The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, February 10, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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?-?????? ?l 11 m r SS I VAT d\ I I 1WU u fig ine Dam ??j8| Progressiv gj Housewife Wj$* . The Bamher The Progres The Housewi ||g Regular pr ylSK The Progres they are in the will read andl QER' per aere, more |SK' ' and make a mo K The Progres ntvwR. tical household the South. Its -TTTi'vm/vn T?DQrloVQ ' > V VJJLlVJ-l JL VUUVJ. kJ *?? The Progres farm boys and fflK old.. In fact it ^ THE BEST 1 mm&t, < * We are happ ' 1 a clubbing arr; have The Hous The stories a appeal to and ] " and interest-he Particular ai R ' sonable, sensih particular inte: The Housew scription price Bnsners are aiiA. . , . South that we ] scriptions that bing offers wit will be highly p ing The House - This great con fashion, fancy1 The Bamberj ty weekly?yoi news and the ii YOU CANNC ||j ALL THRK Bamberg hef llf * Gentlemen: Enclosed please year subscriptioi pFjr Progressive Farr Nome | ACTQUIC * ' ~ Irpait fsiiK< II vill UUUI TAKE YOl berg Herald, The /h^ AA eforarmCT a"d T-hC IpiOO g Herald, 1 year $1.50 sive Parmer, weekly 1.00 ife, monthly 50 ice $3.00 ? ? ? mm WATT MAUja xuu. sive Farmer is made to cover conditions as South. Yes, sir?made for you?and if vou / ?/ ?. teed its teachings you will raise more cotton corn per acre, more and better livestock, nev producing factorv out of vour farm. made for your wife. ' sive Farmer has the strongest, most prac[ department of any agricultural paper in many features make a special appeal to our , and help them as it does the men. lDE for your children. sive Farmer has a regular department for girls, and a serial story for both young and is a paper for ever}' member of te family. ; !wo for all the family?both eaders in their line. the housewife. v indeed to introduce and to be able to make ' J----1-1- J 4-^ angement tnat win enauie our reaucro to sewife the coming year, re high class in every way?stories that will please you, many with gripping excitement ilding qualities. I Mention is given by The Housewife to seaie cooking, household hints, and matters of rest to mother and child, ife is a large, well printed magazine; sub50c per year.' It is only because the pubions to develop their subscription list in the lave been able to secure a rate on these subenable us to include it in this year's clubh The Progressive Farmer. We know you leased if vou decide to take the club, includiwife. ibination of farm sense, farm help, fiction,, work and good cheer for the entire family at BARGAIN PRICES inection with your subscription to 7B.E BAMBERG HERALD. I Herald is a clean cut, live, up-to-date counur county paper. It gives you all the local - - - - - " - rti-i i nportant news of the world and ol tne great ?T AFFORD TO MISS THIS GREAT BARGAIN. SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER. E ONE YEAR EACH FOR ONLY $2 Only 4c a week for all three.) ORDER BLANK. 1ALD, S. C.. ....191 find $2.00. Enter my name as a subscriber for a one 1 to The Bamberg Herald and one year each to The v aer and The Housewife. State R. F. D. No j :k if you waf scription ft HMHHnBBnHHBHHHMHHDH JR CHOICE The New Woman's Trio anc The Bamberg Herald?all on< year?$4.50 value for onh THE BAMBERG HERALD, one year. . MOTHER'S MAGAZINE, one year LADIES' WORLD, one year McCALL'S MAGAZINE, one year TOTAL VALUE If you will subscribe or renew for a year's subscri; Herald at once we will include a one year subscriptioi zines listed below. The price of The Bamberg Hera only $2.50. We are offering this New Woman's Trio in connect! cause we are positive this is the best value for the mor publisher. lvou may select any dress A ? 1 issue of McCall's received. j PI I I I with 2 cent stamp for mai U V*i AAJ jlcCall "Co., New York, N.1 MOTHER'S MAGAZINE > A magazine of service, whose editorial policy is t study of the needs of its subscribers. Its special art partments constitute an invaluable reference library builder?the Mother. Over half-million circulatioi years' successful experience in dealing with the mo personal problems. LADIES' WORLD. The favorite household magazine in ever a million I Pure Food Department, conducted by Professor Lewi urable. Also specially noted for its absorbingly inter Big Features monthly give it the unique distinction c class dollar magazine of general interest in the entire i McCALL'S MAGAZINE. A recognized Fashion Authority for 45 years, with any other fashion magazine. Fifty exclusive designs est McCall patterns, whose style, fit, simplicity and first choice of thousands of well-dressed women. Mon lies love McCALL'S for its wholesome stories, sympa ideas in Fancy Needlework, Home Dressmaking Les son's own special Receipts, and the many other inter partments including Housekeeping Exchange. "I can means to me," writes a South Carolina subscriber. me more than enough to pay for a year's subscript] friend. "From Fashion to Fiction, it is supreme," reader. / THE BAMBERG HERALD. Is your county paper; none better published, and w< subscription price. Send us your order today. Send it by mail or brin to town. If you are a regular reader of The Bamt you to send you renewal order to us and we will ex1 for one year. These three splendid magazines contain the best fie stories by the best authors. Also the best fashions, i and other departments. In fact, the best of everythii grade magazines are printed on expensive coated pa the best illustrators. The above magazines ar^especi of every home-loving woman. ORDER BLANK BAMBERG HERALD, Bamberg, S. C. Enclosed please find $2.50. Enter my name as year subscription to The Bamberg Herald and one y Magazine, Ladies' World and McQall's Magazine, Free Dress Pattern selected from the first issue of 3 Name P. O State IT ONE OF THi /\ rt i utters g I $2.50 ? value $1.50 fly?/ value 1.50 value 1.00 vftluc .oO j $4.50 gpj ption to The Bamberg , ^ l to each of the maga- Sft? Id and magazines is v on with Our Paper be- SrCfe /V' iey ever offered by any fV ' ^ pattern from the first :jSg? j^flf Send request for it, 2^^ \ .jfl ling charges, direct to he result of scientific ' mSt, " icles and practical de- SBffr for the great homei builded upon forty v 3C? st intimate home and / tomes. The value of its s B. Allyn, is immeasesting Fiction. Forty if being the only high- * woman's field. more subscribers than . I r monthly, showing lat- Sg?'i! economy make tnem - og e than 1,200,000 famithetic articles, newest '2S8-- M sons, Betty Lyle Wil- ( Shtip; esting and helpful de- . IS not tell you all that it V The second copy saved * on," writes a Texas * writes a New York >rth every cent of the , g it in when you come Sfiw f vl /^' | )erg Herald we urge 9jfS : 1 :end your subscription 2g5 . v ;tion, serials and short S5s leedlework, household 1 g. These three high- v per and illustrated by ' ggft.- v f* ally fitted to the needs \ I V/? ' " > a subscriber for a ear each to Mother's 7 7 ^ J together, with one * Swfc''- / tfcCall's Magazine. R. F. D. No 2*22 ESE CLUBS | * d a i n i LVriLlS |