The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, November 23, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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1^ I *% ^ u??f v 1 YoU can "with I EVERYBO I You can take out membersl I lc CLUB 1 1 PAYMENTS 1 1 1st Week lc 1st' 2nd Week .. .. 2c 2nd I 3rd Week .. .. 3c 3rd 9 Increase Every Week Incre; fi by 1 cent 8 Total in 50 Weeks Tota I $12.75 being violated in Bamberg or not, J but in times past we have seen cap j pistols in plentiful evidence. Every j year, during Christmas tmes, many i lives are lost all over the country j from playing with cap pistols. We i hope none will be on sale in Bamberg this year. Powder burns from j cap pistols frequently cause tetanus j to set in, and, in most cases, this proves fatal. The law is a good one and should be enforced to the letter. It's easy for a man to get married if he doesn't want to. j |P| V r A M I ' IS I \-//~\ I N W dps for your family and your WHAT >C CLUB 5c CLU "AYMENTS PAYMENTS Week 2c 1st Week .. Week .. .. 4c 2nd Week.. Week .. .. 6c 3rd Week .. ase Every Week Increase Every by 2 cents by 5 cents 1 in 50 Weeks Total in 50 W ?25.50 $63.7! IGIN WITH THE LAR< Reasons for the CI of moderate and even small m " to those who have never lei Ips and dimes, often foolishly tune. Start your fortune tod; on and show you how our Ban * AY 4 PER CEN OPLES Guardsmen Well Drilled. i ? T? Washington, inov iy.?iu ?eu m-i formed quarters here the impression j is that as a general thing the State | troops which are held longest on the Mexican border are those which arei most in need of training. This is interesting and gratifying j in connection with complaints which are being made to the war depart- j ment that the South Carolina troops j included in the return order of a few : Says ago were being sent home ahead 3f troops from elsewhere which had been on the border longer. The circumstances testify eloquently to the efficiency of the Palmetto State soldiers. Some people think anything tiresome that is a duty. Ii Carlyle Blackwell i I "THE SHADOW j I OF DOUBT" f SHANNON FIFE A nodern Photoplay of Startling and daring originality I Thielen Theatre H Friday, November 25th OIN?Men and friends. An employi THE. Dirr trttlN l B IOC CLUB 5 PAYMENTS .... 5c 1st Week .... 10c .. 10c 2nd Week.... 20c .. 15c 3rd Week .... 30c Week Increase Every Week by 10 cents eeks Total in 50 Weeks 5 $127.50 3EST PAYMENT FIRi ub ~~ _ leans to bank their money, irned it. ' spent grow into dollars; *v. k can be of service to vou. ?. i T. INTEREST IN A % T 1 i BAN I ?NO Individual you can Trustee is not likely to d throw the affairs of your cause your heirs a heavy The Bamberg Banking G or Trustee you secure a i terrupted'by death.? BAMBERG BAN! Bambei SLACK DRUG CO.LANDS BIG DEAL . Just as we have gotten the best of j everything going, we are proud to: announce to our friends the fact that J we are still doing so. The Premier j Tonic, .Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, re- j ferred to in last week's paper, was j -? ? T-V ITT brought to our city by iMr. n. w. i Rhodes and we wish to say that we have secured the controlling sale on these goods. We wish to tell the people of Bamberg, who may be in- j terested in this great remedy that it is for sale in our drug store and in our store alone for this and surrounding territory. It affords us j great pleasure to boast of the fact that we control this remedy as we have every reason to believe that it will become the remedy of the times, for in the territory in which it originated for thirty-two years it has; been looked u#on as a God-send to j suffering humanity. However, like every other line which has met with ; phenominal success and gained some-! what of an enviable reputation, it j I YOU CAN Bf I The . I To provide a way for those I To teach 4 4the saving habit 1 It makes your pennies, nick I dollars grow into a fori I To give you a Bank connecti " I WE F I PEi Gib? Itunberg Ifmlb ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. 1 ============ j Thursday, Nov. 23, lyio.j1 The number 13 certainly must bel1 President Wilson's good omen, as . well as being a bad one for his opponent in the recent election. Mr. ' Hughes was the thirteenth man to . vote at his box on election day, and California's thirteen electoral votes turned the tide of the election in ^ President Wilson's favor. The words "Woodrow Wilson" contain just thir- , teen letters, and by giving Mr. ( Hughes only one given name, the same style as the president wears his, "Charles Hughes," contains thirteen i letters. Section 512 of the penal code of South Carolina says that "It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporatiorf in this State to sell, keep for sale or offer for sale or give away anytoy pistol in which caps or cartridges are used, or any caps or cartridges for such pistols used. Every firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not exceeding $100 or imprisoned, in case of an individual, for a term not to exceed 30 days." This act was passed in 1903.?Columbia Record. We don't know whether this law is j>jpN PI A I 1 ft?# % I The Plan is Simple: Yo increase your deposit the san tain amount, 50c, $1.00, $5.00, week. H Look at the different Clul the lc, 2c, 5c, 10c, 50c, $1.00, with the first weekly paymei you a Christmas Banking Clr i Women, Boys and ;r can take out memberships CLUBS WILL PA) 50C CLUB $1.0 l> 1 VXIUYTC P A V JL -TX X. M. O _ 1st Week .. .. 50c 1st We 2nd Week.... 50c 2nd Wi 3rd Week .... 50c 3rd W< Deposit 50c Every Deposit J Week V Total in 50 Weeks Total in S25.00 SS 5T AND DECREASE For Old and Younj of their family into it. This and HAVE MONEY. May! them up in business or buy tl How often have you wis of banking your money. Yo take with YOUR children. OUR CHRISTM/ C, Bam name as your Executor or ie at a critical time and , j Estate into confusion and loss. When you appoint ompany as your Executor service that cannot be int KING COMPANY g, S. C. | too will be criticized by some of our chronic critics, and while some may criticize and scientists may theorize, investigation from a higher source of authority and research of chemistry show that those that have an absolute knowledge of material medicines have endorsed it as being the best balanced prescription on the market for the treatment of the blood j and organs of the stomach. We therefore recommend it as a tonic to any of our customers who may be suffering from nervous indigestion, chronic malaria, rheumatism, and other diseases arrising from an impure blood or inactive stomach, feelina sur3 that they will get the same results that thousands of other good j people have told us that they have experienced. During Mr. Rhodes's special advertising campaign for us,1 we will offer Mrs. .Toe Person's Remedy at $1.00 per bottle, three bottles for $2.50 and six bottles for $5.00. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. We stand all charges. Black's Drug Store, Bamberg, S. C. KING l S| OF THE CLU u begin with a certain amour le amount each week. Or, vc or any amount, and deposit 1 IOW TO JOIN is in table below and select tl $5.00, or any of the Clubs; tl it. We will make you a mem ib Book showing the Club yo Girls, Little Child: for his employes. W r you >0 CLUB $5.00 CLU: MEXTS PAYMENTS iek .. $1.00 1st Week .. $5. sek.. $1.00 2nd Week.. $5. iek .. $1.00 3rd Week .. $5. 51.00 Every Deposit $5.00 Evei tfeek Week 50 Weeks /Total in 50 Weeks 10.00 $250.00 YOUR PAYMENTS E/ j .The sensible thing for all p 2: Christmas Banking Club ar will teach them the value of >e this little start you give the lem a home. shed that your parents had ta u would be well-off today. D \S BANKING C berg, S. MMMW???I Putting money sowing seeds fof 4 Per Cent. Interest Pa: CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Bamberg B NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All creditors having claims against the estate of C. W. Bessinger, deceased. will file the same with the undersigned administratrix of said i estate, properly itemized and veri- j fied; and all persons indebted to said [ estate will make payment to said ad- ' ministratrix MRS. JOSIE BESSINGER, Admx Estate C. W. Bessinger. Govan, S. C., Nov. 20th, 1916, 3t. i / t All creditors having claims against the estate of C. E. Kinsey, deceased, will file the same with the undersigned administrator of said estate, properly itemized and verified, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to said administrator. J. C. KINARD, Administrator Estate of C. E. Kinsey. Ehrhardt, S. C., Nov. 21st, 1916. 3 / ' - - jUB IB / it, lc, 2c, 5c, or 10c, and m can begin with a certhe same amount each s~ le one you wish to join, len come to our Bank her of the Club and give u have joined. ren, The Baby e will welcome everyone. / B X CLUB> / 00 r0E . j r\r\ i uu / oo $2, S3, $4 $10 5 Or Any Amount KCH WEEK / arents to do is to join our id also put every member monev and how to bank mi now may some day set / * y ught you early the value 'on't make the same misLUB c I in the bank is 1 future reaping. id on Savings Deposits. 3 $100,000.00 anking Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.