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- II . f ' r k - m i v ^ (Tit? Mmxbmj fcralb j One Dollar and a Half a Year. BAMBERG, S. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 4,1914. Established 1891. || ??? . . COUNTRY NEWS LETTERS SOME INTERESTING HAPPENINGS ji IN VARIOUS SECTIONS. \ } m News Items Gathered All Around the County and Elsewhere. Ehrhardt Etchings. Ehrhardt, June 1.?The farmers are all well pleased this morning, after the fine rain. The flourishing look of vegetation makes them feel like work. They are busy trying to get their potato crop in shape. . I . Mr. J. C. Kinard raised a freak radish in his garden. Mr. J. M. Smith, Jr., was showing it around last Saturday and Sunday?represented a man except arms. Prof. Paysinger has ended his first school year since graduating at Newberry College. His service as principal of our school is appreciated by the patrons and trustees, as they have called him for another year. He is a man of good morals and ability. He got his education by hard work, did not get it with a silver spoon in his mouth, as the saying goes, but had to work for it. Prof. Paysinger has an uphill chance, two factions in the school, as to building a home suitable to manage the school in, and then other complications, by patrons that say things about others that they would not do as well if they were placed in a similar position. ^ Miss Watson left as soon as the school closed, and left a certain young man in trouble. He has been buying paper and envelopes every day since she left, and wears the expression on his face when seen on the streets, "I am lonely, love, without thee." Miss Louise Taylor will go' some time this week. She wants to arrange matters with her defender. JEE. Fairfax Fancies. Fairfax, June 2.?Miss Annie Lou * Williams and brother, Albert, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Williams this week. Mr and Mrs. Angus Williams visited their parents near Jenny last week. There was a reception given at the Fairfax Hotel Monday afternoon by the wives of the trustees of our school. Among those present were: ? Hon. R. I. Manning, Mrs. S. L. San ders, the teachers, and the nine graduates. A delicious two-course ' luncheon was served, and all enjoyed the occasion. Miss Rosa Platts, of Hickory Grove, is visiting Miss Sadie Harter. Miss Lilly- Preacher gave a soci^ able Tuesday evening in honor of the j - graduating class and visitors. ' ^ Me^clames McDaniel and Foster, of Augusta, are visiting Mrs. H. M. Har^ ' veley. Mrs. Luther Barber is spending j. the week with Miss Maude Barber. There will be another home to dispense hospitality in our midst and further all civic improvements. Fairfax is certainly building up. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Williams is near completion, and they occupy it. Misses Speaks, of Varnville, visit* ed their brothers here attended commencement, and several social affairs. Miss Hattie Dowling, who won the scholarship medal of our high school, has returned to her home at TT :iu varuvmo. There were nine graduates this year. The address, which was very fine, was delivered by Hon. R. I. Manning. Prof. McCain delivered the diplomas and gave good parting advice to the graduates. Prof. Chitty, who is the new principal gave a good talk when he delivered the medal awarded by the Bank of Fairfax. Prof, and Mrs. McCain left immediately after commencement for their new home at McCormick. Mr. - M. Move on the violin and Sadie Harter on piano gave sweet J music at commencement. Our amateurs expect to take their * play, "Topsy Turvy," to Allendale next week. J. E. Johnston and G. D. Sanders attended the bankers' convention at t Bamberg on Friday. Something very sad occurred here last night. Wade Best, of Savannah, had been visiting his sister here. Be-i ing despondent from drink, he sh'ot himself last night and died an hour later. His wife, children, and sister, Miss Dell, came next day. He will - be buried at Bethlehem burying ground. Many friends sympathize with the family, as they are much beloved here. * Mrs. Rice, of Allendale, is visit\ i ' WONT LET SOLDIERS ENCAMP... Governor Says it is Inopportune Time ^ for Guard to Leave State. Columbia, May 30.?The Governor has refused tq allow the South Carolina troops to participate in the encampment of the 9th division at Augusta, Ga., assigning as a reason that in view of the .Mexican situation he does not think the troops should leave the State. He promises that if the peace conference results satisfactorily he will take the matter up for further consideration. The decision was made known in a letter from the Governor to the Adjutant General. ~ - rnfn o_ "Til? reasons you iui id no ing to allow the National Guard to participate in these instructions are not-well founded," says Adjt. Gen. Moore, in a letter replying to the Governor. He points out that the militja could be transported to the mobilization camp at Camp Wilie Jones in five hours if war breaks out with Mexico, and could be more quickly mobilized than if they were at their home stations. He asks the Governor to reconsider his decision and permit the troops to go to Augusta. Governor's Letter. The following is a copy of the letter received by Adjt. Gen. Moore from the Governor: "I am in receipt of a communication from you, transmitting communication signed W. A. Simpson, requesting information regarding the joint encampment of instruction to be held near Augusta, Ga., for the troops of the 9th militia division from July 10 to August 12, 1914, inclusive. You aHvisfi vnn at once I CliUCOt 111^7 ?.vr UV* . v, ^ whether it is my intention to have the National Guard of this State participate in these instructions on the dates mentioned. In reply I beg to say that, in view of the present Mexican situation, I do not think the South Carolina troops should leave the State to participate in this encampment. If the peace conference now being held should result satisfactorily, I will then take the matter up for further consideration" The communication was signed by the Governor as Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard. Gen. Moore's Reply. "I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 29, in reply to endorsement upon letter from the commanding officer of the Department of the East, requesting information as to whether you propose to have the National Guard of this State participate in the joint camp of instruction to be held near Augusta, Ga., July 10 to August 12, 1914, inclusive. ?<T?? T -n.ill etato that thp TPR Ill i (T.Itl avutv vu?v sons which you assign for refusing to allow the national guard to participate in these instructions are not well founded, because of the fact that should the National Guard be called out for duty in case of war with Mexico, they could be transported to the mobilization grounds in this State within five hours from the time orders were issued. In fact, they could be mobilized much more quickly from this camp of instruction than if they "were at their home stations. In view of this fact and the tendency to stifle the interest of the National Guard, especially the enlisted strength, should they not be allowed to participate in these instructions t trust, that vou will reconsider your decision and advise me at once of this change, in order that detail of arrangements can be arranged between this department and the department of the East for this camp of instruction, as it requires a considerable amount of correspondence, together with proper estimates and requisitions, which must be made in advance of such encampment/' Street Car Franchises. Some eight years ago Chicago renewed the surface street railway franchises, but upon condition that the city receive 55 per cent, of the net earnings. Under this bargain the city will receive this year $3,299,000 as its share of the street railway earnings. Altogether during the eight years the city treasury has received from this source about fourteen million dollars. As a rule, however, municipalities in America are still giving away their franchise privileges?The Home and Farmstead. ing here. .Mrs. W. L. Brooks, who has been to Charleston on a visit, has returned. Several gentlemen friends of G. D. Sanders autoed from Charleston and spent the day with him. Walter Stone, a room-mate at Clemson, was among them. JIN THE PALMETTO STATE SOME OCCURRENCES OF VARIOUS ' KINDS IN SOUTH CAROLINA. State News Boiled Down for Quick Reading?Paragraphs About Men and Happenings. The State Dental Association will meet in Greenville the 17th. The grand lodge Knights of Pytbiac Hpridpri to meet in Orangeburg next year. One hundred and thirty high schools in 42 counties were paid $75,000 the past school year by the State. Judge Ernest Gary, one of the circuit judges, is critically ill at his home in Columbia, having suffered a sroke of paralysis. Thursday afternoon a train ran over and killed a little negro at Benriettsville. The coroner's jury said it was the little negro's "own carelessness." . The general education board, , which administers the John D. Rockefeller fund to universities and colleges, has announced the gift to Wofford college of $33,000. The Senior class of Clemson college has 7S members?43 in the agricultural course, five in^civil engineering, 27 in mechanical and electrical engineering and four in the textile de yaI llllCll l> Two negro children, aged six years and eight months respectively, were found starved to death in a house in Darlington on Thursday. According to the coroner's jury, the mother was sick and the grandmother failed to give them attention. A white man named Nora Chambers and a negro named Perry Harper w'ere committed to the Abbeville jail Thursday night, charged with running a distillery. They were caught in the act. Two gallons of whiskey and 600 gallons of beer were' seized by the rural policeman. Denmark Notes. Denmark, May 30.?On Tuesday evening the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mayfield was thrown open to' a large nymber of friends to meet Miss Knight, of Honea Path. Writing telegrams was the chief feature of the evening, for which T. D. Turner and Miss Josephine Faust were presented with a lovely prize for the most unique and original one. During the course of the evening Miss Carrie Riley served fruit punch from a secluded corner of the porch, and just before leaving Mrs. S. G. Mayfield served the guests with a tempting salad course. On Saturday Miss Ruby Guess was hostess at a six course luncheon. The favors were lovely little pasteboard cups, containing fortunes, which were read for the amusement of the guests. Mrs. T. R. Martin entertained the Crochet club at her home on Tuesday afternoon. After a pleasant hour spent in work, interspersed with interesting conversation, those present were served to a dainty salad course, followed by a sweet course. .Mrs. D. G. Richardson was at home to a few friends on Thursday evening in honor of Miss McCown, of Darlington. Miss Alma Black, of Bamberg, spent a few days this week with Mrs. W. D. Mayfield. DoVionno Oraham nf Rflmheri? JilOO V^V. VU V_4 * y Vfc . spent a few days this week with Miss Julia Goolsby. To be Married. Olar, May 31.?Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kearse announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Mildred, to George DuPre Sanders, the marriage to take place June 30th. Denmark Beats Columbia. Denmark, May 29.?Before a large crowd of enthusiastic fans, Denmark defeated Columbia here to-day by the score of 7 to 5. The game was won in the last half of the ninth inning by the locals, when with two nip on bases Baxter hit a drive to left field, bringing in the winning runs. Columbia secured eight hits from Kirby's delivery, but none were for extra bases. The game was stubbornly fought. The features were the batting of "Honus" Baxter and Poole, for Denmark. Kirby pitched his usual steady game. Score: Denmark ....1 7 4 Columbia 5 S 4 Batteries: Kirby and Poole: Carmack and Boozer. Umpires, Shanklin and Guess. Now is the time to play checkers. i Boards for sale at The Herald Book Store. SCHOOL DAYS KM). Closing Exercises Are Held at Denmark Institution. Denmark, June 2.?The Denmark school had its closing exercises Thnrsdav ami Fridav nishtS of last week. Dr. H. N. Snyder, who was to deliver the annual address, was prevented from being present on account of sickness in his home. His place was filled by S. G. Mayfield, who spoke on "The American .Man." J. A. Wiggins, chairman of the board of trustees, called attention to the need of an addition to the faculty, so that Principal .McCown may be able to give the greater part of his time to the supervision of class room work. It is the purpose of the trus^ tees to supply this need as soon as possible. The enrollment of the school for the session was 213, as follows: 108 girls and lOo boys. Prof. McCown stated that as the grades advances the male pupils drop out. Special mention was made of the high percentage made by three girls in the tenth grade?Vera Wiggins, Christabel Mayfield and Frances Guess. They made for recita tions and attendance between 99 and 100. Let Us Profit by Last Year's Lessons. \ A good many of us who last year were reading and trying to profit by the advicq^ of the experts interpreted the advice to cultivate shallow in a very literal manner, and so in the early part of the season, when our crops were small, simply stirred the soil for an inch or two in depth. But as the season advanced we suddenly woke up to the fact that moisture was becoming mighty scarce and in our efforts to help the crops found ourselves under the necessity of breaking our fields much deeper, so as to secure a mulch of sufficient thickness to prevent the loss of what moisture was in the soil. In doing this, however, following a period of shallow cultivation, we found ourselves cast upon the other horn of the dilemma. Our previous superficial cultivation had encouraged the formation of the roots of our plants near the surface, and when it became necessary to stir the soil deeper than we had previously been doing, this was accomplished by a tremendous slaughter of roots, and our plants were correspondingly injured. There is no question that this deeper plowing or cultivation was choosing the least of the two evils; but it was an alternative that would not have arisen had we used a little forethought in the early part of the season. We should have known that this dryer weather comes nearly every year before the crop matures, and that a deeper mulch will be required before the crop is matured than is necessary in the beginning, and should have provided against the injury that always accompanies the deepening of the soil mulch late in the season. So let us anticipate this condition early in the season this year, and establish the proper thickness of soil mulch early in the cultivation, before doing so will cause too much root injury. Remember that especially in the early stages of their growth the roots of plants grow more rapidly than do those parts above ground, and that by the time a corn plant, for instance, is a foot high, its roots will have spread a distance of fully two feet all around. So this deepening of the mulch must be done quite early in the growth of the plant. Herein comes one danger of using the harrow too long in early cultivation. When the crop first comes up there is no better cultivation nor one so cheaply given than by the use of a drag harrow run diagonally across the rows. It stirs the whole surface, kills young grass and weeds in the drill as well as in the middles, and gives the young plants a splenhnnct forward. But if' the use of the harrow 4s too long continued we are apt to suddenly awaken to the fact that the plant roots have full possession of the soil at a very shallow depth, and in order .'to establish the depth of mulch that we know will be required later on find it necessary to inflict considerable root injury.? D. X. Barrow in Progressive Farmer. Bless the Ladies. "Our congressional committee la /I ioc in two llOUTS. Jicai u uuri ? iau>vu m ? . - That many men would have kept us listening for several days." "That shows that women can transact public business. But how did they (manage to crowd thirty speeches into two hours?" "Oh, they spoke three and four at a time."?Kansas City Journal. 934 DIE IN SHIPWRECK | _____ BIG STEAMER RAMMED BY COLLIER FRIDAY. Appalling; Disaster On St. Lawrence River in Canada.?Yei*y Few Saved. Rimouski, Quebec,May 29.?Sinking in ninety feet of water within fifteen minutes after being rammed amidships in the upper reaches of the St. Lawrence River early to-day, the Canadian Pacific Liner Empress of Ireland carried down with her more than 900 of her passengers and crew. Of the 1,367 persons on board the liner only 433 are known to have --been saved, making the probable death list 934. Looming up through the river mists, as the Empress of Ireland was lying to, waiting for the fog to lift or to break, the Danish collier, Storstad, crashed bow-on into the side of the big Canadian liner, striking her about midway of her length and ripping her side open to the stern. The crash occurred not far from the shore off Father Point, 150 miles from Quebec, which the Empress of Ireland left yesterday afternoon bound for Liverpool, and ten miles from this point on the St. Lawrence. In reality, therefore, although the liner was heading for the sea and the collier coming in from it, the disaster was not one of the ocean but of thMjjver. Unlike the Titanic's victims, tSfttempress of Ireland's lost their lives within sight of shore?in landlocked waters. "S. O. S." Call Sounded. Immediately the ship's crew recovered from the shock of the collision, and it was seen that the liner had received a vital blow, a wireless "S. (/. S." call was sounded. The hurried appeal was picked up by the Government mail tender Lady Evelyn here and the Government pilot boat Eureka at Father Point, and both set out to the rescue. So deep jfras the hurt of the Empress, however, and so fast the inrush of waters that long before either of the rescue boats could reach the scene the liner had gone down. Only floating wreckage and a few lifeboats and rafts from the. steamer, buoying up less than a third of those who ' had set sail on her, were to be found. The rest had sunk with the liner, had ' been crushed to death in.the Stors^Jmnont in"th hor or had been LCI U. & I mpak. l nivu uv> w forced from exposure in the ice-chill ed waters to loose their hold on bits ' of wreckage and had drowned. Only a few persons were picked up ; by the Storstad, vtfiich was badly ' crippled herself, and these were brought here by the collier, together ' with those saved by the Eureka and Lady Evelyn. Twenty-two of the 1 rescued died from injury or expos1 ure. Sent to Quebec. The others, most of whom had jumped into the boats or plunged into the water from the sinking liner scantily clad, were given such clotfi| ing as the town could supply, and later those that could travel were placed on board a train and started for Quebec, where they arrived to' night. Accounts agree that in the brief ' space of time?not more than four' teen minutes?between the shock of ' the collision and the smKing or me liner there was little chance for systematic marshalling of the passengers. Everyhing indicates that hun' dreds probably never reached the decks. Few women were among the ' saved, not more than a dozen, the lists make it appear. "The stewards did not have time to rouse the people from their berths," one survivor told Capt. Bollinger, of the rescue ship Eureka. 1 "Those who heard the frenzied calls of the officers for the passengers to hurry on deck rushed up, piled into the boats, which were rapidly lowered, and rowed away. Many who waited to dress were drowned." Explosion Adds to Hoitoi*. The horror of the interval during the time the Empress of Ireland was rapidly filling and the frightened .throngs on board her were hurrying every effort to escape before she sank, was added to by an explosion, probably caused by the water reaching the boilers, bulged the liner's sides and catapulted persons from her decks out into the sea. ; . The ship's heavy list as water poured in made the work of launching boats increasingly difficult, and when she sank scores still left i on her deck were carried down, only a few being able to clear her sides and find support on wreckage. From all accounts, Capt. H. G. KILLER BY A. C. L. "FREIGHT. . j 'JA Julius Dozier Meets Almost Instant Death at Orangeburg. Orangeburg, June 1.?Julius Dozier was almost instantly killed here to-day at about 1.30 o'clock by a freight train on the Atlantic Coast Line. From what could be learned Dozier was walking along by the railroad track on the way to his home, on Dickinson street, when local freight No. 330, going North, overtook him a short distance from the crossing of the Southern and A. ,|j C. L. Though nothing definite is known in regard to how Dozier was struck by the train, it is supposed that he either attempted to get on the moving train or was not aware of its approach in time to get out of / $ danger. The conductor on the freight was the first to discover the fatally injured man. The coroner held an inquest over the remains this afternoon, and a verdict was returned in accordance with the above. Dozier was a paint- . * v . t|| er by trade. ' ?>3 She Gave 110 Tipsf' Lawrence Kinney, usher at the union depot, is convinced it does not always pay to laugh. Last Thursday a woman from Clarinda, La., who was waiting for a train, accidentally backed into a suitcase and fell over it into the man's lap in an undignified heap. The crowd laughed heartily, but Kinney did not, and after he assisted the woman to her "ICtil Silt? abheu lui xuo uaaic auu au.dress. To-day he received by parcel post a box of candy. In the box was a slip of paper on which was written, \ "Because you did not laugh."?I Kansas City Journal. "h |9 A Toast. Somebody who has heard about v % Mayor Mitchel's experience at the suffrage meeting, apparently, mailed the following unsigned verse on a, postcard to the New York city hall: ? Here's to the woman of days gone (May we meet her kind above) The woman for whom a man would die, The woman who ruled by love; . Who didn't harang and who didn't parade, * / In whose home it was sweet to Who believed in raising children. ; >And not in raising ?! Kendall, of the Empress of Ireland, bore himself like a true sailor. He retained such command of the situa tion, it appears, that while the Storstad's stem still hung in the gap it had made in the Empress's side, Capt. Kendall begged the master of the * collier to keep his propellers going' so that the hold might remain plugged. The Storstad, however, dropped back and the Empress filled and foundered. Stood on Bridge. Capt. Kendall stood on his bridge as the ship went down. A boat picked him up and he directed its work of saving others until the craft was loaded. The captain was injured but his hurts are not dangerous. When day broke the rescue boats had not returned from the scene of the wreck. People standing on shore at Father Point scanning the harbor with telegpopes saw the rescue steamers picking up boats in the river and prepared to give help to the survivors: They were sorely in need of aid as most of them had on little clothing " - J * K ~ moc noflr the ^ ' ClilU 1110 L 0 111 utiaiuit ?. t*w uvm . '* freezing point. When they had been given attention the work of recovering bodies was undertaken. The rescue steamers themselves had brought in nearly fifty of these, and to-night, after they had continued thir search, a total of about two hundred and fifty bodies had been recovered. One woman and four men still living but unconscious, were picked up by the stean er during the day. Few of the bodies had been identified to-night. The wireless is given credit for saving many lives. Responding promptly to the "S. O. S." call, the steamer Eureka was on the spot approximately twenty-minutes after the disaster, and the Lady Evelyn but a little later. Passengers on Ill-Fated Steamer. A corrected list of passengers and crew on the Empress of Ireland, issued officially by the Canadian Pacific^ Railroad, gives the total number aboard as 1,367, divided as follows: First cabin passengers, 87; second cabin passengers, 153; third-class passengers, 714; officers and crew, 413. "M