The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, September 28, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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\ . - ol^^yj^S^jy^^ij^jy^nMnMnMniWwWWnSfl m^Xf M ^^^^k ^B* fw nt-kt nine year: W* v S? hundreds with these suits for m please you. Get one and be @ appearance. We have them in [3y * , ^ ' COATS?There has never bee " ml outlook for coats has been bri| many and varied. We can giv , \ .XET you want, either long, short or ^8 your coat at Hooton's you don' V>'s A 'thing that will do just as we w /want, but one to suit your indi t, , DRESSES?Of course you v f a? question is, had you rather get mL . ' . to-wear or the material. Com< ? is up to you. ,We have the mat* P A Come get either, we can. please v^"> A WAISTS?If you have not de r' \ style you want, come and look < , v 5? that assortment we think you < W ' DRESS GOODS?If you do y V 8 the selection in piece goods yc ^8 you better. STT/KS?Come and look our shades and the prices in accor< Come to Hooton's whenever ; - '* Miss Ackerman, are constantly IE A I 1' '' ' PERSONAL MENTION. y 1 . f - People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. v / s ?Mr. Cliff Langford, of Columbia, spent Tuesday in the city. ?Mr. Francis M. Bamberg left for Sewanee university, Tennes* V* ft r * i see. ?Miss Virginia Folk left last week p . for Greenwood to enter Lander col lege. . ?Miss Minnie Lee Ayer left last ^ week for Blenhiem to teach this ses- 1 . sion. . % : y . ?Mrs. A. McB. Speaks left Mon- i "i*V- day night for Atlanta to replenish her r stock of goods. y Mrs. J. E. Felder and little J' daughter, spent yesterday jfh the city " . with relatives. > ; x ?Miss Bertha Gray, who has been ? spending some time in Charleston, ; j " has returned to the city. ?Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Delk have re-1 I turned to the city from Greenville, . h ? - where they visited relatives. j "* i. I* ?Miss Ethel Black has gone to; j* Varnville, where she is teaching in; | the graded school this term. ?Miss Laura McMillan and Mrs., W. F. Helms, of Atlanta, have been visiting relatives in Walterboro. l ?Mr. and Mrs. Bessinger, of Olar,! spent Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. Mobley.?Barnwell Sentinel. ?Messrs. Earl Cain and Robert ^ Lee Zeigler, of Denmark, were visit-1 ors here last week.?Barnwell PeoW-' pie. / ?Messrs. G. Frank Bamberg, Henjf ry Bamberg, J. Frank Brabham, and i H. F. Spann left Tuesday for a deer; hunt at Jacksonboro. > I y ?Miss Reba Smoak has returned to her home in Columbia after a most pleasant visit to her cousin, Miss Inez4 Sandifer, of Den-mark.?The State. ! ?Mr. Norman Kirsch, who has been spending several months in the J\ mountains of North Carolina for his health, returned to the city this week, j v ! ?Mr. H. L. Hinnant returned to the city Sunday night from Chester, where he went ast week on ac^ count of the illness and subsequent; aeatn or nis tatner, mt. yv. i. 11mnant. '$ - ' ? ?Lieut. D. Graham Copeland, of > v the U. S. Naval station at Guantanai mo, Cuba, is spending some time in the city visiting relatives. This is ^ v Lieut. Copeland's first visit to the city in several years. a v < "V \ ;A\*' ' . - . . . ^ II We are better preps r a Silks. It has always ? best to place for you | @ you to come and brii V 1 ^ ?00('s ^Suit ^ r?A t rr CT'ITC Tha atro hfl QA Will X uv UQU \ A ladies' wardrobe is never comi A Realizing this, we have prepar 3ET We are- showing the famous they need no introduction. We I'sLadi THE ^ S IN BUSINES / !! .1 ired today to till the wa been our object to give tr inspection and selecti ng your daughters and : : Department ? is arrived when a >lete without a suit. MSfivZz ed for the Remand. . Dannenberg Suits; 18; j have been pleasing iS years, and \#e can ?j satisfied with your sizes 14 to 44. J?5?= in a season when the /^Pl ?hter, the styles are ' e you just the kind medium. If you get t have to get some: /iBfep ill as the kind you llllfeS vidual taste. rear them, then the SI* one of those readye to Hootons and it, ^ 7/7 A trials or the dresses. Wgw/M^' you. [If'lsf cided on the kind or . MM >urs over. We have twelve dozen n can find many to please you. our own sewing, it is useless to get 1 ?u will find at Hooton's. Come and line of Silks and Satins over. We ha ? lance with the quality, pou can, and we will show you some developing new things in Millinery \ -100TC ?Dr. J. M. Love, who has beei spending the past several months ii North Carolina, has returned to th< city and reopened his veterinary sur geon's office here.' ?Mr. R. L. Meriwether, of Allen dale, is teaching history in the higl school at Selma, Ala., this term. Mr Meriwether is pleasantly rememberec in Bamberg, having' taught at Car isle a few years ago. ?Mrs. L. G. Jackson, of Charles ton, accompanied by her sister, Mrs J. M. Smith, Jr., of Bambeiy, has been visiting relatives in Walierboro They returned to Bamberg this morn ing.-^Walterboro Press and Stand ard; , , ?Mr. Clarence Black and Mrsu J B. Black returned from Charlestoi Tuesday night, Nwhere they spent * few days at the bedside of Dr. J. B Black. Dr. Robert Black returnee Monday night from a visit to hi! father.. Boston $1 pencil, sharpners a Herald Book Store. n * I The Guardian I | Of Salt Lai Capital Stock, $2(19,250. ^ Is licensed in So I one or more age Is writing a gen business, includii churches, meres ards and cotton better class of COTTC Parties desiring write the local Ispect and write s. w. cc Local Agent N. B. We maim partment (Licer excess lines wit! v \ -V ' > f ' '' - ;-,;v &@@??@?@??@????? es Store (EW THINI S. AND OUR FAL iiits of the ladies and girls th those who wish to shop in Be on the largest line of Exclusi friends. If we do not please y< ew ones to arrive this week. From the ready-to-wear, when you can get decide for yourself which will pay ive either in a varied assortment of thing different. Miss Rutledge and . We invite yoiv to come. )N, Phone ? m m _ _ ^ i Gold and Silver in South Carolina. i ? a In 1915 there were produced in South Carolina 183.29 ounces of gold A. and 8 ounces of silver, whose total value was $3,793. The placer mines X produced 11.29 ounces of gold and 't 1 the deep mines 171.30 ounces of gold ^ ' and all the silver. The average yield ^ of the siliceous gold ores and aurifer- A ous pyrite mined in 1915 was 70 ^ cents a ton. The gold quartz ores 2 yielded approximately $15 a ton.' * This is the smallest production re- ,Y 3 corded for South Carolina since 1905. j ^ The Battle of Agineourt. 2 The battle of Agineourt was one y .! of the most remarkable military feats ; 1! in history. To 60,000 Frenchmen!^ i Henry V could oppose only 9,000 ^ . Englishmen, yet within a few flours X i his army killed 10,000 of the enemy 3 and captured 14,000, including the ^ E$uke of Orleans and Bourbon and ^ 7,000 "barons, knights and gentlet men." The English losses were 1,- ^ 600.?London Chronicle. Jt 1 * 'ire Insurance Co. 11 Ice City, Utah. I;A Surplus over Capital, $206,000. 1j uth Carolina and has I H! mt.s in every county. I | | j leral classification of H Y lg dwellings, schools, H intiles, special haz^ H ^ Specializes in the H > N GINS lj| Insurance should & Agent, who will in- H if desirable. ^ )PELAND 11 ??Hf .c n I 1 .ill i IU> v?vy v^? w? h tain a Brokerage De- I H ised) and can place I H ^ ??J| % *:< 4 - _ * ??????????- m ? ????? &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and Millinery Pari or i GS ARE SHOWN FIRST j I OPENING THE GREATEST ONE YET | tan ever before, in Hats, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Dress Goods, and imberg a better selection every year, This year we have done our X \ ve Ladies' Furnishings ever shown in Bamberg county. We invite A ou in quality, style and price, we had rather not have your business. @ KJf mm?(?mmwm^M hhmbmmmmmmmm^mm wbbhhmhbbh^warnmmmmm^mmmh MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. | gl "? M a : *?as ^ ever occurre(I to y?u that it takes time, JV - troable, work and worry to prepare for an Opening? n ?. ' \ IrW Well it takes all of these. But experience has ; ;i \ IiOts.t / rWtaught us that there isn't a better way for the girls A \ \ \|PllfeSliML an(* la(*ies to see anc* &et in touch with the things jli \ \ * to be worn, and at the same time learn where those Sj jqIB \SSmt> things are had. Thats why we have an. Open- 8?-x . ! Ij i ' \ iWSl^B *ng* We liave been wel1 Pai(*'for the effort, nothing A 0^\}W 1 < \ proves it better than success. If you failed to at- A ? \ \ \* /i {'i\ ten(* tbe y?u missed the greatest one yet. ' / utBll -n 1)1 n laBP l[ ^ you were here and did not get waited on as X . :' k* ii / MnlW ?B?S^KJill promptly as we usually strive to serve you, we ask Sg \M/h TuTt" 1"- flKf8S|M *hat you overlook that, for even with .extra help, Si / ' ^Qpp 85W6 cou*d not give tbe serv*ce we usually strive to jfl| \ \jP?j^fgr~ iWe have Just begun, for now we are in better A ^<r 3 COPY"G><TtP / \ Ul position to know just what you want, and it'is here, X jS SB i i=\ jff J in a varied assortment. We invite you to come and let us show you* ' * mm MM SHAPES?We have many new ones for y?ur in" @ ,'pv| the Opening, and will continue to come, so you may come here expecting new styles each time you ^ come. OS '-419 OH TRDIMINGS?These we are showing in a large assortment, and invite your inspection. We have any kind that is even considered good this season. SPECIAL ORDERS?If you wish something hand made, come and see Miss Rutledge, she will please IBS you, if it's a Hat. jSpS VELVETS?These we have in an assortment of both quality and price. If you need anything of , this kind let us show you. . . 2l}|'v KNIT HOODS?These we have for the girls and ladies, with scarfs to match. Get one while you can. 2? ! 83-J, Bamberg, S. C. | | - -V'isaiaH iir a tpii no rnnnrl WAlUlUdMUWjf Condensed Statement of the Peoples Bank, Bamberg, 1 S. C., at the close of business, September twenty- | seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen | RESOURCES LIABILITIES . Loans and discounts $198,595.86 Capital stock...: $ 25,000.00 % % Overdrafts 2,462.10 Surplus and profits 14,078. ^1 ^f?|f Bt^!TOU!e. 1 ^ 5,998.84 ? 208,564,68 |t| Cash-in Banks 70,586.09 Bills payable 30,000.00 i v|| Total $277,642.89 Total $277,642.89 ' X'-fl H. C. FOLK, A.M.DENBOW, C. E. BLACK, f ;?| President Cashier Asst. Cashier V,-. . T '-J TV-1 Before me came A. M. Denbow, cashier of the above named ^ ... ^ UamL- wrliA Kairtflr rlnlv sworn SBVS that the above and foregoing X WOllAj TW 11V MVlllg J ~ 4 - t . statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books Jtv of said bank. A. M. DENBOW, Cashier. ? Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of Septem- > ber 1916. J. D. COPELAND, JR., % J Notary Public. V ^ I ? ~ I We Solicit Both Savings & Active Accounts | yy44 % "y "y "y "y "y "^" "0" y^y "^" Ty Qy y y ^ ^ y iy * / r ' * ' > * * j . . ' " . t .