The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, August 10, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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PERSONAL MENTION. People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. . _______ ?Mrs. E. V. Camp, of Bartow, ^ Fla., is visiting relatives at Cope. ?Miss Mary Livingston is visiting relatives and friends at North. ?Mr. Willie Carter, of Augusta, is visiting his parents near Ehrhardt. ?Mr. Walter Curry is visiting relatives and friends at Hawkinsville, Ga. ?Mrs. Harvey, of Williston, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Newt som. ?Mrs. J. J. Brabham, Jr., and children are visiting relatives at Olar. ?Col. and Mrs. W. A. Klauber spent Monday with relatives at St. George. ?Mr. Homer Peeples, of Savan nah, Ga., is ^siting his aunt, Mrs. C. / P. Hooton. ?Misses Kate Felder and Lalla Byrd are spending a few weeks at Tryon, N. C. '?Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brickie and Mrs. M. R. Brickie spent Sunday in V Branchville. ?Mrs. A. W. Knight left Monday morning for Newberry, where she will ^ visit relatives. t' \ / ?Miss Genevieve Kirsch is spend. ing some time in Charleston and on Sullivan's Island. ' '.r ?Mrs. *L. O. Mitchell, of Denmark, spent Sunday in the city at the home of Mr. B. F. Free. \ ?Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black reI yumed to the city Saturday from w "Waynesville, N. C. I f ?Mr. R. L. Zeigler, of Denmark, I fcpent Sunday in the city "with his I Bister, Mrs. J. A. Byrd. ^ ?Mr. Frank Ayer, after a brief visit to relatives in the city, has reI turned to Petersburg, Va. Mm ?Miss Dorothy Adams returned HB home Monday after spending some l time on the Isle of Palms. ^ ?Mr. R. B. Still and Master v Redick Still are spending this week I v' < with relatives at Blackville. f. ?Mrs. E. H. Henderson left last ' v week for the mountains of North ^ A. / Carolina to spend a few weeks. . / ?Mr. and Mrs. J. W. * Stokes and * , Master Wesley Stokes are spending a few weeks at Glenn Springs. U , ?Miss Julia Kibler, of Newberry, jr who h^s been visiting Mrs. F. C. Ayer, has returned to her home. ?Mr. Levi Folk, of Furman, epent several days in the city last week with his brother, Mr. B. F. Folk. i * ?Mrs. L. E. Livingston has re* - v < turned to the city from Asheville, N. C., where she spent a few weeks. ?Mrs. C. R. Brabham, Jr., ana children are visiting the family of Dr. V. W. Brabham in Orangeburg." * ?Messrs. Drayton McMillan and Belton Hair are spending a week or two on Yonge's and Sullivan's Island. ?Mr. W. E. Spann and family have returned to the city from Glenn | ^ Springs, where they spent some time. ?Miss Bessie Watson-is visiting Miss Elizabeth Glaze on Whitman street.?Orangeburg Times and Democrat. ?Mi6s Marion Simmons, of Black, , ville, is spending some time in the city with her sister, Mrs. G. 0. Simmons. 't ?Miss Lois Wannamaker, of Orangeburg, has returned to her home after visiting Miss Mary Williams.; ?Mr. H. C. Folk returned Tuesday morning from Waynesvilie, N. - Vlift u., wnere ne spem, a. wec& v>nu mo family. ?Mrs. R. M. Bruce and children have returned to the city from Branchville, where they spent several L' weeks. : ?Dr. Robert Black and family have returned to the city from Beaufort, where they visited relatives and V friends. ?Mr. N. P. Smoak returned to the city Tuesday morning from Glenn Springs, where he spent a week or ten days. \ ?Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chandler and children have returned to the city from points in Georgia, where they visited relatives. ?Miss Kate Simmons has returned to her home at Gainesville, Ga., after spending some time in the city with Mrs. M. L. Johns. ?Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rizer and family and Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Hartzog, of Olar, left last week for Glenn Springs to spend some time. ?Mrs. Francis Folk has returned to the city from Turbeville, where ? she spent several weeks with hei daughter, Mrs. P. K. Rhoad. ?Mrs. R. M. Hitt and childrer have returned to the city from MeCormick county, where they spent several weeks with relatives. * j ?Mrs. T. R. Smith, of Raymond and Mrs. G. P. Rice and Miss Stovall of Kershaw, have been visiting at th< home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rice. * -. - -^ , . > ' ?Miss Bettie Steedly is visiting relatives at Hunter's Chapel. ?Miss Wilson, of Georgetown, visited friends in the city this week. ?Mr. Robt. Black, of Athens, Ga., spent several days this and last week in the city with friends. ?The Misses Bennett, and Miss Grace Moore, of Holly Hill, spent Tuesday in the city with Mrs. J. P. Griffin. ?Mr. W. Max Walker, the popular and efficient cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, of Ehrhardt, sDent to-dav (Wednesday) in the city. ?Misses Aegina and Mildred Knight and Master Wilkes Knighi have returned to the city from- Manning, where they have been visiting relatives. ?Miss Inez Sandifer returned to her home at Denmark Sunday afternoon after a pleasant visit to her cousins, Misses Anna Morgan and Celestial Davis, at Orangeburg. ?Privates W. E. Hutto and DeWitt Smoak, who have been in camp with the national guard at Styx for several weeks, spent Monday in the city at their respective homes. ?Misses Alien Hammond, of Spartanburg, Annie Louise Asbell, of Ellenton, and Montine Greer, of North, who have been visiting Miss Carey Graham, returned to their, respective homes this week. . ?Misses Ruth Hodges, of Brownsville, Nell Peterkin, of Fort Motte, Kate Breedin, of Bennettsville and Ethel Reeves, of Cottageville, who have been spending some time in the city with Miss Nell Black, have A 3 x? ? nnnnnnfifra llrtmOO returned t-u men uvuuvu. ?Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Folk, Mrs. R. B. Still, Mr. H. N. Folk, Sr., and Mr. ai d Mrs. J. C. Guilds left last week for Waynesville, N. C., to spend some time. Messrs. H. N. Folk and H. N. Folk, Sr., returned Tuesday morning. ?Chris Folk, of Denmark, was in the city yesterday. He and Mrs. Folk and three of their six boys came through in their touring car to visit his brother," Dr. J. Wm. Folk, and other relatives in this section of the State. Mr. and Mrs. Folk have nine children?six boys and three girls? most of them grown. He is a former Newberrian.?Newberry Observer. UNION MAN'S BODY /FOUND. Pettus Lancaster Disappeared Two Weeks Ago. Union, August 5.?The dead body of Pettus Lancaster, the young man who disappeared in the West Springs neighborhood two weeks ago last Tuesday, was discovered this morning about 9 o'clock in an abandoned gold mine shaft in the West Springs neighborhood. The shaft is 35 feet deep. The water was pumped out of this shaft and it was examined thoroughly by the searching party more than two weeks ago. It is now believed by many that the body was placed in this shaft after foul pfay. Young Lancaster disappeared on the afternoon or night of the violent storm which ushered in the recent flood. He was journeying on foot from Glenn Springs and returning to his father's home when last seen and it was supposed that in the storm he lost his way and fell into one of these mines, there being a number of them, in this section of the country. His hat was found near the bank of the creek which was swollen far beyond its bounds. Sheriff Fant andi the coroner are on their way now to West Springs to make a thorough investigation. The funeral and burial will be held at Sulphur Sr rings Baptist church late this afternoon. The Kaiser's Father. Whenever any indisposition of the kaiser is announced the recollection of the malady of his father is naturally recalled. It was in May, 1887, that the three German physicians, Gerhardt, Bergmann and Tobold, declared that the Crown Prince Frederick had cancer of the larynx. Dr. Morell Mackenzie, the celebrated i English laryngologist, denied the presence of a cancer, and proposed to ' charge himself with the treatment of the prince. The Crown Princess Vic tor, daughter of Queen Victoria, de cided that her husband should folio? . the advice of her countryman. The princess and her husband established themselves for a time at San Remo. It soon appeared that ' the German doctors were right in their diagnosis. The cancer could no longer be denied. Prince Fred. erick refused to allow himself to be operated upon. In the meantime the . old Emperor William died and the prince returned to Berlin, where he [ became Frederic III. ; On the 5th of June, a year after the . first serious attack of the disease, Emperor Frederic succumbed. Dr. "* r ? -1? J- AT JaaIO./MI f V>ot ho had .UciCKeiizit; iiitiLi ucuaicu tnut u?u 1 dissimulated as to tne cencerous nature of the disease "through motives ' of humanity," and wrote a pamphlet justifying his course. Frederic, in , 1887, at the time of his death, was , 57 years old. The kaiser William II ; attained that age on the 27th of last January.?Indianapolis News. - CANDIDATES' CARDS ^ The rates for cards inserted under this head are as follows: For magis- j trate, coroner, cotton weigher and; county commissioner, $3.00; for all! other county offices, $5.00; for con-1 [ gress and all State offices, $10.00. ! Checks must accompany card. Please j J do not ask that we insert your card l unless von senri rherk or rash alone THOS. B. FELDER STABBED. Doorkeeper of Georgia Legislature Charged With Ciime. Atlanta, August 3.?Thomas B Felder, prominent member of the Atlanta bar, and well known for the part he took in the South Carolina dispensary cases several years ago was stabbed and seriously injured here tonight. G. K. Vasson, of Easl Point, Ga., doorkeeper of the lower house of the Georgia general assembly, was arrested, charged with the stabbing, which took place in the lobby of the Kimball house in the presence of scores of legislators. II was said by legislators that the affair grew out of Felder's recent efforts before a committee of the house to defeat a bill by which the city ol Savannah charter would be amended to permit vote on recall of city officials. Felder, representing certain prohibition elements, claimed the recall of Mayor Pierpont, of Savannah, was sought by those favoring the bill The attorney and house committeemen recently exchanged hot words over the bill, which was tabled today, but Vasson declined to explain his interest in the affair, merely is= suing a statement saying he was not the agressor in the altercation which preceded the stabbing. Witnesses said, according to the police, that reider and Vasson exchanged words over the tabling of the bill. Felder was stabbed in the abdomen. At a local hospital it was said the wound was not necessarily fatal. CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGNS. A Trade Paper's Advice to Cities o1 the South. The city administration of Baltimore has started out to "make Baltimore the cleanest and most healthful city in the United States." A specia committee on plan and management which includes in its membership the mayor, the health commissioner and the commissioner of street cleaning has compiled a pamphlet of suggestions to citizens, householders, factory owners and others, the list comprising a number of fundamental requirements for effecting sanitary conditions in the home, the premises 4-V.^. nl.nnf ftnd fViQ nrftrlreVlrtTl T'n DC? IUC oil CCL aiiu IUC n vinouuy. jl uwuv pamphlets are for gratuitous and widespread distribution and are intended to secure the citizens' cooperation with the health authorities ir their efforts to eliminate unsanitarj conditions. -- This is a work that other cities and even villages, everywhere, and particularly throughout the South should vigorously undertake. While the South has been the leader ir many sanitary movements?Asheville, N. C., originated the anti-fl*} orusade, for instance; Southern physicians cleared this country and substantially the entire world of the yellow fever scourge, and New Orleans and the State of Louisiana have ? stricter observance of sanitary laws than almost any other community ii this c intry?yet the longer summei season of the South subjects the section to greater danger from unsanitary conditions than is encountered further norxh. Disease finds a prolific breeding place in dirt, in filth and in fqul air Sunshine, pure air and diligent scrub bing of everything on which dirt has Sound lodgment are the prime min< isters of health. Cleanliness, univer sal, omnipresent and eternal?clean< liness of person, of clothing, of bed ding, and of every nook and crannj of the home place, front and back upstairs and downstairs, and into the cellar, and everywhere around aboui the yard?will do more to ward of disease and keep the family in healtl than all the remedies in the pharma copeia. But all home cleanliness wil be minimized in. its value if officials permit dirty, unpaved streets anc other unsanitary conditions to pre vail. It is to be hoped that Baltimore will do a thorough job, and that the example may spread until all over the land cleanliness may indeed be en throned alongside of Godliness. v | It will then be a much pleasantei j world for those who survive, and th< number of survivors, especially among the infant class?the helpless ! and preponderating victims of the un sanitary state?will be immeasurably increased.?Manufacturers' Record. Pea Soup. A congressmr received almos daily letters from a constituent ask ing for garden seed, with emphasi* on peas. The demand for peas go so heavy that the congressman wai tn writp this letter: "I am sending you half a dozei more packages of peas as requested Say, what are you trying to do dowi ! there, plant the whole State ii peas?" The re?ly came a few days later It read: "No; I'm not planting them, bu they make bully soup. Send aloni some more." with same. All cards will be pubj lished until the primaries. CONGRESS. I desire to announce to the people of the Second Congressional district that I am a candidate for the national Hou^e of Representatives. I will give my best services if elected and will at all times be faithful to the interests of my people. I respectfully ask your support. ALVIN ETHEREDGE. I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection as Representative in Congress from the Second District of South Carolina, pledging myself to abide by the rules of the primary and to support the nominees thereof. JAMES F. BYRNES. [ SOLICITOR. ) I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Solicitor of the 5 Second Judicial Circuit, and pledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic party and to support the 1 nominees thereof. R. L. GUNTER. CLERK OF COURT. " I hereby announce myself a candi5 date for the office of Clerk of Court . of Bamberg county, subject to the . rules of the Democratic .party. R. L. ZEIGLER. I I hereby announce myself a can5 didate for clerk of court of Bamberg county in the Democratic primary, and pledge myself to abide by the rules of the party. H. D. FREE. I hereby announce myself a canf didate for Clerk of Court of Bamberg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J. D. COPELAND, JR. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Clerk of Court of Baml jberg county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. A. L. KIRKLAXD. f \ T Ti omKir onriAnnOA TYITT jl iivi wj auuvuuv^c xxij cauuiuavyj I for the office of Clerk of Court of Bamberg county in the Democratic ' primary, subject to the rules of the party, pledging my support to the nominees thereof. J. Z. BROOKER. I have decided to become a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court , for'Bamberg county, and will appre? ciate the support of my friends i throughout the county for that position. : H. C. FOLK. I hereby announce myself a candil date for the office of Clerk of Court r of Bamberg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary, pledging my support to the nominees . of the party. J. S. J. FAUST. 1 PROBATE JUDGE. ______ i I nereby announce myself a candit date for the office of Probate Judge of Bamberg county, and pledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. ' R. S. SIMMONS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Judge of Pro5 bate of Bamberg county in the Demol cratic primary, subject to the rules 5 of the party. L FRANCIS F. CARROLL. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Probate Judge . of Bamberg county, subject to the , rules and regulations of the Democratic primary, and pledge myself to support the nominees thereof. R. P. BELLINGER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of 3 Probate Judge of Bamberg county, i. -e ii, ? r\?.?. ? - suujtjyu LU cue i uies ui LUB j-?emu. cratic party. G. P. HARMON. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Judge of Proi bate of Bamberg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party, pledging my support to the nominees 3 thereof. J. J. BRABHAM, JR. t f AUDITOR AND SUPT. EDUCATION. 1 I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Auditor and i Superintendent of Education of , Bamberg county, subject to the rules J of the Democratic party. 1 EDGAR PRICE. I hereby announce myself a candi-r a date for the office of Auditor and Su' perintendent of Education of Bam5 berg county, subject to the rules and 3 regulations of the Democratic pri. mary. G. W. FOLK, Clear Pond. SHERIFF, r t i 1 n a i utJieuy auuuuiiuu mjoeii a uauur 7 date for Sheriff of Bamberg County in the Democratic primary, subject 3 to the rules of the party, pledging my - support to the nominees thereof. j D. J. DELK. I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection to the office of Sheriff of Bamberg county in the Democratic primary, subject to the rules of the t party, pledging my support to the nominees thereof. S. G. RAY. s I hereby announce myself a candit date for the office oi Sheriff of Bams berg county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. J. P. O'QUINN. l STATE SENATE. l __ ! I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the State senate, subject to the rules and regula' tions of the Democratic party. T "R RT.APTT t I hereby announce myself as a can? didate to the State Senate from Bamv berg county, subject to the rules and t'fc a BEHIND THI mi ii | n 1 iii ir iittt sBl General Banl by Ample 4 Per Cent. Interest Pai CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Bamberg B - PERHAPS HE A When you made your intention of having it cai pressed it. But your ind: carry it out just as you a may side with some memb stretch a point here and t do these very things you don't know. You can't te H vou name a friend. But \ I executor you absolutely kr YOUR wishes without fe have expressed your wis! BAMBERG BAN] Bamber regulations of the Democratic party. B. W. MILEY. j HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. 1 I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection to the House of Representatives from Bamberg county, sub ject to the rules and regulations of ; the Democratic party. B. D. CARTER. ; COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner of Bamberg county in the Democratic primary, subject to the rules of the party. OTIS L. COPELAND. Thanking the voters of Bamberg county for their past support, I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of County Commissioner, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic < primary. tV. D. BESSINGER. I hereby announce myself a candi- ' date for the office of County Commissioner of Bamberg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. W. W. STEEDLEY. COTTON WEIGHER AT BAMBERG. I hereby announce myself a candi- , date for the office of Cotton Weigher at Bamberg, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. NEB CRIDER. Deeply appreciating the confidence of the voters in the past, I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection as Cotton weigher at Bamberg in the primary election, subject to , the rules of the party. F. E. STEEDLY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Cotton Weigher at Bamberg, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. JOHN H. PEARSON. EHRHARDT COTTON WEIGHER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Cotton Weigher at Ehrhardt, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. BRADLEY C. HIERS. - - ii? - ? ?. J: I hereby announce mysen a cauuidate for the office of Cotton Weigher at Ehrhardt, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. geo. f. mcmillan, jr. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cotton Weigher at Ehrhardt, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary, and pledge myself to support the nomi- ! boyce W. bishop. j magistrate at ehrhardt. I hereby announce myself a candiJ X AM A TO oric<4-??o+A of I uaie XUX' xcctcunuii as iuagistiat.c at Ehrhardt, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary, pledging myself to support the nominees thereof. J. H. KINARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at l - * >^5 $E BARS swYOUR ' VAIMB T WILL BE j KiBSOUM ISAFE i j ting Backed 1 Capital. . m ' v: wM d on Savings Deposits. ; $100,000.00 '-iS ankingCo. if 11 1AY BE WEAK. I 1 Will you made it with the - ;~ rried out just as you exividual Executor may not 1 '*4 vish. You are gone. He er of the family. He may mother there and he may ^ did not want done. You 11 what will happen when vhen you name us as your low that we will carry out ar or favor?just as you r ; les in your Will. s -ifS Mm KING COMPANY g, s. c. Ehrhardt, subject to the rules of tlie Democratic primary, pledging myself to support the nominees thereof. J. A. JOHNS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Ehrhardt in the Democratic primary, subject to the rules of the party, and t pledging my support to the nominees thereof. J. C. COPELAND. . /.J MAGISTRATE AT BAMBERG. ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Bamberg, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic pri-\ mary, and will appreciate any support given me by the voters. ? C- BRUCE. , I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Bamberg in the Democratic primary, subject to the rules of the party, pledging my support to the nominees thereof. E. DICKINSON. MAGISTRATE AT OLAR. I hereby announce my candidacy . for reelection to the office of Magis-trate at Olar in the Democratic primary, subject to the rules of -the party, promising to support the nominees thereof. 0. J. C. LAIN. COTTON WEIGHER AT OLAR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Cotton Weigher at Olar, S. C. I will appreciate the support of my friends and abide the result of the Democratic primary., ' D. J. TEMPLETON. IcrAcunpr I JLnjUUlVL EXCURSION VIA Southern Railway WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 16th S Extremely low round trip fares from Kamberg, S. C. Atlantic City, N. J. ..$15.45 Baltimore, Md 12.45 Norfolk, Va 9.95 Richmond, Va 9.95 Washington, D. C 10.45 Tickets will be sold for all trains Wednesday, August 1 fi wol r^f ni?r* limif lULll, Willi 1111 a. i l^iLiiix *i txx xv to reach original starting point prior to midnight of September 1st, 1916. > : For further information and tickets call on h. w. McMillan, Agent, Bamberg. .