The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, March 15, 1917, Image 1

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?1ip lamtorg ?a*alft One Dollar and a Half a Year! BAMBERG, S. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 15,1917. Established 1891 COUNTRY NEWS LETTERS SOME INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN VARIOUS SECTIONS. News Items Gathered All Around the County and Elsewhere. Colston Clippings. Colston, March 13.?We are having spring weather again. The woods are blooming with yellow jasmine and wild violets. Misses Sadie Boyd and Ethel Lov, gan spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McMillan. Messrs. Frank and G. Hugh Goodwin, and Misses Adrine and Berty Goodwin, of Spring Branch, spent Saturday night and Sunday in this section. Mr. W. G. Kirkland, foreman on the chain gang, spent Saturday night and Sunday at home. The friends of Mrs. Sudie Barnes will regret to know that she is not progressing very well since her return from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herndon, Mrs. Hattie Hutto and Miss Nelle Clayton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clayton. The Colston rural graded school will close Wednesday of this week until Monday of next, for the teachers to attend the teachers' meeting in Columbia. Mr. George McMillan, of Newberry, was at home for a few days last week i in the Oak Grove section. He was a visitor in this section Sunday evening. Messrs. Claude Kirkland and Will McMillan and Miss Evelyn Kirkland were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clayton Sunday. ? Miss Mamie McMillan, of Bamberg, spent last week-end at home. It seems as if lagrippe holds the day at present in most of homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clayton and Mr. J. B. Varn motored to Fairfax Sun* day afternoon. Miss Hattie Kirkland spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Bessie Kirkland. >Ir. and Mrs. Lawrence Bishop spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Bishop. Spring Branch Sayings. Spring Branch, March 13.?We are having fine weather for corn Tilo ntinor and alcn fho era rH on c |/4|*UV1U^ UUU UiUV 1VA VUV UVUV* Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Crider were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Herndon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hutto and L children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Quinn. Mrs. Laura Bessinger and her grandson, Mr. Mayfield Bessinger, were visitors in Denmark section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Herndon, Mrs. Hattie Hutto, and Miss Nell Clayton were visitors in Colston section Sun/ day. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Donald and children, of Brier Creek, were the guests of Mr. J. P. O'Quinn Sunday. Mr. Monroe Crider and Misses Minnie and Lottie Crider were visitors in Denmark section Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. W. R. Bessinger spent a few hours at Mr. J. P. O'Quinn's last Sunday afternoon. There will be missionary speaking at Spring Branch Saturday, March 24th. It will be to the interest of the young and old. The public is cordially invited to attend and bring well filled baskets. Speaking will begin at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Georgeanne Padgett spent Sunday night and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elige Goodwin. Misses Aline and Gussie Hutto spent Sunday with Misses Edith and Hughie Hutto. Briar Creek Bustlings. Briar Creek, March 13.?Miss Cleo Richardson and Mr. Wade Richardson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cooner. \ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Richardson spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bessinger. Miss Eloise Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McPhail dined with Mr: and Mrs. Thelmore Hicks. Miss Beulah Sineath, of Orangeburg, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Jim Hicks. Mr. D. D. Steedly has returned i from Atlanta, Ga., where he spent the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Donald dined at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Quinn Sunday. Mr. Clayton Jolly spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Julia Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams spent V ^ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Steedly. Mrs. W. H. Steedly spent Sunday in the Spring Branch section. Little Mr. Wimberly Morris fell out the loft last Friday and cut his leg very bad. Mrs. D. O. Steedly spent Sunday with Mrs. Jane Bessinger. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Steedly. . Miss Reba Steedly spent Sunday with Mrs. W. W. Steedly. Mr. Eddie McMillan spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Steedly. Mrs. B. D. Donald spent Wednesday afternoon in Denmark. . Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Richardson spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stokes. Misses Annie May and Josie Richardson spent Sunday with Miss Marie Lena Rhoad. W^are very glad to learn that Mrs. Jane Bessinger is improving. Miss Hattie May Morris spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. B. D. Donald. Little Sallie Smith spent Saturday night and Sunday with little Miss Letha Morris. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jolly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thelmore Hicks. Mrs. J. A. England spent Saturdaynight and Sunday in Bamberg. Mr. Earl Summers spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. T. W. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Steedly spent Sunday afternoon at Midway. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hicks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. King Hicks. Clear Pond Cullings. Clear Pond, March 13.?Mr. R. F. McMillan gave the young folks around Clear Pond a peanut shelling last Thursday night. Everybody present enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Herbert Folk and son, H. M., visited relatives near Denmark last week. Mrs. Ben Hill and children visited Mrs. P. K. Hughes last Saturday. The visitors at the home of Mr. G. W. Folk Saturday and Sunday were: ? r T7< 1?11? J D lucdoi o. iirfcti icnc auu diuio jjia^xv auu Isadore Redmond, of Hilda, and Rice and Ruby Steedly, of Hunter's! Chapel, and Misses Vera McMillan and Meta Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hill and Mrs. P. K. Hughes visited at the home of Mr. J. R. Morris Sunday. x Mr. Jimmie Richardson, of Bamberg, visited his sister, Mrs. P. K. Hughes, last week. Miss Dorris Folk spent last Thursday night with Miss Vera McMillan. Misses Mamie and Ruth Morris spent last Tuesday night with Miss Meta Hughes. Mr. Frank Goodwin and sister, Miss Adrine, visited relatives at Colston Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tant and children, and sister, Miss Oddie Padgett, are visiting relatives and friends near Williston. Mr. Leland Sandifer visited at the home of Mr. J. R. Morris last Sunday. Mr. Roy Williams, of Colston, visited at the home of Mr. P. K. Hughes Sunday. Mr. G. Hugh Goodwin and sister, Miss Berta Goodwin, spent the weekend with Miss Laura Goodwin, of Colston. iurs. Annie zeigier, or Bamberg, and Mr. Probbie Hughes, of Ehrhardt, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Smoak Sunday. Buford Bridge Budget. Buford Bridge, March 13.?Mrs. R. M. Kearse, who has been in the hospital in Charleston, has returned home. The friends of Mrs. Roscoe Kearse regret to learn that she is very sick at present. A speedy recovery is wished for her. Mrs. S. W. Copeland, of Ehrhardt, spent last Friday with her sister, Mrs. H. C. Kirkland. Mrs. Oneda Armstrong, of Bamberg, spent last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Kirkland. Mrs. J. B. Kearse is spending a few days in Olar. T ~ ~ ~ T." ^ ,1 1 C4. 4-1 ~ -uias jueua n.earbe aiiu uiue neuei and Gladys Brabham, of Olar, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. J. B. Kearse. BOAGUS. Schofield Sketches. Scliofield, March 13.?Mr. F. G. P. Weigand and family motored over to Bamberg Saturday evening to see "Civilization." Mrs. S. D. Lain went up to Columbia on Sunday to bring home her son, Lewis, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Baptist hospital. Mrs. Ogreta Beard and Mrs. R. L. Beard are visiting friends at Norway this week. Mr. J. G. Bessinger spent Saturday in Charleston on business. Mr. Jones Bishop, of the Colston section, was a visitor here Saturday last. Mr. A. T. Inabinet has accepted a position with the Seaboard railroad, at Savannah. He will leave this week to take up his duties. Mrs. G. F. Beard and family are visiting relatives at Columbia this week. Mr. C. R. Peeples and family spent Sunday witn relatives at Jtistin. Mrs. Mkttie McDaniel, of Leary, Ga., was a visitor here on last Sunday. DRAEBLR. Oak Grove Greetings. Oak Grove, March 12.?Spring has come at last, and how welcome it is! Farmers everywhere are taking advantage of this fine weather. Mr. and Mrs. John Miley and family, of the Lodge section, and Mesdames J. L. and L. W. Copeland dined with Mr. I. W. Rentz and family Sunday. Mr. Doc Smoak, of the Hunter's Chapel section, spent l&st Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. J. L. Cothran. Mrs. J. L. Copeland and Miss Lonie Copeland spent last Saturday with Mrs. D. M. Smith. Rev. J. H. Smith will preach his farewell sermon at Bethany the first Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McCants, of Orangeburg, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rentz and family, Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie, Mr. C. F. Rentz, Mrs. Mary McKenzie, and Mrs. Monnie McKenzie, of Walterboro, dined with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fender last Sunday. Mesdames J. L. Copeland and O. L. Copeland spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Copeland, of Mount Pleasant. Mr. Tillman Carter and Misses Lea and Essie Carter spent last Sunday ' with their aunt, Mrs. Bennie Goodwin, of Little Swamp. i Messrs. J. W. Copeland and George McMillan and Misses Pattie Miley, Grace Hoffman and Jennie Lou Martin motored to Clear Pond last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. A. Carter visited in Hunter's Chapel section recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hunter and Miss Lucy Carter spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rentz. TW??> T W fAnalond was oollori trv lUiO, U . f? . VV|/U*UMU f( MM vw?*vv? Vw the home of her sister, Mrs. Bill Warren, last Sunday on account of the death of her sister. Mr. J. L. Copeland and Miss Lonie and his little granddaughter spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bishop. Honor Roll Primary Department. Fourth grade?Roberts Smith, Kate Rentz, Dora George. Third grade?Helen Carter, Hugh Carter, Jack Carter. Second grade?Callie Bishop. Advanced first grade?Esther Smith, Mary Rentz. Primers?Elizabeth Hiers, John Jacob Carter, J. C. Cothran. Honor Roll Denmark School. Denmark, March 13.?The following is the honor roll of the Denmark school: First grade?Jennings Keller, Robert Sojourner, Laura Abstance, Martha Council, Ethel Hartzog, Esther Riley, Rosa Sanders, Mary Smoak, Frances Wiggins. Second grade?Albert Bean, J. Z. Brooker, Leslie Easterling, G. W. Goolsby, Hoyt Smoak, Louis Spann, Fletcher Sojourner, Govan Zeigler, Dorothy Hightower, Dorothy Stevenson. Third grade?Clyde Gillam, Koger Smoak, Joe Wyman, Hagood Zorn, Helen Brooker, Winnie Cox, Mamie Turner, Miriam Turner, Mary Hane Walker, Grace Wiggins. Fourth grade?John Turner, Edward Zeigler, Sarah Califf, Blanche Collins, Inez Finch, Dorothy Matthews, Julia Ray. t Fifth grade?Everdell Hartzog, Leona Hartzog, Margaret Brooker, Sadie Spires, George Hope, Richard Sojourner, Frances Dozier, Albert Folk, Stanwix Hutto. Sixth grade?Joe Matthews, Per nelle Collins, JCveiyn cam, Jennie Gillam, Lillie Grimes, Margaret Hoffman, Dorothy Riley, Helen Turner. Seventh grade?Mabel Gillam, Ruth Califf, Leoline Walker, Thelma Ray, Louise Thomas, Georgia Le; Croy, Louise Ray, Fred Wiggins, CarI lisle Folk. Eighth grade?Samuel McGieyer, I Edna Creech, Anna Matthews. Ninth grade?Lela Gillam, Cecile POLICEMAN KILLEI). Sergt. Franklin Slain by Burglar in Orangeburg. Orangeburg, March 9.?Police Sergt. H. H. Franklin was shot and mortally wounded here this morning by Mackey Palmer, colored, whom he was trying to arrest. The wounded officer was rushed to a hospital in Columbia for treatment, but died of his wounds early tonight. After an wViinb 1 O A/1 oil mail llUUl n llltu taoi^u an day Palmer was arrested this evening by Sheriff R. F. Dukes just outside of the city. The sheriff flagged a passing freight train and took his prisoner to Denmark, there to catch another train for Columbia, the plan being to spirit the prisoner away from the angry crowds searching for him. As soon %s it was learned that the sheriff had gotten off with hia prisoner two parties are reported to have left Orangeburg in an attempt to intercept the officer. It was feared there would be a lynching if the men succeeded in getting their hands on the prisoner. The shooting of Officer Franklin stirred the city, and as soon as the report got out men armed themselves and went out to look for Palmer. The negro escaped from the county jail last Tuesday night, where he was being held pending his trial on the charge of robbing the home of Mrs. ATorir FUhKlo "W'Viilo movnr'e /^rvurt JLS 1 IV U i ^. Jf Uii^ UlMr^ VI O VVUi W was in progress this morning it was learned that the escaped prisoner was in a house on Calhoun street. Sergt. Franklin started at once for the scene determined to arrest the man. He was joined on the way by Officer 'Marion Wolfe. Mr. Franklin entered at the front of the house, while Mr. Wolfe guarded the rear. When Mr. Franklin attempted to arrest Palmer, the negro fired three times at the officer, one shot taking effect in the chest, another in the abdomen and a third in the thigh. The negro left the building by way of the front and made his escape. Crowds of angry citizens searched the woods all d^y in the direction the negro was reported to have taken. Toward evening Sheriff Dukes, accompanied by Sheriff Hill, of Calhoun county and other officers, found Palmer hiding in a hollow log. The negro was armed with two pistols. j. ue uiuuers q-uit;Ki> uibdi uicu uiui. The arrest took place near the river by the coal chute on the Atlantic Coast Line. A freight train was passing and the officer's flagged and boarded it with their prisoner, presumably to take him to Columbia and place him in the penitentiary for safekeeping. Policeman Dies of Wonnd. Columbia, March 9.?Sergt. H. H. Franklin, of the Orangeburg police force, who was shot at Orangeburg this morning by Mackey Palmer, a negro who escaped from the county jail there last Tuesday, died at a local hospital this afternoon while on the operating table. He was brought to Columbia on the Carolina special for treatment. Taken to Charleston. Charleston, March 10.?Mackey Palmer, the Orangeburg negro who killed Sergt. H. H. Franklin, of the Orangeburg police force yesterday morning, is locked up in Charleston county jail, having been brought here at about 11:30 o'clock this morning by train from as far as Ashley Junction, at least, and at the union sta tlUli umug iat\eu iu aii difiumuunc accompanied by a second machine filled with officers, to the county jail for safekeeping. No official statement was had as to the arrival or incarceration of the negro. Sheriff Martin declining to talk about the affair at all. Sheriff Dukes, of Orangeburg, could not be found, it being reported that he expected to depart this afternoon for Orangeburg, leaving the prisoner here. How Palmer reached Ashley Junction is not known, but the arrival of the heavily guarded prisoner at the union station and his trip to the jail attracted no little attention. Sheriff Martin, Deputy Sheriff Leonard, and Rural Policemen Nelson and Kelly are said to have been in the Charles ton party which met the Orangeburg officials with their prisoner at Ashley Junction. What further disposition of the prisoner will be made is not known here. New line of sample box paper just received at the Herald Book Store. Hope, Elizabeth McCrae, Julia McCrae, Daisy Tillman, Ruth Folk, Lester Bean, Harold Sojourner. Tenth grade?Julia Cox, Willie Dell Hutto, Laura Ray. Eleventh grade?Martha Wiggins, Clara Wyman. IN THE PALMEIIO STATE SOME OCCURRENCES OP VARIOUS KINDS IN SOUTH CAROLINA. State News Boiled Down for Quick Reading.?Paragraphs About Men and Happenings. James M. Baker, of South Carolina, was on Tuesday reelected secretary of the United States senate. Considerable damage to property was done by a cyclone which encircled the southern and western sides of Calhoun county Sunday afternoon. D. M. Dentsdale, a white man, is in jail at Lexington, charged with having ordered and received two gallons of liquor in the same month. An unknown negro about 65 years of age, was run over and killed by a Southern railway work train on the Southern trestle between Kingville and Camden, Tuesday. Bachman Langford, aged 36, a prosperous farmer of the Blythewood section of Richland county, committed suicide Friday, by shooting himself in the breast with a shotgun. The store of R. S. Calhoun, at Baldoc, Barnwell county, was recently broken into and robbed. His safe was opened and robbed of about $100 and a quantity of merchandise taken. Governor Manning has paroled C. W. Powers, of Marlboro county, who was serving a five year sentence in the penitentiary for killing Tom Wright. Powers is said to be in bad 1 f ucanii. A number of Lexington county farmers have organized a peanut club. Members of the club will plant the Spanish variety, said to be the oest peanut for marketing and also the best for yields. Governor Manning has appointed H. E. Thompson, of Columbia; S. R. Dendy, of Walhalla, and S. E. Welch, of Charleston, members of the board of commissioners of the Confederate infirmary in Columbia. Governor Manning has granted a parole to William M. Reardon, who was convicted of murder in Edgefield county and sentenced to life imprisonment, which sentence the governor later commuted to ten years. Walter A. Simmons is in a critical condition at the Baptist hospital in Columbia, suffering from injuries received Tuesday at Barre, Lexington county, when a telephone pole on which he was working broke and fell. About 50,000 old cans were col lectea in urangeDurg lasi weeK as me result of a clean-up campaign inaugurated in that city. Boys and girls were given a free ticket to the moving picture show for every twenty cans they collected?hence the large pile of cans. The round house, shops, gas-electric motor car, drill presses, laths,' tools and miscellaneous supplies of the Blue Ridge railway at Anderson, were destroyed by fire early Thursday morning. The total loss amounts to about $25,000, with comparatively little insurance. Two brothers, H. and J. Graham, of Charleston, are under arrest in that city, charged with the theft of codeine and morphine from drug stores. Both of,the Grahams admitted the theft of the drugs and declared that they had to have the "dope" and were without money. W. B. Hoover plead guilty in the federal court at Florence, Thursday, to the charge of operating an illicit still. He plead for mercy on the ground that he was the father of thirteen children, nine living, and that he had no other means of obtaining whiskey, which the doctor said his wife must have. As Congressman J. Willard Ragsdale, of the Sixth South Carolina district, was returning from the capitol in Washington, about 1 o'clock Sunday morning with Chairman Flood, of the house foreign affairs committee, in an automobile, their machine was run into by a taxicab and Mr. Flood was badly cut about the head by flying glass. Mr. Ragsdale was shaken up considerably but was uninjured. Charlie Turner, a white man, was acquitted in the Clarendon county court of general sessions last week of killing his neighbor, Bud Berry. Turner heard a noise in the rear of his home one night, and seizing his gun, went out to investigate. Upon going to the rear of his residence he observed the form of a man in tl\e act of entering a window of one room of the house. He hailed the intruder and receiving no reply, after waiting a sufficient length of time for a reply, fired with fatal effects. BIG VARNYTLLE BLAZE. Only Two Stores Left Standing in Business Section.?Loss $75,000. Hampton, March 10.?One of the most disastrous fires in the history of the town occurred in Varnville at an early hour this morning, when practically all the business houses on both sides of Main street were destroyed, entailing an estimated loss of between sixty and seventy-five thousand dollars, partly covered by insurance. The fire originated in a lot sepa rating tne stores 01 u. w. layior ana W. O. Guess. A number of banana cartons and a quantity of excelsior had been piled up on this vacant lot, and it is supposed that someone passing by carelessly threw a lighted cigarette on this pile of refuse, igniting it. Vv Had Gained Mnch Headway. The fire was discovered, by the night watchman shortly after midnight, and it had then reached the store of C. W. Taylor. This being a wooden building the flames spread rapidly, destroying the adjoining store, that of W. G. Gooding, in short order, and spreading thence in both directions, crossing the street and burning the large store of L. R. Dowling & Sons. Then the fire swept aown Dotn streets at tne same time. Only by heroic efforts were the Charleston and Western Carolina Railway station, the residence of W. B. Dowling and the only two stores on the entire street left standing, saved. The fire was gotten under control about 2:15 a. m. Ike L. Lightsey was seriously injured when a part of the burning building of ^IV. G. Gooding fell upon him. He was burned badly over his body, as well as bruised by the falling structure. The attending physician states that his condition is grave. . Losses and Insurance. The stores destroyed, together with an estimated loss of stock and amount of insurance carried, are as follows: North side: L. R. Dowling & Sons, general merchants, store and goods, $20,000, insurance $7,500; L. R. Dowling & Sons, grocery warehouse, $1,000, no insurance; Jesse Thomas, general merchandise, stock ?0 ZAA rvn xf 1 -rr Kir Inoil i?0 Y> OA i ^,ouu, yCLl LIJ uutc1cu UJ iu^uiiuiw^ Lee Welch, confections, stock $1,000, no insurance; Vaco Theatre, $700, no insurance; Leland Sanders, stock $1,200, no insurance. South side: W. G. Gooding, general merchandise, stock $4,000, partly covered by insurance; C. W. Taylor, meat market and fancy grocery, stock $4,000, no insurance; W. 0. Guess, general merchant, stock $4,000, insurance $1,500; Mrs. B. F. Varn, millinery, loss $5,000, insurance $2,200; S. G. Varn, Esq., law office, $1,500, no insurance; Mrs. R. L. Chisolm, store, $2,000, no insurance. > No Contents Saved. Absolutely nothing was saved from the several stores destroyed, due to the rapidity with which the flames spread, except that of Jesse Thomas, from which a quantity of merchandise was moved before the flames reached it, the most of which, how ever, was badly damaged/ The stores occupied by Thomas, the Vaco Theatre and Welch were owned by Mrs. J. A. Smoak. of Varnville; the stores occupied by Gooding, Taylor and Guess were owned by J. J. andjA. R. Speaks. Mrs. Smoak's loss was about $3,000; the Speaks brothers about $4,000 with $1,800 insurance. Other Places Damaged. The Varnville Lighting company sustained damages of about $500, due to the burning of street lights, wires, posts, etc. The store of Mrs. * N. W. Rentz was damaged in the sum of $300, caused by the breaking of large plate glass front windows. The store of J. B. Youmans, occupied by ^ Chisolm Brothers, was damaged likewise and in about the same amount. The manager for the store of L. R. Dowling & Sons stated that while their losses were heavy, they would begin immediately upon the construction of a modern brick building on the site of the old store. The other merchants will also rebuild at once, and in each instance a brick building will replace the former wooden structure. At a public auction sale on a farm near Grashville, Pa., Friday, Irish potatoes sold at $3.30 a bushel. A Copenhagen dispatch says that the government of Denmark, has temporarily put the ban on the sale of alcoholic spirits. A Pliildelphia widow has been given a verdict of $5,000 against a barkeeper for selling liquor to her husband from the effects of which he died. i . - V '