The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, September 02, 1909, Image 5

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I s? Illl W V f H Illl 1 in iu. *|| Bamberg PERSONAL MENTION. ??? * People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. ?Mr. F. H. Copeland, of Ehrhardt, was in the city last Friday. ?Mr. H. A. Hughes, of the Ehrhardt section, was in the city Monday. ?J. F. Carter, Esq., spent Monday in Columbia on professional business. ?J. F. Carter, Esq., spent last Friday in Charleston on professional business. ?Miss Belle Cooner has been visiting Mrs. G. W. Boylston in Blackville. ?Mr. W. P. Riley returned last Friday from a stay at Hendersonville, N. C. ?Mr. J. D. Copeland, Jr., is at home after an extended stay at Hendersonville, N. C. ?Mr. Henry F. Bamberg is at home from a stay in the mountains of North Carolina. ?Mr. J. D. Copeland is at home from Hendersonville, N. C., where he spent the summer. ?Mr. W. C. Patrick is in Colum bia only temporarily, and may be h back here in a few weeks. ?Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Allen, who spent the summer at Williamston, arrived in the city last Friday ?Mr. Willie Wiggins, of Savannah, has arrived in the city. He will work at the oil mill this fall. ?Mrs. J. J. Cleckley and little daughter, Mary, came home last . week from a stay at Williamston. ?Mr. and Mrs. A. McB. Speaks returned last Friday from a trip to Washington, Baltimore, and other cities. ?Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Bamberg and children returned last ThursJ ? - ?1 a of m r? Ua.V lllgut, 11 Ulll a. oia; at, utvuu Springs. ?Mrs. G. W. Garland and little grand-daughter, Lucile Hunter, are at home from a stay at Hendersonville, N. C. * ?Mrs. W. S. Miley, of Olar, S. Q., is paying a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Allison of this place.?Beaufort Gazette. ?Mrs. W. M. Brabham and two children returned last week from a stay at Glenn Springs and Hendersonville, N. C. ?Mr. John Herndon, of Branchville, arrived in the city Monday to take the position pf bookkeeper at H. C. Folk's store. ?Miss Annie Lang Hartzog, of i Bamberg, is visiting Miss Lena Williams in Broughton street.?Orangeburg Evening News. ?Miss Annie Lang Hartzong, of Bamberg, is the charming guest of Miss Lena Williams on Broughton street.?Orangeburg Sun. ?Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hughes, who * have been visiting relatives in the Ehrhardt section for several weeks, were in the city Monday on their way to their home in Holly Springs, Miss. I ; " .... . ? ? BOl 'ILL Have just Rock Hill, various otl style and c where else We have r hfltpr Rrrvs MMtmva va and Harbi; the counti FR/ m ?Miss Roberta Adams, who ha been visiting friends at Kline, r( turned home last week. ?Messrs. A. M. Brabham and I M. Moye returned last Friday froi a trip to Washington, New Yori and other Northern cities. ?Mrs. K. I. Shuck returned las Friday afternoon from a trip to Ba! timore, where she went to buy fa! millinery and dress goods. ?Mrs. C. R. Calhoun and chl dren, of Greenwood, who have bee visiting the family of Mr. J. A. Byre returned home last Saturday. ?Mr. W. A. Klauber and littl son, L. A. Jr., of Bamberg, sper Sunday here with Judge and Mrs. I A. Klauber.?Dorchester Eagle. ?Mr. Willie Dickinson, who ha been in Charleston for some monthi has returned to the city and is no^ with the Planters Mercantile Co. ?Mr. F. F. Shores left for Coluu bia Sunday night, where he will liv in future. The best wishes of hi many Bamberg friends go with hin ?Mr. J. R. Owens, of Denmarl was in the city for a little while lae Saturday, and his many Bamber mends were glad to snaae nis nan again. ?Miss Miriam Rice, of Bamber county, is among the visitors her this week. She is the guest of he sister, Mrs. F. L. Allison.?Beaufoi Gazette. ?Mr. S. W. Copeland, of Ebi hardt, was in the city last Frida: He was on his way home from a tri over in Calhoun county. He say that county has fine lands and goo crops. ?Last Saturday The Herald ha a pleasant call from Messrs. J. F Owens, his son, Dr. G. L. Owens, c Birmingham, Ala., and Mr. F. ^ Kracke, of Charleston, who wer spending the day in the city. ?Mr. Mims and family, of Ocillt Ga., spent Wednesday and Thursda here with the family of Mr. J. "R Stokes. They are touring Sout Carolina in their large touring cai visiting relatives through this se( tion. They went from here to At gusta Thursday afternoon. ?Mr. Miles B. McSweeney, Jr., c the Hampton Guardian, paid Th Bamberg Herald office a pleasant ca: last week while in the city on a visi to Messrs. J. J. Jones and J. H. M< Gowan. As a practical newspape man he was of the opinion that w ' - -? ? i 1 * v, naa one 01 ine uesi umccs m tu State. ?Dr. G. L. Owens, of Birminj ham, Ala., spent last vweek in Der mark on a visit to the family of hi father, Mr. J. R. Owens, proprietc of the Denmark hotel. While ther his friend, Mr. F. W. Kracke, c Charleston, came up and spent th week with him. Young Mr. Owen is originally from Charleston, but h has a fine position in Birminghan with the Linwood Drug Co. Mi Kracke is connected with Buell < Roberts, of Charleston. These tw clever young gentlemen enjoye their stay, and they were well pleai ed with Bamberg county, while w were pleased to have them amon us. I v-7 : ' JQH1 A P BE 5 received big shipme Wrenn & Co., Par her makes of Bugg juality in our show in South Carolina. =H ART eceived large shipm Nashville Saddlei son and Qathright, *y. Come in and lothing Short of a Miracle urn as a is ?Mr. P. S. Connor, of Branchville, was in the city Tuesday. ?Miss Alice Sease, of Kline, vis \ ited friends here Tuesday and Wedn nesday. ?Miss Lucile Lightsey is at home from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. E. R. Walter, in Orangeburg. I- ?Mrs. E. R. Walter, of OrangeH burg, is in the city on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. W. Lightsey. ?Miss Pearle Breland, of Olar, n who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Dot Adams, returned home last Sunday. ?Misses Maude Edwards and Essie Dukes, of Rowesville, spent sev* eral days last week with Miss Roberta Adams. ? it ?Miss Mildred Knight returned x last Friday afternoon from a stay in j the mountains and a visit to relatives in Chester county. e ?Mr. Jones A. Williams is at is home from an extended Western 1. trip. He has been away more than t, a month, and visited many points of interest i 11 Buying Cott( *11 W. Q. Hutto, at J. D. C d || cotton seed this fall, and J | est prices. Give me a a L j j appreciate it, and will d< >f | l matter of price. Don't i J. j | sell your seed. : : : I ! ! W* Q* r, ? | At J. D. Copeland's Store e ?PgHggHiH!HPtPgHPgH8g II #. > ff Attending 1 e :: e It is said to be a good sign wl ? ^ and we are trying tb do that vei 2 ; every detail of our store, and ai i1 *1? the wants of every customer. s $ GIVE DS YOUR NEXT I ?r ? e I! ? and we'll guarantee to please y< <? and we have all the good thing e ? ? handle only the best goods, and : 13 ! ? not give satisfaction, bring it bt e ] * it right. We are thankful for p? b ? Try us once and you'll become a j 'i 1! j. w. ^ i} "THE QUAI 6 fp 'Phone No. 82. " RI r-\ ^ u OLD nts of Tyson & J ry rianufacturin ;ies. You will fi room as you w w w w ww w sj ESS ents of Harness ry Co., Qraff Ma , the most reliab take a look. : Will Keep You From Bu n DA i RIVER GIVES UP ITS DEAD. Body of Young Man Drowned at C lnmbia Sunday Recovered. Columbia, Aug. 30.?The body O. T. Bryant, who was drowned y< terday, was found this afternoon 4:30 o'clock, about one mile doT the Congaree. Mr. Bryant, who h been employed at the Olympia Mil was a native of Davis, Clarend county, and his brother, B. J. Bryai I came here this afternoon for t [body. Mr. Bryant was out swi: ,ming Sunday with G. W. Parker, [L. Warr, Willie_ Parker, Coke a I Pierce Truett. Tne men were star ing on a bank, which sloped dow [ward. It is said that Bryant 1< his head, and, although he cor swim, in some manner went und< The body was found by men on government dredge. The deceas was about 22 Tears of age. ?Mrs. N. J. Stewart has return to Sharpsburg, Ga., after a visit her daughter, Mrs. Henry Ehrhan in Ehrhardt. HSHSBHSiSBHSfflHSHSSHS )o Seed opeland's store, Is buying , will pay the very high* ( ill before you sell. 1 will > my best for you In the fail to see me before you j :::::::::: j I 9 HUTTO BAMBERG, S. C. j HSHSSHSHSHS8SSHSHSHSSN :o Business j ten a man attends to his business, ry thing. We look closely after * re more particular in supplying \ 9BDEB FOB OROCEBIES j >u. Our stock is always fresh, t js to eat. It is our desire to ? if any article bought of us does ick or tell us about it. We'll make * ist favors, and ask a continuance. -egular customer. McCUE j JTY SHOP." Ramberir. S. C. igHlHMigl&SSftaW&gH .. . -V y f- : * ' - . . , ' ' m QHT jj RIGHT || ones, Oxford, ig Co.'s, and w S nd as much HI ill find any- w-*1i9 from Stude- ^43 irshbach Co., ?le houses in SP|j|j z* #=* *=# *?* 3finb, MBERGfj South Carolina f|j rV? ?+* jrVfr yV* ir't'a irVfr * tfc'* ?"i ? *"? * ? at A O 9 \s, ? There are plenty of "plugs" in the world. ? ?? * "^u?" people, "plug" horses and mules, but we V ^ ? don't deal in "plugs" of either description. The 9 e. x horse or mule you buy from us has the Jones Bros. S m idd- A reputation behind him. That alone eliminates all a ?t ffl "plug" possibilities. Our line of A eS X DUggies, wagons, narncss, * | ed I Lap Robes 1^ ^ S etc, are of the kind that must give yon satisfaction Z I? and value for your dollar. ? f Our reputation is behind them, too. x -rf|s Jones Brothers 11 x Bamberg, South Carolina x r :*J|8 CAWiE "'mi" 11 | \iiTMvL price $4.00 i - It is "Savage Quality" all through I j i: While the Savage "Junior" is I < v3sv JV a bolt ac^on rifle, it is radical - | ij ly different than any other I :? rifle of this type on the mar- I ]\ ket. Like all other Savage Bifles ,it is | j distinctly ingenious and workmanship I * the best. Shoots short, long and long I : rifle cartridges. Perfect accuracy guar- | ; anteea. 11 your joDoer cannot suppiy j you, write us and we will tell you where I * you can get this gun for stock. I | Savage Arms Co. I J I Catalocr No. 509. Free Utica, N. Y., XJ. S. A. 1 '* ;; ^ ':'V'