The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, May 04, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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^^ ~X~xkk~K~K~K~K~K~K~* I Boys' Suits \ 4^ Y , Y A Suit for your boy just received. Blue I Serge, Brown or Grey. f T ^ Y X LOOK AT OUR LINE X i Y WE HAVE HIS SIZE. Y !\ > T 1 > | C R. Brabham s Sons BAMBERG, S. C. I % ? A itnnn tit irATTTt TP AII TIT I i KM I HbKt IN IUUK 1UHN I ^ A Select Line of ] Y 5c, lOc, and 25c Goods f Before you send to the mail order house, call and see our line X PRICE & JOHNSON | Thielen Theatre L_- A Same class of Pictures shown as in the & Yf leading Theatres all over the country. L i The Chinese Laundry V All Work Executed Neatly, Promptly, Satisfactorily, Right Don't send your laundry away. Have it laundered V better here at home. | Special For Two Weeks?Cash Only Y I Four-Suit Ticket, 75c; Six-Suit Ticket, $1.00; Straw jL I Hats Cleaned. 25c: Ladies' Coat Suits, 50c; fj Dresses, 35c; Skirts, 25c City Pressing Club Phone 82-L, D. P. MATH ENV, Prop. I % Mack's Drug Store t THE REXALL STORE T Whitman's and Norris' Candies, X Soda Water, Cigars, Eastman X Kodaks, Kodak Films, Etc. i V, Give us your orders for . w 4 Engraved Cards and Wedding Invitations J and keep your money at home. We have the same ^ prices as Charleston, Columbia, Richmond, Etc. T THE HERALD BOOK STORE | GIRLS and LADIES ;4> ^ MAKE HOOTON'S STORE I ? X YOUR STORE. j Always the newest and best in Dry i > Goods, Millinery and Suits X X Hooton's Ladies Store & Millinery Parlor Telephone 83-J Bamberg, 5. C.' ii tirf rn<\ti n i lliLi VVU 1 11 iwi must be figured on the WMa basis of miles traveled. | H I BRAENDER TIRES | AND TUBES ^ fl Y BRAENDfcR Bull Dog Sold and vi T? Non-Skid Guaranteed by I G- Ffank Bamberg j V Bamberg, S. C. > Tnii-Hirk ATt A^A A A^A J^A-A. A^A A^k A^A A^A A^Il . ivf y^y y^v AE Ty "y y ly1 & Safit-. :* I-^ sa f^TT^f f^T T^T T^r T^f f^T T^T :lub rates Vre Extended To You ^x. This is a plan clothes pressed ?^r?:^_ ^xSc^?r:=:=:^^zrz^^-^?^-\ a f a r?nct cnlnw well afford to rfi\ j?*n our army ^ ^ of satisfied cusPhone lis?We'll Explain Star Pressing Club I. M. Cope, Prop. >hone 98 Bamberg, S. C. f. . <4*? S EVERY dollar you send out of town flies away ^ nity. Spend it at home, with your home me: build up your interests. When you come to tl ?>i.i- \t7' ,? a ii. . 1t y\ ?..?i ^ i T^k^.11 ? "uonar wini wings ana me i-?t;vt;iupnjt;iii jl?uh< Far Distant City, the Big Metropolis, with its vi< velopment Dollar" goes to build up the Home Tov women. Then, let us make the dollars we spend "I for us and our neighbors and our children, makir more contented. Honey Saving Values AT KLAUBER'S 39c Fiber Hose, our price per pair /yr LdC $1.48 value Children's Dresses, our A A price, each fflltVU $1.48 value Silk Waists, our price, (f* A A ^l.UU $1.48 value Wash Skirts, our price, A A each /e guarantee to sell you at a lower paice than the mail order concerns CLAUBER'S "The Store of Quality" ^ ^f f^y f^y f^f T^y ^y f^? ?^? Before Buying your Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Collars, Shirts, Ties, etc., we ask you to come in ovk/3 oflfl onv> 1-ivm Wq oro nrvrxr ropDitrino CfcJLiU. OCC UUX IT V W1U 11V W i vv/vi i mg a shipment of slippers each week; therefore we are sure that we can fill your wants. Remember also, that we carry a Complete Line of Groceries and shall be glad to serve you in this line H. C. FOLK Satisfied with small profits. n. v * ' nth a value that rightfully belongs to your commurchant, where its value stays with you and helps to link of it, there are only two kinds of dollars?the . *. " T*li^ "TVnllov Tt-i + Vl YVMti o-o" QfOQC frt VkllllH 11 1"l t }l P 11 x lie JL/Uuai ? mi u 11150 5 voo tv w L4*iv% v?r v?w :e and crime and low wages and poverty. The "Dern. It helps build up a nation of real men and )evelopment Dollars," home-town builders, building lg our community more prosperous, more happy, For Values and Styles IN Ladies', Gents' and Qhnnc V/1U1UI Cll 9 U1IU Men's Straw Hats Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hosiery see RENTZ & FELDER Bamberg, S. C. J C There May Be | BIGGER shops than ours, <? Vnif noYio PPTTPP 4T* UUU uuug JLTiJ JL IJJiV. Your Patronage is Solicited 4 ???????? A. White Barbers Prompt Service Courteous Attention MACK'S BARBER SHOP X ' ; t Choice Meats I A I When you want a fine juicy cut for > breakfast, dinner, or supper > TELEPHONE'NO. 2 | Ws have it. & DELK'S MARKET t ICE TICKETS NOW ON SALE I 4 2 -4 X What You Eat... f j should be & %| PURE V li WHOLESOME V CLEAN V >21 t These are the kind of Groceries > we sell A f| W. P. HERNDON f 1 Phone 24 Bamberg, S. C. J J. BUIST BRICKLE ! I Bicycles, Guns, and Automobile Supplies V = GENERAL REPAIR SHOP | Key Fittings "j First-Class Workmen A All Work Guaranteed THE CASH STORE I f Fancy and Staple Groceries In order to increase cash sales I am ^51 going to offer 2 per cent, discount ^ for cash purchases across the coun- J ter, 1 per cent, on weekly settlements. This ought to meet the approval of all wide-awake buyers. yj|||j Courteous treatment to all patrons, whether large or small. THE CASH STORE if J I? C CTmfnVC Th-An JIL 'f -5^ Ail k7< iJAilU'liV/lliAf A. V|A< ' /VM Why send off for your XJ 5IJ r- ; JOB PRINTING f | when you can get just as good work *f right here at home for the same, if not less, money. Keep your money at home bv trading with .Bamberg J -J County industries and thereby help your neighbor and yourself. THE BAMBERG HERALD % 1 NEW ARRIVALS | New Parasols?Ladies1 and Ohil- ^ J dren's, 25c to $2.50. ' New Wash Skirts, including all the Jk new fabrics, $1.25 to $3.50. \M New Voiles Stripes and Floral de signs, dependable quality, 40 inches wide, 25c the yard. Come to us first and you will look 4^ no further. .! A 1 Y Y t ?il?.A TLah.A/1 ?t r1 A A La t erne liiuwas c: ui. i Telephone 41-J Bamberg, S. C I ^ -L? ?' AAAAAAAAAAAAA JL VVVV>nA^A^HfV V * ' --J ' -1 1 1 -~3- * - ? * - ?*' -