I We quote th pric One lot $1.50 value Overalls, special, per $1.15 I .^.50 value Sport Skirts, each $4.98 75c Middies, each |m I _ Look fc Big || "The Store o PERSONAL MENTION. People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. ?Mr. Walter Dukes, or orancnviile, spent Sunday in the city. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Berry and son, Junior, of Branchville, spent Sunday in the city. ?Mr. C. H. Hutto, of Olar section, was a business visitor here Friday.?Barnwell People. ?Miss Ethel Black spent Sunday in Bamberg with her parents.?Varnville cor. Hampton Herald. ?Mrs. Walter Dukes and children, of Branchville, spent several days here last week with relatives. 9 ?Mr. Gordon Black, of Beaufort, j spent a few days in the city last; week with his brother, Mr. J. G.! Black. \ ?Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ayer and Mr. j and Mrs. C. W. Rentz, Jr., of Black-; ville, motored to Bamberg Sunday j afternoon. ?Mrs. Frances Folk returned j Tuesday from Vance, where she spent i some time with her daughter, Mrs. ! P. K. Rhoad. J ?Rev. A. J. Foster, former pas- j tor of the Bamberg Baptist church, j now representing the Baptist Cour-| ier, was in the city Tuesday. ?Miss Bessie Lee Black has just returned from a ten days' visit to friends in Columbia. While in Co-, lumbia, Miss Black attended the Watt-Sryssee wedding. i ; ?Mr. V. J. Hartzog returned last 1 week from Atlanta, where he spent i some time recuperating from a re-; cent severe illness. His friends are; glad to see him out again. ?Mrs. Elise Walker, Mrs. A. M. I r>Anbnw. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wyman and Miss Snider motored to Colum-j bia in Mrs. Walker's Anderson car Tuesday and spent the day. ?Mr. J. J. Heard, county demonstration agent of Bamberg county, j spent Saturday and Monday in the; city, returning Monday morning.? j Walterboro Press and Standard. Out of a total world production of 1915 of 150,000 tons of rubber, Brazil contributed 35,000 tons, or about 23 per cent. The annual income in the electrical industries is equal to the total annual expenditures of the United States, government. At th e following that es will hold gooc One lot Ladies' Pat- Bo;\ ent Leather Button Schoo Shoes, value $2.50, special, per pair $1.69 Old Ladies' Com-1 15c fort Shoes, $1.75 val-| each ues, per pair I $1.29 I $1.25 and $1.50 val- Lac ues Middies, each Shirt V8C 1 s?j K1 f Quality" New Advertisements. ^ J. J. Cleckley?Lost. * 4 A. M. Denbow?Notice. < J. E. New so m?For Sale. I 4 i " G. B. Clayton?For Sale. I 4 G. Move Dickinson?Lost. j 4 Lincoln Oil*Co.?Wanted. H. H. Clayton?Taken Up. Paris .Medicine Co.?Lax-Fos. A. M. Huger?Notice of Sale. C. R. Brabham, Jr.?For Sale. .Mutual Garage?When Minutes Count. Estate John R. Minor?Citation Notice. J Enterprise Bank?Pay All Bills by Check. W. A. Klauber?Specials for Sat-, urday. Peoples Bank?The Man With j Money. Granger Medicine Co.?Autointox-; ication. j H. C. Folk?Trade at Home Advertisement. Bamberg Banking Co.?Teach Your Boy. A. M. Denbow?7 Per Cent. In vestment. Board of Education?School Elec- 4 tion Notice. Reiley-Taylor Co.?It's Got to (( .Make Good. i \V. H. Chandler?The Good Old Watkins Plan. < J. B. Brickie?Anybody Can Take , an Auto Apart. ] Farmers & Merchants Bank?How i Are You Fixed? i Merchants Mercantile Agency? : This Book Tells. 1 Bambers: Banking Co.?Estate of J ; Alma .Moore. Deceased. G. Moye Dickinson?The Old! Hartford Fire Insurance Company. ! XKYKR GKT AHEA1>. One Reason Why Some Men Never | Succeed. One man says to another in an article in the February American .Mag! azine: | " "Bert/ he said, speaking very slowly and impressively, 'I've always 1 made it a rule in business to accept resignations, and I'm going to accept i yours. But I'm going to tell you ! something, and you can pass it on to j Anderson with my compliments. You j two young fellows are in the most e Big CI we know will 1 for Saturday a \s' $2.00 value 20 xloz >1 Shoes, pair Gingham $1.00 value $1.48 7! value Towels, A Fen's > ! Wool Sei each 9c $i; hhhhb nmn lies' 75e value $3.50 v Waists, each White Boc ?0r $7 f/V | V LAU BAMBER ? "The f t if j r* i. narnora rire 11 ? 1 Am Prepared to Wi '* Do you believe ii NESS and RECIF ^ I can protect you ? you want my pal SWAP" IG. Moye E V dangerous position of any two young! then I know. You have ability, too! i darned much ability. If you had only! a little, so that you had to sit tight and plug every minute, you'd be fair-; ly safe. You'd move along up in! business slowly, but surely, as the! fellows ahead of you died off. Butj rou two are brilliant. It's true youi can get your fifty a week whenever, rou want it. And that's your danger. | You will go rolling around collecting | fifty a week here and fifty a week there, and you'll never stay long enough in one place to get seventyfivo a wppk or a hundred a week, or! two hundred a week. Oh, I know your type! You may not give me credit for much sense now, but when I was your age I was exactly in your! fix. And I want to tell you that if I! hadn't taken myself by the neck and; forced myself to stay put. I'd j still be collecting fifty a week as a' reporter on some newspaper instead of pulling down thirty-one thousand, j as I did last year. With just your, brilliancy, and no stability, you're i worth just about fifty a week. But! it takes more than brilliance to be j worth a really big job." i learance ? _ < appeal to the nd next. week. en Girls' Beautiful ^ Dresses, Skirts, $1.50 \ % each each 5c 98c ?18.00 All 12 l-2o and rge Suits, Linen Laees, sj; per yard !.48 | l?c alue High High White ] its, pair for Girls, pair .75 $1.75 and $2 BER Aj, 5. L. Old X nsurance Co." f < v o Me Again * rite Your bsurance f , < * n PREPARED- % 'ROCITY, if so f i from fire, and V tronage, "LET'S f t X )ickinson I L A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^kA^k ^ ^ ^jr To protect babies from drafts when being carried in automobiles a miniature folding top has been invented. NOTICE. By virtue of order of the Court of date February 24, 1917, we will offer for sale on Friday, March 16, 1917, at 10 o'clock, a. m? on the J. A. Spann Guess place near Bamberg, S. C., the following described personal property: Three mules, certain wagons, corn, fodder, cotton seed, hogs, and probably other articles in connection with the said farm. The terms of the said sale, cash. Anyone interested can get informa-1 tion at the Peoples Bank, Bamberg, | ? r ' AM DEXBOW. i! BANK OF TROY, I " As Receivers for the Estate of J. !( A. Spann. 2t. i \ SCHOOL ELECTION NOTICE. i i Xotice is hereby given that upon t the written petition of more than one-third of the resident electors, j i and a like proportion of the resident : < free-holders of Govan school district ( Xo. 11, of Bamberg county, S. C.. at ] the age cf 21 years, an election will s be held at the Govan school house 011 i Tuesday March the 13th, 1917, for t the purpose of levying a special tax j of 4 mills on all real and personal ' { property in Govan school district Xo, Sale I ornrtnmiral linvpr TllPSft IB WVAAVAAIAVMA M v? * A ? Don't fail to come. I kVasli Dolly Madison $5.00 value Cordu- I -alue. Sport Dots, value 18o rov Skirts, eacdi fl yard, special, yard 12 l-2c $1.98 I I I 15c Men's 75c value 75c values in La- H >ecial Shirts, each dies'and Men's heavy fl Underwear, each fl 59c - 49c I Boots $5.00 Regal Shoes $7.00 Boy den Shoes, I now, per pair special, per pair fl !.## $4.35 $5.95 |: | flflttBflKi^JBaanflBMflMMBBMflaWflflflHMflBflflflflflflflfli ^^1 ^7Vj | Look fe Big Sign 11 "The Store of Quality" I ??????pwfa? ?I . ,..V I The man with, I money keeps it' 1H1MI safe in our ? . ABank. :??Plli L9B ' *^?XTO I ||jjjj^|^ The only safe place for your money is in the BANK. You always know where it is and you can get it when I you want it. In our bank you can open a household account and pay your bills with a check. I his win give you a scanain7" with the merchants?and your checks are legal receipts. It also helps you to keep your accounts straight'. Put YOUR money in OUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on savings accounts. / Peoples Bank BAMBERG, S. C. 11. Only such electors as return real an(i w. L. Kennedy are appointed >r personal property for taxation, are . managers to conduct said election. 'esidents of Govan school district .no. j k w d. kuyvuLtL. 11, and exhibit their tax receipts and j g q .MAYFIELD, registration certificates as required j j' h' ^ CARTER 11 general elections, shall be allowed j County Board of Education. 0 vote- ! Bamberg, S. C., Feb. 21, 1917. Electors favoring the levy of 4 .?.? __ nills special tax will cast a ballot , CARD OF THANKS. containing the word "YES" printed j )r written thereon, and electors op- j Editor of Bamberg Herald: ? "insed to the levying of the 4 mills Please allow me space in your val~ - * * special tax will cast a ballot contain- uable paper to thank my rnenas ana ng the word "XO" printed or writ- neighbors for their kindness during ;en thereon. ; the sickness and after the death of The polls will be opened at 7 a. m., | my husband. May God's richest ind closed at 4 p. m. . blessings rest on them.?MRS. G. W. McP. Eubanks, J. B. Browning, j CLAYTON AND CHILDREN.