The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, March 01, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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f ? Your Name Will Be in This Bo( The Keason W j Some Business Men Are Success IS BECAUSE THEY KNi When to Give Credit and when to Withhold it ill How everybody pays. It will be issue ill All progressive business and p . i .11 i [ tessionai men win nave u uiu | YOUR NAME WILL BE IN IT : Hated according to the promptness I with which you settle your bills. As every person's Credit record is of t the utmost importance to them, we hereby give every citizen of Bamberg and adjoining counties ample I notice that they are being rated. Promyt Pay-Fair Pay-Slow Paj I Delinquents affected will receive a I letter from their creditors explaining I just what is expected of them. For J your credit's sake pay as many of j your bills as you can before this book is published. Ii 'riir a^rn Ill inn lVltiA l^^hcorporated 1889 Suppose They'd Really Try. But we hope soon to mc Where no farewell te When a town fellow visits a coun- _ . _ ,, .. a . Prayers and tears were try home and they sit down to a ta-, An ange, came and , ble laden with hickory wood smoked From this world of toil ham as sweet as nectar, fried eggs) Days of sadness is al' fresh from the chicken factory, home! Tears of sorrow silentlj made bread, butter churned before j on daughter nearPm breakfast, milk and cream that never [ Though God took you h< saw chalk or water, and a score of no more, sweetmeats, pastries and fruit, and ^Iay her soul rest in I then apologize for having nothing to> Your (!evoted and aff eat, the town fellow cannot but won- PAPA AND ^ a n'Vian thav ora OV. '"ii y\ Uttt LUC * UV/ ix^U v** v v?? pectlss; company.?Gower (Mo.) En,.-. In sad, but loving m< t?rpris$, i , \ - only dearest sister, Eu ??^? Millan, who died one y< IN MEMORIAM. 2oth' 1916, T t ** H * You are not forgotten, d In Loving Memory of Onr Hear, Xor wi|, >.ou ever b'e Sweet Cliild. As long as memory lasts We will always think One bitter, said year since you left i You suffered much, ye us. Our darling Euphrozine, who : not; died in Columbia, S. C., Feb. 25th, We watched you day 1916, eighteen years of age, only | Until at last, with broki daughter of Jake W. and Octavie Mc- j We knew you had pa Millan. How oft' have we waited -Sweetest sister, you are and listened in vain for those loving j But comfort it's hard footsteps that never came, and thatj Although you are absen loving, cheerful voice, and sweet You are always on ou smile. Oh, that we could find words Sleep on, dearest Euphi to express our deep loss, and how we Oh! how sweet to miss you, our precious child. You name: were our pride, our joy, and our com-! In life we loved you tn fort. You were a true, obedient, du- j ly, tiful, affectionate daughter, and a ' In death we do the s loving, kind sister. You were our Dearest sister, you have sunbeam and our guiding star and ; And thy loss we deep our hearts are broken, and home is | But 'tis God. that has ruined, wrecked and crushed, by your j He will all our sorro death, our dearest child. But the ! Yet again we hope to m tie of our love which bound us, can- j ^ aarnng, not be severed even in death, for we, | When the day of life vou and I, vour mother, had given And in Heaven we kn< the clay to God. greet thee, Where no farewell ter Oh! God, how mysterious and strange are Thy ways, Your devoted and To take from us our loved one in brothers, the best of her days, j ELGIN AND Only faintly now we see, j With a darkening veil between; | Sacred to the memor But a blessed day is coming, i neice, Euphrozine M< When her glory will be seen. : died in Columbia, S. C One sad year since you left us, . 11916. Whom we cherished and loved so j Only one year ago, dear; ask, why we are down Can we help but miss you and feel ; repeat one sweet name lonely, ; who have lost a loved o When we do not see our darling j anguish and our pain, near. AUI No more your sweet, kind and loving The Broken Hearte face In memory of my co Shall light the gloom of our home; zine: Yet in love we see you, our darling, While in sorrow we are alone. In her home not far av i On a cold and icy nr If love and care, prayers and tears. I My young cousin suffer could death prevent. i And calmly awaited Your days, our darling, would not j When all sorrow will p be spent; Life was desired, but God could see, As she lay there suffer Eternal rest was best for thee. Thoughts of loved Heaven in her It was so bitter, hard to part with straying; you, She seemed joyous an Oh! My darling child, so hard to stead of sighing know you were dead; As to uer loved ones I 3 / 1.., XT ?> xb( ?W y_TE ? f how gj Vri/TDVRAIW 1 d??%?VlJUVUI/I fig iro DdYS | 8 and jI Publh Merchant: Incorpc I?x CHANTS MERCAN' PITTSBURG, PA. ;et you, j ine, A ars are shed. {Mother dear, my life is ebbing fast! fyfyfy? +? ?( away; all in vain, , My days are numbered, they arei^^^ ;ook you seven; \<&& W W and pain; But my darling mother, I can hear; x X Iff I we know, you say: " "B r flow, ' I will meet my precious child in | Iff our darling j Heaven. It' ? * \^'JL s, And my father and my brothers, too sme to suffer j When life's work on earth shall end. ! X jeace. . And in Heaven a golden crown you j have won, ectionate, ( Then blessings on earth our God ; I I MAMMA. ! will send, j V | And answer to us, my servants, 'tis . AA smory of our. well done. i t 1111 1 phrozine Mc-; ?. * ? ' j V >ar ago, Feb. 1 After my dear cousin had passed j ?? ?* We h&1 j aw aj, ! ctnplr i< From this world to Heaven, j yy oMJLJi. la learest sister, We could hear our neighbors say: each 3,E dear; j We sympathize deeply^ with her|^^ knOW "V neart oronen mouier. j Of thee. j ? don't fJ t murmured! By her cousin, ; JLI elin-ann LAURA McMILLAN. j VV SflOWlIl by day, , ? are bou en hearts, , In ;n]t ]0ving remembrance of ssea aua>. , Eyphrozine McMillan, who departed jX X ? remembered, f , , t| F b 25th ,9)6 . VV to find; !Ai t ^1^ . , A year ago today, sister, you passed r minds. anay, VV Si' thv! And went to Heaven above; * i And I hope to meet you there, a X i ~ ^ In the happy land of love. lit and dear- gjle .g gone> but not forgotten; ^ TL T ! Never will her memory fade; JL1)1/ fy !aSft nc j Loving thoughts will ever linger lit WW dll U \ J i. t Around the grave where she is j ^5 ly feel; i laid. 1 bereft j18' | Forget her! No, I never will; W8 . I loved her then, I love her still; leet thee, ou* Her memory ig as fresh today . fl , ! As in the hour she passed away. i t >w re shall DORA MCMILLAN. irs shed. jn loving remembrance of my dear ? 'cousin, jSuphrozine McMillan, who J t 2 " TPPtiOliate /lAnnrtnil tli ic 1 ifa TToh ^ ri t h IQIfi. I Wt q TlOl UCJ;ai LtU , , i A TT ^ iXM/1 one year ago. <* ?* > barbot. j XX Robes, 1 Oh, the memory of that evening, fitieS RE y of my dear : As we stood with breaking hearts, , jMillan, who ! For the one we loved most dearly, JL Jk *116 "cS Feb. 25th, Pierced by death's most cruel dart. J 1 Come t and still you Long days and nights, she bore in Jt cast, why we j pain, * t ?? Only those * To wait for cure that never came: ne knows our ! But God who knoweth all things best. ' Did still her pain, and gave her * ^JT ADDIE. rest. I I <1 Motlier. Through all pain at times she'd i usin, Euphro- smile, A smile of Heavenly birth; i And when the angels called her ^ H ay. I home, W H orning, She smiled farewell to earth. H ing lay%_ _ j I 1 a aawning | Heaven reiameui now uur ueasuic, I v a w w m ass away. Earth the lonely casket keeps, j && 'And the sunbeams love to linger, i ^ ^ ing. dying, Where our darling cousin sleeps. ones and of j mind were There was an angel land in Heaven, ^ ^ i That was not quite complete: d bright, in- So God took our darling cousin, To fill the vacant seat. i she was say-j CORA McMILLAN. VvvWVWW ^pj or noUj^^^ ~~w shed By s Mercantile )rated 1889 sbur6h.^^^ Pa- Jr / TILE AGENCY 1 D. W. KERR, District Manager, Gadsden, i$h$H$H$H$H ? I ses and Mules ff 44 . TY re a full stock on hand of Horses and Mules. Our yy 5 selected personally by a member of our firm, and y y timal sold has the Jones Bros.' guarantee?and you yy srhat that menas. When you need a horse or mule, yy ail to come to our stable. We will take pleasure in yy g you. Our stock is always in good condition?they yy ight sound and sold sound. . y Y ============== Yy if i YX :M ?ns, Buggies, Harness || XY YY ? ?? re a splendid line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Lap XX Whips, Etc. We have a number of styles in Bug- XX i dHarness, and we can suit you. We handle only XX t vehicles to be had, and our prices are always right. ;o see us; you are always welcome. XX ti ti " A >nes Bros, ft TY BAMBERG, S. C. J* s -. , ; . i^i