's why 1 J ? ? ? t* 1 -4~ T-x i v> o -f- ruiT? I blue Tor inranis. , , , , and black. Price 85c to $2.50. Prices $5.00 and $0.50.v as & Company : BEST STORE. TELEPHONE 41-J / J 3ii can aesimuie liiihcj> cil ore which you cannot find anyhere else. ; NERY I 5. Shuck and Miss Kearse will be e, whether you wish to buy or not. an'c Hat? Come in and e*et your I Wll C? I 1UV^* 0 ?? 1 wool, made up attractively with a THE \\OXDhRFUL P. & B. belt and large collar. WAISTS. Yesterday s express brought us * Price $2.75 to $8.50. another large selection of the famous P. & B. Waists in crepe de chine and georgettes. You will INFANT S\\KAThllS. be compeue(j t0 kuv one 0f tiiese Just received a handsome se- the minute your eyes rest on them. i * p.,,*',, on Some trimmed with baby Irish, lection of infant s sweaters, all * . ?, , . .. . . , ... some with val. lace and some with white and white touched up with c ** pink and blue: also have the wool co,lar that b"ttous close- "? caps and bootees to match. Also around the necli' and some with have a tew in all white, rose and the very la,'8e sailor collar- Have "" these in white, flesh, pink, navy *