T T T ? I f i THE 1 X Constructed of I-bea v v. In the evening newspapers the Republicans used thirty-five pages aim the Democrats ten and a half pages. Tho onnrrtvimatft am mint naid bv the er staid out all night playing billiards; never lounged on street corj ners and ogled giddy girls; never I "stood in" with the boys for cigars and wine suppers. "Now," said she, rising indignantly, "I am assured you do all these things, and yet expect all the virtues in me, while you do not possess any yourself. I can never be your wife," and she bowed him out and left him on the door step to silently meditate over his venture, j a wiser man.?Gaffney Ledger. American Petroleum. The first reference to the discovery I of petroleum in America is contained j in a letter written on this date in j 1629 by Joseph de la Roche d'Allion, j a French missionary in the Indies. He ; had crossed the Niagara river and ! made his way southward through ! western New York into northern Pennsylvania, where he found a spring from which oil flowed. This oil was j highly esteemed by the Indians for ; medicinal uses. The letter of the j priest was published in 1832 in Sagard's "Historie du Canada." This oil spring was probably identical with j tIt3 one descrioea Dy tne :MassacnuI setts Magazine in 17S9: "In the northern part of Pennsylvania there 1 is a creek called Oil creek, wtiich emties into the Allegheny river. It is i } sues from a spring, on the top of 1 which floats an oil, similar to that ! called Barbadoes tar, and from which one may gather several gallons a ! day. The troops sent to guard the - western posts halted at the same spring, collected some of the oil, and ' bathed their joints with it. This gave i them great relief rom the rheuma| tism with which they were afflicted. ! The water, of which the troops drank j freely, operated as a gentle purge." A^A A^A A^A A^4. A^A A^A A^A A^A A^| i!^ ^^1 :ted Alike g| ago, Wagons and S<|S| ilt of oak, hickory v we know better, "/go rongest shapes of Rag^ juild them for the BCT? service. RT ROLLER 11 STEEL WAGON S with large rivets *91 the modern steel ^ :ity If ;qual capacity. i the hubs and hot ind cracked felloes. Bg|g n>ii n n Dills to ray bear: IING before pui Ban A^A A^A A^A A^A A4A A^A A^A V Hughes and South Carolina. According to the Charleston News and Courier, if the two-party idea is to come to anything, in South Caro! lina, if has a lot of growing to do. I South Carolina came nearer than any j other State to being unanimous for ; Wilson. She gave Hughes a smaller ! popular vote than any other State in ' the union.?Nashville Tennesseean. i t rfc i. & A f w nipping rust ior wm. The Associated Press quotes Bishop Frank Dumoline who spent last winter in Camden, in a recent address | at Toledo as saying: : "Shooting is too good for the moral leper who dares to take from another man all that is dear to his heart. "Physical fear is the only method of reaching such men. I would revive the old whipping post and lash the home-breaker before his fellow men," the bishop said. The Manufacturer's Record estimates that the total farm calue of all mates that the total farm value of all this year will reach the great sum of $12,000,000,000. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. For indigestion, stomach trouble, bad blood and all wasting deseases of the body. It will make you feel j like a new person. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." This may be said of -Mrs. Joe Person's Kemeay. You do not want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad, or an uncertain one, or an harmful one, your stomach is too valuable. You must not poij son it with drugs. Mrs. Joe Person's i Remedy is noted for its speed in giving relief. Its millions of cures have made it famous the world over. Keep the perfect stomach medicine ! in your home. Its promptness in overcoming the worst stomach troui ble is a revelation to those that try i it. The Premier tonic, Mrs. Joe Per| son's Remedy has been a standard j blood purifier for years. It starts ; down at the root of the disease and builds you up gradually, makes the blood pure and fresh. I If you have rheumatism, take Mrs. | Joe Person's Remedy, do not let any{ one pursuade you to take "one just as good." If your little one is out of sorts j and is not resting or acting natuValI ly this is a sign that the liver is not I working properly. Give them Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. This will al so beautify the complexion, not aruficiallly but naturally, by taking a ! dose before each meal, as it aids the 1 digestion and purifies the blood. Remember the price for this special advertising campaign: One bottle I for $1.00, three for $2.50 and six for i $5.00. Sold exclusively by Black's : Drtug Co., in this city and surround| ing territory. v THE MODERN Bl t s of Steel Built f phasing anothei iben Bamberg, So A4a A^A A^A A^A A4A A4A A^A |T T^T T^T T^T T^T ^TT^T ^ ^ ^ T^T T^~ BANK STATEMENT. I Statement of the condition of the ! Bamberg Banking Co., located at ! Bamberg, S. C., at the close of business November 17th, 1916. RESOURCES. TLoans and discounts .. ..$186,989.74 j Overdrafts .... 4,047.18 1 Bonds and stocks owned by bank 1,000.00 Furniture and fixtures .. 2,506.37 Banking house 5,237.04 Due from banks and bankers 236,271.94 Currency 3,067.00 I Gold 190.00 I Silver and other minor coin 2,078.41 | Checks and cash items .. 2,764.04 Total $444,151.72 LIABILITIES. f Capital stock paid in .... 55,000.00 Surplus fund 45,000.00 Undivided profits, less i current expenses and i taxes paid 23,672.65 I Individual de1 posits subject to ck. ..223,257.72 i Savings deposits 93,230.53 Time certificates of de' posit 2,163.77 i Certified cks..*. 105.22 ; Cashier's cks... 1,721.83 320,479.07 Total $444,151.72 i Before me came Jno. H. Cope, ac- j i tive vice president of the above j named bank, who, being duly sworn, j ; says that the above and foregoing : statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said I bank. JNO. H. COPE, Active Vice Pres. i Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of November, 1916. H. H. STOKES, Notary Public, S. C. I Correct-Attest: W. D. RHOAD, G. FRANK BAMBERG, W. M. BRABHAM, Directors. ' NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Probate Judge for Bamberg county, I, 1 Mrs. Josie Bessinger, as administral trix of the estate of C. W. Bessinger, j deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the late residence of the I said C. W. Bessinger, at Govan, S. C., on the -14th day of December 1916, j beginning at ten o'clock in the forej noon and continuing until sold, the following property, to wit: Personal property, consisting of live stock, farming implements, machinery, provisions, and household goods and furniture, property of the said estate, and located at tne iaie residence of the said C. W. Bessinger, I an inventory of the same "being on < file in the office of Probate Judge for ; Bamberg county. MRS. JOSIE BESSINGER. | Administratrix of the Estate of C. W. | Bessinger. November 28, 1916.?2t. Some women have a mania for collecting marriage certificates. V T f X T T T T t T T T T TT T U ill " s.ss.rss-.ssa I ^ Y > RIDGE = I or All Kinds of Weather $ J Y _____ * t A r wagon * i |i y i: 5 i t uth Carolina CARD OP THANKS. 1 I herewith extend my thanks to all who so ably assisted me in saving my household effects, etc., when my house was destroyed by fire Sunday evening, Nov. 19th., also to those | who have been so generous since, i Respectfully, MRS. R. A. OWENS. I Ehfhardt, S. C. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Pro| bate Court for Bamberg county, I, J. C. Kinard, as administrator of the estate of C. E. Kinsey, deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest i bidder, for cash, at the store building at/ Ehrhardt, S. C., formerly oc: cupied by the said C. E. Kinsey, on the ISth day of December, 1916, be ' ginning at ten o'clock in tfte rorenoon, and continuing until sold, the following property, to wit: All fixtures, goods, wares and merchandise, property of said estate, and located within said buildings, an inventory of the same being on file in the office of Probate Judge for Bamberg county. J. C. KINARD, Administrator of the Estate of C. E. Kinsey: Nov. 28, 1916.?2t. BANK STATEMENT. ' Statement of the condition of the Bank of Olar, located at Olar, S. C., at the close of business November* ! 17th, 1916. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .. 72,016.89 Overdrafts 87,931.60 Banking house \ 500.00 Due from banks and bankers 38,935.j)3 Currency 2,400.00 Silver and other minor coin 1,008.47 Checks and cash items .. 14.58 Total $202,807.47 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund 33,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 14,834.21 Individual deposits subject to ck... 76,548.72 Time certificates of deposit 19,256.52 Cashier's cks... 2,510.53 97,973.26 , Bills payable, including certificates for money borrowed 30,000.00 Reserve fund carried on general individual or savings ledger 7,000.00 Total $202,807,47 State of South Carolina?County of . Bamberg. Before me came G. M. Neeley, cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above ana foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. G. M. NEELEY. Cashier. I Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2 2d day of November, 1916. A. H. NEELEY, Notary Public, S. C. Correct-Attest: C. F. RIZER, Director. I