I******************** Complete Stock We have a stock of clothing on hand that would do credit to a city store. In the Hart, Schaffner ^ & Marx line you will find the latest styles in all sizes running from 33 to 44, in stouts, slims and regulars. In other lines that we have you will j find suits at medium prices in the same sizes and the price is as low as $10.00. In the boys' cloth^ ing, we can please you, also. X SHOES X 4% The ladies' shoes are here in just what you want. J We have boots for the ladies in white, black, and nigger brown. A complete line of children's shoes. A Shirts and Underware ^ Men's shirts at 50c and $1.00. The best pat^ terns and good values. Men's underwear from J 25c to '$1.00. Ladies undershirts from 25c to $1. We think it will pay you to see our line of ^ trunks, suit cases, notions and dry goods before f buying elsewhere. > "Bill Dick," "Pete" Watson and R. F. McMillan ^ are here to wait on you. ^ T-O ? n \ T T ? Ui * Jh to A VAliJU. | C. R. Brabham's Sons X BAMBERG, S. C. I Cut Prices on Tires We have just received a large shipment of the famous | BRAENDER TIRES & and are able to offer them at the foHowing very low prices: X Size Price V 30x3 $ 8.80 * 30x3 Vz 11.75 s X 31x4 17.90 32x3 13.50 jfck 32x4 IS.35 X 33x4 19.15 V 34x4 19.50 X These Casings are guaranteed 3,500 X miles, and are the same grade as lias been sold in the past for X much higher prices. X We also carry a complete stock of Inner X Tubes and can fill mail orders X promptly. X Non-Skid Casings, 15 per cent, advance on these ?? prices. ^ Terms: Cash with order. BAMBERG AUTO CO. Bamberg, S. C. | t | Buy at Home t OR RATHER I BUY AT KLAUBER'S A WE GUARANTEE TO UNDERSELL ANY MAIL V ORDER HOUSE. f OC Best Outinggs, yd 10c ^ Best Calicoes, yd 7 He & Best Ginghams (while they last) yd 10c f Extra Quality Bleaching, yd ? 10c 1 Despite the high prices, we are selling the same quality of goods at the old prices. f KLAUBER'S / % "The Store of Quality" ENDLESS CHAIN EXPOSED. If you receive an ei ? ter offering you a gi Ac?nnifHi Vast Prouortions petticoat for 10 cent and is Burdening Department. i ladies particularly?v A ' picion and don't fall The following anonymous letter, This is on the advice in a woman's or child's handwriting, spector's office of th postmarked Jordan, S. C., October partment. 24, 1916, has been received by aj Many women all o' lady teacher at Clio and turned over have been victimized to the Advocate: coat game" and are s "Dear Friend: To introduce and. Uncle* Sam's parcel i advertise our ready-to-wear goods in j deliver the goods, the least possible time we will give. But it is Uncle Sai to anyone complying with the condi- fered most, tions herein stated our model 1916. More than a half silk petticoat which retails at $4.50 have already been i State size and color wanted. Size Minneapolis postoffice means length. j dimes, and the work i i "Make five copies of this letter and! been congested, send to five friends, then mail their! The dead letter ( names and addresses to tne National j w asnmgion naa up Mail Order Brokerage Exchange, No. j ago received fourteen 520 Globe Building, Minneapolis! letters, each of whi* Minn., with ten cents in silver and dime, receive silk skirt without further ex-1 There are 5,000 1 pense to you. , sack, making a total "This offer is good for anyone ters thus far return< complying with the above request.; letter office. This m All skirts guaranteed. These letters dimes in this stack, must be written the day after you j ceive the attention of receive this letter." the dead letter office. The R. F. D. News, published at Here is what this li Washington, D. C., says in its issue I cost the government, of November 5: report made the mid* V FRUIT CAKE BEST QUALITY NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. C O IN D O N BAKING CO. BUY THEM FROM ' HERNDONS GROCERY Phone 24 Bamberg, S .C. THE C\ THE fury and danger of the Cyclone is nothinj order business. The havoc caused by this e1 figures. One well-known mail order house ai lion catalogs, and there are also 1,000 mail order been wiped out of existence, land values wrecked, fi still. Thinking people of all classes?farmers, me: ger and have begun work to counteract its effects, of education to arouse the thought of the people. ' measured up to the standard and value of home-1 "Who's Guilty" is still drawing la'rge crowds. Remember every episode is complete in itself. Every Monday?Matinee and Night. THIKLEN THEATRE. \ RIGHT HERE IN YOUR TOWN A Select Line of 5c, lOc, and 25c Goods Before you send to the mail order house, call and see our line PRICE & JOHNSON ldless chain let-! ?and the letters are still coming at | laranteed $4.50 the rate of 30,000 a day. s?this for the: More than 50,000 dime letters re-, iew it with sus- ceived. an easy victim. i Approximately 60 per cent, bear 1 of the chief in- return addresses, and it costs the e postoffice de-: government two cents each to return ! them. Something like $5,000 has alver the country; r?a^y been spent for this purpose, by this "petti-1 About 40 per cent, do not bear re- i still waiting for i turn addresses and have to be sent j i )Ost carriers to i in bags to the dead letter omce nere. ' They are opened and sent back to I n who has suf-! writers when their names are as- : certained. This costs the government ' million letters 10 cents each, or more than $12,000 eceived at the ! thus far* 1 , all containing! Handling all this mail in Minneof the office has j apolis is now costing the govern- i | ment more than $50 a day for extra 3 office here in \ clerk hire. to a few days; The petticoat chain letter mail or- ] sacks of these j der scheme seems to have been the t Dh contained a I product of some fertile brain in Min- < ! neapolis. It first came to the atten-1 < AOrtVl i A 1. ? ? A 1. i ? ?? ? A * A Avp I 1 ctLcio in cav.ii nun ui me wuxxxexx xxx uxxs s>ecuuii ux j < of 70,000 let- the East when a number of them re- : ?d to the dead ceived letters, sometimes through the * akes $7,000 in mail, but most frequently delivered that must re- anonymously, saying in substance < extra clerks in that if they would comply with di- 1 i rections inclosed they would receive . ttle scheme has from the National Mail Order Ex- 1 according to a change, 520 Globe Building, Minne- 1 ile of the week] apolis, a "new model 1917 petticoat." t GIRLS and LADIES MAKE HOOTON'S STORE YOUR STORE. Always the newest and best in Dry Goods, Millinery and Suits Hooton's Ladies Store & MillineryTarlor Telephone 83-J Bamberg, S. C. 4^ rni rv\rr ? compared to the destruction levied by the mail ril will never be known. It cannot be reckoned in lone issued and circulated in one year twenty milhouses in the United States today. Towns have arms depopulated and business brought to a standrchants, manufacturers?are now alive to the danEvery town is being urged to "wage a campaign The imaginary, long-distance bargain has never yet bought goods. Why Order Legal Blanks From the City when you can get them right here, at home for the same money, less the postage? We have a full stock. HERALD BOOK STORE, Bamberg, S. C. THE WAY TO STOP sore eyes is to apply intelligent treatment?a pair of green eye glasses and a bottle of MACK'S EYE DROPS will be found very helpful in bringing about relief from such conditions. The two articles ror 50 cents. MACK'S DRUG STORE. Manufacturers of MAX TONE, BAMBERG, S. C. The stipulations were that the wo-j very thorough, man should write five copies of the ! The company letter which she received and place got but compar; them in the hands of other women. I dimes. At first A number of Washington women did! every other day, this and some others placed the let- ties say, and got ter in the hands of the postal author- ters. Then the ities. ened them away Complaints have been coming in On the day thi thick and fast to the postoffice in- the dead letter 3pection department. The matter is 47,000, each con being thoroughly investigated in answer to the "p Minneapolis, and a warning has been lure. These letl issued to the public by the postoffice received in this department. above the 200,0 The offices of the National Mail The dead lett< Order Exchange have been deserted. Ithis scheme are In fact, the postal officials say there! *ar^er than the is no room number 520 Globe Build-1 first began coml I cording to the au iiiiuucopv/uu. . chain letter mail Only one thing could give the RuraI carrjer3 postofflce authorities more work, and bjt and put the ,? that could be for the concern to mail j wjse There does put the more than half million Petti-! ques"tlon at this d mats ordered. It is estimated that! jg nation.wide . this would take more than 3,768,540 ? Wash|ngton stat rards of silk and give China, Patter-. Dee Advocate. son, N. J., undreamed of prosperity, j The letters have come from all j The Frugs luarters of the country. There are j ? liuge bales of them from Tuscon, j ,.j feej jike \riz.; Tampa, Fla.; Lexington, Va.: j . ,, ~ , T,T . . ! close-fisted party from Montana, Delaware, ^ ashing- j ;on and Tennessee. The circular let- j *vou an(* s^a ;er campaign seems to have been j who buys the cig t A^A A^A A^A A^i. A^t A4A A^A Our Fall Goods | are now arriving, and we shall be J glad for you to call and inspect them. J We especially call your attention to our line of Hats, Shoes, Clothing, ^ etc. J <$ Don t forget that we also carry a J complete line of groceries. We ask J you to give us a call before buying, as we are in a position to give you ^ close prices in bulk. J Remember it is now time, to plant Rutabagas and Turnips. We have a J fresh supply of seed. Come get T them. V A H. C. FOLK I Satisfied with small profits. y . We Can Beat the f jjl Mail Order Houses I I ill We have been acknowledged as Lead- < ers in Ladies', Misses', and Children's outfitters. y We bid for your business with the world's best merchandise and honest & prices. X XM LaVerne Thomas & Co. | | Telephone 41-J Bamberg, S. C. X ^ X Buv Goods at Home I We have all you need at lower prices & than you can get from Kalamazoo to A Constantinople. If you prefer trad- A ing with foreigners, we have with us A "Sleigh" and "Buck," and they have A . at your call all you need to eat or A wear?to dress up with or to work A in. Patronize the old reliable. ^ A * A n?f 1\nv\ I KfcNlZ & ULUtK i Bamberg, S. C. > ^??J ^ L A^A A4A A4A A-A A4A A A^A A T|T f^r r^r f^r e y ^ w^ eee^ ^r liHHMHMMttMHnai , that started all this j RUB OUT PAIN atively few of the ., , .. ,. . , the promoters called with good oil liniment TTiats the postal author!- e s"re^ way to stop them, several hundred let- 11 lhe best rubbing hmment is J fright- ||Q MB B HQ s issue went to press IWI 11 g| I U H fi^j office here received I T ? tailing ten cents in ' H I II I II IP ft| etticoat for a dime" I I I HI I HM Hi I Lers bring the total lklllllfll.ll I one campaign to 00 mark. Good for the Ailments of T ir office receipts on Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. now 10,000 letters ^ Qood for your own Aches, receipts when they Painj Rheumatism, Sprains, ngin. Which, ac- Cuts, Burns, Eta ithonties, shows the order is spreading. ^ * Dealers. could "pick up" a Ldies on their routes j 1 not seem to be any ; jj p BELLINGEB ate, that the scheme j ATTORNEY AT LAW ranges rom. MONEY TO LOAN. e to Florida.?Pee ? _> ^ Office Over Bamberg Banking Co. m | General Practice il Bystander. """""" _____ . *oresigni. v ambling," said the , _ . , ? _ . , . Father, what is foresight? Jack, suppose "Foresight, my son, consists of reke the bones to see gretting what you do before you do ars." it."?Philadelphia Ledger. < 2% - 1 M # . - . . . - * ' ' * . "*:% .