The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, September 09, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Ill V V V Buy Your Sc We have the largest stock Avnanf cpVIAAI KAAI^Q B liVVVt OV11WA MWAmvt \ 9 but everything in the stati r$*i\ - j ; I Trade With Us I 9 NORMANDIE, THE BIG TABLET i?i-v The best tablet made for school use is 9 the Normandie. It has 115 leaves, and is (r used for pen or pencil. A big value for I 9 5c. This is our leader. I ' i 9^ PENCIL SHARPENERS. 9 We have sharpeners for 5c and 10c * ?T?-* * 1 * t '11 11 _1 eacn. IMS Kind Will reauv snaipen I . I your pencils, and will last a long time, fl Try one, they will please you. Hbhbbhhbbbhbhhhhbbbbh B EXAMINATION TABLETS fl We handle the Genius, the best one ft / fl made. We also sell the Baltimore and ,f fl Oriole Legal Tablets. All sell for a I nickel each. ! fl? I SLATES AND PENCILS. fl Slates are not used much any more, k fl but we sell them. We have good values fl for a nickel and ten cents. Also pencils, |l- rfl for slates at 1 cent each. ? I ^ i fl PENS AND PEN STAFFS. J*- y-'h"; fl We have so many different kinds that . fl a description would be impossible. Any | kind-you want, you can get here. All ||| I TWILIGHT PENCILS. i This is the very pencil for school use. Sells two for five cents, and is as good ^5 I as most 5c pencils. Buy a dozen for 25 ;H cents and they will last you all the year.' I THOUSANDS OF PENCILS. This store is headquarters for all. I kinds of pencils, from lc to 10c. "We .... f handle every kind that is worth selling. I We have them in hard, soft and medium. | | | WASHINGTON TABLETS. I.- I This is one of the best school tablets ^ made. Legal size, in good yellow paper. 9 Contains a good nickel's worth of good | paper. ^M99MH99H99H99H9Q99H9H^9H9II^H9HH9H 9 DUSTLE33 CRAYONS. HI No dust, no unhealthy germs flying . 9 over the school, room. 25 cents per 9 gross. Also the regular chalk crayon 9 for 15c per gross. * 9 * MEMORANDUMS. 9 We have the largest assortment of 9 memorandums to be found in this sec9 tion of the State. Every kind imagin- ' 9 able. 5c up to 50c. " HERA I I BAMBERG, S. C. * ! . ( . 'i 7 . / . * . > - * . ' . in tii id in hool Supplies / : and best assortment to be fou Don't send your order away, onery and office supply line. Ind Get Your Boy I COMPOSITION BOOKS. We handle about twenty-five different kinds. Come in and make your own selection. Whether you want a big or little one, we have it. 5c to 25c. BLACKBOARD ERASERS. We have the noiseless and dustless eraser and the cheaper ones. They are of good quality and wear well. Made for service. 5c and 15c, or two for 25e.I FRFF! FIT HfesiPi tirt ft Big Christmas Preset WILL NOT COST YC Some boy and some girl is going to re building outfit and a big pretty doll fori day, September 6th, THE HERALD 1 every purchase of 5c or more. You vote present^. On December 24th, at 6 o'clc the Christmas gifts to the ones having tl There are no conditions whatever. Yd Vote them for yourself or anvbodv e] receiving the largest number of votes d This contest is open to any white boy anc The Herald Book Store sells school to do is to buy here, and get all your fri here. Get them to save their coupons fc Be sure to buy here right from the be? prizes will not cost anyone a cent. No vc - given away. The standing of the contes THE "MODELIT" OUTFIT. Boys, this is something you have been dreaming about for years. You can hnild almost anv kind of mechanical toy you ever heard of. A book of instructions tells you how to build 89 different kinds of things. With the outfit we furnish an electric motor. The things you make not only give you joy in the making of them, but hitch on the motor and thev run. The motor rims ?/ ? with one dry cell, and you do not have to have electric current to operate it. Watch the window displays from time to time. ' ^ BOX PAPERS GALORE. We handle the samples of a leading drummer. 25c to $1.00 papers we sell at 10c to 40c per box. Boxes slightly Vmf rkor\hr? oc rrnnrl ac anv Cf llt/Uj UUl/ jy UJ^ V JL ttu UU t WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS. The best pen ever made, $2.50 and up. Everyone guaranteed. Also cheaper pens for $1.00 and $1.50 each. Good quality. LD BC STATIONERY, SCHOOL > Mail Orders Fi / . '. . , . n m * hi at The Herali nd in this part of the State. Trade at home. We hand We appreciate every cent sp< )r Girl a De Luxe ( A RING BOOK FOR A QUARTER. We have at last secured a ring composition book. Heavy cloth cover, with a dime's worth of paper, sells for 25c complete outfit. The very thing you want. PENCIL AND PEN HOLDERS. Get one and you will not lose your pen or pencil. Good quality steel, lasts a long time. Sells for 5c and 10c. Several different kinds to select from. RA! FREE! it For a Boy and a Girl HJ A CENT. READ! iceive absolutely free a "Modelit" a, Christmas present. Beginning Mon300K STORE will give a coupon with i for a boy and a girl to receive these >ck, we will count the votes and award le largest number of votes. y >u get a coupon with every purchase. Ise you want to. The boy and girl vill get the ' ' Modelit" and the doll free. 1 girl, no matter where you live. I supplies of every kind. All you have ' ends and vour friends' friends to buv / ?/ >r you. ?/ finning, and save your coupons. The >tes will be sold. Nothing but coupons stants will be announced in The Herald. THE DOLL FOR A GIRL. We bought the biggest, prettiest, bluest eyed girl doll that we could find to mi 1 1 give away, mere nas never Deen on sale a doll anything like it in Bamberg. It measures 't inches in height, and is dressed like a queen. The doll actually sells for about $9.00 at retail, but the price is the least consideration about it. The doll is cheap at any price, but it will not cost the girl who gets it anything whatsoever. We can't begin to describe it, for it is entirely too pretty, to describe. Look for it in our window. I THE BEST POUND PAPER. We sell the best pound of paper in Bamberg for 20c. Cut in long style, fits regular or long envelopes. Envelopes to match 10c. COMPASSES. We have, a good school compass for 10c. It is of the best quality, and 4 1 answers every purpose, jsjso a compass and pencil for 5c. )OK S AND OFFICE SUPPLIES illed Promptly I ;tl ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' > ' ' " ' ' IT rp A I d Book Store I ? m We have everything you I lie not only school supplies, I ;iu wiui us. i/Uiuc iu see us. m 'i^g We have some extra nice ones. 5c to 50c. Some are provided with drihking I cup in addition to assortment. They I are beauties. I Tliis store sells more ink than you I ever heard of. Carter's, National, etc. I Rer, blue, black, fluid, fountain pen and indellible. . , 'y|j| STENOGRAPHER'S NOTE BOOKS I | '| The best book of quality to be had. I Good quality paper, in two sizes, for 5c I ;4|| and 10c each. 50c and $1.00 per dozen. H Try one and you will come again. H ? DRINKING CUPS. I ^?1 Provide your child with an individual drinking cup when you start him or her H i - - - ^ i -J? _ i__ * io scnooi. jnaae 01 aiuimuum, luuung. ? 5c and 10c each. H SCHOOL BAGS AND STRAPS. T|| We have good bags from 10c to 25c 9 each. Oil cloth and plain. Straps 5c, B 10c, and 25c each. All are made of the fl best quality material. , , fl t|| PE^ANDPENCIL^RASERS^^fl | Have on hand the combination pen and pencil eraser for 5c. Also all pencil I eraser, or all pen eraser, lc to 5c each, fl Als^ypewrite^rasers^^^^^^^^^^B x ||| You will need a good ruler at school. H Get a flexible ruler for 10c, or a good fl one for 5c. Also a plain wooden ruler 9 for lc each. H PEN AND PENCIL COMBINATION. H Each year we sell hundreds of them. This vear we have the best one vet made */ v j ''. fX in a variety of colors for 5c each. Get one, they are very handy. y PEN AND PENCIL TABLETS. I H :,M We handle "57 Varieties" and then .. AW. *1 IA . ... (ipv?? liAn OAO 1/tn TTArt ? AW A. 7 . I S<JJLilt% Dig O licio A\nj icavco, pcnuii, I Red arid Gold 95 leaves, pen, etc. All I 8 sell for 5c. Also better tablets for 10c. H tore] B r0 m K fl TELEPHONE 59-L I 1 , ' r - .. '-V;;' .,: > ... -i . '>,1 ./ .? ' . .