The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, November 12, 1908, Image 8

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i '*+ ' t, ? - ' ' / ; s Hamburg Ipralb Thursday, Nov. 12, 1908 SHORT LOCALS. Brief Items of Interest Throughout > j the Town and County. .* Use Capitol. Stock Remedy. Sold ,? by Peoples Drug Co. "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," played just as it was written. Monday, . November 16th. Don't forget the date. The Loyal Temperance. Legion will meet at the Methodist church tor morrow (Friday) afternoon at four o'clock. ^Jhere have been good crowds in the city during the past few days, and our merchants were kept busy selling fall and winter goods. Pay your subscription to The Bamberg derald before January 1st. It is likely to be $1.50 a year after that time, but you can pay in advance now at the $1.00 rate. Mr. J. M. Grimes showed us a j sweet potato a few days ago which weighed 12% pounds. It was grown * by John Moore, a negro tenant on Mr. . 'Grimes's plantation. c,"? nf n a Kinnrd OCC Cue uen uu. VI ? & Co. in this issue, and when you h. T .heed groceries give them a call. You can always get the best and freshest eatables at their store. A card from Mr. G. E. Rhodes, who [V; was formerly with The Herald, but who went to Union a few weeks ago, aays that he likes Union but wants to come back to Bamberg. See the new ad. of the Southern 1 . States Life Insurance Company in . this issue. If you wish a policy in a first-class Southern company, see Mr. W. C. Patrick, general agent. Capitol Stock Food, five doses for one cent Sold by Peoples Drug Co. |? i; . The Boston Ladies Quartette, a . >"v first-class attraction, is the next num> her of the lyceum course. They will , appear at the Carlisle Fitting ^School ' ; chapel next Saturday evening, the 14th. V , Capitol Stock Food, five doses for > one cebt. Sold by Peoples Drug Co. The regular monthly, meeting oi the Woman's Home Mission Society Will be neia next Tuesaay aueruuuu fev. at 4 o'clock in the ladies' parlor of ' egVi the Methodist church. A large at* 1 jsfhf tendance is urgently requested. Capitol Stock Food, very beneficial &. in growing" and fattening stock. Sold g&;. by Peoples Drug Co. . jfo ,;v( See the new ad. of C. H. Dorsett : in, this issue. If you want to buy a ! lot in Denmark, write to him at Savannah, Ga. He is in Denmark ?one or two days out of every week, lr' and can meet prospective purchasers 1 ^ there and show them the property. j Capitol Stock and Poultry Food, p1 five feeds for one cent. Sold by Peo; pies Drug Co. J. The firm of B. J. Mixon & Bro., of < r 'Orangeburg, large retail grocers, has ih:. gone into voluntary bankruptcy. The &. firm conducted two stores. Mr. C. IS. Mixon, one of the members of the firm, formerly lived in Bamberg and fe his many friends here will regret r 7 learn of his financial troubles. ?r ; Capitol Stock Food, an invaluable remedy\in the treatment, of diseases peculiar to stock and poultry. Sold by Peoples Drug Co. ? x Bro. J. R. Smith has been called to return to Cordova, Orangeburg county, and he will begin work there in January. Bro. Smith sejved this field in Orangeburg for eight years, and it shows that he is held in high esteem < to be called back so soon. He has been serving churches this year in Colleton county.?Baptist Courier. "* * ?a. ,, T XI ..... J . "It IS up to you wueiuer jvu uu S your trading through the McCaskey : i system or the old, careless way. We use the McCaskey. f ^ / D. A. KINARD & CO. v. On account of the bad fire record ? of Bamberg, some of the insurance - companies have been endeavoring to increase rates in this city. The W'' South-eastern Tariff Association wrote . Mr. W. P. Riley that the companies * were asking for an increase of rates, If'/'; and that this would have to be done k*.. unless the town put in water works ? very soon. Have you seen those pretty shoes i at C. R. Brabham's Sons? They have ? V the swellest line in town, not only the patent leather and gun metal, but red and tan. Rev.O. J. Frier is at work on his new field, the pastorate of the Bamberg church. He says he was greeted ^ with good congregations last Sunday and a cordial welcome. The new pasV 'tor's home will be rfeady for occut pancy in a few weeks. We are. happy to have Bro. Frier in this State, and wish for him and the Bambeig church a happy union, attended with glorioin results-?Baptist Courier. ' When trading with us and you wish to Dav vour bill and you, are tired and want to stay at home, a glance at your McCaskey slip holder tells you it can be sent to a penny. -v D. A. KINARD & CO. i The issue 01 bonds for $7,000 for , the purpose of installing water works has been disposed of. The bonds have been sold to a firm of Chicago hankers, the rate of interest being 5% per cent. The board of public works will now take up the matter of installing the system, and it will not be very long before Bamherg will have protection from fire, as well as a reduction in insurance rates. There are merchants who prefer a system of "bookkeeping" which invites errors. Those who adopt the McCaskey system do so to avoid errors. "Bookkeeping unkeeps ac counts." D. A. KINARD & CO. Let everyone, whether they have read the sad drama of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" or not, attend Kritchfield's entertainment on tne night of Monday, November 16th. It is one of the most sensational dramas ever written, abounding in emotional situations and replete with sentiment and pathos. A play of climaxes, and every one leaving a wholesome moral lesson. By all means let the children attend and profit by the lesson that no other school can teach. ? Pay your subscription. We need the money. , See the new ad. of the Ehrhardt Banking Co. in this issue. The first killing frost of the season fell in Bamberg last Thursday night. Frost and ice in Bamberg last week, but this week we are having regular si ring weather. See the new advertisement of Thomas & Barton Co., the piano people of Augusta, in this issue. ^ r Knurl o/vnoort nn IJOil I lUI gCl IUC UdUU tuuv-v. v Main street, Monday, November 16th, by Prof. Kritchfleld's military band. See Hooton's new ad.-in this issue. He carries a handsome assortment of notions, dress goods, trimmings, etc., and the ladies can certainly be suited at his store. Note the new ad. of Mrs. A. McB. Speaks & Co. in this issue. They carry anything in millinery and ladies' goods, and a visit to'their store will repay you. Many of our subscribers are paying their subscription in advance for another year, and others should do so. We do not carry subscribers who are in arrears. The special services at the Methodist church will close with the service of th4s (Wednesday) evening. Several people have been converted during the meeting, and much good has been done. See the ad. of dog lost in another column. This dog belongs to G. Frank Bamberg, and he is very anxious to recover him. He will liberally reward any person who can give information which will lead to recovery of the animal. Mr. Hayne F. Rice left yesterday for Bamberg, to attend court there. Mrs. Rice went to Charleston to attend a missionary meeting. From there she will go to Sumter to attend a meeting of the D. A. R.?Aiken Journal and Review. There was no meeting of the Knights of Pythias Monday evening, as the meetings are now being held in the court house" and court was in session. The new regalia has been ordered, and it will arrive in time to confer degrees at the next meeting. A merchant who had not been advertising, recently put aa ad. in The Herald, and in remitting for it says that his sale was a big success, and that he did much better than he expected. Advertising in the Herald pays, this being only another instance of it. The management of The Bamberg Herald does not want to be unaccommodating, but we must insist that advertisers let us have changes for their advertisements before Tuesday of each week. It is a physically impossibility to change all ads. when copy is handed in on Tuesday, and yre must ask our patrons to give ds their copy on Monday. They can do it just as well, and it will enable us to issue our paper promptly. / New Advertisements. -G. H. Dorsett?I Am Selling Lots. / Thomas. & Barton Co.?Read This Ad. Ehrhardt Banking *Co.?Begin Right Now. / Ehrhardt Banking Co.?Tribute of Respect. ? ^ Lost Notice. rs D. A. Kinard & Co.?Have You Noticed? ' The Southern States Life Insurance Co.?A Challenge. / J. C. Guilds?Boston Ladies Quartette. , /Ten Nights in a Bar Room. > E. Bart Price?Cakes. Mrs. A. McB. Speaks & Co.?Neckwear and Belts. + E. A. Hooton?If It's New and Stylish, We Have It." W. A. Klauber?Klauber's Big Clearance Sale. "H. C. Folk, Master?Sale of real estate in case of N. J. Padgett et al against Jasper Padgett. H. C. Folk, Master?Sale of personal property in case of N. J. Padgett et al againsf Jasper Padgett. H. C. Folk, Master?Sale of real estate in case of Salfie Stephens et al against Jasper Stephens et al. Negro Women Fight. John and Alfred Maynard are brothers and live near Midway, living on adjoining lands. They have lived there for years in peace and unity, but Tuesday morning their wives got into a quarrel oyer Alfred's hogs rooting, up John's potatoes. Their husbands were away from home, and they had a good fight. Julia, the ywife of John, was badly cut oh the hands with a hoe by Eva, the wife of Alfred, and Julfa's face was also badly scratched. The cuts on her hands were so large that they had to be stitched up by a physician, she coming to Bamberg to have her wounds dressed. When seen, Julia said she had not hurt Eva, but wanted a warrant for her. However, it is likely that the case will not get into the courts, as it is only a family row, and Julia's wounds while painful are not serious. f KA T.qyt U1V Ml rw v We notice that the postmaster al Barnwell has received instructions tc demand that newspaper publishers ol that town strictly comply with the law as to unpaid subscriptions. It is unlawful to send newspapers to subscribers who owe for a year or more at the pound rate. Newspapers sent to subscribers who are one year ir arrears must be wrapped separately and a one cent stamp attached. Wt are glad to see that this law is to be enforced at last. The governmeni has been lenient with newspapers, as it did not care to make this greai change suddenly. But now the pub lishers have had ample notice, and the law is to be enforced. It pleases us mightily. We hope it will be strictly enforced everywhere. We presume the postmaster at Bamberg has re ceived similar instructions and that h< will see that the law is enforced here The Bamberg Herald is ready to shov him its subscription list at any time and will be glad for him to inspect it He will find the date each subscribe! has paid to opposite the name. This newspaper carries no dead-head sub scribers. Special Services. j Rev. Thos. G. Herbert, pastor of j Trinity Methodist church of this city, has been holding special services in j his church for more than a week, ( and is thereby accomplishing great good. His afternoon talks are beau- 1 tiful in the extreme, and his evening j sermons strong and forcible. The attendance is fairly good though there are many who ought to take advantage of these precious opportunities who are not doing so. The sermon Sunday morning es- j pecially to fathers and mothers was peculiarly adapted and remarkably strong. He said that the crying need of our land and country is chris" tian fathers and mothers, and he emphasized the need of christian fath- i ers?God pity the home where , all the training of the little ones is left for the mother and where, as is often the case, only mother has religion f r the entire family. Sunday evening, Mr. Herbert's subject was "Drunk when the message came," and this he made applicable not only to those who are drunk on wine or 1 strong drink, but to those drunk, upon the accumulation of wealth, as well as upon the pleasures and follies of the social world. ' Would that every man, woman and child in Bamberg could have heaijd these two serndons! The evening service is being continued this week. g Meyers' Votes Thrown Out. i Aiken, November 10.?The commissioners and managers for the ; State and reaerai elections met iihb afternoon to tabulate the result of the election held last Tuesday. The total number of votes cast for gover- | nor was' 1,944 and the other State officers and county officers received 1 1,940 each. The total number of j votes cast for congress was 1,971, of which Patterson received lf951, Rev. | Isaac Meyers receiving 20 votes, all i of which were thrown out as being ; illegal, th$ ballots being of an illegal | size and illegally printed.'? i The commissioners had before them a protest from Meyers signed ! by Attorney Moorer, against the com- j missioners counting any votes cast for Mr. Patterson on the ground that j the managers of election rejected a I sufficient number of votes to hive changed the result and also because j qualifications were ^demanded by the j managers that are* not required by the constitution of 1868 or 1895. i [Have You Noticed 1 I How mellow and per- f I I fectly blended are the I | flavors of the different fl I kinds of fruit usea m I your fruit cake if it is I I made now and allowed I I to "age" properly? I I Cakes are more whole- x fl B some when allowed to I J 1 mellow in the proper ~ I j I way and should never I i be eaten soon after I . I making. For making I the best to be had in fl fl fruit cakes v H I Oor Prepared Froit I I will fill the bill fully. I fl A careful selection of I I brands which stand for fl I purity warrant the fl I statement that no- B fl where in the city can fl B you find zfiore satisfac- fl B tion than is to be had B B through the purchase fl I of our materials fl |For Cakesl We solicit your orders for dates, currants, citron, seeded raisins, evaporated peaches, . , figs or any kind of nuts. Call early and 1 often on D.A.KINARD&CO. Bamberg, South Carolina A f G.' M 0 Y E DIC KIN S 0 N | ;[ INSURANCE AGENT J[ | < WILL WRITE ANYTHING <> > o Fire, Tornado, Accident, Lia- o ; bility, Casualty, in the . J [ , strongest and most re- < * o liable companies. o JI TELEPHONE No. 10 B. Bamberg, S.C. J J j SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. f The State of South Carolina?County J of Bamberg?Court of Common 5 Pleas. Decania Dowling, plaintiff, against ? Toledo Computing Scale Company, t defendant. i To the defendant, Toledo Compu1 ting Scale Company. * You are hereby summoned and rei "quired to answer the Complaint in t this action, a copy of which has been i filed in the office of the clerk of t court for Bamberg County, and to - serve a copy of your answer to said * Complaint on the subscriber, at his 3 office, Bamberg, South Carolina, r within twenty days after the service i hereof, exclusive of the day of such - service, and if you fail to answer 3 the Complaint within the time afore. said, the plaintiff in this action will ^ apply to the Court for the relief de, m&nded in the Complaint. Attest: r J. F. CARTER, 3 C B. FREE, Plaintiff's Attorney. C. C. C. P. for Bamberg County. Dated October 16th, A. D. 1908. I E. A. Hooton's if and Dress Ma II ix :i~ u~... jt Ill lis new a WE HA' When it comes to ladies dress goods, silks, trimn weair, gloves, beltings, ! buttons, ruchings, colla things too numerous are NEW and not si of which are the se shipments this se; will convince yoi wish your dr I trimmings i " tons to < ma will sell y< our specie EVERYTHING F^FI E.A.Hfl | | theCounty Suits Made 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. C Advertisements Under this Heed 25c I |kl For 25 Words or Less. I Ifll B Lost.?Somewhere on principal I > streets of Bamberg, one ladies' gold I watch with fob. Watch Had double case but no crystal; man's picture in H . Wi back. Reward for return to Bam-t I * berg Herald office, fl 01 - 1 = ?U.,. | . Coi Petrolina.?ine great u?n iuuu. _ Only safe hair preparation on the I or market. For sale by NIMMONS & I STEWART, at barber shop, Bamberg, I S. Oy ' I Wll For Sale.?A Jersey heifer calf, 9 J"6? eight months old. Well grown and H in fine condition. L. B. FOWLER, I Bamberg, S. C. I * Lost.?One black cur dog; looks I I like half pointer and half hound. I Front feet white up to ankles; white I KJ H| stripe down breast; small split in I . each ear. Reward for information 1 concerning him or for return. Ap- I ply at Herald office. I' ^ For Sale Cheap?Several very de- I fn sirable farms in Colleton county. I JO For further information call on I lafa R. H. WICHMAN, I Walterboro, S. C. I pyc For Sale.?One thousand acres 9 good farming lands, situated near I JUS town of Bamberg. Has six good ten- I snt houses and one gin house. Long I and short leaf timber on place esti- I mated at $2,000. Also 26 acres 9 (eleven acres in pecan trees seven I 1M A years old), with two tenant houses .9 jylrw \ and one nice five-room cottage, deep 9 1*11. a\$ well, barn and stables and other out- 1 buildings, situated in town of Bam- 9 Bamberg... berg. For price and terms apply to I T. S. Rice, Lykesland, S. C. SURETY BONDS! ? We represent The National Surety ? ^ Company of New York, and can ljj*# {1 |J9 write every description of surety1 bonds for administrators, trustees, DENT cashiers, clerks, agents, employees, bambero officers, contractors, guardians, diflpensers, and also in attachment, O?"8 ln TelePhon' claim and delivery, replevin, injunction, and other court proceedings. We can write the bond the same day you apply for it in our office, I titles and our rates are reasonable. I examined Do not ask your friend to sign I . M, _ ? , ? . your bond. I ALDHICM \ Apply to I ATTORNEY-AT WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER, I ^ , Attorneys, I Civil tnd Offic Bamberg Backing Co's. Building, I Criminal Practice Barrb Bamberg, S. C. NSHHI Notice to Debtors and Creditors. REAL ESTi1 ?- ? -S 11 ?, All persons having claims against we Duy ana sen r< the estate of R. E. Steedly, deceased, in city or country. II will present same at once, duly at- sell your place, call u; tested, and those owing said estate will find a buyer for yc will make payment to the undersign- If you desire to bu ed. upon us and we will N. P. SMOAK, wants. J. H. FENDER, ' WOLFE, BERRY < Qualified Executors. Attorney Bamberg, S. C., October 15th, 1908. Bamberg, S : ' ; ? r %c- i- - ^ ?^:'v iT.rf'-. Ladies'sTore^ king Parlor j nd Stylish By* ME IT || ' furnishings, such as J lings, corsets, under- S jelt pins, nets, laces, II I rs, and many other k. 'Jjj to mention which . X|| lop worn, many MW cond and third J fll ason. A look s i u, and if you 8 ess goods, Bp* ind but- Igg tch, we j ou, for - mm iltyis jj TO MATCH flTftW 1 III IIIV Designers 8* V VII onth/e | South Carolina :K WEAR | thout a doubt we have the swellest line I | Neckwear ever shown in Bamberg I inty. We can suit anybody, young I ^ old, in this line. We have just re-1 red a large shipment and the prices I . 1 please you. We have also just |,r eived a swell line of I I w m 1 ^ this assortment Belts can be* found . > i match almost any suit, also all the 3st ideas to be found in belts can be _ *, ; 1 here. Our prices are way down and ;ry article we sell is guaranteed to be ; t as represented or your money back. I McB. Speaks & Co. | a-"-? a ~ 7 Meat Mar ket l | FEUS! Fresh Beef and Pork Market at rear of J. W. Pearlstlne's Store j I c t o ? VTAVL1 T>TTT THE DRST Tfl RR TIAT) "Vila ^ .a&b* BRONSON& GRANT J Bambwg, i * South Carolina - CITATION NOTICE. "J The State of South Carolina? % loans I County of Bamberg?By Geo. P. negotiated I Harmon, Esq., Judge of Probate. I Whereas, Mrs. Erma LaFitte hath A/YMAN made suit to me to grant her let-law ters of administration on the estate I of and effects of E. T. LaFitte. e upstairs, over I These are therefore to cite and / erg Banking Co. I admonish all and singular the kin- ' dred and creditors of the said E. T. LaFitte, deceased, that they be and LTE. appear before me, in the Court of ial estate both Probate, to be held at Bamberg, on I you desire to Monday, November 16th, next, after pon us and we publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in ? >u or buy same, the forenoon, to snow cause, u ?uj y a place, call they have, why the said administrate to fill your tion should not be granted. Given under my hand this 2nd .1 . & HITTER, day of November, A. D., 1908. a, GEO. P. HARMON, I. C. Judge of Probate. i * - ""f t' '--.v.. ....