The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, November 04, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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ALL YOU HAVI i WIN THE k ||V; ?? t : WOTES WILL COUNT FOI gi?C' life. HOW CAN YOU EARN FIVE DOLLARS EASIER? C' Three More Days in Which to Work for This Prize.?Who Will jV Cet It. Who will win the beautiful $5.00 Brownie Folding Pocket Kodak? . The prospects are that1 the race will be close. The way that the votes are being turned in indicate this. Some of the contestants have not , turned in nearly as many subscriptions as they should, but our infor motion is that they are going to be here strong with the "subs" by Saturday, the last day to turn in subscriptions for this! prize. It is not every day in the year that & Brownie may be picked up just for the asking for a few subscriptions. A five-dolla^ "William" is a nice lump of money?in fact it is just fine when it does not cost anything to |p| get it. The contestants are all working for the big p^es, and this nice, dainty, Ornamental and useful little H' instrument is being given by Mack's ||?;v Drug Store purely as an extra prize. It'will cost the winner not one red pf?:i- cent. It will not cost any labor* for fe; the usual votes, will be given for the |^ J.r five big prizes. This kodak goes to |||V; the one turning in the most renewals , between last Thursday morning and next Saturday evening. Bfev v i Don't forget the time. ^ Don't wait ui^tir Monday to send in your sube||? :-.V scriptions, for, if you do, you will be counted out on the kodak offer. Your subscriptions must either be fe;?, \ in our office by Saturday night, or ||te * else be in the posxoffice. if the postmark on the letter indicates that the letter was mailed on Saturday, November 6, your subscriptions will be counted; otherwise they will not count for the kodak. Bear this in Bpfe; mind. You have plenty of time to deliver' your subscriptions to The Herald. The standing of the contestants will be published again next week. \ ? AH subscriptions reaching us not . later than Tuesday afternoon will be counted next week. xVil subscriptions received after that time may \ . not be counted. So don t forget the ^ r / next count comes next week. There are four more full weeks of the contest. Don't fail to make the minutes, the days, and the weeks ' count. Don't let a single day pass ^ < - you by without securing at least sev, eral subscriptions. The contestants are all busy, don't forget that. Don't imagine for a second that you are going to win by default, for this is r - v the biggest and best humored con. test the county has ever had. and the contestants are out in full arms for IS ' those prizes. You know the war is on over in *; Europe. That is, most of us . are d-nroro nf that fapt Ynu know that r~.v a nice, elegant $150.00 suite of furniture is a big help just now. Also all the other prizes, for, believe us, they are beauties, everyone of them. * That second prize is really a t(ery s fine thing. It is an $85.00 order' on G. A. Lucas's music house. Mr. r cae sells the famous Victrolas?the best talking machine in the world. That order will purchase a $75.00 Victrola and $10.00 worth of records, or it will buy a $50.00 Victrola and $35.00 worth of records. Or it will go a long way on the purchase of a piano, or you may purchase anything else that you wanl to in the music line from G. A. Lucas. The order goes to the winnei of the second prize. Use it as you choose. You know what you would Jx*' _ * . like to have best. We want to suil you. And that set of furs?well, now truly, how would you like to b( ^ dressed up in a set or reai iurs?uui the cheap $5.00 or $10.00 kind?bul a real $50.00 set? Just imagine il to yourself. And how about a coal or a coat suit?they go to the fourtl and fifth prize winners. A nice ccfai or a suit right at the beginning oi winter, without a cent of expense They come from Thomas and Hootor i \ ' ETODOTO ODAK IS WORK \ THE MAIN PRIZES ALSO | ?and you know they are good if j they sell them. If they don't hapi pen to have a suit or a coat in stock j to suit you, or fit you, either of them will take the greatest of pleasure in , ordering out just what you want. Now, don't forget about the I Kodak. You must come in to see j us Saturday at the latest, or send j your letter. And, we would like to j make a special request. You will j doubtless have a whole lot of busi- , j ness to turn in the last of the week. I Send in what you have as early as ; you can, for the last time we had a I special offer, we had to work overj time to handle the subscriptions, they came in so fast. Now, we don't mind working overtime, not a bit; ! we would work all night if necessary, , but if it will suit the contestants just I as well, we would be glad for them ? to come in when there is no rush. 1 It will help us and prevent confusion j and possible error. The next count will be published tt-ocV o-n/1 tha u'innpr nf thp 11CAL j C4)UU VJLX^/ IT AAAUN/A V?. v?w kodak will be announced Monday, and also published in The Herald next week. / Remember thai! only renewal sub- , scriptions will count for the Brownie. Get as many new subscriptions as you can, of course; they count for the ' usual votes for the five big prizes, and renewals handed in by Saturday ! count for the five big prizes, and also j for the kodak. The one with the i 1 most renewal subscriptions between ' i the dates mentioned above gets the Brownie." Who will it be? - He Wanted Money. . ? The magnate looked up impatiently from his work, relates the Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Well, my good man," he snapped ' at the diffident and rural looking visitor who stood twirling his rusty hat; "what can I do for you? Talk, fast, please?my time is valuable." "I guess you don't remember me, Hank," faltered the Caller. The mbhey king frowned as he heard the old name, by which none had dared to address him for years. "You an' me uster to swimmin' together in th' old town," went on the rustic. "We was boys together, an' in nnrtv mnnh the same circum j r ~J | stances. Your dad and my dad?" j "Yes, yes," interrupted the Croe! sus, impatiently. "Well, you got a job in th' bank ; an' I got a job in th' grocery store. That made all the diffrunce." "This is all very?er interesting, but -get to the point. I seem to re; member your face, but?" | "Yes, Hank, you got a better start, | an' left th' old village. But I kep I a pluggin' along in th' grocery store. It was purty hard to make both ends meet an'?" "Well?well? I see?same old < story. You want money I suppose, and?" "You always was a smart one, Hank. When you left the village you , owed $78.62 on a grocery bill. Heer's where you come across, you durned old skinflint!" His First Concern. . \ The waitress was pretty and conscious of the fact. Thft diner was frivolous and for ward. "Pretty tough to be penned up here on a nice day like this," the diner observed. "Yes, sir." "You are too good looking to be doing this work." The girl raised her brows. "Have you never thought of bettering your condition?" "Oh, yes." "It's awfully warm in here." , "Uh, huh." "Don't you suffer from the stuffy f atmosphere?" Half closing her bright eyes and ! assuming a pensive air the girl tart. ly replied: "No, only from the hot air." ri nnrinaro nro + or f Ar COl^ U t VJlCliUaTC opi XUgO TT U LV1 ivx wv Herndon's Grocery Store and Mack's Drug Store.?adv. $1.75 TO WALTERROfcO. ,! On Account of the Colleton County Fair. t The Atlantic Coast Line will sell I excursion tickets from Bamberg to .: Walterboro November 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, at SI.75, limited returning M to midnight of November 13th, 1915. 1 ' " "!" 1?"' frnni oil in_ I j rrOpurilUIlcllCi v iu v> ia; CO 11 um ua^ iaa t termediate points, j.! Excursion coaches will be placed on trains Nos. 344 and 345 and No. M 345 will be held at Walterboro until II 5:30 p. m. during the fair. I For schedules and further inforf mation, call on M. T. JOHNSON, Ticket Agent, Bamberg, S. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, l The Standard Railroad of the South. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Denmark, Denmark. S. C.. is call ed. to meet in the office of the said bank. Friday, November 12th, 101.",. at eleven o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of increasing the capital stock of the said bank to $50,000.00, by Ar/1 a*? a f f a Vv ao r r\ f ^i>?aa+arc? uri \jl inc uuai u KJ - uiictiuio. J. ARTHUR WIGGINS, 11-11 Cashier. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Qninine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents E. H. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law RAMKKnC. S. C. I General Practice. Loans Negotiated. RUS-gftiY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches," Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, OM Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally and externally. Price 25c. Dr. THOMAS BLACK, JR. DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate Dental7 Department University of Maryland. Member S. C. State Dental Association. Office opposite new post office and over office Graham & Black. Office hours, 8 30 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. BAMBERG, S. C. No. 666 This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 6, FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c R. P. BELLINGER ATTORNEY AT LAW Office Over Bamberg Banking Co. General Practice J. F. Carter B. D. Carter CARTER & CARTER Attorneys-at-Law GENERAL PRACTICE BAMBERG, S. C. t RILEY & COPELAND Successors to W. P. Riley. Fire, Life Accident INSURANCE Office in J. D. Copeiancrs store BAMBERG, S. C? Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's 1 The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives 3ut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 certs. TAX NOTICE. The treasurer's office will be open for the collection of State, county, school and all other taxes from the 15th day of October, 1915 until the 15th day of March, 1916 inclusive. From the first day of January, 1916, until the 31st day of January, 1916, a penalty of one per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of' February, 1916, a penalty of 2 per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of March, 1916, until the 15th - - ? 1 ~ ~ ^ 1... sit 7 (lay 01 iviarcn, iujlo, a, ycuait> ui per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. THE LEVY. < For State purposes 7 mills For county purposes 4 1-2 mills Constitutional school tax 3 mills Total 14 1-2 mills SPECIAL SCHOOL LEVIES. Bamberg, No. 14 9 mills Binnakers, No. 12 .3 mills Buford's Bridge, No. ? 2 mills Clear Pond, No. 19 .......2 mills Colston, No. 18 4 mills Denmark, No. 21 6 1-2 mills Ehrhardt, No. 22 9 mills Fishpond, No. 5 - 2 milks Govan, No. 11 4 mills Hutto, No. 6 2 mills Hampton, No. 3 2 mills Hey ward, No. 24 2 mills Hopewell, No. 1 3 mills Hunter's Chapel, No. 16 4 mills Lees, No. 23 4 mills Midway, No. 2 2 mills Oak Grove, No. 20- 2 mills Olar, No. 8 9 mills St. John's, No. 10 2 mills Salem, No. 9 4 mills Three Mile, No. 4 2 mills " nirac nf , All persons uetwceu unc 0.5^0 vn. twenty-one and sixty years of age, except Confederate soldiers, and sailors, who are exempt at 50 years of age, are liable to a poll tax of one dollar. Capitation dog tax 50 cents. ! All persons who were 21 years of age on or before the 1st day of Jan; nary, 1915. are liable to a poll tax of one dollar, and all who have not made returns to the Auditor, are requested to do so on or before the 1st of January, 1916. I will receive the commutation - /Art A A \ J road tax of two aonais num the 15th day of October, 1915, until the 1st day of March, 1916. G. A. JENNINGS, Treasurer Bamberg County. I ft l~^ l Tfc irfiiT-i'i II W i 'An TW1 I Best material and workmanship, light running, requires little power: simple, easy to handle. Are made in several sizes and are good, substantial money-making machines down to the smallest size. Write for catolog showing Engines, Boilers and all Saw* Mill supplies. LOMBARD IROX WORKS & I SUPPLY CO. W/R PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENfilHES AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters-, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Ehgihes LARGEATOCk LOMBARD Foundry, Machine* Boiler Works. Supply Store. AUGUSTA, GA. tiniv uin urn cnrrrn nni vrumui ourrcn Many Bamberg Women are Learning the Cause. Women often suner, not knowing the cause. r,acKacne, headache dizziness, nervousness, irregular urinary passages weakness, languor? Each a torture of itself. Together him a't weakened kidneys Strike at the root?get to the cause. No other remedy more highly endorsed than Doan's Kidney Pilis. Recommended by thousands? j Endorsed at home. Here's convincing testimony from a Bamberg citizen. Mrs. A. McB. Speaks, millinery Riea St.? Bamberg, says: "I had .weak kidI ne>'s and constant pains in my back, | and when I stood long they annoyed I me greatly The kidney secretionB were scanty in passage. After using a box of Doan's Kidney Pills I was greatly relieved*" , Price 50e> at all dealers. Don't Bimply Ask tor a kidney remedy?get Doan's Ridney Pills?the same that Mrs. McB. Speaks had. Foster-Mil toirfc Co., Pi ops, Buffalo, N. Y. Xjj Backache xfl II11 Miss Myrtle Cothrum, IIII IVI ?^usse^v^e'sa^s: |y 8 I I fered with terrible back- ] jC ache, pains in my limbs, and ray head ached nearly all the time. Our family doctor treated me, but only gave me temporary relief. 1 was certainly in bad health. My school teacher advised me to TAKE Cardui The Woman's Tonic 1 took two bottles, in all, and was cured. 1 shall always praise Cardui to sick and suffering women." If you suffer from I I pdina ycwuuai iw * w... mi VV women, such as head- UU |Y1 ache, backache, or other |jrl 11II trouble, or if you merely IIII Ixl neec^a^on'c to1"1*13* tired, I Ml lAJ nervous, worn-out feelFRANCIS F. CARROLL Attorney-at-Law Offire in Hoffman Building ??? - ? v.r? * nmrriTI (iEMiKAL BAMBERG, S. C. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure The worst cases, no matter of how long standing are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.0 LIFE, FIRE, UVESTOO HEALTH anil ACCIDENT INSURANCE Agent for Superior Monument Cc I Can Save you Money on Tombstone* W. MAX WALKER EHTCHATmT. S. C. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money If PAZ OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itchini Blind, Bleeding- or Protruding Piles in6 to 14 day The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50 11 WHIT J | a In buying your ( | 9 are two thing; I nil Ai IT V A I (JUHLI I I HI Both are guarant We handle only th< that are tit for an; price is just as low can l>e sold for. In ty and price, we gi THE BEST J. J. BR A B "The Live Wi i k 'Phone 96-L " 1 S. n. Whi Cotton f AUGUST ESTABLISH i Corresponden tj ? ' vvy?::?|W\? ^-:: * v.-:-^>^:::-V^^V:?:'-^ : ::*: ^: :>-V-:':rAV: :Vr: G. 0. SB :/ The Hardware and Furnltur ^??????1 uAwmwr m I MWU1U Ui j I on the first of the month is a =1 I much more dignified method of jj\ I paying bills than counting out B I the money. Much quicker, too, 7\ I and there is no possibility of \ I paying out too much. Moral: | I I Ofcen an account at this bank m 1 and reap all these and other ^ I advantges. 2 \ [ Enterpri 5 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savinj i "TTT (Youil Wear a Smile ot If you willallowus an o] you the most stylish am fine suits for FALL anc "HART, SCHAFF You'll admit is the best Ask any man how the] INEW STETSON HATS Drop in to see us when in in the city. F. Q. MERTINS I mi cmll uu Ln I jroceries there s to consider ND PRICE * i eed by tins store. e best?groceries j y table?and the 1 as good groceries i addition to qualive you . - " ' ''. SERVICE HAM, JR. re Grocer." ; ' >: - * . Bamberg, S. C. I I - .. | : ^ itney Co. -actors ill * % s.-'St 3 A, OA. ' ; ' ' to 1868 4 ). ;. , ;v Sv' ' :ce Invited , I' ! .v_-, A, 7 ^1 HH SSSS^t' k ST1L0WS, harrows, hay rakes? 1 in fact, all kinds of; farm <. Sflfl machinery?are to be had at this store. When yon le to town, Mr. Farmer, be rare pay ns a visit. Even if yon do ; purchase now ^e will be glad point out the particular merits of agricultural implements which handle ? all of well known ' V kes* improved machinery will enablei to increase the output of ydur es. We carry in stock a general / e of the best hardware. 5 ; ; v-. V;' ' ;w Methods Make New Profits For the Up to i ite Farmer. Be One. 4 mom *e Man Bamberg, S. C? f UTCAECKS /? ' 1 I se Bank |1 ?s Deposits. Bamberg, S. C. I V ' < j Ease and Satisfaction 11 pportunity of showing I d select line of men's I' * 1 WINTER. I 'NER & MARX" I ; in the clothes world. I j wear.. I NEW HABERDASHERY I We pay Parcel Post charges anywhere * >, Augusta, Oa. I } (f,- v ' -s~ . . ^ ' -' -' Jj