~ '' - ' " \ _ PERSONAL MENTION. People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. ?J. F. Carter, Esq., spent Monday in Orangeburg. ?Mr. S. W. Copeland, of Ehrhardt, was in the city Monday. ?Mr. Thos. Clayton, of the Cols ton section, was in the city Monday. ?Mr. J. D. Miley, of the Smoaks section, was in the city last Saturday. ?Representative-elect W. L. Riley, of Denmark, was in the city last Saturday. ?Mrs. M. B. Varn and son, Herbert, spent a few days in Aiken last week. ?Mrs. S. K. Carter, of the Farrell's Store section, was in the city Tuesday. ?Mr. H. M. Bishop, of the Ehrhardt section, w*as in the city last * Saturday. ?Magistrate J. C. Copeland, of the Ehrhardt section, was in the city Monday. ?Mr. J. Crum Sm.oak, of the Hunter's Chapel section, was in the city last Saturday. ?Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zeigler, ofl the Cope section, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. ?Messrs. J. R. and W. L. Linder, of the Smoaks section, were in the city last Friday. ?Mrs. R. B. Still, of Blackville, spent Tuesday in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Folk. ?Miss Elizabeth Roberts, daughter of Dr. J. H. Roberts, of Ehrhardt, Is attending Columbia College. ?Mr. H. C. Bishop, with his son and daughter, of the Ehrhardt section, were in the city last Friday. ?Miss Lizzie Rhoad left last Saturday for Oakwood, Aiken county, N. where she will teach this year. ?Mr. Hugo G. Sheridan, Jr., of The Bamberg Herald force, spent a few days last and this week with his parents at Lake City. ?Mrs. Mary Edwards and children, of Lawtey, Fla.,and Mrs. Johns, of Baldoc, spent part of last week with their sister, Mrs. G. W. Garland. ?Mr. H. W. Beard left Monday for New York. Mr. Beard goes to buy a large stock of goods for a 5c., 10c., and 25c. store, which he will open in this city in the near future. ?Messrs. A. R. Neal and A. W. Obenshain, of Roanoke, Va., spent several days in the city last week. Mr. Neal is well-known in Bamberg, having married Miss Lina Dowling, and his many friends were glad to see him again. ?Mr. D. P. Smith, of the Ehrha/dt section, was in the city last Thursday and paid us a pleasant call. He was on his way home from Edgefield, where he had been to. attend the opening exercises of the S. C. C. I., ? opening exercises of that institution, he having placed his brother, LeRoy, there as student. "Night Riders" Taken as Joke. Anderson, Sept. 29.?The gin house of Caleb Pruitt in Varennes was placarded last night with a "cease operations" sign signed "Night Riders." The placard was first seen by a negro employed at the gin as he was entering the gin house to start the machinery early this morning. The discovery was reported to Mr. Pjuitt, who ordered the machinery to be commenced and the gin ran without interruption throughout the day. The placard admonished Mr. Pruitt to cease operation at once or suffer his gin being burned. Mr. Pruitt at "taches no significance to the threat. He fears no attempt to burn his gin on the part of any one and he intends to keep his plant in operation. Mr. , Pruitt is one of Anderson county's best citizens. The best people in the county are not the least bit worried over the "Night Riders" business. The notice on Mr. Pruitt's ginnery . > contained misspelled words and those who have seen it have ridiculed the whole affair. i. ~ m Cotton Crop Short. Atlanta, Sept. 29.?"The cotton crop of Georgia will be the shortest In years," said Commissioner of Agriculture Hudson to-day. "A conservative estimate of the total yield is 1,300,000, as against 2,100,000 bales last year." According to Commissioner Hudson's statement the decrease for the year will be 800,000 bales. m POSTMASTER SHOOTS INSPECTOR Was Short in His Accounts Several Hundred Dollars. V-Postoflice Inspector Charles Fitzgerald, of Jackson, Miss., was shot on Tuesday by W. A. Sorsby, clerk in the Clinton postoffice, dying that night. Fitzgerald had been to Clinton two days, checking up that office, of which Mrs. Cabaniss is postmaster. Sorsby married her daughter and has been running the office. Fitzgerald is said to have checked him up short several <-?rioto anH h;?r? RtnrfpH hflplr UUUUl^U UV41U4W V**AX* MVV* to his home in Jackson. While on way to the train Sorsby suddenly appeared before him, stuck a pistol to his side and fired before his victim could raise his hand. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure fc is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. % . . rf SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements Under this Head 25c For 25 Words or Less. For Sale.?One acre, with new dwelling, barn, etc., on Carlisle street. Apply quick. H. M. GRAHAM. For Sale.?One thousand acres good farming lands, situated near town of Bamberg. Has six good tenant houses and one gin house. Long and short leaf timber on place estimated at $2,000. Also 26 acres (eleven acres in pecan trees seven years old), with two tenant houses and one nice five-room cottage, deep well, barn and stables and other outbuildings, situated in town of Bamberg. For price and terms apply to T. S. Rice, Lvkesland, S. C. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that Charles Ehrhardt, Jacob Ehrhardt, and Mrs. J. F. Folk, children of Conrad Ehrhardt, deceased, have bought the entire business of the late Conrad Ehrhardt & Sons, and also all chattell property, timber contracts, choses in action, equities in real estate, together with every other property or inter est in property belonging to tne iare Conrad Ehrhardt and C. Ehrhardt & Sons, and will do a milling business, mercantile business, ginning, repairing, and general farming under the firm name of Conrad Ehrhardt Cornfirm of Conrad Ehrhardt Company., Ehrhardt, S. C. CHARLES EHRHARDT, JACOB EHRHARDT, MRS. JNO. F. FOLK. September 17, 1908. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All parties holding claims against Conrad Ehrhardt, deceased, or C. Ehrhardt & Sons, of which firm Conrad Ehrhardt was the owner, Ehrhardt, S. C., will please file their claims properly proven, with Jacob Ehrhardt, Ehrhardt, S. C. All parties who are indebted to the said Conrad Ehrhardt, deceased, or C. Ehrhardt & Sons are hereby notified to make payment to Jacob Ehrhardt, Ehrhardt, S. C., who is authorized to collect and receipt for same. CHARLES EHRHARDT, JACOB EHRHARDT, MRS. JNO. F. FOLK. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned hereby tender their thanks to the public for the patronage which has heretofore been given Conrad Ehrhardt, deceased, and C. Ehrhardt & Sons, and bespeak for the newly organized firm of Conrad Ehrhardt Company- the same conft -rs A fkof Voo V? oiuci aiiuu auLu i^5aiu tuat uao uvi tofore been shown Conrad Ehrhardt, deceased, and C. Ehrhardt & Sons. CHARLES EHRHARDT, JACOB EHRHARDT, . MRS. JNO. F. FOLK. REAL ESTATE. We buy and sell real estate both in city or country. If you desire to sell your place, call upon us and we will find a buyer for you or buy same. If you desire to buy a place, call upon us and we will try to fill your wants. WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER, Attorneys, Bamberg, S. C. RENTS! We are prepared to collect your rents and look after the care and repair of your property -whether in city or country. Our rates are reasonable, and you have no idea what a convenience it is. .Besides, aid you Know xnax you save money, even after paying our commissions, because tenants will pay us quicker and ask for extension less freely than if you collect in person. Apply to WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER, Attorneys, Bamberg Banking Co's. Building, Bamberg, S. C. SURETY BONDS! We represent The National Surety Company of New York, and can write every description of surety bonds for administrators, trustees, cashiers, clerks, agents, employees, officers, contractors, guardians, dispensers, and also in attachment,1 claim and delivery, replevin, injunc-: tion, and other court proceedings. * We can write the bond the same , day you apply for it in our office, and our rates are reasonable. Do not ask your friend to sign your bond. Apply to WOLFE, BERRY & RITTER, Attorneys. Bamberg Banking Co's. Building, Bamberg, S. C. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The school teachers in Bamberg county are hereby notified that the next regular teachers' examination will be held in the court' house at Bamberg on Friday, the 16th day of October, at 9 o'clock a. m. Examinations will be held on the following branches: Physiology and Hygiene, Pedagogy, Civics and Current Events, United States History, English Grammar and Composition, Arithmetic, Algebra and Geography. Those teachers who had their certicfiates renewed at summer school this summer are not required to stand this examination. r w n rowflt. County Supt. of Education. Bamberg, S. C., Sept. 22, 1908. D. S. Henderson E. P. Henderson E. H. HENDERSON P. F. Henderson Hamberg, S. C. Aiken. S. C. HENDERSONS Attorneys at Law Will practice in all the Courts of S. C. Attention given to collections, conveyancing and the negotiations of loans. OFFICE OVER PEOPLES DRUG COMPANY fir i TfHEC Cleaned, Polished, Oiled TT AI LllLf J from $1.00 to $1.50 each Clocks Cleaned, Polished and Oiled from 50c to $1.25 each. Jewelry repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed H. E. Dickinson, Bamberg,S.C. Special I For Quid PAR BAMBERG COUNTY. Eighty-five acres, about sixty-five acres cleared; only about one mile North of Bamberg. Thirty-six acres, about twenty-five acres cleared; about one mile Northeast of Bamberg. Fifty acres, about forty acres cleared; about two and one-half miles South of Bamberg. Sixty-two acres, about thirty acres cleared; about two and one-half miles South of Bamberg. Thirty acres, about twenty acres cleared; two and one-half miles South of Bamberg. Four hundred and forty-two acres, about one hundred and fifty acres cleared; one mile North of Midway. One hundred and fifty acres, about seventy-five acres cleared; about one mile East of Midway. Nine hundred and ten acres, about three hundred acres cleared, and three hundred acres more of fine lands can he cleared; within one-half mile of Midway. Two hundred and sixty acres, about one hundred acres cleared; about two miles North-east of Bamberg. Six hundred and fifty acres, finely timbered with hard woodBi about five miles east of Ehrhardt. Two hundred and fourteen acres, about one hundred cleared; about six miles East of Ehrhardt. ...CITY PRC BAMBERG. One six-room, two story dwelling, on New Bridge street, with servant's house, barn and stables and other outbuildings. One five-room dwelling, on Main street, South, with barn and stables. One seven-room dwelling, on New Road street, South, with barn and stables and other outbuildings and three acres lot. Five tenant houses, three with four rooms and two with two rooms, on New Road street. Two open lots, containing two or more acres, on New Road street. One open lot, on Church street, West, ninety-eight feet front hy fiftythree and one-fourth feet deep. J. T. O Real Estate Agent W H A 1 HO w It has been defined jg, and as the realizatioi 2 The ambition is a v, *w dream becomes real w is exercised in the : jZ. home. Our line of jfurn J is so carefully sele ^ find it a pleasure ig, chases here. We ai Jp fy the most fastidi J ~ and quality. We al ?? complete line of Ihard 3, from which to sup jF we solicit your patr and terms will plea | Bamberg Furnitur T BAMBERG Saint Angel* Aiken, Sout Select Day and I For Young La< This well known institution affords excellent opportunities for a thorough, practical, and refined education. The courses are Primary, Grammar, Commercial, and Academic, with additional facilities for perfecTbe location is Ideal in I Academy Opens Sept 14, 190 REV. DIRECTRES 0 ~ HARDWARE I have the Gladiator Stalk C Disc Harrow, Chattanooga Plows, The Oaks Cotton and proved Cotton Seed Dropper, Plow, Avery Dow Law Cotto Cole Guano Distributor, K. ! Seed Planter, The Little Joe Farquhar Plow Stocks, the b and Poultry Wire, Devoe an Oil, Crockeryware and Shelf My prices are right. Come i J. A. H ? i bargains k Buyers IMS Five hundred acres, about three hundred cleared and in high state of cultivation, with good improvements; about one mile East of Kearse. One hundred acres, about seventyfive acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation; one mile South of Odom's Bridge. Five hundred acres, two hundred acres cleared, balance in timbers; about three miles East of Midway. One hundred and seventy-eight acres, about seventy-five acres cleared; about one mile North-east of Bamberg. One thousand and forty-two acres, about four hundred acres cleared; about five miles East of Midway and seven miles South-west of Branchville. One hundred and eighty acres, one hundred and thirty acres cleared; about two miles East of Denmark, o ORANGEBURG COUNTY. Seventy-one acres in Willow township, sixty acres dleared; about four miles west of Cope. Thirty-one and one-fourth acres, about fifteen acres cleared; only one and one-half miles North of Norway. Pour hundred acres in Willow Township, two hundred and fifty acres cleared; only three miles Southwest of Norway. Full description with prices and terms can be promptly had on application. >PERTIES... One open lot on New Bridge street, measuring one hundred and five feet front by three hundred feet deep. A block of lots on Railroad Avenue, West, containing ten acres,, with about five acres of pecan trees in bearing. o DENMARK. One two-story dwelling,* with ten rooms, with an average of 16^x22 feet each, hot and cold water piped to each room; mantels of latest designs; situated on Palmetto Avenue, South, the highest point in the town of Denmark. If a thing of beauty means joy forever, coupled with great conveniences means even more. Prices and terms on application. 'NEAL Bamberg, S. C. l t is<^i me if as man's ambition, a of woman's dream. mrthy one, and the ? ; if the proper care furnishing of your * iture! cted that you will ' * to make your pur- y e prepared to satisous tastes in price t [so carry a full and y WARE? ply your needs and JI onage. Our prices J se you. & e & Hardware Co. f SOUTH CAROLINA t i'& Academy :H Carolina Boarding School lies and Girls tion in Music, Painting, Needlework, and Domestic Science. The one aim in every course is to equip the student physically, mentally, and morally for the performance of life's duties. teanty and Healthfoloess 18. For Information Apply >S, P. 0. Box 342 =? Gutter, Avery's "Reversible" Chilled (double and single) Corn Planter, Caldwell ImBlount's True Blue Cast Steel n Planter, Hoosier Corn Drill, P. Guano Distributor, Lulu Harrow, The Georgia and est Heaters and Stoves, Fish id Hammar Paints, Harness Goods, Pumps and Piping, n and take a look. UINTER, ^'rT"'sMc. @ i @ I For Wednesday & Thursday, October 7th=8tb = @ ? C THE FORMAL EXHIBIT OF h ? || EXCLUSIVE FALL MILLINERY si jg| ? Radical Inovations in Form Material and Method of J jg! xg < Elaboration Mark the Exclusive Collection of Sg @ ^ Hats to Which We Invite Your Interest. H ? go | They Include the Original Models 2 @ Sk r) From Abroad and Credi- B a ? g table Adaptations ^ ? ? COLLARS, LACES, TIES. BELTS, GLOVES, CORSETS, AND $ ? ^ ^ DRESS NOVELTIES ARE SOME OF OUR SPECIALTIES W ^ | Mrs. K. 1. bhucK & Co. jg jg BAMBERG SOUTH CAROLINA ? 4 VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY ? | 4 Account South Carolina State Fair T || y The Southern Railway announces very low round trip rates from all points in South Carolina to Columbia, Mm r 3 S. C., tickets to be sold October 24th to 29th, in- t . Slg J elusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive Columbia f .gaj before noon October 30th, 1908, limited for return 3 until November 2nd, 1908. For rates, schedules, and v . iv# f information about special trains to Columbia on special f -> ^|? dates apply to Southern Railway agents or address Sp. v|g - - ? ? - - n a w 1a * flf. J. L. MEEK J. c. LU^iv cMp |?j qB. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent Division Passenger Agent ^ T ATLANTA, GA. CHARLESTON, S. C. jT M f Why Spend All You Earn? 1 J1 You might get sick or be hurt?be prepared for it. ^ You might want to make an investment?Start Now?"Takes Money to Make money" you know. You might be visited by thieves or fire?An account with us prevents loss. You WILL become independent and overcome all the above by letting us ^ keep your savings each week. Try it awhile any- *' how. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. Come in, talk it over, get a Pass Book and acquainted. ^ ^ PEOPLES BANK Bamberg, S. C. J :jfj fw.A.Reciciing?Son| 1 Portrait Photographers I 1 @ OR COLUMBIA, S. C. @ * Will be at Olar on Thursday, Friday, and (ft Saturday, October 15th, 16th, and 17th, for %jm ? the purpose of taking first-class pictures * g for the people of that community. These v||)||?f (gentlemen need no introduction to our people. Mr. Reckling is widely ? ||| known as one of the very finest X photographers in the State, ? and all who want first-class ? ';? pictures should meet them Kfw on those days A (Excursion Rates via Southern Railway?;|g ACCOUNT TRI-COUNTY FAIR ? the Southern Railway announces very low round trip rates (Qk ' from Augusta, Allendale, Columbia and Intermediate S0 tg stations to Batesburg, S. C., and return. Tickets to be sold ?Rk ' f October 11th to 17th, Inclusive, limited for return until sir October 19th, 1908. For rates, detailed Information, etc., ?Rk see Southern Railway agents or address /ijTa , J. L. MEEK J. C. LUSK @ Asst. Qen. Pass. Agent Divisslon Passenger Agent Atlanta, Oa. ' Charleston, S. C. Ss mm PORTABLE AND STATIONARY H. M. GRAHAM :| j B| A I ftl f A Attorney-at-Law m M MLV Bamber*, S. C. M 11 B BB Practices in all the Courts of this State Hi I S U I I V L OFFICE IN THE HEBALD BUILDING. AND BOILERS j* iohw c cm tr I i Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills Injectors, %JvJ*Hi * I'v/LlY Pumps and Fittings. Wood Saws,Splitters, i Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, ; ' . " '- ' y ip