The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, August 23, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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PERSONAL MENTION. People Visiting in This City and at | Other Points. \ ?Mr. \V. C. Zeigler spent Sunday in Charleston. ?Mrs. D. A. Cochran is spending some time in Charleston. ?Mr. J. G. Black, of Charleston, spent the week-end in the city. ?Magistrate J. C. Kinard, of Ehrhardt, was in the city Tuesday, ?Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Folk, of Denmark, spent Sunday in the city. ?Mrs. Franr ~ Folk has returned to the city fro* f visit to Holly Hill. ?Mrs. and Mrs. C. H. Mitchell spent last Sunday in Aiken with rela uv c?. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jennings left Friday for Glenn Springs to spend some time. ?Mr. \V. D. Rhoad is in the North purchasing dry goods for the fall and winter trade. ?Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clary, of Columbia, spent the week-end in the city with relatives. ?Miss Eunice Hunter returned home Sunday from a weed's visit to friends in Orangeburg. ?H. M. Graham, Esq., has returned to the city from Glenn Springs, where he spent a week. ?Mr. and Mrs. C. J. S. Brooker have returned to the city from the mountains of North Carolina. ?Mr. LaVerne Thomas is spending a few days in the North purchas" - 11 J ars\s\rl a mg iau <mu wmtci ui > 6wu?. ?Messrs. Haigler Hughes and Will Hughes and Benjamin Zeigler of Ehrhardt, were in the city Tuesday. ?Miss Janie Bell Sanders, of 0 Yonge's Island, spent a few days in the city last week with relatives. ?Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Rhoad and children, of Holly Hill, are spending a few7 days in the city with relatives. ?Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hoover and children, of Hamptoh, spent Sunday in the city with Mrs. G. W. Garland. \ ' % Lieutenant Edwin C. Bruce has returned to the city from the officers' training camp at Fort Oglethorpe. ?Mrs. W. P. Jones and Miss Mildred Jones have returned to the city from Glenn Springs, after a fewweeks' stay. ?Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wright, of Orangeburg, spent several days in the ?''"i- tt-S+VI Air- onH Mr? CllV IU1& W COR nnu * . uuva ^-a. Thomas Black. ?Miss Marion Simmons, \fcho has been spending some time in the mountains* of North Carolina, returned home this week. ?Mr. J. R. Owens will leave this week for a visit to Aiken, Johnston, and other points. He expects to be away several weeks. , ?Miss Margaret Ingram, who has been visiting Mrs. C. J. Field for several weeks, returned to her home in North Carolina Sunday. m ?Lieut. G. D. Ryan, who for sevf eral months has been stationed at the training camp at Fort Myer, Va., arrived in the city Saturday. ?Dr. C. A. Sanders, of Columbia, has accepted a position as pharmacist for Mack's Drug Store. Dr. and Mrs. Sanders arrived in the city last week. .?Mrs. R. E. Smith and little daughter, of Charlotte, N. C. are spending some time in the city with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kilgus. ?Mr. I. B. Fel(Jer, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ayer, and Misses Elizabeth Inabinet and Dorothy Watson mo* tored to Blythewood last Sunday and spent the day with relatives. ?Mrs. F. M. Simmons have returned to their home in McColl. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Simmons and children, who! will spend some time in McColl. ?Miss -Chevilet Cochran, of Spartanburgf" who has been visiting the familfr of Capt. W. S. Bamberg, is spending some time in Charleston. She will return to Bamberg in a few weeks. ?Col. W. A. Klauber left Saturday night for the markets of the North to purchase fall and winter dry goods and clothing. He was accompanied by Mrs. Klauber, who will visit relatives in Washington, D. C. ?Miss Jennie Herrin, of Los Angeles, Cal., spent a few days in the city last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Free. Miss Herrin is a former resident of this county and she is spending a few weeks with relatives in the county. She will return to Los Angeles within the next week or so. ?Miss Lurline Herndon, who has been visiting Miss Bessie Johnson on upper Broad, returned to her home at Bamberg Thursday. She was accompanied by Miss Johnson, who will spend some time with her. While there she will also visit Mrs. J. Frank Folk at Denmark, S. C.?Augusta Chronicle. y MEN IN SECOND U (Continued from 004 Alex Sheppard, Denmark S24 005 Walter Williams. Bamberg 4 42 000 Ben Thomas, Bamberg 1213 007 Lemuel Grant. Bamberg 202 00S James Cam, Bamberg 104 009 Ishmael Johnson, Bamberg 20S 010 Richard Johnson, Bamberg 272 011 Shedrick McCormack, Branchville 119S 012 S. R. Kennedy, Govan 124S 013 J. M. Jenkins, Branchville 1174 014 Jack Copeland, Ehrhardt 964 015 C. E. Bikle, Ehrhardt S60 010 E. J. Sandifer, Bamberg 593 617 Lemuel Toomer. Bamberg 407 01S Lemville Inabinett, Bamberg 202 019 Bennie Folk, Ehrhardt SS6 020 James R. Cliitty, Olar 1561 021 Vernon Nelson, Bamberg 1772 coo Tcoioh Humnn Olar j 1373 623 Gloster Rice, Lees v 1465 624 Harry Ehrhardt, Ehrhardt SS3 625 Joseph Faust, Branchville 1161 Summoned to Appear Wednesday, August 22. 626 Antonio Orsat, Denmark 769 627 J. D. Carter, Bamberg 1152 62S Henry Reed, Denmark 776 629 W. G. Kearse, Olar 1380 630 Hammie Kearse, Govan 1293 631 R. B. Hughes, Denmark 566 632 L. O. Mitchell, Aiken .581 633 James Lawton, Bamberg 311 634 Jonas Williams, Embree 1227 635 Webbie Williams, Bamberg 124 636 Charley Miller, Bamberg 481 637 A. J. Hiers, Ehrhardt 895 638 John Mines, Denmark 744 639 George Glover, Ehrhardt 979 640 M. L. McCrae, Denmark 582 641 Jesse Williams, Olar 1409 642 John Williams, Sr., Schofield 1740 643 James Franklin, Olar 1367 644 James Tyler, Denmark : 829 645 Leon Holmes, Bamberg 240 646 Ben McMillan, Ehrhardt 1028 647 Luther Irons, Bamberg 49.9 648 Lateen Kearse, Ehrhardt 1011 649 George N. Sandifer, Denmark 590 650 A. G. Hicks, Embree * 1105 651 George Washington, Bamberg 444 652 Cleve Duncan, Denmark 636 653 John Grey, Blackville..'. 1760 654 J. D. Kennedy, Denmark 735 655 Henry Coleman, Denmark 634 656 Abraham Felder, Bamberg 1504 657 Peter Middleton, Bamberg 326 658 I. M. Hair, Govan v 1575 659 William Louis, Lees 1453 660 James Walker, Bamberg 44 7 661 John Sanders, Schofield 172S 662 C. O. Kirsch, Bamberg 76 663 L. G. Ayer, Olar 1319 CC4 n I OHnm Olar 1592 UUT VJ x* \yv*v 665 J. W. Goiens, 251 West 137th St., New York., 672 666 Coy Copeland, Olar .*. 1363 667 James Brabham, Ehrhardt 949 668 J. H. Shaw, Ehrhardt .*. . 1350 669 Robert Smalls, Bamberg 393 670 Butler Holmes, Ehrhardt 993 671 Adam Odom, Govan 1306 672 Henry Johnson, Bamberg 1513 673 Charley Sease, Ehrhardt 1048 674 Ed. Williams, Ehrhardt 1065 675 W. J. Way, Denmark 851 676 John James, Bamberg 1181 677 B. "H. Rreland, Olar 1545 678 John A. Steedlv, Bamberg : 1490 679 C. L. Sandifer, Blackville 1413 > 680 Joe Robinson, Olar 1767 681 Fred Campbell, Bamberg 158 682 Benjamin Roney, Denmark . 778 683 F. C. Aver, Bamberg \1 684 Robert Fry, Bamberg 187 685 Latta Ghant, Lancaster, S. C 52 686 L. F. Sandifer, Bamberg 105 6S7 Eugene Davis, Denmark 650 688 H. S. Walsh, Lees 1420 689 C. F. Brown, Olar 1553 690 Richmond Williams, Denmark...1....., 836 691 George Darnell, Bamberg 36 - * -'-c-ij 1QS7 t>yz Jesse iviacK, ocuoueiu 693 D. D. Steedly, Midway 149i I 694 Frank Gibson, Ehrhardt 985 695 Samuel Pew, Bamberg 352 69 6 Ernest Thomas, Bamberg 418 697 Charles H. Rentz, Ehrhardt 920 698 Isaiah Young, Bamberg 456 699 Richard Staley, Denmark 806 700 Harrison Johnson, Branchville 1176 701 Ulve Rush, Olar 1717 702 Alex Tyler, Bamberg 416 703 Willie Brown, Denmark 617 704 L. R. Beam, Stateville, N. C 526 705 W. E. Zorn, -Denmark 609 706 Ed. Atterberry, Denmark 613 707 Joseph Mitchell, Bamberg 316 708 John Johnson, Bamberg 274 709 Ellie Brown, Ehrhardt..' 94S 710 Malcolm Howard, Govan 1283 711 Sterling Dickerson, Ehrhardt 968 712 Sam Rivers. Olar 1719 713 Nurlin Breland, Olar 13a3 714 D. E. Folk, Denmark 546 Might As Well. j After Mai l Uncle Tobey was a hospitable soul. I P? so *n * He wanted no guest in his house to e(* Pro essor of u . , ttTT , . ? ; an alumnus, be stinted. Have some, have some, ; , . + j ,. ,. . .v , The alumnus to he invited cordially at the supper v i- , .i of the situation: table, sending around the platter lor the third time; "we're going to give *^0' ,Pro^essor' Oiia p*np<i in lor se it to the pigs anyway. ?New \ork . 7 , , . , rT.. aviation I think on Times. . ... he? ?Jacksonville ?Mr. \V. P. Jones returned from .. rhc Part Glenn Springs last week. Mrs. Jones and Miss Mildred went from there to, ,.An(, go after }n Hendersonville and Asheville. where ! a game dilmer they spent ten days. | ed ^ any ^ ( ?.Miss .Mildred Jones, who has been 1 the friend to Mr. the guest of Miss Hazel Armstrong at j "Oh, yes," rep her home on Flint street for a few | cheerfully. "I got days, goes today to Hendersonville.? I about it?the bill Asheville Times, August 15. j panion. iLL FOR COUNTY. page 1, column 6) 71.") D. T. Carter, Branchville 11 r>4 716 Jesse Odom, Denmark 766 717 Hammond Kelling'sworth, Denmark 734 71 S J. D. Williams, Ehrhardt 1072 719 C. L. T. Tyler, Bamberg 511 720 Quillie Grimes, Bamberg 205 721 G. V. Kearse, 0!ar 1576 722 G. F. McMillan, Jr., Ehrhardt 913 723 Isaac Ximmons, Jr., Bamberg 342 TMin Wmvw Hpnniflrl,- SfiO 725 Ruben Allen, Ehrhardt 934 i Summoned to Appear Thursday, \ugust 2it. 726 Ulyses Zeigler, Bamberg 4GO 727 Richard Walters, Bamberg 427 728 Richard Frazier, Denmark GG6 729 George Hays, Bamberg 241 730 C. R. Fickling, Bamberg 40 731 Kisler Rich wine, .Midway 1527 732 Asbury Lawton, Olar 1692 733 B. E. Jordan, Denmark 572 734 W. T. Rice, Bamberg 100 735 A. D. Alford, .Middlesex, N. C 1076 736 Robert Brinson, Branchville : 1138 73 7 Mose Brabham, Bamberg 157 738 James Harley, Bamberg 236 739 L. T. W. Williams, Govan 1745 T A A P O Cton-or^ Onvan 1 SOQ i T v u. v. m ui v*., v-i v ? * v ~ v 741 Pinkney Galashaw, Embree 1168 742 Filmon Green, Bamberg ? 214 743 T. G. Carlton, Denmark 629 744 Willie Dix, Denmark 647 745 Henry Zeigler, Denmark. 864 746 D. K. Sandifer, Bamberg -...1492 747 Vander Dubois, Bamberg 29 748 Peter Rentz, Ehrhardt 718 749 A. W. Smith, Midway 1530 750 D. M. Coe, Jr., Denmark * 533 ? 751 Simon Carter, Bamberg 1159 . 752 Porter Smith, Midway 1529 753 Walter Grant, Ehrhardt 1370 754 Mouzon Richard, Olar 1397 755 J. G. Smoak, Bamberg 114 75 6 Jimmie Brown, Bamberg 151 757 Henry Harter, Olar 1336 758 H. M. Dennis, Midway 1487 759 Frank Bamberg, Olar 1359 760 R. M. Hitt, Bamberg 61 761 W. C. Taylor, Denmark 603 762 Lonnie Bradley, Denmark 618 763 Ben Kearse, scnoneia ibsi 764 Harrison Rice, Lees 1463 765 J. W. Green, Ehrhardt . 986 766 David Faust, Midway 1505 767 J. C. Grant, Bamberg 209 768 R. W. Jones, Branchville 1110 769 Jackson Robinson, Denmark 777 770 R. A. Delk, Bamberg 33 771 E. S. White, Blackville : 1480 772 James Jamison, Schofield 1761 773 M. G. Dunn, Bamberg 32 774 Isaac Brown, Ehrhardt 954 775' Charley Turner, Bamberg 1533 776 Richard Williams, Ehrhardt 1071 : 777 J. T. Rush, Olar 1348 778 C. M. Chitty, Olar 1564 n779 E. H. Henderson, Bamberg 63 | 780 John Harvey, Ehrhardt 994 781 Elijah Odom, Denmark 758 782 Herman Edwards, Govan 1278 783 Frank Robinson, Branchville 362 784 Flem Hylard, Embree 1170 785 Paul Sojourner, Denmark 816 786 Lige Reed, Bamberg 371 787 H. K. Creech, Olar 1559 788 W. W. Cain, Denmark 529 789 Joe Bryant, Bamberg 1498 790 S. (J. Homneia, tfamDerg , ut 791 Johnny Sease, Bamberg 382 792 Eddie Gilmore, Bamberg.... 224 793 Boyd Staley, Denmark 818 794 Elijah Toomer, Bamberg 1534 795 Isaac Odom, Denmark 762 796 Alonzo Abel, Ehrhardt 931 797 Alonzo Kearse, Ehrhardt 1013 798 Tom Smith, Ehrhardt 1042 799 Lige Williams, Bamberg 449 800 L. L. Cox, Denmark 1241 801 J. F. Folk, Bamberg 41 802 J. G. Grubbs, Bamberg 48 803 W. W. Daniels, Bamberg 38 804 Julius Mencer, Denmark 742. 805 ' Herbert Daniels, Bamberg 640 806 J. H. Wilson, Bamberg 127 807 W. M. Boltin, Branchville 1086 808 Alfred Walker, Blackville 1481 809 Fharist Dickinson, Olar 1643 810 Lucius Faust, Bamberg 668 811 P. B. Murphy, Bamberg 88 812 J. J. Stroud, Bamberg 1494 813 Luther G. Young, Ehrhardt 1074 814 J. M. Laborde, Bamberg id is 815 John McMichael, Denmark 743 816 J. H. Stephens, Denmark 827 817 W. H. Campbell, Govan v 1242 818 John Ryan, Ehrliardt 1038 S19 Peter Kinard, Olar 1386 820 G. W. Folk, Ehrliardt 976 821 R. K. Kearse, Ehrhardt 473 822 Faber Kemp, Olar 1683 823 Angus Bamberg, Olar 1614 824 Charley Jennings, Bamberg 287 825 L. AI. Robinson, Denmark 586 ly Years. Knowledge Dearly Bought. or aviation?" ask- "Eddie," said mother sternly, "you English as he met j should not fight with that Jimson j boy." ok full advantage1 know it, ma," said Eddie peniI tently. i not for aviation,' "That's right. And when did you a bathing, but for 0l1^ ;e goes up, doesn't "About a minute after I hit him." . Times. ' ?Cincinnati Enquirer. ? ,, . Scriptural Authority. He Got. i 1 , "Look here doctor." roared the viting your friends irate man who had just received a you were not serv- bill from the physician, "on what do jf the fowl?" said you base these enormous charges?" Nevers. J "On the best authority in the lied .Mr. Xevers; world," calmly responded the doctor. the biggest thing I "Doesn't the bible say: "All that a ?Youth's Com-J man hath will he give for his life?"? Judge. f, 1 A?jTj ll I PAYING : rH?P Cash in bank means a lot ^13^81 to you. It prepares you for It " Tj any emergency. fj f * % * If there's a slump after the war, ready cash will tide you over. If there is a business ex- > pansion, a goodly bank account will find you ready for it. h - iSs s- y?H See as today about that ac- v~;_l count of yours. We do all 11 'I kinds of banking. ____ : : i~xj ? - - . V ~ ' rn I 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.08 *|| Bamberg Banking Co. | PERHAPS HE MAY FAIL. j| Business at best is uncertain. The Executor named in your Will may be to-day a prosperous busi- ' - :j ness man. After your death he may fail in business. If he does so there will be great temptations to make improper uses of your Estate funds. Where you ' name us as your Executor this is another risk you " M eliminate. Back of your estate here are $500,000.00 in Resources. mm BAMBERG BANKING COMPANY <|| Bamberg, S. C. . . ' Si Southern Railway PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH. PASSENGER TRAINS SCHEDULES i EFFECEIVE SEPT. 17, 1916. ' > ^ All Trains Run Daily. Vrt Rumhprff From No. Leave Bamberg FoP 24 Augusta and intermedi- 24 Branchville, Charleston 4 ',?j ate stations 5:05 a.m. and intermediate sta- Ha 25 Charleston, Branchville _ tions .5:05 a.m. . , ^ and intermediate sta- 25 Augusta and intermetions 6:25 a. m; diate stations 6:25 a. m. 18 Augusta and intermedi- 18 Branchville, Charleston ' -' V ate stations ...., 8:43 a. m. and intermediate sta35 Cmedtte%tluonsntTo-57a m 35 Aug^a aVd iniermedi^43 m' mediate stations 10.57 a. m. ate stations 10:57 a.m. 22 Augusta and intermedi- 22 Branchville, Charleston ate stations 6:37 p. m. v an(j intermediate sta- i 7 Charleston, Branchville, tions 6:37 p.m. and intermediate sta- 17 Augusta and intermeditions 8:17 p. m. ate stations 8:17 p. m. Trains Nos. 17 and 24?Through sleeping car service between Bamberg and Atlanta. . N. B.?Schedules published as information only. Not guaranteed. For information, tickets, etc., call on S. C. HOLLIFIELD, Agent, THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH. ???????????.????? ?.. WORDSFROMHOME I creditors of the estate of Clara Cope-1 land, deceased, must present their! . ^ claims, duly verified, to the under- j signed within thirty days from date. Statements That May Be InvestigaJ. H. KINARD, Agent. tetj. Testimony of Bamberg Ehrhardt, S. C., August 6, 1917. , _.jL. Z Citizens. When a Bamberg citizen comes to AI% Tirnnnr front' telling his friends and K III Nr Y neighbors of his experience, you can " * tJ*-1 * rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away places LIFE INSURANCE j d0 PnotP commangd y?mr c0'fi^ice. Bamberg, South Carolina Home endorsement is the kind that , ; backs Doan's Kidney Pills. Such ( ?????????? testimony is convincing. Investiga?????????? tion proves it true. Below is a stateGROWIXG HOGS. ment of a Bamberg resident. No " - V* A TloH ^ stronger prooi 01 mem, v,au UO uuu? For a hog to be profitable he must James A. Mitchell, R. F. D. Mail be kept growing from birth to mar-' carrier, Calhoun St., Bamberg, *ays: keting age. He cannot be profitable "The jar and jolting in driving was unless he is healthy. He can always n0 doubt for the trouble i , . .... I had with mv back. Two boxes of be in a profit-producing condition if _ , . . , ; . , ,T ? Poan's Kidneys Pills, procured at the he is fed B. A. Thomas s Hog Pow- People.s Dru? store, br0?ght me reder. We positively tell you that this lief j never ]ose a cfcanee to say a remedy prevents cholera, removes g0od word for the medicine." worms and cures thumps. If the Price at all dealers. Don't powder does not make good, we will, simply ask for a kidney remedy?get C. R. BRABHAM'S SONS, Bamberg, Doan's Kidney Pills?th* ?ame +hat q p qi Mr. Mitchell had. Foster-Milburn Co* r-?-?-? Bufff'- N. Y. ^ New line of Waterman's Ideal ? Fountain Pens just received at the New supply of Waterman's FounHerald Book Store. tain Pens at Herald Book Store. . *