The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, September 05, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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} AT KLAUB ? T1! 11 iL. Iiney are an over uu ever been our good fo EARLY. Don't wait, are College outfitters, shopping all over towr 30-inch Embroidery Flouncing, OP a 50c value, special per yard ?vC 25 doz. 25c Winsor Ties, speci- 1 P _ ah each 13C i 25c Poplins in all Colors, per 1 C yard 10c Chainbrays, all Colors, the O 1 Op yard O 1 yard wide Linens, 15c value, 1 Ap the vard Ladies' Fancy Embroidered OfDrawers, 45c value, per pair LtOL 50c Corset Covers, each at 9C? . onlv %/ * KLAUI BAMBERG, : ^~ ^I^ i GOV. BLEASE'S STATEMENT. CHILD SAVED BY PJ Issued One Last Thursday to the Vot- Mother Warned by Mec ers of South Carolina. Daughter in Da Gov. Blease issued the following Venice, Cal., Aug. 21 statement to-day: ten saved 12-year-old < Columbia, S. C., Aug. 29, 1912. son, of this place f: To the Democratic voters of South death yesterday. The Carolina: kitten had gone for a w On Tuesday, the Democrats of this a time the kitten re" State decided in behalf of an honest, When it saw the girl clean campaign. began to "me-ow" and Two years before, in an interview Mrs. Henderson did n< (on September 14th,) speaking of the the kitten returned to r primary election in the race for gov- plaining and again star ernor, Seantor B. R. Tillman said: last the mother follower "This is a remarkable illustration The kitten led the w of what little influence our newspa- of an amusement pie pers have. They have been so unfair child was found hanginj and unjust that they are discredited spike. She had fallen by the people." and her clothing had < What he said then has been more spike. What he said then has been more Lifeguards rescued t than emphasized in this eletcion, but was barely conscious ar I do not care to rehash the bitterness to make an outcry loud and the filth which South Carolina heard by promenaders < has passed through for the past three ? months, and I hope that it may be ON HOOF TO AVOID possible for me to forget and to for give. God, in His all-wise Providence Policemau Rescues La<; has protected me, and through the agine Robbers are voice of the people, which is the voice . of God, has given to me the greatest TT?xU.1SVi 6* Ky'4 Aug* victory ever known to the world. * itehouse, 1 -yearn It would be impossible for human Lavinia Adams were res tongue to speak or hand to write what ^ceman at an eai*l> h( I feel and what I would love to say to m?rning from the r00f my friends in South Carolina?to say er s home> they 1 that I thank them is indeed so little themselves to escape si larS and insignificant that I feel ashamed almost to use that word. I thank The tTV0 were start] > them and from the bottom of my in the house and cIim heart T sav nraiae God from Whom WiDd0W 0Dt0 the sIantiD ? .. . _ . they stood in the ran all blessings flow and may His . . . . , .. . * _ cries attracted a neight choicest blessings rests upon my , , . , , , fled tne police, friends and our proud common- ^ wealth; that He may give to me the Shooting at the power and the wisdom to serve my State and my people better than 1 strabane (county T> have ever served them before, and to Council is offering a re1 serve them with a heart devoted to who will give such in the cause of humanity and Christian- will lead to the convict ity. My friends, I thank you, may who llse the dial of th God bless you, and if I can ever serve as a target. The conti vou. command, and I will obev. t->'i ivi n o- rVto ctntc And to the many hundreds of several bullet hole good ladies, who have added their looking on the main sti words of encouragement and their jgt havin0, parsed clean prayers for success, J say to them, I c]0ck. thank you and may God's choicest -p^g chairman of the blessings ever rest upon you. that when the tower wa If I have said one word or done which the old clock wai A + t* i ?-?? I* * rt Vi t? /A * 1 /I 1 A r\ .. _ _ _ _ uue tmiig wiuui .wu uioav round that the weather prove of, I beg your forgiveness and m0st eaten away witt that you remember the circumstances people used to fire at it under which I labored were most try- round. The amusement ing. COLE L. BLEASE. apparently it has been : Highest prices paid for beef cattle. 8ard t0 the dial of 1 v H. G. DELK, Bamberg, S. C. London Globe. & @3@@?@?@?@????@??@? r ut hi? SL IV Dy 1 on. i store. We are stoc rtune to have before. We mention some ol You can get every i to find it 75c Underskirts, each 59c 12y2c Best Advertiser Bleach <M A A 12 yards for ?plAJU * 1 lot left over House Dresses; former prices up to $6.50. -Your (M CA choice now, each ?pl#t/V New Pall Coat Suits and Coats arriving every day?See the Biggest and Best line in the county?Don't buy until you see our line. Big lot Kimonas, in Outing, Crepes and Silks 25c to $3.50 50 doz Towels. Some beauties in this lot. Each 10c to $1.50 JER^! ET KITTEN. THREE KILLED IN EXPLOSION. wte and Finds One of the Mills of Rand Powder mger. Company Blew Up. 5.?A pet kit- Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 29.?Three Olive Hender- men were killed and several injured rom probable in an explosion of one of the mills child and the of the Rand Powder company at Maralk, and after low, 23 miles west of Knoxville, this turned alone, morning. The dead: John Giles, 's" mother, it Frank Barrett and George Newbrill. started away. The injured are: George Walters, )t follow and of Dossett, hand hurt; Henry Nelson, enew its com- of Marlow, one rib broken; ted away. At Downes, home not known, right arm d. cut. ay to the end The dead and injured men were r, where the laborers employed in the mills as I from a large mixers of powder. A quantity of from the pier powder had been loaded on a truck ;aught in the which runs into the mixing mills. As Barrett and Newbrill were leaving the he girl. She building with the truck of powder id was unable John Giles was approaching them. enough to be When they reached a point a few feet ! Dn the pier. from the building the powder in the mill exploded, wrecking the building BURGLARS. and kjnjng the three men who were 1 .. t near the trucks. lies Who Im- , . The mill in which the explosion oc in House. curred was about 30 or 40 feet in | on ttt size. In it at the time of the ex 30.?Mrs. W. , . J ... . plosion were 240 kegs of powder in ? Jl, e' an crude form, all of which was de>cued by a po- 4 . , stroyed. 3ur yesterday of the form- Tomtit a Lamplighter. ; lad marooned ^ m , . , There is generally some quite sim- J ipposed burg- , , ? H _ . pie explanation of amystery?if it J . . . can only be found out. The lamp- ' ed by noises A A ~ ? .. . . . . lighter at .Greenford, near Ealing, bed out of a ? . . has been puzzled for some time past g roof, where , . 4.-, by finding one of the lamps lighted a until their J & * 6 , . .. every day, although he had duly )or who noti- . ? , turned it down. ne suspected nu spooks, but mischievous boys, and so ' Clock. he Prepared an ambush. To his as- J tonishment, as he was watching, up -rone) Urban went the light with never a boy in 1 *vard to those sight, and then he discovered that ' formation as the unauthorized lamplighter was a 1 ion of people tomtit which had a nest in a corner e town clock of the lamp, and in getting into it 1 -actor for re- was in the habit of hopping on to the s ;s that there ring of the incandescent by-pass. ( s in the dial Many years ago the writer of this ( reet, one bul- note remembers a spell of mystery 1 through the in the shape of the mysterious ring- 1 ing of a bell at intervals during the ( council states night. Xo human agency could be ( is removed in detected, and the mystery grew deep5 fixed it was er. Possibly the Psychical Research i vane was al- Society might have been appealed to ' i shot holes, had not chance revealed the fact that 1 to see it turn the ringing was caused by a rat, ' died out, but which used the wire as a jumping off c revived in re- place. Spooks are composed of very * town clock.? varied matei/als.?Wesminster Gazette. t ??????@??@?@?@@?@??? ARLY SI STORE OF ked up with more "BA We want you to see 1 F the great big values 1 needed article for yoi > 150 dozen Handkerchiefs. Going for each 3c to $1.50 Ladies * Sample Muslin Underwear. Drawers at pair $1.00, $1.50, $2 and $3 Pnvcpf flnvpvs! ps? p>i 50c tn $3.50 I V_^ VX kJV U V ? VA .... .... WW w y W?W Princess Slips, each $3 to $10 Gowns at $1.00 to $5.00 We can save you 25 per cent, on above goods. Biggest line of Suit Cases, Hand Bags, and Trunks ever sold here. Suit Cases 75c to $35.00. Trunks $1.00 to $32.50. The Store ( I REUNITED AFTER 19 YEARS. j BOY BANDU Father and Daughter Come Together Brags About H< Through an Advertisement. Agent and Appr< Cleveland, 0., Aug. 28.?After Hammond, Ind. having been separated 19 years, S. ell Kosachiah, 15, D. Wagner, of Bluffton, Ind., and his is in Philadelphia daughter were reunited here last last night, charge night. Their meeting came &fter a bed John Lynch, telephone conversation when Wagner agenj of the Erie T5infftrk? Vioura FHna cnpnlfine' in I Lvnch said the b XU. XJAUULWil JUVU1 VA JUUUM _ v Cleveland in a woman's voice that, volvers at him a when he had last heard it, had been hand over the moi that of a baby. Later Kosachial When the child was two years old mond and gathe the mother died, and the father plac- crowd of others y ed Edna in a Cleveland orphanage his companions t whence she was transferred to that of nickel shows, the Sisters of Charity in Toledo. She "I am on my w was taken from there by a preacher dians," the youngi who kept her several years at his of admirers. "Ji home in Henry county, Ohio. practice, I 'tuck i Thence she came to Cleveland, and out in the country it was here some one told her of an that fellow was s< advertisement for his lost child which over his roll with< had been made by S. D. Wagner, of "When I get ti Bluffton. She called Wagner by long- am going to Chic distance, soon established her identi- boy's outfit. The: ty and the reunion plans followed. His arrest folic BIG HUSBANDS BEST. The Outwittin Look Out for the Small Man With a There 1S a buti( small Northern Ii Sharp, Thin Nose. is a sort of vin. Big men make the best husbands name is Witt. W and little men with sharp, thin noses jokes on the lads are especially to be avoided, accord- stop, for their mc ing to Mrs. Anna Murphy, chief police and at odd times matron, in her official report to Chief days, for the sh( Df Police McWeeny. made so by the hu Mrs. Marie Leavitt, clerk of the the meat is kept. :ourt of domestic relations, also for- witted one day warded a report in which she jolted youngster who wa the little men. van when anything "Big men, whether it is in business off" by the village Dr in matrimony, are easier to get Johnny and son along with," wrote Matron Murphy, panions were ha 'They are more likely to be easy go- butcher shop, tal Ing and less irritable and more gen- the coolness eman srous. The little man' is more liKeiy lrigerator. :o be nervous and fidgety. "Say, Johnny," "A man with a sharp thin nose is as a smile played < :pt to be a scold. Where a man of j take this fly pap< small stature is endowed with a nasal ; floor, and stand o Drgan of this sort you have a bad you a nickel'.' combination. There you have a prize "Sure ting!" e faultfinder. He will rail at every- "Decorate the cou :hing from the way the steak is coin, so's I'll knov cooked to the way his socks are darn- and give us the fl} cd." The butcher put Mrs. Leavitt added this: counter near the be "The small men greatly outnumber him the fly paper. :he big men in the cases that come ( paper, turned it s before this court. Most ot our cases i tne noor, sictmyeu ire for non-support, and on this it was glued dow: ;omplaint the little unskilled man is grabbed the nicke! :he worst offender by far."?N. Y. Indianapolis News iVorld. ?* ^ Highest prices p Rub-My Tism will cure you. G. DELK, Bam QUALITY" I RGAINS" than it has I . them. So VISIT US I waiting for you. We 1 ir boy or girl without I y ffl A We are agents for the following lines ? that are calculated to please discrim- ? inating people ? Jno. B. Stetson Hats, each $3.00 to $6.00 X Boyden Shoes, per pair $5.50 to $7.00 q American Ladies' Tailoring Co.? ? Suits, Coats and Skirts. @ The Royal Tailors?Men's Fine Tail- ? oring. @ Crossett Shoes, per pair $3.50 to $5.00 ? Michael, Sterns & Co.?Men's Fine ? rSlnfliiTiflr VAVVMAAAgl /3C\ Wilson Bros?Hosiery, Shirts and"Un- s derwear. ? Onyx Silk Hose. a Addler Gloves. ? )f Quality" I 1 SOUTH CAROLINA I VAVAVAMAjfAHATBAVAYAifAYAT 1AVA1 iATiAt fAYrQiAYAltni *2*2*8*8*8*8*55*8*8*8^ ? . - r arrested. Our Citizen's Demand. ?? ? * 3a >lding Up Station Fully Complied With?A Bamberg ehension Follows. Resident Furnished It. i Aug 28 Mitch- There are few items which appear who- said his home in this paper more imP?rtant t0 Bam" saia Cls nome berg people than the statement pub, was arrested here iiShed below. In the first place it is d with having rob- from a citizen of Bamberg and can Highland station be thoroughly relied upon. In the Raiirnnd nf si on second place, it indisputably proves Railroad, or $iuu. that Doan?s Kidney puis do their oy pointed two re- work thoroughly and not temporaritnd forced him to ly. Read this carefully: ney. Mrs. Samuel Harrison, Church St., i appeared at Ham- Bamberg, S. C., says: "I have used red about him a Doan's Kidney Pills and they have red ao ^een very beneficjai My kidneys ouths. -He treated annoyed me and I suffered intensely o soda water and from backache and pains through my loins. Doan's Kidney Pills, which I -U7'AO+ ir,-n T? Sot from the People's Drug Co., reay West to kill In- ueve(j these difficulties and improved ster told the crowd my condition wonderfully. You are ist to continue in at liberty to use my name as a refip' a station agent orence. a little way. Gee, For s*le by all dealers.. Price 50 tt , , . cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, :ared! He handed New York) so}e agents for the united * " )ut a word. States. red of this place I ' Remember the name?Doan's? ago to buy a cow- and take no other. n I will go West." .wed his bragging. W. P. R I L E Y o g of Mr. Witt. O < jher in one of the ][ Fire, Life adiana towns who o Accident 1 age cut-up, whose o < ? iA_ ii? m that'come This| INSURANCE 1 ither at meal time o BAMBERG, S. C. ^ of the hot summer )p always is cool, - J" I ge icebox in which I ' But Witt was out- I by a sharp little generally the I was to be "pulled I * boys. le of his boy com- ; ''LOMBARD |i S!?.~ improved Saw Mills, ;| ating from the re- Variable friction feed. Sand8ReJiablcat^ l"Roc+ material and workmanship. lightf: said the hutcher running, requires little powerfsimpIeJ' said the butcher, ^ ^ andle# Are made in seVera|; Dver his face, "you sjze8 an(j are good, substantial moneyj. er, put it on the making machines down to the smallest n it and I'll give size. "Write for catalog showing En4j ' 5 gines, Boilers and all Saw Mill supplies.; Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co.?i xclaimed the lad. p aucusta. ca. J nter here with the ;-c Z Znv?0' Delays Are Dangerous ; the nickel on the T . ., . . Ti? t * represent the Mutual Life In>y and then handed surance Co., of New York, one of the Johnny took the strongest old line companies in extick side down on istence. Let me show you our many all over it until attractive policy contracts. I also represent the Standard Live Stock a tight and then insurance Co., of Indianapolis. This I and "beat it."? is a strong company. Insure your horses and cattle. rrr-- WMAYWAI KTR aia ior Deer eatne. tt i"*"? " * berg, S. C. EHRHARDT, S. C. 'jjfl ,, ' - rjlli