t Order Your Goods from Us T f If you really care for the best in merchandise and ^ at reasonable prices you should come to our store and let us sell you. We have a large stock of goods ^ and the best to be had. We are anxious for your i business and will appreciate your trade. f X CLOTHING ^ We have several suits that we are offering at re J duced prices. We Know we can save muuc* iui ?>uu if you are n the market. T f SHOES V ^ We are selling shoes now for about the price of ^ shoes in wholesale lots. Shoes have advanced a great deal, but these that we are selling were ^ bought early. We beg of you to get our prices before ordering or JL buying elsewhere. X | C. R. Brabham's Sons X BAMBERG, S. C. |? I1 Cut Prices fires of the famous t BRAENDER TIRES <& X and are able to offer them at the followX. ing very low prices: fSize Price 30x3 $ 8.80 30x3 Yz 11.75 I 31x4 17.90 V ' 32x3 Vz 13.50 . &> 32x4 18.35 X 33x4 19.15 ^ 34x4 19.50 V' These Casings are guaranteed 3,500 Y miles, and are the same grade as ^ orklrt in fVlP "nnst "fn"P J -LI CIO WCCXX UVXVX XXJL Uiiv ^/viw ^ - much higher prices. We also carry a complete stock of Inner V Tubes and can fill mail orders > ^ promptly. Non-Skid Casings, 15 per cent, advance on these ?? prices. ^ Terms: Cash with order. BAMBERG AUTO CO. ^ Bamberg, S. C. ??????^ I Ladies, Attention X We can save you from 15 % to 20 per cent on your I high boots I A SEE US T X Before Ordering | KLAUBER'S ^ I "The Store of Quality" L 1 REDUCING THE COST OF LIVING, because she buys food ??? wnen sne can get mucj Experts Figure That a Normal Man by simple expedie Can Be Fed on 25 Cents a Day. her purchases to sim tious and wholesome The high cost of living has put* Tests have demons' cost experts to figuring on the rela- j 400 calories are reqi tive value of foodstuffs, and they of sedentary habits, th reach the conclusion that a man can magic little nourishe be fed on 25 cents a day. They are for a husky "cop," 1 putting the problem squarely up to child can get along < the person who superintends the that by caloricaily sc kitchen and by studying the append- each adult member of ed table Bamberg housekeepers may thrive on 25 cents a c be able to keep the family in better The First Die physical condition and at the same Daniel is the Old T time reduce the size of the month- acter who started the ly grocery bill. Commenting on the vegetarianism. Yet it results reached by the experts an ex- record that both he '<. change says: panions thrived on th Diet squads have been formedi in diet of pulse and water both New York and Chicago and fed peas and the like. Y from kitchens conducted on the lab- in Babylon, he refuse oratory plan. Policemen and others i dainties and- wines and fed according to scientific principles j sion to prove by experi have demonstrated that it is possi- diet was superior to ble to thrive on a well-balanced diet King Nebuchadnezzar which costs only 25 cents a day. request was granted a These experiments have demon- of ten days the coi: strated that the people are suffering Daniel and his frie: a needless addition to the cost of fairer, and they were i living through ignorance of food than all the youths win values. The housewife stands indict- king's dainties, ed with being, in part, at least, re- Food Analy sponsible for the high cost of living A careful study of tl i IN YOUR NEXT ORDER TRY A CAN OP COLUMBIA PURE COFFEE GUAkANTcED PURE In One and Three Pound Tins HERNDONS GROCERY Phone 24 Bamberg, 5 .C. j , ' S??? I&^H .BF=^rB I THE Home Town Spirit is essentially the Christ) ests, the more we invest our money in suppor Christmas spirit which means Peace and Good If we are, the returns will be two-fold. We will ge in the home town means the building up of a comn poverty is practically unknown. In this way we pile they, do the greatest good to the greatest number. L Christmas spirit. Let our home town spirit be the Times and Progress to our community. IF IT'S A BLUEBIRD "IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD" THIELEN THEATRE YOU NEED NOT suffer the ill effects of a bad cold or grippe any longer. The speedy action of MAXTONE will do you more good in a shorter length of time than anything yet devised. Yes, every bottle is fully guaran teed. If you are displeased call for your money. MACK'S DRUG STORE Bamberg, S. C. for one figure ues, it is believed, will tend to cause h ti better or less people generally to revise many of t nt of confining their notions about the nutritive . s pie and nutri- i value of the commoner foodstuffs, t foods. ! For instance the necessity of dis- p trated that 2,-: criminating between skimmed and c tired by adult unskimmed milk, when speaking in a at 3,500 of the praise of its high intrinsic value, n rs will suffice Skimmed milk is of little value as a ti while a young food containing only 14 calories to a ya 1,500, and j the ounce, while cream contains 126. c hemed menues While meats may be regarded as o the family can1 important in a well-balanced diet, a lay. j ounce for ounce, they are lower units : o t Test. , than plain white bread, cheese, eggs,: o estament char- oatmeal, rice, butter and a long list modern cult of. of nuts. In addition to this fact, i is a matter of they put a greater strain on the di- 1 v ?rd his com-' aestive oraans than do many of the! r; e very limited items mentioned above. a , that is, beans,' The Essential Point. d ,Thile a captive The essential point in food selec-j h ?d the king's tion being the matter of increasing, a: I asked permis- the number of calories or energy ir iments that his value per ounce, a Star man was for-! a that supplied tunate after much inquiry elsewhere !tl 's table. His to unearth this very important data'c< md at the end; in the office of Dr. Chas. T. Xesbit.j n mtenances of county health officer. These values: . i nds appeared j have been worked out by chemical; fatter in flesh, j analysis and otherwise and the fig-!" > did eat of the' nres were prepared by the Arlington. 01 ; Chemical company, of Xew York.ivi zed. i This table of food values is given be-j P< le table of val-j low and it is believed that if careful | it >TA aTA A^A A. A^A A^A^A^A^A^A^A.,A^i^A^A ATL ^ Pyy ^ "y y y ^ y f^rl GIRLS and LADIES MAKE HOOTON'S STORE YOUR STORE. Always the newest and best in Dry Goods, Millinery and Suits Hooton's Ladies Store & MillineryjParlor Telephone 83-J Bamberg, S. C. HPBCSSSSS^MBp^Mtagjgj^tg?^^ nas spirit. The more we patronize Home Intert of home trade, the more we are investing in the Will. Are we investing in this Christmas spirit? t back double blessing. Every Christmas purchase lunity where conditions are prosperous and where prosperity on prosperity. We create values where -et us remember that the Home Town Spirit is the guiding star that will attract Prosperity, Good We have added to our line of Furniture and Hardware a complete stock of the famous Columbia Grafonolas RECORDS AND SUPPLIES When you hear the Columbia you hear tne greatest artists. Bamberg Furniture & Hardware Co. Bamberg, S. C. AOa A^A A^A V y y y T^t ^r^y T^T T^T Ty T^T ! | .ousewives will tack this list over ories: heir cupboard doors, put a pair of j geef .. cales in her kitchen, weigh every- peanuts hing that comes in and make their : urchases as far as practicable in ac- peanut butter ordance with tables of food values yeal s determined by experts who have peacans lade a scientific study of subsistence pork hey will be able to save no mean yjjk mount of money. The difference in Ljver ooking by guess and cooking by cream (45 per c unce is spelled in money. The aver- Bacon ge married woman who does her powj wn cooking is a waster, but the col- condensed Milk red cook is the king of all wasters. DUCp What to Eat. Butter .... ...r..." The most difficult problem which Qvsters ill confront the housewife in ar- niivo nil* anging her menus according to | clams mount of calories contained in the cheese (America iet list, is the matter of securing a Ham igh percentage of calories without Egg (one) ny lack of variety. There is noth- button Chop ig the average man is so cranky Bread (white) ... bout as the food he eats. Ever since shad ... le dawn of history people have been Rice amplaining about the lack of variety Qrange .' i their food. Apple Table of Values. Macaroni The table which is given below tur- cocoa ishes the housewives with a simple Brazji nuts ntline of the relative food values of Bates arious commodities; the figure op- \ya|nuts Dsite each article of food indicates ' ?" n s energy value per ounce in cal- Head "7 " : i We especially call your attention Y to our line of SLIPPERS 1 T Which have just arrived. We sure now in a position to suit ail? ' ladies, men and children. V We shall be glad to have you stop in v and look 'em X T over. f ' Y H. C. FOLK | Satisfied with small profits. > We Can Beat the f ; MaO Order Houses I ' X We have been acknowledged as Lead- A ers in Ladies', Misses', and Children's > outntters.. -j* We bid for your business with, the Y world's best merchandise and honest prices. X LaVeme Thomas & Co. 11 Telephone 41-J Bamberg, S. C. ?? 1 M Bay Goods at Home 1f . 11 $ -1 A T Y We have all you need at lower prices than you can get from Kalamazoo to 4? Constantinople. If you prefer trad ing with foreigners, we have with us & "Sleigh" and "Buck," and they have & at your call all you need to eat or & wear?to dress up with or to work & in. Patronize the old reliable. ^ RENTZ & FELDER I T Bamberg, S. C. > *t* A4A ATA AVA A^^A^A. A. ATa ATL 1y vy y vy GKORGE ADE. 60 155 Humorist Tells How He Feels at Age 62 of Fifty. 200 66 t "Oh, very well ! We have come to '220 . , ^ ? a crossing ana we musi nop iu, 33 writes George Ade, in the American Magazine. "I am fifty years old, and * it almost chokes me to say it, be cause it was only night before last * 14 that someone told me I was a rising 80 young author who would be heard from in time. 4^ I "I could see myself at fifty. Beard900! * _ 1 ed, of course. Probably in congress. 4o; Certainlv wearing the dark regalia of <>70 a learned profession. 16 "Instead of which, here I am in 113 i plaid knickers, trying to control my Jj?jmashie. ? "As for my failure to represent the 103! Tenth district, I have seen congress T 0 t _ and I am reconciled. - 4o! "For a grand total of forty-five ! vears I have been revising my judg1 O 0 1 ! ments and watching the parade. 44 ' "What a privilege to happen along *^!iust when thinss are eventuating? 140! All the earlv regrets at having missI CC j ed the civil war are forgotten, now Of) that I have lived to know Theodore 994 Roosevelt and watch the stupendous ild, $1.50 a year. show in Europe. ' ' I . Vv - ...