1 v ^ ' /' " ; r ?lir Hamburg ifrralfc ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. A. W. KNIGHT, Editor. TK ^ ???????????????? Subscriptions?By the year, $1.00, or 10 cents a month for less than one year. All subscriptions payable strictly in advance. Advertisements?$1.00 per inch for first insertion, subsequent insertions 50 cents per inch. Legal advertisements at the rates allowed by I law. Local notices 8 cents the line for first insertion, 5 cents a line for subsequent insertions. Wants and other advertisements under special head, 1 cent a word each insertion. Liberal contracts made for three, six, and twelve months. Write for rates. Obituaries, tributes of respect, resolutions, cards of thanks, and all notices of a personal or political character are charged for as regular advertising. Contracts for advertising not subject to cancellation after first insertion. Communications?We are always glad to publish news letters or those pertaining to matters of public inter ^ J - J est. We require tne name ami audress of the writer in every case. No article which is defamatory or offensively personal can find place in . our columns at any price, and we are not responsible for the opinions expressed in any communication. Thursday, August 27,1908 The city council of Anderson has placed a license tax of $1,000 a year on dealers in "near beer," chemical older, and such so-called non-alcojlfe liolic drinks. That is the "Way to enx force prohibition, and if every city 1: and town would thus proceed against these soft drink dealers and pool tables, there would be less j- .v. whiskey drunk. Fellows who sell / near beer, etc., and run pool tables generally sell whiskey, too. pir y > At one time the editor of this ' - VrvliftTrn o r\omfU Igpgt. newspaper uiu uui ucijc?v ? p?'' /. crat could be elected president this t< year, no matter whether the nomiI 1 nee was Brya% Johnson or Gray. But ?j?f*V" as the campaign progresses, we have ijfo-: begun to think that Bryan's chances Iffv *re good. Reports from all over * ther country give encouraging as|| ; Burances of Democratic success, and we believe Bryan will be the next pL- president. At least we earnestly fg|?;' hope so,' and all indications point that way. lite ' The Pee Dee Advocate and the I Ifalboro Democrat, published at Epter Bennettsville, have been consolidated. Mr. R. L. Freeman, editor of the Advocate, has owned both pa^ ' pers for some time and both were jg;;.V printed in one office. The consoliv dation is a good thing, and ought y . to prove a benefit both to the editor and his< readers. Mr. Frpeman is imaging a mignty guuu ucwspapci out of the Advocate, and he will no doubt do better now with only one issue to look after. r If the Bamberg Herald published everything said about its new buildiug, equipment, etc., our readers would think our head was terribly 1 swelled. Scores of visitors have expressed the opinion that we had the best printing office in the State, and newspaper men who have seen it I have been of the same opinion. We thank all our friends for their kind t words, and if the people of Bamberg county will give us their patronage so that we can pay for all the improvements made, we shall be satisfied. But we must have your support in order to succeed. We have .done and are still doing our part, life-.,, and we hope you will do yours. HIGH PRAISE. The following is from the Farm , and Factory, published at Seneca. The brethren who run that paper : v; v have our warmest thanks. They are good newspaper men, and know a good newspaper when they see it. Such words from competent judges \ makes us feel good: "To our eve the Bamberg Herald contains the prettiest advertisements and is the cleanest and best printed paper in South Carolina." ILLEGAL FISHING. The Audubon Society has been and still is prosecuting those who violate the fish laws by trapping in the Edisto river. Special attention will be devoted to this section in the near future, and violaters will be vigorously prosecuted. We . trust the practice of setting traps can be broken up. We have in the Edisto river as fine fishing grounds as there are in the world, but the fish do not nave a snow to Dreea ana multiply because of the trappers. If the traps were kept out of the river and lakes for one or two years, after that time nobody would want to use a trap, for one could catch all they wanted with hook and line. The trouble now is that too many people depend largely for a living on fishing, and of course they do not fish with hook and 'line. The Society has our hearty endorsement in its work of enforcing the fish laws, and we hope U-. ' " ' * vigorous action will be taken in this section. Too many men who would not think of violating any other law, think nothing of placing a trap IP . . - ' JSp ' ' ' ... V / . at the river, and this should not be so. All good citizens should endeavor to create a strong public sentiment against violating the fish and game laws. STATE BOKa.OWS $100,000. The State Has Borrowed Half a Million Dollars This Year. Owing to the last legislature cutting its appropriation cloth so much larger than the State tax levy pattern before it. the State treasurer will have to borrow another $100,000 the first of next month on aprom5 VlT7 thfl Stfltpl Of 1S b UIV JLLUV ? ficials to meet current expenses for that month. This will bring the total so borrowed this year up to the limit of half a million fixed by statute. With this the State will have to worry along as best it can till the fall and spring taxes come in, immediately after which the borrowing will have to begin again if the new legislature does not right about face next winter. This year the State began borrowing in April. As a result of this unbusinesslike method on the part of the legislature an interest bill amounting to about $13,000 is wasted this year, and the money so thrown away in the past decade amounts to approximately $100,000. On one other occasion, in Governor Heyward's administration, the State borrowed the limit of half a million, but he succeeded in having the unfortunate condition remedied, the tax levy being increased, with the result that in 1900 there was no borrowing at all. But this and Comptroller Gen~ * * ?A# frnf? erai joura 8 cueruucu uicaiu vi ftwting the State on a cash basis was promptly dispelled, the succeeding legislature falling hack into the old rut of making liberal appropriations during the session and then sticking its head in the sand toward the close of the session by cutting down the levy in order to appear before the dear people as shining economists. A curious and interesting fact about the borrowing this year is that the State secured the lowest rate of interest it has so far been able to obtain, right in the fag end of the panic. For half of the $4o0,000 so far borrowed it will pay only 4% per cent, and for the other half only 4 per cent. Heretofore the State had to pay 5 per cent, and over.? Columbia Record. Program for S. S. Convention. The Barnwell Baptist Sundayschool Convention will be held at Friendship Church on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Following is th$. programme: THURSDAY. 11 a. m.?Song and Prayer Service?C. H. Turner. 11:30 a. m.?Introductory Sermon ?R. W. Sanders, D. D. % 12 m.?Organization. 12:30 p. m.?The Superintendent and his Duties.?A. P. Manville, I. H. Hutto, and J. D. Moore. 1:15 p. m.?Adjourn. 2:45 p. m.?Song and Prayer Service?R. M. Mixon. 3 p. m.?How can we best hold the young folks in the Sunday-school ?W. W. Willian, C. H. Turner. 3:45 p. m.?The Bible in the Sunday-school?M. M. Benson, and J. D. Moore. x 4:30 p. m.?Adjourn. FRIDAY. 10 a. m.?Song and Prayer Service?D. L. Wroton. 10:30 a. m.?Helps for Teachers and Superintendents?W. G. Britton and J. D. Moore. 11:15 a. m.?Delivery of Diplo mas ana uertincaies 10 Aormai Class by President. 11:45 a. m.?Address to Normal Class by J. D. Moore. 12:lo p. m.?Qualifications of a Successful Sunday-school Teacher? D. L. Wroton, C. C. Ellzey, M. M. Benson. 1:15 p. m.?Adjourn. 2:45 p. m.?Song and Prayer Service?M. J. Free. 3 p. m.?Missions in the Sundayschool?S. P. Hair, I. H. Hutto, and W. W. Willian. 3:45 p. m.?The Sunday-school as an Educational Force?W. G. Britton and J. D. Moore. 4:30 p. m.?Adjourn. SATURDAY. 10 a. m.?Song and Prayer Service by President. 10:30 a. m.?Home Department ?M. M. Benson, J. D. Moore. 11:15 a. m.?One minute verbal reports from Sunday-schools.?C. C. Ellzey and W. W. Willian. 1 r* - J F ? n?4U T? ^11 T T\ li.'io y. 111. v>iiiuic xwn o. u. Moore. 1 p. m.?Miscellaneous and adjourn. Question Box opened at every session. Dinner on grounds Thursday and Friday. Gospel Hymns 1 to 6 will be used. Delegates are requested to bring their books. All parties coming to Barnwell and Olar by rail, notify W. T. Still, Olar, S. C. S. P. HAIR. W. G. BRITTON. Stitches in Negro's Heart. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 19.?Oscar Grimes, a negro, in a fight with Mary O'Brien this afternoon stabbed the woman and thinking her dead deliberately drove the knife into his own breast seven times, the heart being penetrated by one gash. He was hurried to a hospital, where the surgeons took three stitches in the heart. The negro is still alive and it is believed he will recover. i dp:afness cannot be cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out often are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drugeists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpatonl. Bam UNITED S H O ? CLUBS I I =T 55 ? w O 3 rt> I Bamberg... 46 1 25 Denmark ..19 1 7 Olar 7 16 Ehrhardt ..33 1 25 Midway 2 13 Mifh's Mm '""i ;z; Govan 1 2 Kearse 4 Clear Pond Edisto Fishpond... 2 Colston 6 3 Spr'gtown Total 121 4 81 CONGRES SC 13 M o 5? \ 3 P CLUBS ? vgr < 3* oo 3 Bamberg... 288 30 26 Denmark .. 152 39 28 Olar 123 15 18 Ehrhardt ..124 26 30 Midway 27 4 8 Lees 20 3 Milh's Mill 24 1 3 Govan 37 4 4 Kearse 58 1 14 Clear Pond 29 7 Edisto M* ? "1 r/1 O Fishpond... oo o Colston 38 2 4 Spr'gtown Total 9761122 151 COMPANY WON'T PAY. Insurance Commissioner is Defied by Charleston Concern. Columbia, August 20.?The fcext legislature will be called upon to remedy what has developed to be a serious if not a fatal defect in the new insurance laws establishing Mr. McMaster's department which has been doing such gbod work the past vear in driving out wildcat and irre sponsible insurance concerns. The power of the department to interfere with a chartered company which refuses to take out a license or to put up a bond for the protection of policy holders as required by the commissioner has been questioned by the Equitable Industrial Company, doing business mostly with negroes at 96 Shepard street, Charleston, which collects premiums amounting to about $100 a week. The company refuses to pay any license fee and Commissioner McMaster can find no law to punish those connected with the company from continuing to do business without a license. Mr. McMaster has revoked the licenses of several concerns recently. These could all go back to work regardless of the law if the Charleston concern can continue to do business. Mr. McMaster has gotten out an affidavit which he submitted to the Attorney General's office today setting forth the facts in the case of the Charleston company, declaring among other things, that the president of the company, L. M. Ridgeway, and those associated with him, L. C. Ridgeway and Mrs. Gourdin Dupont and others, by and with the advice of counsel, Col. Henry M. Young, deliberately and in defiance and contempt of law, refuses to pay the license fee and otherwise conform to the conditions required by the commissioner to make the said company a safe and reliable concern. The purpose is to^ proceed against the company by injunction. Cases Against Railroads. The railroad commission has placed in the hands of Attorney General Lyon the correspondence in two depot cases with instriactions to bring suits for violation of order issued several months ago. One is against the Southern railway for failure to provide a proper depot at Greer on one of the main lines between Spartanburg and Greenville. The other is against the Seaboard Air Line and the Columbia, Newberry & Laurens railroads for failure to provide a union passenger station at Clinton. Both of these cases will be investigated at once by the attorney general's office. I J. H. DIXON I Machinist and Engineer General Repair Shop. We repair all kinds of machinery and carry a full line of Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Valves, Injectors, Lubricators, Oilers, etc. Bring your engine and have the cylinder bored. Make it run like new and give you more power. Bring your cotton gins and press parts and have them repaired before the busy season. A stitch in time saves nine. We repair saw mills, grist mills, cane mills; in fact we run a hospital for sick and disordered machinery. Bring it In and have It cured. Gas engines and automobile engine cylinders bored, and new pistons and rings made that won't leak. Gives you more power and better efficiency. We repair and charge storage batteries. Call when In trouble and see what we can do. SHOP AT COTTON MILL iberg County Primary Held A For Sta GOV- LT. SEC. 1TATES SENATE ERNOR GOV. State r g 5 > ? 3 3 n s J M n E 3 S. I 3 3 17 8 81 152 244 84 329 328 2 1 36 127 83 111 194 194 Q 19 91 71 Q7 40 15K ISA 1/ XL/ MX A V I *V AW AW 25 67 77 70 151 151 25 13 18 31 31 1 19 17 3 20 20 8 2 14 13 12 25 25 1 1 5 31 32 9 41 41 1 9 45 39 20 59 59 2 27 28 1 29 29 "*3 3 7 40 39 16 56 56 3 28 27 13 40 40 4 ______ ___ __ __ 34 361 1891646 709 39711101110 For Coui >LICIS0R |en;e LEGISLATURE SHERIFF yr?yiTi~Fi7i I J 8- * * ! 8 76 224 321 185 240 226 115 215 Q1 73 103 44 103 180 84 109 35 85 139 120 100 63 73 66 84 35 151 110 91 95 104 47 10 13 31 20 16 26 19 12 16 1 20 13 14 13 16 4 19 3 25 4 / 23 23 23 2 12 25 41 38 27 17 38 3 20 25 59 25 38 45 45 14 12 10 29 22 24 12 27 2 " 38 12 "54 " 37 " 41 " *36 * 42 *1*5 19 17 40 23 25 32 23 16 432 5231103 641 8071 768 609 505 AN OPPC Fine Farms Will 1 One hundred acres, almost in corporate limits of Bamberg. About sixty acres in high state of cultivation. Crops in sight. Corn (not on Williamson plan) about thirty bushels per acre. Cotton, with only About five hundred pounds fertilizer per acre, very nearly or quite a bale per acre. ^ Eighty-five acres; about sixty-five acres in good state of cultivation. One four-room and one three-room tenant house; one shallow and two deep wells of good water. . Crops good. Only about one mile North of Bamberg. Thirty-six acres, about twenty-five open; no buildings. Crops in 'fair condition. This property lies only about one mile from Bamberg. Also very many larger farms, containing from 250 to 1,500 acres, lying from two to ten miles from Bamberg, S. C., in this and Orangeburg counties. Prices and terms on application. CITY PROPERTIES FOR SALE. One seven-room dwelling; barn and stables and other outbuildings; all recently built; wired for electric lights; yard fenced; deep well of good water. The lot contains about three acres. We are offering this for a limited time at only $2,000.00 J. T. C Real Estate Agent 1 Ehrhardt Bar 91 EHRHARDT x X X X ? Capital Sto ? We do general banking bus ? We are backed by a strong 1 @ every safety. We allow you savings department. We < X courtesy consistent with good * ?* individuals, firms, and c< ? and shall be pleased to meei contemplate making changes gS J. L. COPELAND, J. C. K ? President. Vice P NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. By virtue of the constitution and acts of the general assembly, the ; books of registration of Bamberg 11 Countv will be opened at Denmark on Tuesday, September 1st, 1908, for one day; at Olar on Wednesday, September 2nd, for one day; at Midway on Thursday, September 3rd, for one day; at Farrell's Store on Thursday, September 10th, for one day; and at Ehrhardt on Friday, September 11th, for one day. J. F. JONES, ISAAC W. CARTER, N. P. SMOAK, Supervisors or Registration Bamberg County. Bamberg, S. C., August 15, 1908. ITmoy ? Diclt i "ns# n I t INSURANCE AGENT t WILL WRITE ANYTHING Fire, Tornado, Accident, Lia- 2 X bility, Casualty, In the X strongest and most re- J X liable companies. j X TELEPHONE No. 10 B. Bamberg. 5.C. J * '.V e\\ ? r$ * . ' ' f? : ' * . *-* . " ** - - - '* V - " Election Ret .ugust 26th, 1908 te Offices COMP. State AD. & IN. STATE SUPT. A GENERAL Tr'as GENERAL EDUCATION G W % % W H H g op , g- 2 ! a I g ir ? i? w I ? g" 5" ? is o 3 55 273 331 36 288 33 240 57 I 139 56 194 82 106 9 127 57 83 54 137 43 94 46 36 55 11 138 151 86 61 20 49 82 6 25 31 8 23 3 27 1 8 12 20 16 4 1 19 1 24 25 11 14 4 21 36 5 41 3 38 30 8 3 13 46 59 43 16 44 8 7 29 29 29 1 26 2 ""'3 " 53 56 27 "27 " 22 21 13 8 32 40 33 7 6 25 9 363 7471114 388 7071219 607 2861 nty Offices JUDGE Cl'rk SUPER- CORO- TREA PROBATE Co'1"1 VISOR NER URE3 pp 2 n> s: s. ? SL ? EL" IS ? ? I 3 O. 175 154 320 221 109 211 118 200 162 30 194 148 45 26 167 147 115 ' 24 139 129 10 21 118 47 97 53 150 67 83 73 78 128 23 8 31 4 27 28 3 25 14 6 20 13 7 20 20.. 8 17 25 24 1 25 25.. 27 14 41 30 11 2 39 32 Jio 1C Kft CO OK Q9 .41 to 1U Oi7 OJ Laj UO -XX 23 6 29 16 13 25 4 29.. '*36 21 * 53 16 41 "'47 *10 " 43 " 34 6 40 - 36 4 8 32 36 7571 355llOll 763 35l| 466|647 7781 )RTUNITY Qo At Panic Prices Also five tenant houses; three with four rooms each and two with two rooms; all in fair repair. This lot contains about four acres. Price only $1,100.00. Also two open lots containing two acres, more or less. Will let these go for only $250.00. , Also one five-room house on Main Street, with barn and stables;, deep well of good water. Lot contains one mnrp nr less. All in fair ret>air and under fence. Price only?$i,250. One open lot on New Bridge Street, measuring 105 feet front by about 300 feet deep, by ninety feet, more of less, wide on back. Fine'Site for a residence, and large enough for a hotel, as it lies less than one hun. dred yards from depot. Price and . terms on application. Also one open lot on Church Street, measuring ninety-eight feet front and back by 53% feet deep. Will go at a bargain. Price and terms on application. Also a block of lots on Railroad Avenue, West, containing ten acres, : more or less. About five acres of pe' can trees in bearing. An opportunity for young men to invest in and develop. Only the one chance. Price i and terms on application. , I'NEAL, Bamberg, S. C. iking. Company? : : : SOUTH CAROLINA Rj ck $20,000*00 |@ iriess, and solicit your account. K9 board of directors, insuring you |m 4 per cent, on deposits in our |@ extend to our customers every i banking. We receive accounts R& jrporations on favorable terms, r?? t or correspond with those who I? or opening new accounts. I? INARD, A. F. HENDERSON, resident. Cashier. * |?7 ??y University of South Carolina. Wide range of choice in scientific, ; literary, graduate, and professional courses, leading to degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Licentiate of Instruction, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Arts, Civil Engineer, and Electrical Engineer. Well equipped laboratories, library of over 40,000 volumes. | Expenses moderate?many students make their own expenses. Next session (104th) begins September 23rd, 1908. For announcement write to the ! President, Columbia. S. C. i anMaMnaHMHaBaMMM JOHN F. FOLK ....AGENT FOR.... Ford Automobiles The Car That Goes ,V ' . :urns r * R. B. COMMISSIONER fclN. r o o ^ w g2 t ? ? g | i 3 SL ? O- p 3 V 2 5* c 2 3 2 3 m 3 ? ? 3 ? ? & 329 82 58 101 35 42 188 4 70 21 4 81 137 14 66 2 16 39 151 17 8 20 68 29 31 14 3 8 6 20 10 8 1 1 25 1 24 41 1 31 7 1 59 12 23 3 6 15 29 2 23 4 56 31 4 8 3 10 40 24 8 1 4 3 ' - ' ;*&:J ?? _ 106 2091-2781 1671 168 255 ??? ' ' '-?IP S- Supt mas- county r Ed. TER COMMISIOWBRS ^ b ~F ? TFTTi ";I 1 9 * I ! ? = 9 * o- 1 -i r:x " ' 128 326 327 144 260 239 44 194 195 92 163 125 W 198 1.99 (58 inn 110 20 151 151 125 91 81 > i , 6 31 81 19 28 15 20 20 15 12 13 25 25 8 25 17 / 9 41 41 28 31 23 I j 18 59 59 49 15 48 29 29 28 27 3 8 56 54 37 36 41 4 40 40 39 18 23 . 32911101111 852 806 738 NO REASON FOR IT. ? ^ When Bamberg Citizens Show the Certain Way Out. There can be no just reason why any reader of this will continue to Buifer the tortures of an aching back* ) 1 the annoyance of urinary disorders, ^ the dangers of diabetes of any kidney ills when relief is so near at hand and the most positive proof given, that they can be cured. Read what a Bamberg citizen says: D. J. Cain, Church St., Bamberg, ' ;(M S. C., says: "I suffered from kidney ? trouble for two or three years U/.and during the past six months ~ my condition became quite se- ,>4 rious. I often had spells of , backache which were so intense I could not work. For weeks at a time I could not sit down without first grasping something for support and then putting my whole weight on my arms. After lying < down it was impossible for me to get up without assistance, and I might ? say that I was as helpless an a child. The kidney secretions were in a critical condition and at times there was an almost complete retention. All the doctoring I did availed me but little relief. Recently I began -'f?( using DOan's Kidney Pills which I obtained from the People's Drag Hi Store and I am so much better in every way that I cannot praise them enough." x For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. _Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,v 7; New xotk, so le agenuj wr wo United States. j Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. 1 \SJ k TTHEC Cleaned, Polished, Oped it A1 vIlC J from $1.00 to $1.50 each Clocks Cleaned, Polished and Oiled from 50c to $1.25 each. Jewelry repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. E. Dickinson, Baokerf, S. C. | I PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Engines AND BOILERS | Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, wood Saws,Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines LAROBSTOCK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works, Supply Store AUGUSTA, GA. J i DR"Q.RHAIRi I ? Dental Surgeon - - - Bamberg, 5. C. < > I In office every day in the week. Gradu- \ [ X ate of Baltimore College of Dental Sur- : i X gery, class 1892. Member 8. C. Dental 4 k X Association. Office In old bank building \ > if W. P. RILEY I: J i 4 ^ ' ? ? - .V _-, Shoe & Harness Repairing I have moved Into the store lately occupied by The Bamberg Herald, where I am better prepared to serve you than ever. All sorts of harness and shoes repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. I manufacture harness of allklnds, bridles halters, etc. Give me a trial. I.V.JotasM, Baoberg,it - . ' ' ' - . ? ' - ',V:- { , " V 1 Y. / v, , . ..