PERSONAL MENTION. People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. ?.Miss Leone Bamberg is visiting in Beaufort. ?Herbert E. Gyles, Esq., of Aiken, was in the city Tuesday. ?Capt. W. A. Riley, of Orangeburg, was in the city Monday. ?Mr. E. H. Henderson left for Cedar Mountain, X. C., Monday. ?Miss Katherine Xoltc, of CharlootAn 4? visitinar Mrs T. P McMillan. ?Mrs. S. R. Wilson, 'of Greenwood, is spending a few weeks in the city. ?Miss Genevieve Kirscli is spending some time visiting friends in Charleston. ?Mr. and -Mrs. C. J. S. Brooker are spending a few weeks at Asheville, X. C. ?Miss Sarah Crouch, of Augusta, is the charming guest of Miss Eugenia Beard. -^-Mrs. Mamie Rentz, of Columbia, is spending some time visiting relatives in the city. ?Miss Kathleen McLeod, of Augusta, has been on a visit to Miss Harriedelle Free. ?Miss Caroline Starr, of Olar, is - ' ? ? Al- "G 4-1-\ il t spending mis >veeiv mm mc mum,' ' of Mr. E. F. Free. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Copeland, Sr., left this week for Hendersonville to spend a few weeks. ?Mr. H. L. Hinnant was called to Ridgeway Monday on account of the illaess of his mother. ?Mrs. W. P. Riley and Miss Moselle Copeland are spending a few weeks at Asheville, N. C. ?Mrs. Willie Senn, of North, spent several days in the city last week with Mrs. L. E. Livingston. ?Miss Josie Murphy, of Virginia, is spending some time in the city with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murphy. ?Messrs. M. E. Ayer, J. H. Hutto, and G. E. Bamberg left this week for Baltimore to spend a few days. ?Mr. W. H. Chandler left last week for Atlanta and other points in Georgia, where he will spend some time. ?Little Joseph Miley Kinsey's many friends are glad to see him out again after a rather severe spell of illness. ?Mr. A. S. Hartzog went to Denmark yesterday to visit his mother, "* * 7:1 flraomrrvntl iUrS. Al. Cj. xiai UU5. uitwui. Journal. ?Mrs. L. M. Ayer returned home last week from' Walfcerboro, where she spent some time with relatives and friends. ?Mr. J. W. Smith, of Olar, is rap. idly recovering fronKhis recent operation at the Baptist hospital.?rThe Columbia State. t ?Miss Lerlene Herndon, from Bamberg, S. C., is visiting Miss Bessie Johnson, 1415 Broad street.?Augusta Chronicle. ?Mr. Bennie Rhoad, of the Hunter's Chapel section, spent several days in the city last week with Mr. H. M. Herndon. ?Mrs. M. Zorn and little daughter, Georgie, have returned to the city from Orangeburg, where they have been visiting. ?Miss Eunice Johns, of Baldock, and Miss Carrie Lee Bradley, of Or angeburg, are in tne cuy on a visit | to Mrs. M. L. Johhns. ?Mrs. G. Frank Bamberg, Miss Nelle Bamberg, and Messrs. Francis v and McGee Bamberg are spending some time at Asheville. ?Mr. and Mrs. Hebron Berry and children, and Mr. A. H. Bruce, of Branchville, spent Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bruce. ?Messrs. John W. Folk and Walter Curry, members of the officers' reserve corps at Fort Oglethorpe, Oa., arrived in the city Thursday to spend a few days. ?Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Beard drove i to Augusta yesterday after learning j , of the illness of their little daughter, Nelle. She was slightly indisposed j and it was thought best to bring her home. ?Mr. C. O. Kirsch, representing the Mountain City mills, was hovering around the Sumter section the past week, busy all the time writing up some good business.?Charleston > American. ?Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Delk, Mrs. H. G. Delk and children, Mrs. Charlotte Weeks, Miss Valerie Johnson and little Miss Vivian Bell Kinsey attended the Johnson-Armstrong wedding at Blackville Sunday. ?Mr. and Mrs. .T. B. Black, Jr.. of Bamberg, arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit to Mrs. Black's mother, who is summering on Sullivan's Island. Mrs. Black was formerly Miss Margaret Moore, of Charleston, and her visit is one of .pleasure to her many friends in the city.?Charleston American. New supply of Waterman's Fountain Pens at Herald Book Store. CALLS FOK ACTION. Aiken Comity Patriotie League Denounces Utterance*. Aiken, Aug. 7.?At a special meeting Monday night of the Aiken county Patriotic League, which is composed of nearly 200 of the leading citizens of Aiken and vicinity, and which has several- branch leagues throughout the county, an organization formed when the United States entered upon the world war. the speeches made by C. L. Blease at j Pom aria ami h iioert ana ine euuci ui I such expressions coming from a former governor and political leader were discussed and the tactics of .Mr. Blease denounced. The league adopted the following resolution, calling upon the federal' authorities to silence the anti-war I propaganda in South Carolina: i I "Whereas, the public safety is menaced and the war measures of I our government are discredited and discounted, and thereby aid and comfort is afforded the enemies of the United States by loose and disloyal if not seditious and treasonable talk freely indulged within the borders of our county and State; and "Whereas, in opposition to the selective draft, registered men are influenced to claim exemption by those who in public addresses delivered in South Carolina and in priva-te conversation denounce the president and the congress of the United States because the United States is embarked nnnn a war for human liberty and V*rv? ? for our own defense and rights, and those who discuss and urge that the constitutionality of the selective draft law be tested; and "Whereas, there is undoubtedly on foot in South Carolina an organized purpose and intent to poison the minds of the people against the participation of the United States in the war, to sap the loyalty of the people under unprincipled and unscrupulous leadership seeking political preferment and to that end striving treasonably to create dissatisfaction with the selective draft and to obscure and becloud the real meaning to the American people of this war, and "Whereas, the influence of such unlawful and disloyal leadership, spread broadcast throughout the Stat? by at least one newspaper in Charleston which has been avowedly) pro-German up to the time of the entrance of the United States into the war and which since then has distorted the facts in regard to the ' * - J PoaHnq' allies of tne inueu otuu uu n wg magazine blew up? John?Go up with the report, sir. ?Army and Navy Journal. i CITY OFFICIAL ENDORSES A-I-M. Says it Should l>e Used by Every Person Advancing in Age. "It Prolongs Life." The following statement, coming from a prominent city official of Salem, Va., bears weight in that it comes from one whose position demands the truth at all times. Read what he says: "I have tried Acid Iron Mineral and can highly recommend it as a constitution builder and general heaith restorer. I believe every person of advanced age slrould take Acid Iron Mineral, and it will prolong their life. I have also found it very valuable in stopping blood and healing sores," says Mr. F. G. Webber, chief of police and superintendent water works, Salem, Virginia. Men prominent in public life do not make a habit of praising medivjothor thpv condemn them. V/XilCOt JLbUV'AV* v? ?w And in that Acid Iron Mineral has proved so efficient as to win the praise of Chief Webber is indeed a triumph for this wonderful preparation of nature's. Acid Iron Moneral is not a patent medicine. The chemist has been unable to imitate or reproduce it. It is obtained from the only natural medicinal iron mineral deposit of its kind known to the world. For- creating appetite, increasing weight, purifying the blood, building up-weak, anaemic people, and restoring weak vital organs to normal it is of exceptional merit. Many doctors prescribe it. At all reliable druggists in 50c and $1 sizes.?Advertisement. THE TESTJF MERIT Bamberg People Are Given Convincing Proof. No better test of any article can be made than the test of time and ,-cr norti^niarlv true of a kidney liiiO iO medicine. Doan's Kidney Pills have stood this test and stood it well. Wrhat better proof of merits of this remedy could you demand, than the statement of a Bamberg resident who used is successfully and tells of lasting results. Read the following: E. Dickinson, jailor, Rice St., Bamberg, says: , "I was subject to severe backaches and niv kidneys did not act regularly. The kidney secretions were unnatural and irregular in passage. I sued Doan's Kidney Pills, proeured at the Peop-le's Drug Store, and they benefited me greatly. They thp option of my kidneys 1 C^UiatVU mv ^ and removed the lameness and soreness in my back." (Statement given January 2f>. 1811.) NO TROUBLE SINCE. On May 28, 1814, Mr. Dickinson said "The cure Dean's Kidney Pills made for me some years ago is still lasting. My back is now strong and my kidneys act regularly." Price at al! dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney PMls?the came that Mr. Dickinson has twice publicly recommended. Foster-Milburn Co Props., Buffalo, N. Y. I itjw Build Up Your yjjfjl J mV Bank Account l/m i \ \ \h Take time by the forelock. Hi / /11! SUA* Don't be satisfied with a small II J I LV\ l\vAi balance in bank. fll \ 1 I V \\jv | Deposit every dollar that you j ff\y SV \1 IV don't require for your actual Vj/ k\\ WiVU needs. f a \ Money is safer in the bank 1 |Vm l\ \\T v than in your pocket or in your \ \ V V\\>* home. ' I\ V ^ M lf^^\ You'll be more loath to draw \ \\\\ [| / ? / Ao/'i f A/in cnon/7 V \\ IV i v??vv? wpvnu lilt tuo/c. N\\ Vy : ^ 5ee us about an account. \ u\ ^ We do all kinds of banking. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits." CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - - $100,000.00 Bamberg Banking Co. | I \ 'M I PERHAPS HE MAY MOVE. |j| 1 Your Executor after you are gone may take a notion to I move. He may go to another ^tate. Who is going to look after the interests of your property right here in this coun- I' ty? An Executor who has moved to Paltin^ore can't watch I '. over your affairs very well?cap he? No law compels him 1 to live in this State?you can't compel him not to move if 1 he wants to do so. But if you name us as your Executor 1 this can't happen, because it is a corporation and is always 9 on the job right here. ":?Sl BAMBERG BANKING COMPANY I I Bamberg, S. C. ' I v I ' WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! I f ||| Men and half grown boysHwhite and colored) Carpenters, GH Mechanics, Laborers, etc. Steadfr- work, good wages. FREE ill HOUSE RENT?PAY ROLL WEEKLY IN CASH?RAILROAD . FARE REFUNDED IF WORK ONE WEEK. Write or come to H *2*1 S66 US Sill I COLUMBIA lCLAY COMPANY I " Jj Southern Railway I PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH. PASSENGER TRAINS SCHEDULES | EFFECEIVE SEPT. 17, 1916. ' #jfl m All Trains Run Daily. A ,v.'^ : " US No. Arrive Bamberg From No. Leave Bamberg Fof 24 Augusta and intermedi- 24 Branchville, Charleston t/ ate stations 5:05 a. in. and intermediate sta25 Charleston, Branehville tions 5:05 a.m. and intermediate &ta- 25 Augusta and intermetions 6:25 a. m. diate stations 6:25 a. m. 18 Augusta and intermedi- 18 Branchville, Charleston ate stations 8:-43 a. m. and intermediate sta35 Charleston and inter- ^f11? "? a "-"'* -.-.8:43 a.m. mediate stations ...,10:57 a.m. 3o Augmsta and intermedi. ate stations 10:57 a.m. 22 Augusta and intermedi- 22 Branchville, Charleston ate stations 6:37 p. m. an(j intermediate sta7 Charleston, Branchville, tions . 6:37 p.m. and intermediate sta- 17 Augusta and intermeditions 8:17 p. m. ate stations 8:17 p. m. Trains Nos. 17 and 24?Through sleeping car service between Bamberg and Atlanta. m N. B.?Schedules published as information only. Not guaranteed. * ( For information, tickets, etc., call on S. C. HOLLIFIELD, Agent, | THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH. , NOTICE. AD IJT V|| V Notice is hereby given that all U. U 1JL 1 creditors of the estate of Clara Copeland, deceased, must present their LIFE INSURANCE claims, duly verified, to the undersigned within thirty days from date. Bamberg, South Carolina J. H. KIXARD, Agent. Ehrhardt, S. C., August 6, 1917.' GROWING HOGS. The Time of His Life. For a hog to be profitable he must "Spinks is back from his vacation be kept growing from birth to marnlrradv?" keting age. He cannot be profitable "Yes. He says lie liad the time of unless he is healthy. He can always his life.*' he in a profit-producing condition if "A round of gaietv, I presume." he is fed B. A. Thomas's Hog Pow' Nothing of the sort. Spinks is a der. We positively tell you that this stamp collector. He met another remedy prevents cholera, removes crank with the same hobby. They worms and cures thumps. If the sat around for ten days discussing powder does not make good, we will, stamps and then Spinks came home." C. R. BRABHAM'S SONS, Bamberg, ?Youth's Companion. S. C.?9-1. ! . NiKlSjjg ' , * ! . rM , . ^ ^ f ^