The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, October 11, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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| ~ I Our Coat Business A # - ^^/.flir 1 ^ miss seeing us as we nave cAatuj j your pocket book. Out of town cc J = |^S DRESSES. Beautiful evening Dresses | from sis. to & J>+ The most wonderful values A I [?iVr er shown in Serge Dresses.< A JtftlI I I I a left Values iin to $1' Y I 'iWi'l | gbtt\ " ' v " Sfal ^ Special, each $12. Beautiful Satin and Georg A ||jM? i? ? M Combination Dresses, each fi'?m $15. to $,' J * Beautiful Poplin Dresses, ^ each $7.50 to $12. A 1 Glorianna Plush Coat. Beautiful Plush A winner of the blue ribbon at at.... $12.50 to $4 the Ritz Carlton Fashion V show. Special -.$25-00 Beautiful \ elours colors, each $15. to & Plaids in every quality and style, $3.50 and up to I School Coats for ci V $25.00 each. each Y ? |> I will leave for New York on Satur X Coat or Dress will do w \ "THE STORE f | OF QUAUTY" fW CALLED GERMANY'S HAND. dor replied. " 'You think it means war?' I a Roosevelt Tells of Close Approach of ed. War While He Was President. " 'I do not want to say wha think.' was the reDlv. In Chicago, recently, Colonel ^ ^ means war, you have cho Roosevelt gave his version of the se- one spot where you cannot fi cret conferences he held with the Ger- us> * replied, and then showed man ambassador in 1902 relating to maPs our commanding positions, the occupation of Venezuela by Ger- ^ retired I sent word many, an incident that then threaten- Dewey to be ready to sail on ed to bring on a war between Ger- h?ur s notice. About a week la many and the United States. Colonel *he ambassador called on me ? Roosevelt told the story for the first admitted that he had not dared s< time, he said, in an address at, a message. * luncheon in Chicago. ^ then told him that I would "It was about a year after I took der Dewey t0 sail tn 48 hoursoffice," Col. Roosevelt began. "Ger- tbId me that " wou,d be an a* _ , . . . . thing for this country, many was engaged in striving to ex- & J tend her dominion. She had in view . Yes' but 11 wiU be more aw certain chosen positions in South for >our countrjV 1 replied' America. She aimed to turn South ",Inside of 36 hours he come b America into a German appendage. smilins and said he had received Venezuela at that time had a dictator structions from the German sov< _ , ~ . , , ment fnat they would arbitrate." named Castro, commonly known as the 'Monkey of the Andes/ A Broad Distinction. "I was determined that Venezuela should not become a German pos- On a tramping trip Irving Bachel session. Germany said it was not to the novelist discovered a chin-be< be permanent and did not define what ed patriarch on a roadside rock, was meant by permanency. I per- "Fine corn," Mr. Bacheller rem< mitted John Hay to write a number ed tentatively, waving his h of notes and then I sent for the Ger- toward a hillside filled withstragg man ambassador and said to him: stalks. 'This Venezuela business has been go- "Best in Newhampshire," said ing on long enough and I cannot af- sitter. ford to let it go to the'point where "How do you plow the field?" i it will cause trouble for this coun- ed Mr. Bacheller. "It's pretty stei try.' "Don't plow it." said the sit England Backing Germany. ^ ^en ^ie sPr^nS thaws come .. .. ... ? . , . . . rocks rolling downhill tear it uj v. "At that time England was backing _ , _ . T i. j v *?. that we can plant corn. Germany, and. while I had both , , , . x . ?? . . . ._ ..... .. .. . And how do you plant it? as against me, I paid little attention to _ . ? , T. 4. , . , . Mr. Bacheller. England. It was the last flicker of ? ? ? , . ,. .. Don t plant it, really said the England s antagonism to the United x ' , gtateg ter. "Stand in the back door shoot the seed in with a shot gun. "I called the attention of the am-, ..,s that the trutar- asked Bac bassador to the fact that Germany j jep had a squadron of warships near "0f course not," said the sitter Venezuela, threatening the mouth of gustedly That's conversation the proposed Isthmian canal. I de- Los Angeles Times, mandeu a statement of what Germany , meant by temporary possession, say- J1 ing I did net propose to have any 99-! I ft r* f TrfC!"1*!' year leases. || A. D. UlDfii '"The ambassador told me he did I not feel he was at liberty to discuss1 LIFE INSURANCE such an important question. That! , ... - ,, i Bamberg, South Carolina conference wound up with the follow-! ?' in? ultiii n-u.v: | ? Eoo-CvClt's Ultimatum. j "Tell your government that in 10 j R. P. BELLINGER da} s it must aroitrate the matter 01 j l.TTOR^VElf AT LA.W T ?.;u fonil fioicov thorp ' ! _^^ i will -w .. fllUMil IU JUUA.H. " I cannot send such a message, |l office Over Bamberg Banking C Sir. President. I do not think you J Genepa, realize what it means,' the ambassa- p has been enormous and we have ordered ceived about 60 New Coats and they are L03 Coats in stock and we are certain that istomers tell us daily they did not know ther HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Damasks and i ] in fact all of the goods necessary for the house ed, 1 at money saving prices. These goods were ue^ 5 25. bought before the big advance and we are giv- ^ j>( ing our customers the benefit of our wise buying. man ^ |^1 >5.0() o^\v day night to replenish my stock. Custom ell to come in next week and see the latest LAUBER A^t. A^A A^A A^A A^L >^A A^A A^>. A^A A^A J^A A^k T^f T^r^f f^r ?^r f^T T^T T^f v^V T^V T^T T^? WRIGHTS With the land forces te? *** ^ and with the fleet Z 7 WRIGLEYS hp -? v I tfnifis solace in the ,on2 watch, it freshv^A ens and refreshens, ack K+**? I# J . in- \ f steadies nerves, n W&W I allays thirst, helps apf^[Zi ^ I petite and digestion. isk" i jMnv^ ttj % \hhsw)^ i ^ i\ '\rx dis.j "After every meal" Life is said to be a game of give _ _ _ __ , _ _ , . . . . * . . To Cure 8 Cold In One Day. u and take?and most people give a _ . * ... O. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the i lot more trouble than they are will- Cough and Headache and works off the Cold, i . . , , Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. ? in? t0 taKe- E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c. I - and reordered. We have just re- % beauties, every one a Bargain. Don't the styles, colors and prices will suit ? e was such a line carried in Bamberg. & . ' T COAT SUITS. % lot all wool Poplin, satin lin- ^ Kerami trimmed, $25.00 val- & special for this lot $22.50 v dutiful Forstman and Hoff- ? broadcloth suits, Hudson |?\ v trimming on collar, special I SHOES. SHOES. jjwS||jX I Regals, Boydens, and Walk- S s?none better. ' FURS?FURS. WMt* e have several hundred dollars' worth of fine furs -s and that we want to close out. See us at once. ?-| ers who have not bought their Suit, y i things from the big city. % ^ 9 'C "Look for the Big Iff Electric Sign" H / ? ====== <| ' *A JTA m A ATI m A A m ATAA^t m i^A A^k ATA ATA A^| A^A AjjkJgik A ^ ^y ^y Ty y "y Ty y "y y y ^r t^T y ^ y ^ y . ? ? : "/\ M ENLIST! I ill % ' -" m$8m <; g?$?f$2 . ra?|| IMA BOTTLE n THRU A j ST<^grL In the growing ;.1;S IQ Ml army which is < ' Jil l en^?yin? ? mmL Chero-Cola . I "ll1 a B0Wle 1''lron^'1 a ?traw-" , lli'SBl ^>'eaS'n^ *? Pa'a^e jHlMlllli REFRESHING With no bad after m* . effect- ! PL r?.l. '-a unerp-uoifli i Q^J A combination of delicious ? chis fru t flavors, with a full propor- I ^ tion of the refreshing and exhilarating Cola Nut as the base, ^iiSi!i!IMrjT^illlil8^f^Hfillllll|llTIlW^F^ |R 1 a11 blended s0 exactly that there is o feeling of depression. 11 I Chero-Cola Bottling Co. I , I BAMBERG, S. C. I i . ..