The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 22, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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PERSONAL MENTION. : ~ -* People Visiting in This City anc at OtheV Points. ?Mrs. J. R. Owens, of Denmark was in the city yesterday. ?Mr. J. L. Cothran, of the Ehr hardt section, was in the city Friday ?Mr. G. P. Sease, of the Ehrhardi section, was in the city last Saturday m- w a o n iTH. X?. V. AJCi, 11U1U kUC O. V-/ C. I. at Edgefield, is at home for th( -Christmas holidays. ?Miss Pauline Clayton, of th( Colston section, spent last week witt Miss Pearl Sandifer. ?Rev. and Mrs. G. P. Watson, ol pv Gaffney, have been visiting relatives in the city last and this week. ?Rev. W. C. Kirkland was in ths t-city this week. He has been at Dil.... ^ Inn onH hna been moved to Union. ?Miss Mallie Patrick, who has been at Talladega, Ala., for the pasl several months as milliner, is at > home again. , ?Mrs. O. A. Simmons and Eve May and Blanche Spann left last week for a visit to relatives in Florida and Alabama. ?-Rev. P. K. Rhoad, of Antreville \ who is visiting his father's family in the Hunter's Chapel section, was - In the city Tuesday. ?Mrs. D. W. Sheal$ and child rem, of Wewahitchka, Fla., who hav< been visiting relatives in the city, returned home last week. ?Misses Belle Cooner, Ethel anc Ws"V Sr,.***> ~ ~ " Urma Black and Ottie Simmons, fron the Greenville Female College, anc Miss Blanche Hair, from Limestone are at home for the Christmas holife'-"' days. t :'? ?Mrs. C. B. Huiet, of Charleston is expected to visit at the home ol her annt, Mrs. E. R. Hays. Mrs Huiet is possessed of a -wonderful v voice, and will be a most welcomed : 'guest. V ?Mr. J. Norman Walker, who haf been in a sanitarium at Asheville, N. C., for some time, returned home last week, much improved in health. ... He is now on a visit to the familj p|.; of his father at Appleton. Z. ??Miss Anna Powell, having completed her engagement as trimmei v ' for Mrs. A. McB. Speaks & Co., returned to her home in Peinsylvania on the 16th instant. Miss Powell ?.; made a, bost of friends while here, who will be pleased to learn that sh fij; *1 will return to Bamberg for the spring : season. The Branchville Homicide. J. J. Jones, a lawyer, who shol ;' and killed Abe Pearlstine at Branchville, in Orangeburg county, seems tc I>?< -? have a bad case. Jones ha<P col^ ^Vjected a claim from Pearlstine, but as ' fInn Arl Ko ilnnnad fr%r I* rtwnsuiic vuuuuucu iv w uuuuvu the claim he assumed that Jones had not turned the money into his client . /When Pearlstine showed Jones in the postofflce lobby a notice concerning it which he had received from othei lawyers they became involved in- a fist fight, which was stopped by the r postmaster. Jones turned and aftei H - walking away returned after the fisC . ticuff was over,, drew a revolver and H shot Pearlstine dead. Pearlstine was unarmed. We do not know how this kind of thing goes in Orangeburg - county, but it would be decidedly unM healthy for the defendant in such a pf* case for a Spartanburg county jurj %' to get hold of him.?Spartanburg | Journal. Mill Superintendent Short. Si Spartanburg, Dec. 17.?Leaving a shortage of two thousand dollars, J, A. Crossby, superintendent in one department of Beaumont mills, has left this city and efforts to locate 1 him have proved futile. ' ; It seems that he has practiced systematic graft for several years and only some days ago he was suspected Learning that his game was being watched Crosby left the city and was hot missed until next day when he failed to show up at the mill. 11 seems that, he padded his pay roll adding fictitious names and receiving the pay himself. The matter of making out the pay roll for his department and disbursing it to the ems;:. ployes was left to him. It is no1 known exactly how long this practice has been going on or how muct money has been taken but it is safe to say that it amounts to two thousand dollars. , After the "Tigers." Denmark, S. C., Dec. 16.?Charging that the "blind tigers" in Denmark are openly and flagrantly violating the prohibition law, and thai f the situation has reached a poinl where it can't longer be overlooked the women of the town began circu latin e Detltions this morning, calling on the town council to1 take som< immediate steps to close up th( "blind tigers" and enforce the law The statement is made, however that the disposition not to mor< closely enforce the law here, is du< to the fact that a nearby town is op crating just as openly and, if ther< was no sale in Denmark, the towi would be flooded with Christma: whiskey from the neighboring town f-v, .. I - u ? .... 7 . r SIX MULES BURX IX BARX. SX-YEAR-OLD MAIL ROBBER. I Dstructive Fire Xear Bamberg.?In- Boy Rifles Mail Belonging to Two cenctiarism Suspected. Business Firms. Bamberg, December 18.?At an Rochester, Pa., Dec. 18. A 6-yearearly hour this morning the barn and robber was caught in the stables on the plantation of Mrs. M. postofflce to-night with his arms full E. Bamberg, a few miles east of mail he had taken from two boxes. ? A ?nl.knJ Amnfv u town, were destroyed by Bre, to- ? v ?"""? eether with a large auantitv of feed ?"> boxes and recognized Martin Mc stuffs. Six mules were in the stables, Cush, the child of his friend, Martin * all of which were burned to death, McCush. except one, and it is so badly in- The youngster waB taken to his i jured that it will probably die from ^at^er. i the bums. The loss amounts to An investigation will be made toabout $2,500, and is covered to the niorow ascertain if the two firms j extent of $1,000 by an insurance whose mail was rifled have sufferOil onv lnaa Whptlier the hov ma , policy. "" > *? ? ? ? It Is strongly suspected that the nipulated the combination locks on Are was of Incendiary origin, and the boxes or whether they were left ' bloodhounds will be used to try to ?P?n by some one that had previously ' locate the culprit. A gentle rain has called for tbe mail is not known. been falling since the fire occurred *n a waste basket in the postofflce 5 and it is feared that this may in- was found 3craPa of several dozen 1 terfere with the work of the dogs. lettere that had been addressed to the ' Mr. C. E. Sandifer had charge of the tw0 firma- 111 eae remnants will be farm for Mrs. Bamberg. examined to learn If there were any t ? checks. Complaints of lost mail have t The boys' dormitory of the Odd Deen maae ai tne posiuim-e w*. Fellows orphanage near Greenville eral weeks. * was burned down on Friday. The boys escaped unhurt. The building Herald advertisers want your busi\ cost $5,000 and the furniture $1,- ness, so remember this when out , 000. shopping. I warn via ,j| I NEXT WEEK . | $ $ I ! ll^5i5m5EBC55wi555i55dlf 1 ^os=ior~~io^?~y^sT i Christmas Holiday Rates! Via Southern Railway i , Account Christmas Holidays the Southern , Q Railway announces attractively low round Q ' H trip excursion rates from all points. Tick- |J ets will be on sale December 15th, 16th, ; 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 31st, 1910, and January 1st, 1911, limited good , to reach original starting point returning , ! ? .1 I 1 i J T OiL A ; O not later tnan miamgnt 01 January otu, g 11| 1911. For further information, tickets, H etc., apply to ticket agents or address J. L. MEEK, W. E. McGEE, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Div. Pass. Agent, ST ATLANTA, GA. CHARLESTON, S. C. 3 aoi?ioi io^ ! Atlantic Coast Line : H ANNOUNCES ; o o f Christmas Holiday Rates H To stations East of the Mississippi - a river, and South of the Ohio and Po- a \ H tomac rivers. M SELLING DATES: December 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23,24,25, and 31,1910, > and January 1, 1911. ) FINAL LIMIT: To reach original ) t 1 starting point, returning, not later ' 1 t than midnight of January 8, 1911. J ; For additional information, and s , reservations, address Ticket Agent, , 5 o Denmark, S. C. O H > : W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager, General Passenger Agent, | Wilmington, N. C. OE^aoaaBBOE=o iDoYoi Of <? ?? i >* I Blankets, Con ; ; p Underwear, Si If Shirts, Night < * S m i n i* . I DiacK ueroies I Groceries, Ha '% 1 Cases, Neck ' ? | ami in feet m a; If you do we i tfc the goods and jf: can find, and 1 $ cheaper than ]| we wiU not ex v We are going a??W ^ fjeu i ui via oivi | give us a call 1 fiii a? & & DESPERADO ARRESTED. South Carolina Murderer Arrested at fi - Barber's Junction. Deputies Thompson and Kimball several nights ago arrested Charlie I Young, colored, who has been play- e ing the part of a desperado among a the colored people of the Southern n part of the county and who is thought 1 to have committed murder in Ches- * teffleld county, S. C. n Young went to the homes of sev- 13 eral colored people in the vicinity of Barber several months ago and by * threats compelled them to board and 1 shelter him. He declared he had been c the death of several people and would * kill any one who told of his where- c abouts or failed to give him what he G asked for in the way of food and t shelter. He kept the negroes terror- 15 ized for several months, but they 0 finally plucked up courage enough to c tell Deputy Thompson, who resides E in the Barber neighborhood, of the desperate character in their midst and he, together with Deputy Kimball made the arrest several nights p ago. i] . Young was placed in jail and pho- a tographs made which were sent to a n number of South Carolina towns, to- a gether with a full description of the h desperado. " A A telegram was received yester- v day from the authorities of Chester- 1J field county saying that Young was o wanted there for "murder and that h there was a reward vof $50 out for n V.lo nantiiro fJ UAO VMpWUi V? Young has a half dozen aliases and d is evidently a very bad character. a An officer from South Carolina will tl doubtless come up for the despera- n io to-morrow and he wjll be taken b back to answer for his crime.?Salis- h bury, N. C., Evening Post. * tl Pour Negroes in Jail. r Luverene, Ala., Dec. 19.?Three of h the Salter negroes are landed in jail, Cl together with Titus Flomer, a negro, t( who was supposed to be in the crowd 11 who shot and wounded four white n farmers near here Saturday. One of p the Salters was taken from the mob to-day and brought here. 0 The burning of the negroes' home is condemned by citizens who live in 0 the neighborhood. . There is bad feeling here between the whites and negroes and further a trouble is expected. a . m o Now is the proper time to send in g your subscription. 1< ) i Need I The Fol J? WW % (torts, Horse blankets, oclrings, Sox, Hats, She Gowns, Heavy Caps, , Dress Goods, Notion1 mess, Buggy Whips, Res, Collars, Farm T ost anything you wish. ask you to see our line the prices with any otl e i -.11 ' a r we cannoi sen you ui they can be bought els pect to sell you. to make an effort to sc ick before January, so before buying elsewhere lABHAM' Bamberg, South Carolina il? & jD'Ii ;I? ;I? iHili GENERAL BOYD DEAD. ' / taccumbs to Stroke of Apoplexy Suffered Friday on Train. Columbia, December 18.?J. C. loyd, for four years adjutant genral of South Carolina,, died to-night ,t his residence, on Hampton aveue, following a stroke of apoplexy on 'Ytday while on the train coming rom Charleston to Columbia. He lever gained consciousness following Lis sudden illness. 1 The funeral will be held in Greenille Tuesday afternoon with miliary honors. The body will be esorted to the train Tuesday morning iy the military companies of this ity. He was recently retired by Governor Ansel a major general of he National Guard of South CaroIna. He was 62 years old. Officers t the National Guard residing in lolumbia and not on duty will act as allbearers. Burned to Death. Olar, Dec. 17.?One of the most delorable accidents that ever occurred a our midst took place last evening, bout 7 o'clock, when Jesse McCoraack, an old gentleman, 77 years of ge, was burned to death in his little ome, a half mile from this place. Ir. McCormack, being old and somerhat childlike, would not agree to ive with either of his sons, and was nly satisfied tn^a small house to imself, so his son, Dr. J. R: McCorlack fitted up a small house for his ather hear his own residence, in orer that he might be able to give him 11 necessary attention. This is where tie old gentleman has resided for a umber of years. The doctor left is father in his little, home just an our previous to the fire and the fire as discovered by his little boy while hey were at supper. The doctor ashed to the scene, but the entire ouse was in a blaze and nothing ould be done to save his father. Afar the house was destroyed the re lains of Mr. McCormack were found j ear the back window, where he was ( robably trying to make his escape. The remains consisted of only a harred mass, with part of each limb, 3P of head, and all of interior part f body completely destroyed. Mr. McCormack leaves two sons, ?r. J. R. McCormack, of this place nd Joe McCormack, of Bamberg, nd three brothers, G. H. McCormack f Govan, J. E. McCormack of Auusta, and V. E. McCormack of Coliton county. - I Sr. jV [J lUWlIlg ? Lap Robes, * | ies, Clothing, ? M Brown and jjB s, Hardware, jjB Trunks, Suit 11B ools, Plows, ]|fl ? and compare m S lers that you - t Sp|9 te best goods \ vM ewhere, then ' m? H #+ H ill the larger be sure and X|i|m * * * JJy&ftjj SSONSl : *X5^bH X. Aldrlch Wyman E. H. Hen<ler??*;| Wyman & Henderson - MB Attorneys-at-Law ;|^8 BAMBERG. 8. C. 1?M General Practice. Loans Negotiated^ MASTER'S SALE. V|S|H By virtue of a decree of the court"|K|H of common pleas for Bamberg connty, ^^B in the case of M. Hornik, plaintiff^ against Monnle M. Morris, dated Nor;':?|| vember 17, 1910, I, H. C. Polk, Mas^ggg ter for Bamberg county, will sell to.. 1^319 the highest bidder for cash at thfrj^jflfl court house door, Bamberg, S. C., di^Sa? ?? a T . A 1 ft, 1 at.. 'mmMhBSkM Mouaay, uunuary x?xx, mo aaawBa? being legal sales day, during thele?|jH gal hours of sale the following de- 7.. H scribed lands; ' All that piece, certain lot or par/*aag? eel of land, situate in Bamberg coun-j^ilM ty, State of South Carolina and in town of Olar, bounded North muT East by lands of T. W. Morris; on th^ij|?| South by lands now or late of J.. Cook on Sixty foot street, on the>4gja3M West by lane or twelve foot alley;, 3lP|9| containing within said boundary IOu ^IbM feet pointing South by 200 feet deeglafj|ffi| from North to South. Purchaser to pay for papers. Master for Bamberg County* B. C. BELLINGER, Plaintiff's Attorney. ' 18 MASTER'8 SALE- ' Mam By virtue of a decree in the case^^raffl of B. E. Griffin et al, plaintiffs, vs. ty r ^8 M. Griffin, defendant, in the court of ^^H common pleas for Bamberg county^w^^i I, H. C. Folk, Master for Bambei^|??ft|M county, will sell to the highest bi4der ^S^^| for cash at the court house door^M^| Bamberg, S. C., on the 2nd day January, 1911, the same being the first Monday and legal sales day/ between the legal hour? of sale on day, the following described lands, tcr^^j All that certain tract or parcel :-Xi& ffijf j|jj| land situate, lying and being In Bam-;v;!^H berg county, State of South Carolina, measuring and cpntaining sixty^ix/j?|^ (66) acres, more or-less, and bound; ed as follows:^ On the North by lands of B. E. Griffin and L. N. Kinsey and ^ lands of the estate of Mary England, . on the East by lands of N. P. Smoajk and lands of W. M. Griffin, on the' South by lands of W. M. Griffin, on the West by lands of the England estate. Purchaser to pay for papers. h. c. folk, Master for Bamberg County. December 12th, 1910. CARTER & CARTER, ;^|g Plaintiffs' Attorneys. J. f. Carter B. D. Carter CARTER & CARTER :j| Attorneys-at-Law Bamberg, S. C. Special attention given to setfiftmont of and investi ; ; &}??&