\ W} \ 1,000 yds. Androscoggin Best Bleach, worth 12 i-2c, QJ_ 3 special for this sale Q 2 ? 2 Quantity not limited to % B' customers. None sold ^ to dealers |$l5,OC ?* SHOES. 1 lot vici Shoes for ladies, woi A $1.35 pair. Special at S -J 1 lot ladies' patent shoes, i guaranteed, worth $2.00 pa v special clearance price..... $1. ? 1 lot 200 pairs ladies' fine sho ^ ^ regular $3.00 and $3.50 goods, w patent and vicis, sizes 2 to 5 on * Jt special sale price $1. jf 36 pair heavy brogan wc !V. Shoes, worth $1.50 pair, spec ^ price $1. ? j 1 lot men's patent leather Sho Worth $2.00 pair, special $1. . c'2 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Heavy Rock ford Socks ? ^ Good quality black Socks V T Good Suspenders...*. m* Large white hemstitched Hai ^ kerchiefs ^ Heavy fleeced drawers a Shirts 3 i 65c Shirts reduced to 4 X $1.00 Shirts reduced to 1 -I CO CVU*n + Henry Keil, Rome, Ga. Missing: Arithur Hood. Fatally injured: Jake (, ' Logan, member Gadsen fire departs ment. Seriously injured: McFarrell and Gus Woodliff, chief of the fire department. So terrific was the explosion that j;; almost every plate glass front in Gadsden was broken. Twenty-four ? miners' houses in the vicinity of the explosion were leveled to'the ground, and many others are damaged. ? ; The fire department, with 40 men, had responded -to an alarm, a house being on fire near the mine magazine. Hundreds of spectators were standing near when the explosion suddenly occurred, and every one within a wide radius was hurled to the ground. A stone was blown entirely through the body of Keil, and no trace can be found of Hood. Miners had been di awing explosives from the magazine to-day, but no one seems able * to account for the explosion. A number of women and children standing in* the vicinity of the fire were more or less injured, but were caried home, and their names can not be : procured to-night. Fire in Factory Village. Spartanburg, Oct. 28.?At an early hour this morning fire destroyed the stores and stocks of goods of J. G. Griffin & Sons and J. H. Stone in the Spartan mill village, entailing a loss of- over $6,000. The meat market of Hall & Hammett and a barber shop in the same building with Griffin & Sons were destroyed also. The store occupied by Griffin and Sons was owned by Johnson & Lankford. "'/Hit was valued at $3,000 and was not --^^Ipsured. Griffin & Sons carried $3,000 insurance on their stock, but their loss was over $3,000. Mr. Stone carried $600' insurance on his building and . $1,350 on his stock of goods. The cause of the fire is unknown. The alarm was sent in at 4:30 o'clock. The flames bad too much ~ start and though the firemen fought hard they could not save the building. These stores were destroyed by fire on Julv 12 and had not long been rebuilt. ( May Have to Pay License. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 29.?Confed ate veterans may be forced after all to pay a tax for selling "near beer" in Georgia towns. A few days ago it was announced that the veterans would escape the municipal licenses, but to-day Attorney General Hart said that the State license tax could not be remitted. The license is $200. . UNTIL W when commences the Greatest CI Clean-up-Sales in order to begin 1 it will more than pay 3tou to con >0 STO his is no fake sale as some will try to he world's best mills, in fact, Klauber ack." Any purchase can be exchang< lense saving to you in all lines. THE ists twenty days. Everything will be A 10c. SPECIALS. :th Extra large prescut water Pitch 18c ers worth 40c special at 10 lot Beautiful Vases worth 25c, Spe iir, cial at 10 29 Beautiful Sugar Dishes, Butte es, Dishes, Spoon Holders, Cak in Plates, etc., all at 10 ly. LADIES' FURNISHINGS. 98 Good black Stockings, worth 1 ?rk cents : 6 ia* Good quality cotton Vest 23 29 Heavy weight, 50c seller 43 es? Good quality Union Suits th 39. "Onieta" brand 44 Ladies' Embroideried Hos< worth 20c and 25c, special sal price 13 .4c Ladies $1.25 quality Kid Glove .7c special at 84 8c Ladies long silk lisle Gloves id- worth 75c pair, special at 43 .4c No. 60, all pure silk Ribbor nd never sold for less than 15c yarc :8c special sale price 10 8c All wool Vests and Pants, $1.2 9c quality, special at 98 19 Ready made Shirt waists i: 8c cream, black and light blue, regu es, lar $2.50 value, for a quick sal 3c at $1.8 :9c 1 lot all wool panama Skirts i: 9c black, navy and brown, worth $5 In- clean-up sale price $2.4 13c 1 lot long Cloaks, embroider? ropTiiar Sfi 00 value, special sal 3c price :...$3.9 he 1 lot childrens red Cloaks, $2.0 3c quality, special at/. $1.2 This Sale positivel Gooods are the 1 4The Store of Quaii BEFORE JUDGE BRAWLEY. R. Y. Hellams and J. C. Payne Charged with Contempt. Greenville, Oct. 29.?R. Y. Hel lams of this city and J. E. Payne, a well known liquor dealer of Salisbury, N. C., were ruled before Judge W. H. Brawiey in the United States district court to-day to show cause why they should not be attached and punished for contempt of the court. The incident which' led to the issuance of the rule resulted from a suit by Miller & Co. of New York against Hellams and Payne for money alleged to be due on transactions made when Hellams and Payne conducted a cotton exchange in this city. ExJudge \V. C. Benet was an attorney for the plaintiffs and F. B. Alexander a witness. As they were coming from court room, it is said, Hellams and Payne met them and abused them, telling Alexander that he had sworn to a lie and using insulting language toward Judge Benet. Judge Brawley dismissed the rulei against Payne and took the cast* against Hellams under advisement. All of, the parties are well known and the case has attracted a great deal of attention. A personal difficulty between O. K. Mauldin, attorney for Miller & Co., and Hellams and Payne was narrowly averted this afternoon after the return of the rule. I Will Probably Go Free. Greenwood, Oct. 29.?The negroes arrested some weeks ago in connection with the "Ninety-Six affair," being charged with conspiracy against certain white citizens of Ninety-Six, will not be tried at this term of the Court of General Sessions. In fact they will probably never be brought to trial. They were released a short time ago on bond, but these bonds have been cancelled, and they are now out on their own recognizance. The negro preacher, the Rev. "Johnny" Dean, who was the cause of the muss, is still in jail, andwill probably have to remain there until next March anyway. I Too Many Dogs. "Can a married man have a dozen | or more dogs about his residence, to ! the annoyance of his wife?" ! This was answered indirectly by! Judge Brent, in Chicago when he re-j j fused a decree of divorce to Mrs. M. Sharp from her husband, Harry G.! Sharp, an electrician. The fir^st actj ; of cruelty related by the witness oc-1 > curred on July 14, 1907, when theyj i were returning from a trip across the, j lake. Counsel for Mrs. Sharp then began to bring out evidence concerning the dogs. "He had visitors in four hours to talk about dogs. He never found time to talk to me affectionately. For a time after we were married he kissed me as mechanically as he swallowed, but he was careful of his dogs." HIS EDNESDA earance Sale ever attempted here the New Year with a Clean Stocl le to this Great Sale. Every arti CK W make you believe. We stand on oui 's and quality has always gone togetl id or money refunded. This makes i 1SE PRICES ARE STRICTLY CASE marked in plain figures and at reduc 1 lot black embroidered broad cloth Coats, full satin lined, wortl $12.50 each, we offer them during this sale at $7.4i c 1 lot childrens bear skin Cloaki r in cream. These are slightly soil e ed?to clean them up at $1.1 J c 1 lot ladies heavy skirts th< very thing for winter, worth $1.7 J 0 special at 98< c 1 lot ladies gowns, handsomel] c trimmed with lace and embroider] c worth $1.00 each, special afc...59< e - 1 lot Ladies Drawers, trimmec c with embroidery, very handsome l> only 23< ; Good quality fancy handle par asols, worth 90c. our special....49< c Ladies cross barred linen hand 3j kerchiefs, very handsome, at?19< c 10c crossbarred handkerchiefs i, very nice quality, special at 5< I, 1 lot beautiful black taffet* c Shirt waists, regular $5.00 value 5 special sale price $3.9* c 1 lot childrens heavy ribbec n stockings, regular 10c value, oui l- special price 6< e Childrens Union Suits, regulai 9 35c quality at 23< n Boy's fancy percale Shirts, 35< i, extra good value at 23< 8 Childrens curly bear skin Caps d worth 50c each extra good for..23< e 1 lot Furs, were $3.50 each 8 special sale price $2.9 J 0 Other values at $3.48, $4.39 an( 9 up. See our enormous line. y closes December )est==prices right. W.A.I* ^ Stk ? ^Jr Dealt in White Slaves. New York, Oct. 30.?Followini revelations before Magistrate Cram that hundreds of New York girli have been lured from their homes b] an organization that made whit* slaves out of them, evidence was placed in the hands of the police to day to the effect that a prominem politician was connected with the or ganization. The name of the poli tician has been given to the police anc is asserted to-day that he would b* arrested as soon as the evidence against him had been completed. The organization which has been dealing in young girls acted as a sort of clearing house for Children, who were sole not only in New York, but to othei states, as well. Men prominent in politics and financial circles knew of tire existence of these "clearing houses." This was shown before Magistrate Crane ir the Yorkville police court, when foui women were arraigned by Agent Pissara, of the Children's Society, charged with abduction. Frances Collins and Martha Collins, seventeen years of age, whe are not related,- appeared as complainants against the women, whe were Frances Taylor and hei sister, Mrs. Mary Duncan, Marj Dale and Margaret Sheppard Frances Taylor and her sister are alleged to have had charge of the "clearing house." In their possession were found the cards of a number of prominent men. One of these is a multi-millionaire, who spends al least six months of the year in hi? palatial villa in Paris. Francis Collins, who is not related to Martha, told the magistrate that she ran away from home because ol some trouble with her brother. She met Martha Collins, who took her tc the home of the Taylor woman. The girls spent the night in the house, she said, and on the following day, Frances was sent to a Mrs. Keen?? ? ? i an in wast sixtn street, in wmcc S place she said she became a whit I slave. Martha Collins told a story similar, to that of Frances. "This is the greatest scandal that has ever come before me," said Magistrate Crane. The women are held. Killed by Negro Boy. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 28.?While sitting in a rear room of her home at Pooler, 10 miles from Savannah, today Mrs. W. E. Torrence, wife of an engineer, was fired on and instantiy killed by Solomon Riley, a negro boy. The boy was arrested. This afternoon a party of 30 men, bent upon lynching the negro, left Savannah by train for Pooler. Arriving there, however, the crowd found that the negro had been brought to Savannah by Deputy Sheriff R. W. Wescott. The officer had concealed the boy beneath a lap robe and driven into the city in a buggy. Riley is in jail here. Nice line of picture books for chili dren at The Herald Book Store. ANI lY, NOVEiV . It has been our custom for the p ?. This year owiug to the fact th cle in our big ILL BE past record and ask you for your pati ler. Every article sold on an absolut t impossible for us to fake you. Look ['. This sale commences Wednesday, ed prices. DRESS GOODS. I O c oil TTTAA! DoT?Omo tho 00 au nw. ' 50c kind 39c 1 lot fancy dress patterns worth J $1.00 and $1.25 yard, special to * close them out at 89c * 1 lot 52 inch all wool broad5 cloth in all colors, worth $x.00 > yard, special sale price 79c 1 SILKS. 7 34 inch guaranteed black Taf[ feta, worth $1.15 yard, special * at -75c * 1 piece black Peau De Soie, reg? ular $1.25 value, special at 93c 3 1 piece black Taffeta regular - $1.50 quality, special price....$l,29 3 2 pieces Shantung DeLyon in . black and Copenhagen 48c 3 36 inch pure silk Taffeta, chiffon finish, worth $1.25 yard, exJ tra special at 93c * Navy, green, black, cream, garnet and brown. . I 27 inch all silk, China Silk, all j shades at 39c P STAPLES. 3 2,000 yards heavy weight Homer spun, made by Orr Mill, worth 7c 3 yard, reduced for this sale to 20 3 yards for $1 or 5 cents per yard. 3' Amoskeag Outings in plain and , fancies, all of these are 10c and 3 12%c value, our price 8%c a , Cotton flannel worth 12 %c a I yard, special at 9%c 1 Light weight cotton flannel, special at 6c ist, so don't put < Look for the Big [LAUBEF Will Fight Night Riders. I Muskogee, Okla., Oct. 29.?The i Texas and Oklahoma Horse Thief as3 sociation, organized to prevent the r stealing of live stock, in convention J to-day adopted a resolution pledging 3 its 1,000 members to assist in the ar rest and prosecution of night riders, t It also decided to memorialize Pres - ident Roosevelt to stop the shipping - of liquors into this State by Missour: I and Texas. The officers say that they } have information that liquor is shipi mi/3 intr? the State to a bov and girl i 12 and 14 years old. r > 1 :i '' ' . ! , A $3.00 or $3.50 C. & K. 1 l Is the Most Up-to-date Hat Out 'l. R. BRABHAM'S SONS > BAMBERG, S. C. ; jf".RCARTER f ' < Attorney-at-Law 2 JI BAMBERG, S. C. J | J Special Attention Given to Settlement ? , > of Estate* and Investigation of Titles X Offices over Bamberg Banking Co. ' I If you need a safe that is a :! safe see me before buying J. D. FELDER Bamberg 5. C. Agent Victor Safe & Lock Co. Anything in Safes Cincinnati, O. ' JOHN F. FOLK ....AGENT FOR.... Ford Automobiles The Car That Goes* J * rt~. .-It. 9 W, IBER nth I ?ast three years to put on annual at our stock is larger than usual i REDl onage. The goods are the best, from e guarantee. "Satisfaction or money at the prices quoted and note the imNovember 11th at 9 o'clock a. m., and i 15c A. C. A. Ticking, special 1 at x 12 %c spe CLOTHING. . One lot men's fine black Thibet ' Suits, worth $10.00 Suit, Griffon brand, well made and lined with 8ei" Venetian lining, special clearance ' sale price . $7.98 Any $12.50 suit in the house to J close out at $9.48 eJc A beautiful line of fine worsteds of were $18.00 a suit, browns, olives p and the new greys, we have cut them to $13.48 off! Men's all wool Preistley^ Cravenette Coats, black, worth $12.50 each, to make them move we offer them $9.98 $15U)0 Coats at $11.98 16.50 Coats at $13.48 .nei Boys Cravenette Coats worth ea( $10.00, sp cial at $6.48 _ Boys Overcoats at $1.48 and up. 143 Childrens suits. We want to get rid of every suit in the house. We offer them at 98c, $1.29, $1.48 th< and up; they are beauties. i Boys Knee Pants at 45c, 79c, see and 89c pair. off HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 500 linen Towels, worth 25c to am 75c each, to be put on sale at 21c, an 29c, and 39c each. A great savirg for the housekeepers. 10 1 lot extra quality Mohawk sheets, the $1.00 kind, special ep< sale price........ 69c Good Damask at 29c, 45c, and dr< 48c. cai off coming. The Show Windows ? Bamberg, S. C. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. ! The State of South Carolina?County of Bamberg?Court 'of Common ' Pleas. l Decania Dowling, plaintiff, against ' Toledo Computing Scale Company, defendant. To the defendant, Toledo Compu ting Scale Company. Vmi ara harahv anmirtnTiert end re i quired to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which has been filed in the office of the clerk of court for Bamberg County, and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint on the subscriber, at his office, Bamberg, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. , Attest: J. F. CARTER, C B. FREE, Plaintiff's Attorney. C. C. C. P. for Bamberg County. Dated October 16th, A. D. 1908. roil meKT TO SEE I I I the bargains now be ? o 4* 4-Via j Hlg UUCXCU Ob uv _ and 10c store. We I have just opened up I an entirely new line of I goods, and the stock 9 embraces all kinds of R tinware, glassware, 1 hardware, household I articles, etc 1 I Yoa'll be Surprised I I when you see the remarkable values we have. Come in and look around. Costs nothing to look and you will find many 3 things you need at j give-away prices. The < ladies especially are invited to call. Beard's 5c & 10c Store / ... - - v /,/ ' 3 *?: _ WRIGHT'S HEALTH f* UNDERWEAR J the $1.00 kind at 59c the ? garment. This value Is v unmatchable. ?9 JCEDf Mm [Jpholstering cloth worth 40c, f rial at 29c ? r Ji-i it. OA? . X / jaraimers wurtu yuc at ? at lardiniers worth 75c at 39o y Dne lot plaid light weight Trou s, worth $1.50 special 98c jfe One lot fancy mixed, worth T 50 pair, our special at $1.48 Heavy Comforts, worth $1.50 Ap ;h, we offer them at a bargain 7 $119 * One lot fine laminated cotton A) mforts, were .$3.00 each, we t er them at $1.98 y Bnggy Robes at $1.48 and up. ifl0. Umbrellas at 48c and up. - JT 36 Suit Cases worth $1.35 each, y * icial 89c Ap. Tw-lve solid cowhide Suit Cases t srer offered for less than $6.00 f ;h, special at ....$4,19 * Big line of Trunks, Telescopes, t ,nd Bags, etc. x STETSON HATS Men's Hats at prices less than w . >' jy can be manufactured for. jL* One lot of tan and black tele- y >ped Hats were $2.00 each, we 9 er them at $1.19 John C. Wilson, Derbys, $2.50 T d $3.00 quality, special at $1.98 d $2.48. .Spy ' John B. Stetson Hats, $3.50 less T per cent, or '...$3.15 y Childrens Caps, worth 25c each, ?p icial at 19c ^ * . i We have about 40 dozen chil- f m's Caps in stock, so know we Mm a please you. ^ 20 doz. Men's heavy fleeced Shirts and t CAN T BE SEPARATED || Some Bamberg People Have Learned ^. How to Get Rid of Both. ^ / Backache and kidney ache are ^ . . . ->.>538 twin Dromers. You can't separate them. . ;-v>' And you can't get rid of tjie back* .[-xM ache until you cure the kidney ache. s" If the kidneys are well and strong^' the rest of the system is pretty sure to he in vigorous health. Doan's. Kidney Pills ma*ks strong, healthy kidneys. ? J J. H. Pearson, 62 Sellers St., Orangeburg, S. C., says: "I used ijp Doan's Kidney Pills several years ago . with such good results-that I publicly recommended them. At this time . -'Si I am pleased to say that I still hold the same opinion of them as I believe that they are the best kidney Remedy S to be had." i For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ? n cents, f osterrMiiuurn v>u., o.uuaiv, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Loan's? and take no other. William C. Wolfe Joseph A. Berry Ernest E. Ritter WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER Attorneys at Law A General Practice in all Courts # Offices found in Bamberg Banking Co.'s Building. . Bambeig, South Carolina i ??? MONEY TO LEND. We are prepared to lend money upon good security upon reasonable terms to all persons applying for , same. * \ f Call or write to WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER, j Attorneys, Bamberg Banking Co's. Building, Bamberg, S. C. RENTS! We are prepared to collect your rents and look after the care and repair of your property whether in city or country. > Our rates are reasonable, and you fiave no idea what a convenience it is. Besides, did you know that you ;ave money, even after paying our commissions, because tenants will pay us quicker and ask for extension ess freely than if you collect in person. Apply to WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER, Attorneys, Bamberg Banking Co's. Building, Bamberg, S. C. ;>} ' . :v J* , .. . ., m&mmi