-Y"t * p One Dollar and a Half a Year. . BAMBERG, S. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1913. Established 1891. t * ; COUNTRY NEWS LETTERS SOME INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN VARIOUS SECTIONS. -* News Items Gathered All Around the County and Elsewhere. Ehrhardt Etchings. . Ehrhardt, Nov. 3.?Cane grinding H is on hand, and the farmers will be P busy for a week or two, making I syrup for next year. The young folks usually gather to the sugar hni Tin ere o o thov ncnallv r>all and have a big, sweet time. Every now and then the young folks have a candy pulling. Sr A negro living on a Mr. Pelham's K plantation, near the old Dr. Carter p place, was shot and killed last week one night. Was done at night in the house. Two or three of his children Iwas hit at the same time, but not fatally. The darkey that was killed was named Mid Mingo. A Gant ne gro did the shooting. Report has it that Gant fired eight shots into the house. Gant :.s in the Walterboro jail now, awaiting his sentence. Came very near being twTo fires in town recently. Friday night of last week a bed and some lint cotton burned in a darkey house of Mr. Henry Ehrhardt. Was found in time and put out before the house caught. Sunday afternoon the ware room of the Farmer's Mercantile Co. caught on fire, but was also discovered in time and put out. Mr. Karesh went in his auto to Branchville Sunday morning to meet Mrs. Karesh and two children. Came home Sunday afternoon. The workmen will commence the two brick buildings this, morning for S. W. Copeland and J. D. Dannelly. Hope to soon have them in shape to occupy. Quite a crowd are getting ready ft to attend the fair in Walterboro, ft from the 4th to 8th of November. m Walterboro folks are planning for a B big time, more attractions and the |g like to please the people who take it in. E Messrs. Ada and Glennie Smith ft went on Saturday to Yemassee. f They will return Monday. i The barn on the old mill Isaac |h* Carter plantation was burned last night with contents. Messrs. Jno. J. and H. J. Hiers had the plantation rented from the Carter heirs. The loss was about $1,750; no insurance. Heavy loss on both Hiers and Carters. JEE. Fairfax Fancies. Fairfax, November 3.?The ladies of the Baptist missionary society observed Halloween in a very amusing K way at school hall Thursday evening, p There was a ghost parade, and Mrs. K S. Sanders led them in two very SB, weird, ghost-like songs, then they reIE tired down stairs to see the "side K& shows," arranged so well by Mrs. f Jennings and Miss Delle Loadholt. ? The "Fat Lady," the "Tall Lady," " oto TT-Vti 1 o thoir fnr V 1VCU 1/CX1) n . tunes were told in another room. Mrs. Wm. Simpson and Mrs. N. B. Loadholt presided over the refreshment tables. A nice sum was realized. The circus has come and gone. The small boys are still giggling. Mrs. Julia Harter visited relatives at Hickory Grove recently. Jf The teachers are busy in spare time practicing "The .Deestrick (Skule," to be produced in a few days, we hope, to a large audience. Mrs. Benj. Buckner was called to Augusta by telegraph to attend her brother's funeral, the late Mr. Geo. Morgan. Many friends sympathize with Mrs. Buckner in her sad be| reavement. Boyce Boynton, of Ulmer, visited r relatives here recently. Dr. Ira Youmans and sister have retumed from' a pleasant trip to Lawtonville. Miss Annie Owens, of Brunson, who lived here for several years, is visiting friends here. Misses Nelle Loadholt, Flora Kenney, Mrs. S. L. Sanders, F. Moorer, Ed. Harter, and G. D. Sanders visited Allendale Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Warren, of Allendale, visited us last week. There are several new business enterprises on tapis, which we will speak of next week. The building boom continues. The residence of W. E. Harter will soon ! be one of the handsomest on Laurens i Avenue, the Lutheran parsonage is much improved, while Gordon ir non- V) nucd i C SmiTlS' 11 T) and IVCttl BC ?> utn nuukjv o ~ ?x-> ? several others. m We are sorry to record the extreme illness of Lee Bessinger, who is home from the University of S. C., to be nursed back to health. SWALLOWS BICHLORIDE TABLET j j Columbia Man Takes Slow Poison by j Mistake. j J Columbia, November 3.?Herbert j G. Anderson, president and treas-j, urer of the South Eastern Audit j Company, is lying at a local hospital to-night in a dying condition as the result of swallowing a bichloride of mercury tablet, supposedly by mistake. He was operated on. but physicians fear that he will not survive the night. Mr. Anderson came in from Sumter on Sunday night and registered at a local hotel. A friend going to nis room this morning discovered him in great agony and in apparently a critical condition. He was rushed to a local hospital, where physicians used every means in trying to give him relief. It developed that Sunday night he took a bichloride of mercury tablet and it got in its poisonous results for nearly ten hours before he was discovered and relief given him. Coming here two years ago from St. Louis, Mr. Anderson organized the audit company, of which he is president and treasurer. He is a widower with two children, little Misses Lucile and Adelaide Anderson. People in different parts of the country have lingered for days after swallowing the deadly bichloride of mercury tablets, and their experiences as they watched certain death creeping upon them have filled columns in newspapers. SHOWS GRAVE HE DUG FOR MAX. Massachusetts Farmer Said to Have Confessed Killing Neighbor. Milford, Mass., Oct. 31.?By the j flickering light of lanterns Daniel J. Cooper, a farmer to-night led a pa-rty of officers into a swamp nine miles from here and pointed out the grave he said he had dug to hide the body of his neighbor, Alfred Bradish. whom the police say he confessed he j killed with a revolver several days ago. j In his alleged confession, which I came after an all-day examination by the police, Cooper is quoted as saying he shadowed Bradish from his farm house and without a word came up behind him and fired. Then he hid | the body until the next morning, when he dragged it to the swamp. The cause of the shooting, the police say, is a mystery. They declare that Cooper insists he had no reason for killing his neighbor, and denies jealousy was the motive. . KILLp SELF IN HOME. John Shirley, Well Known Chester Planter, Commits Suicide. [ Chester, Nov. 3.?John Shirley,, aged 44 years, shot himself in the head this morning at 5 o'clock at his ; home near Cornwell and died in! stantly. He used a shotgun, placing the barrel almost at his head, and pulled the trigger tearing the upper half of his head off. He was a prosperous and industrious planter and was well thought ' of by his neighbors. The deed appears to have had its inception in fear. Being a peaceable and law-abiding citizen, he was summoned Saturdav to aDDear in eeneral 1 sessions court here to-day in case as a witness. This appears to have set ! him wild. All last night he walked | the floor and his wife was uneasy about him. This morning early she ! heard a terrific report of a gun at ! the side door and quickly opening it 1 | found her husband lying dead. In addition to his wife, Mr. Shirj ley is survived by several children J and his father, Richard Shirley, of i this city. Coroner J. Henry Gladden left for the scene of the suicide early this morning, where he will empanel a jury and hold an inquest. Girl of the Period. Little girl, you look so small, ^ " .no lion t you wear no ciouies at an : Don't you wear a shimmy shirt? Don't you wear a petty skirt? 1 Just your corset and your hose, Are these all your underclothes? Little girl, when on the street, You appear to be all feet. With your dress so very tight, You surely are an awful sight. Nothing on to keep you warm, Crazy just to show your form. Little girl, you won't live long. Just because you dress all wrong. Can't you wear more underclo'es Than your corset and your hose? After a while. I do believe. You will dress like Mother Eve. ?Austin Statesman. Read The Herald, $1.50 year. IN THE PALMETTO STATE! ! I SOME OCCURRENCES OF VARIOUS j KINDS IN SOUTH CAROLINA. j ' j ^ State News Boiled Down for Quick: Reading?Paragraphs About Men and Happenings. g W. B. Hensley, a white youth of 18, is in Anderson jail charged with stealing a watch and a diamond ring. L. J. Browning, of Union, has announced that he will run for governor next year. He was formerly a member of the legislature and chairman of the ways and means committee. Claude B. Hogan, a young butcher of Sumter, was arrested on Wednesday on the charge of stealing or receiving a stolen cow and butchering it. He says he bought it from a negro who claimed to own it. Mose and Susan Ballard, colored, are held for trial by the Sumter county coroner on the charge of beating Anna Ballard, an adopted child, to death. They tied her up and beat her brutally while she was sick. James Munro, a prominent lawyer of Union, aged 65 years, died in a Columbia hospital on Tuesday as a result of a fall on the pavement at the Columbia union station two , weeks ago. In the fall his skull was broken. CONFEDERATE GENERALS. What Occupation They Engaged in ! After the War. ^ One of our readers asked The News- c Leader not long ago to tell him what ? became of our Confederate generals y after the war. To answer that ques- 1 tion we made a search of the bio- 1 graphs of our Confederate generals, * lieutenant generals and admirals who survived the war and we were our- * selves surprised at the result. 2 posing as they did practically ev- ; erything in the war, most of those t brave men who had led thousands to 1 battle were forced to toil for daily bread. Two of them, gallant, noble * spirits, were reduced to such straits 2 that they had to till the soil with ? their own hands. Three others en- * gaged in private business where the 1 return vie small; one was able to re- 1 tire to his farm. General Bragg, who t at one time was virtual commander * of all the Confederate armies, earned ? a living as a civil engineer; Gen-eral * Early was president of the Louisiana * lottery and practiced law; Admiral s Semmes was an editor and college r professor; Richard Taylor, son of * President Zack Taylor, engaged in 1 literary work. 1 But the majority of our command- 5 ers gave themselves to public service after the war. Of the 24 whose rec- 1 ords we have examined, five were col- s Tl, a P rnn t P _ t 1C5C piCOiUCilld 111C Uicut KS\sm.XA~ mander himself, D. H. Hill, Stephen 8 D. Lee, A. P. Stewart and Admiral * Buchanan. Nobler service they could 8 not have wrought, a more magnifi- ^ cent field of endeavor they could not * have chosen, for the road of south- * era redemption lay from Appomattox ^ to Lexington! c Six others were in public life for at 8 least a part of the time after the 1 war, and of these one at least was ,? enabled to serve his country as effect- c ively in peace as when he led his c dashing troopers against Sheridan's cavalry at Trevillians.' This, it is c scarcely necessary to say, was the T princely Wade Hampton. 8 Three others became the heads of 2 ?reat corporations, Kirby Smith being * head of a telegraph system, Beaure- 1 gard operating two railroads, Forrest c managing a great system. Surely it is an honorable record r and one worthy of the greatest mili- * tary staff a nation ever boasted. 1 HOMICIDE NEAR TUSKEGEE. ? Young Man Shoots Friend After Be ing Warned Against Accident. Tuskegee, Ara., November 2.? Sterling Lloyd, aged 23, son of a f large turpentine operator, is in jail s charged with murdering G. T. Boles, j aged 30, at Milsteaa late yesterday j afternoon. Floyd is said to have i playfully put his shotgun in the face a of each of five young men standing j, in front of a store, when he returned ^ from hunting. Boles warned him that he might accidentally shoot t some one, but Floyd, it is said, raised i, his gun knocking Boles's hat off. t This Boles resented and Floyd pulled c his pistol and shot Boles. i Mr. W. P. Jones is now in the ? West buying another car load of ' horses and mules for Jones Bros. ? Wait and see this load, for they will y be as nice a load as they have ever shipped in.?adv. DANGER OF BURIAL ALIVE. nstanees of Suspended Animation and How Brought Al>out. Dr. E. P. Vollum, United States irmy, was. when a lad of 16 years, "drowned" in Lond Island about 10 'clock. His body, says the Baltimore >un, was placed in a wagon and haul^ r?ilAo 4 a V? i c Amn o n H . nro. U UUCC illllOS IU iilO UUUlb unu v. )ared for burial. At daylight next norning one of the watchers discovred signs of life. Vollum, after gradlating at the medical college, passed he army examination ana became a loctor in the army. At the battle of Gettysburg a bullet >assed through the head of Gen. Paul, earing cut both eyes. Three days ater his body was removed from the ield into a house. Dr. Vollum, having lad a narrow escape from premature mrial, had adopted the opinion "that here is no certainty of death until he body shows decay." and refused 0 have him buried. Several days ater the General showed signs of ife, and in time recovered his health tnd strength, and although blind, ived for fourteen years in Washingon. In the afternoon of the battle of ?hickamauga an Ohio soldier on Jnodgrass Hill was shot through the :ody. He was carried to the regimental surgeon and pronounced dead.rhe writer had the pleasure of going >ver the field in 1893 with this sollier and his handsome young daugh;er. He was then a member of the .)hio State Legislature, and was a obust, healthy man. It seems that the third day after le was shot he became sufficiently :onscious to attract the attention of 1 sergeant of a Virginia regiment, vho poured some water on his wound ind gave him some to drink. The lext day the Confederate carried him o the doctors at Snodgrass House. After Dr. Vollum was transferred ;o the retired list he went abroad, ind there met a wealthy Englishman, vho paid the expenses of publishing he book Vollum wrote some years ater on premature burials. Vollum states that two undertakers in England told the Englishman md himself "that if what they personally knew was published it would lorrify the world." He stated that f a person died in Germany the law equired that it be at once reported o the nearest physician of the Government, who at once takes posseslion of the body, moves it to a moruary, placing it in a comfortable )ed, where it is under constant observation until decay is shown. Tfte nortuaries are built in cemeteries, nd the attendants live in them. It s said that the last mortuary built n Munich cost several hundred thou:and dollars. Germany is not a wealthy nation, >nd that such a frugal nation should pend thousands of dollars every year o prevent anyone being buried alive ;hows that they consider the pecauion necessary. Their doctors say the ;hock to the solar plexis caused by a junshot wound, a fall, a blow from a ist or club, or a tired and hungry >erson dringing a quantity of ice-cold vater or beer, may cause apparent leatft tnat may last ror aays unui me fystem recovers from the shock and evives, and the person lives. The 1am may also occur from weakness :aused by illness, especially daring rpidemics. They seem to think that American :ustoms are rather brutal. To bury vithin two or three days does not ;ive the body time to recover, and illowing all our undertakers at once o inject ten cents' worth of embalmng fluid into the body kills all chance >f its ever reviving. It would look is if Americans were anxious to get id of their parents and grandparents, or, of course, middle-aged and old Jeople are much more liable than 'oung people to a state of suspended tnimation. Democrats Win in Maryland. Baltimore, Nov. 5.?Owing to the ong and cumbersome ballot returns rom the election in Maryland were till incomplete this morning. The udications, however, were that Blair ^ee, Democrat, was elected to the Jnited States senate by a plurality of bout 30,000 and that the Democratc state ticket would do nearly as veil. The Democrats claim a plurality of hree-fourths in each house of the egislature. This would be sufficient o override any votes of the Republian governor, Goldsborough. The progressive vote fell off heavly. In Baltimore it was less than per cent, of the vote cast for Theo [ore Roosevelt for president last ear. Read The Herald, $1.50 year. FARMER SHOOTS ANOTHER WOUNDED MAN KILLED BROTHER OF HIS ASSAILANT. Joe Simpson Wounded by T. S. Sessions?Simpson's Son Tells Story of Trouble. Camden, Nov. 4.?Joe Simpson, a prominent farmer of the Blaney neighborhood, was shot and wounded about the face and shoulder this morning at 11 o'clock by T. S. Sescinnc annthdr farmpr of thfi same neighborhood. The shooting is said to be an indirect result of the killing of T. C. Sessions's brother, Henry Session^, several months ago, by Simpson. Earl Simpson, son of Joe Simpson, who had come to Camden to have a warrant sworn out for sessions, was interviewed tonight. He said that he, his father, younger brother and a negro were gathering corn in a field near the public road when Sessions rode by in his buggy. Shortly afterwards, Sessions passed them again. He saicl that they continued their work and that he was some distance from his father. Some time after Sessions had passed the field the second time, he said, his (Simpson's) young brother called out to his father to look out, that Sessions was going to shoot, and that no sooner than the son gave the alarm the father satrted to turn around, but was shot before doing so. Mr. Simpson, who was wounded, ran, said the son, and Sessions followed him for some distance, but did not fire again. Sessions Arrested. Dr Grisby, of Blaney, was summoned shortly after the shooting, as was the sheriff. Deputy Sheriff Doby Huchabee left for Blaney shortly after receiving word of the shooting. Reports from Blaney state that Sessions has been arrested and that he and the deputy are on their way to n a ^annjen; Several months ago Henry Sessions drove up to Simpson's gin house and, following an altercation, Simpson shot and killed him. Mr. Simpson was later released on bond and his son, Earl Simpson, who was indicted as an alleged accessory to the killing, was released at the preliminary hearing. Earl Simpson said that his father had been warned several times that T. C. Sessions would "get him" in case he was acquitted, but as the trial would not come off until next week, that the family did not regard the threats seriously. It is not known yet whether Ml Simpson's wounds will be healed sufficiently for him to stand trial then or not. THE ART OF LIVING. 1 Why Many People Never Manage to Learn It. Many people never learn the art of living because they never see the relative importance of duties, opportunities and interests, and never discriminate between the things on * ? ai ui. x - xi xi /..n wmcn mey ougui to uruw tut; tun weight of their energy and those which they ought to touch lightly in passing, says The Outlook. The results of seeing things out of perspective and of losing the sense of relative values are not always tragic, but they are always wasteful of time and strength, and they destroy the symmetry of living. At a time when many interests appeal to men or women it is easy to dissipate one's vitality and waste one's influence. It is so easy to know a little of everything that many people know nothing thoroughly. They become electics in religion and their spiritual energy evaporates in a vague interests in the gossip, so to speak, of half a dozen faiths; they read the text books of all the arts r and end by losing whatever capacity for pleasure in beauty they had when they became "globe trotters" in the galleries, museums and studios; they hear lectures on philosophy and get a smattering of the dialect of thought without learning how to think; they join a hundred charities, and never give themselves; they are eager for all the reforms, but nave no time to give retii suyyun, iu any of them. They accept everything that comes their way; they reject nothing, and life in their hands takes on neither unity nor beauty. They respond to every call, and no sooner start intone direction than they are diverted into another path and never reach the end of any road. Mr. W. P. Jones is now in the West buying another car load of horses and mules for Jones Bros. Wait and see this load, for they will be as nice a load as they have ever shipped in.?adv. * ATTACKED IX HIS YARD. 1 Unidentified Negro Tries to Kill Fanner Near Ionian. Spartanburg, Nov. 2.?Word was received here of a mysterious attack made on Guerry Slierbert, a farmer living near Inman, by an unidentified negro, whose motive is supposed to have been robbery. Mr. Sherbert had attended a meetin at Centre Point church and had just returned home and was taking his horse out of the harness when he had the encounter. The assailant slipped up by stealth and before Mr. Sherbert was aware of his approach made a wicked lunge with a knife or razor. Mr. Sherbert backed off and reached to his hip pocket for his revolver. The negro, who was silent, pressed him closely, slashing at him. Mr. Sherbert attempted to shoot the negro, but the latter grasped his arm and threw it up into the air as, the pistol went off. The negro then started to run and was fifteen or twenty feet away before Mr. Sherbert fired again. In the darkness the negro escaped. Letter from "Old Timer." Wanderer's Rest, Nov. 3.?f-Cold, bleak days we are having now; more of them than ever before at this season of the year it seems, yet for all of the unusual weather, only yes- jjj terday figs were gathered from a four-year-old tree that has given a few nice size figs each day since early July. A most wonderful performance to the credit of the scale proof fig. Then the flowers, how pretty and bright. Ha, ha, the little violets, true to time, are here, all smiles and bright eyes, who can be grum that look in their cheerful little faces? Glad you are here, little flowers, for it brings other days. Roses sweet, roses rare, white pink, and red all abloom soon to wither and die at *he touch of the ice king, but beautiful to the last. Oh, why should beauty ' fade and die so soon! Dahlias, too, most beautiful and perfect of the year, cheers the cold, bleak days with chrysantheums soon'to be in all ^ their glory. Cold world, beautiful world, with bright stars over-head, none need. be chilled with them beckoning look up, look up. Now, the pigs are growing fat, sausage and spare ribs soon to grace the festive board, then what is better than back bone and rice cooked to- . ? gether. Bright times ahead for the man who has them now in a field of pindars, pigs getting fat and land enriched by them for the next crop. Still with all the joys, sadness ' , ^ comes apace. Only yesterday a friend and neighbor, a good farmer and worthy citizen, R. C. Johns, was buried at old St. Johns church. We all will miss you, Clarence. Then old Joe, the faithful old horse, living high and little work, passed a buggy on the road to Olar, ' / the better half driving, the two buggies coming in collision, sending Mrs. -Haddock with a little babe of only a few months out and in a ditch on one side, the Madam in one on the other. Both scarred and bruised, but not seriously hurt, while the little babe received not even a scratch, and as the little fellow laughed and cooed came the thought,"and a little babe shall lead them." Soon the old horse was driven back and all brought home, bruised but thankful. On being asked how it happened, she said: "I looked back at two girls and then it was." Lot's wife looked back and she, too, came td grief, so remember now, you are growing old, don't look back "Yes, darling, we are growing old, Locks no longer black and gold. Cheeks not ae they used to be M But you are always young to me." Several of the young folks were in our little neighborhood yesterday. Miss Minnie Lee Ayer and Miss Irene Keel brightened Miss Cresida Breland's home with their presence, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kears^e, of Kearse. spent a few hours with us; also Miss Elouise Brabham and Mrs Frank Starr, of Olar, came down to see mother. How it cheers to have the flown birds come back and be with those left in the old cage, if only for a day, OLD TIMER. v ENTERTAINMENT. The entertainment to be given by ho loriioc tn raifiP funds for the fUT nishing of the lobby in the new dormitory at Carlisle School has been t postponed until Tuesday evening, November 13th. The program arranged is a most pleasing one, and will be well worth the price of admission. A large crowd should attend. The program will be published next week.?adv. M