The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 14, 1916, SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16, Page 14, Image 16

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. SkI ? THINK IT C We are in the Jewelry business oni and manufacturers who stand back of c GENUINE ITALIAN CUT CEMEOS SO A BIG STOCK OF BRACELET WA' GOL GOLD S] GENTS' WATCHES, FROM ! We haven't space to name all that we carry, bu I ottfli- onr] Mnn ' > 1 till/ LVUU OIIU 1I1UH ' ' ^ Watch ai . mmr> a fz i||jshc V t A Merry Xir IS ( V. / v The time is now app for you by giving th< Shoes, Hats, Shif And Sug Then, too, we call your attent HOW ABOUT A < Corner flain and ImJ Railroad Avenue I B - AX# lesfions for CJfri 5VER^=?. y and carry nothing outside of our line. We buy from relia >ur guarantee. A fine line of IN BROACHES, IN RINGS, LAVALLIERES AND STIC LID GOLD MOUNTINGS. rCHES IN SOLID GOLD AND GOLD FILLED CASES, TO $35.00. D SIGNET RINGS, FROM $2.00 UP. EiEEVE BUTTONS FROM $4.00 to $25.00. 51.25 TO $100.00, ALSO SOME INGERSOLLS FOR THE t. mVp us a <ia.ll and nerhaDs we can nlease vou. No trouble V ? X X - X V ogram Engraving FREE on AD Goods Sold By U id Jewelry Repairing c WE ARE HERE TO STA n i n l. Keid, l,o maker and Jeweler \ Bamberg, South ( )PPING DEADQUAR A i i ' m las and a Hap] 3UR WI5H TO EVER\ >roaching to show your appreciation ' 2m some little token of remembrance. ts, Ties, Collars, Cl< ;gest One Of These As A Si 1 ion to our Grocery Department. We v BARREL OF MERRY WIDOW I r rni V. 1 VI ble wholesalers / j 'K PINS, ALL s. _ ^> . i Specialty " ra E. Reid, Expert Engraver * % Carolina ii v . _jl_^?: * TFDC fel) IP ' ^ py New Year /<r-?x'cr Ui 1 JU of the love others have We have a nice line of rthing, Socks, Etc. jitable Gift > you Id appreciate a call from you. FIOUR FOR XMAS K Satisfied With Small Profits - '* i ./ " * / .