F tf? ? Complete Stock We have a stock of clothing on hand that would do credit to a city store. In the Hart, Schaffner & Marx line you will find the latest styles in all sizes running from 33 to 44, in stouts, slims and regulars. In other lines that we have you will find suits at medium prices in the same sizes and J the price is as low as $10.00. In the boys' cloih4^ ing, we can please you, also. ^ % SHOES ?* The ladies' shoes are here in just what you want. J ^ We have boots for the ladies in wbite, black, ana Y nigger brown. A complete line of children's shoes. A Shirts and Underware Men's shirts at 50c and $1.00. The best pat^ terns and good values. Men's underwear from ' jfc 25c to $1.00. Ladies undershirts from 25c to $1. i We think it will pay you to see our line of - trunks, suit cases, notions and dry goods before t buying elsewhere. "Bill Dick," "Pete" Watson and R. F. McMillan JL are here to wait on you. X & GIVE US A CALL. V X w i? ? 1I. K. brabham s Sons ! " BAMBERG, S. C. j I Cut Prices on Tires an nations re- i ers furnished the weapon which sev- gr jgh an inland ered the continental system. The re- ba *ed to close all! treat from Moscow gave it the final | th pean mainland stroke, and was itself the beginningith d to the Baltic,! of the end of the Napoleonic empire, se nited States, a Even in the "last phase" our coun- th rs old, develop-' try sustained a certain association la ne which was i with the captive of St. Helena. The an ?ate of nations.! English felt that any danger of res- at ipers," in spite j cue would originate on the western li\ 3d the harbors ! shore of the Atlantic. Admiral Cock- ar i to Singapore.; burn occupied the neighboring island in ind under its of Ascension, avowedly to prevent it ed the United falliny into the hands of Yankee raid- an A^fc. A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A. A^A A^A A^-i^k A^k .A v^y Vj||r T^T T^T GIRLS and LADIES MAKE HOOTON'S STORE YOUR STORE. Always the newest and best in Dry Goods, Millinery and Suits Hooton's Ladies Store & Millinery Parlor Tplenhnne 83-J Bambersr. S. C. " I f - Iff V ?" * That knock out blow, when "Mr. Out-of3m home interests. Are we in training for sts of the entire country are one. It is all neighbors, our town and our neighboring v is ourselves?all of us, welded together in? And when ? It all depends on us. If we me as one man, then we are in good training h rt the ring side. We are in the fight. In \q interests, triumphant. Why Order Legal Blanks From the City when you can get them right here at home for the same money, less the postage? We have a full stock. HFRAin ROMT QTORF Ron.1L,? S f ULllUXLtlS AIVV11 U A Villi; 1/IUUUV1 ^ VI V* THE WAY TO STOP sore eyes is to apply intelligent treatment?a pair of green eye glasses and a bottle of MACK'S EYE DROPS will be found very helpful in bringing about relief from such conditions. The two articles for 50 cents. MACK'S DRUG STORE. Manufacturers of MAXTONE, BAMBERG, S. C. fc. A A A^A aA AA AA AA A A r ta" A 6 a a aT TaT tat aTtat ta" aT s. Great R The feeling in the United States ? jainst England was at that time Dewej, discussir lite bitter. Napoleon's landing at Shagerrak, sai ;. Helena followed the battle of New ^unc^eonrleans only about seven months and "A naval officer l? downfall of the revolutionary be veiT quick witt? onarch aroused a deep sympathy In fact 8 must Toughout this country. F??fliteS'-o _ Ham Footlites But the actual grounds for the be- Qf hig sea.going 3 rf in the existence of a rescue par- about lQve whiJe u and rescue plans in the United ed and heayed gpl ates rested upon the movements of wave being a gup( 3n. Lallamand and his associates. canvas. is devotion to the emperor was loy- "But the waves and persistent. He had tried to there threadbare, company Mm to St. Helena, and wave ripped and i en escaped to this country. in the midst of th Many French refugees had landed stared around in b( this country and our government "Ham Footlites anted them 100,000 acres on the ence's titters with inks of the Tombigby river, but ?'Man overboai ey sold this land and settled on stentorian tones, e Trinity river in Texas, nearer the "Then the sup< a. All the circumstances indicate draw back his heat at it was not the intention of Lai- jn the wave, disapp mand and his followers to found lites heaved a stor i agricultural rnlnnw hut tn unite << ?ir4/?*in ?"w ? - y ? w " ~ ? niiuinci uviiu out 1,000 old soldiers for the de- m0rseless sea, ala 'erance of the great prisoner. Prep- Roanoke Times. ations for the enterprise were near g completion when the news arriv- At birth the pul: of the emperor's death.?News fant beats 136 tir id Courier. the age of thirty, ' k. A^A A^A A^fc. A^A A^A A^A A. A^A A^A A^A A^fc. i^k riyn^rl^rT^rT^f^^yi^rl^f f^rT^rT^r^y ly Our Fall Goods f T I are now arriving, and we shall be J glad for you to call and inspect them. J We especially call your attention to J our line of Hats, Shoes, Clothing, J etc. Don't forget that we also carry a J complete line of groceries. We ask ^ you to give us a call before buying, J as we are in a position to give you t close prices in bulk. ^ Remember it is now time to plant t a Rutabagas and Turnips. We have a t fresh supply of seed. Come get J them. X ' t R C FOLK ! Satisfied with small profits. y We Can Beat the f | Mail Order Houses f 1 11 We have been acknowledged as Lead- ?source. Here's a Big Idea. ig the naval battle Some time ago, says the Christian I at a Washington Endeavor World, Mrs. Brown called at the home of Mrs. Jones to talk , to succeed, must over the fashions and things, and id and resourceful, somewhere about sixty-fifth lap of be like Hamilton the conversation the caller referred to the young daughter of the hostess, leaned on the rail "By the way, dear," remarked Mrs. racht soliloquizing Brown inquisitively, "where is Minle blue waves roll- I haven't seen her for an age." endidly, each blue "Minnie is at college," proudly reir under a roll of sponded the fond mother, and then added, "and I am so worried about were here and her. I haven't had a letter for nearand suddenly a ly two weeks." i head bobbed up "There is where you make a mise heaving sea and take," was the prompt rejoinder of iwildering fashion. Mrs. Brown. "Instead of letting her silenced the audi- g0 t0 college why d?11'1 y?u send her one stern glance. !t0 0I?e of those correspondence d!' he yelled jn | schools?"'?Kansas City Star. . Sad Case. sr, managing to 1 through the hole eared Ham Foot- "r certainly do feel sorry for Mrs. my sigh. Doppel." a seized by the re- "Why so?" is!' he said."? "She patronizes Mrs. Dubson whenever she gets a chance, but Mrs. Dub** * ? son is blissfully unconscious of it, so se of a normal mnes a minute; at it's no satisfaction to her at all." 70 times. ?Judge. \