"X- ^ ' ' w. % '. - -.'.s - - . *- ' i ' ,.v I- ! SERVANT A MILLIONAIRE. V Title and Estates Falls to Butler in Virginia Home. ^ Richmond, Va., June 12.?Theodore von Thien, a butler in the home of Patride P. Ryan, yesterday received from the French ambassador in Washington papers by which he becomes Count von linen of the provinces of Kronefelt and Tliien, and, with his brother, inherits; the large fortune and estates of his - father. August von Thien, the brother, ifi.a cablegram from Paris, announces that his attorney has established their claims to their titles. There are amounts aggregating $2,000,000 in the banks of Germany and Fiance which will be turned over to the - * - ^ i rm. _ * brothers in uecemoer. ine iamcx was drowned and his body never recovered, causing the delay in establishing the fact of his death. 'August and Theodore von Thien came to the United States as young men, and both held positions as butlers m Sherry's Jfew York restaurant. Theodore came t6 Virginia two years ago. When told that he was a count he simply said: "I'm sorry for it. I have traveled so much, and have never been as happy as I am in Richmond." The Bamberg Guards left this (Wednesday) morning for encampment on Sullivan's Island. There was a full company, and the boys will make a fine showing. A special coach was left here Tuesday night for the use of the company. Capt. Folk and the officers have been working hard to make the Guards a fine company. ; GRADED SCHOOL CLOSES. Mr. W. M. Brabham Writes in the Columbia State Concerning Bamberg's Schools. The Bamberg gradbd and high schools closed the year Friday after a successful although a very difficult session. In the history of the schools here no more adverse circumstances have occurred than in the year just closed. In November the handsome and commodious building was destroyed by fire and since that time I the county court house has been used i as a temDorary school building and despite the fact that everything was done that could be done under the circumstances the school did not accomplish what it could have done in a building out of the very centre of the business section and in a regularly appointed building. Superintendent Sheridan and his faithful corps of teachers deserve much commendation for the patient and faithful service rendered. The enrollment has' been good and shows an increase over any previous year and the institution of the high school department has proved a great success. The commercial department in particular has been taken advantage of, and several young ladies have received certificates in this branch of work. One has already secured a position as stenographer. /l"* - ? ? -- ? o n orae mere, win ue a. uuml?ci ui tuousco in the teaching corps of the scnool next year. Mr. E. Paul Allen, principal of the Magnolia Street graded school in Greenwood, has accepted the position of superintendent to succeed Prof. Sheridan, who goes to Lake City. The new school building has been completed and will be fitted out with splendid furniture during the summer and when the fall session opens everything will be very favorable for a good year's work. Bamberg is always to the forefront in matters of education and nothing will be left undone which will help towards bettering and upbuilding the school. With the graded and high schools and the Carlisle Fitting School ^here the advantages are exceptionally fine. Both schools have flowing artesian wells on the grounds and the water supply is excellent and the health of the two schools is remarkably good. More Kind Words. rnI>" DnwiVawo, UaroM lrhloh hflK flU 1 X1U uaiil UVl 5 JUViUAU) TY WAVM along been one of the best printed papers in the State,* has put in a linotype and is in its own new building, on which we heartily congratulate itThe Herald's editorial department is fully up to its mechanical standard of excellence.?Chester Lantern. - The Newberry Observer looks as neat as you please now. It has a linotype. As for that the Newberry Observer was always neat and also clean, physically and morally, but it is "neater" now than before. The Bamberg Herald is another good newspaper that has just installed a linotype. Both papers will be greatly Improved by the change.?Greenwood Index. \ -"r ' "Brother A. W. Knight, of The Bamberg Herald, certainly deserves credit for his enterprising spirit. He recently moved into his new office, which is one of the .finest buildings in the town, and has installed a modern ' linotype machine. Not many country newspapers are so well equipped, and the people of Bamberg county should pride themselves on having such a live paper. May The Herald continue to flourish. ?Dorchester Eagle. Get the Boosting Habit! Do you know there's lots of people. Sitting' round most every town, . Growling like a broody chicken, Knocking every good thing down. Don't be that kind of cattle, 'Cause they aint no good on" earth, But just be a booster rooster, Crow and boost for all you're worth. If your town needs boostin, boost her, Don't hold back and wait to see If some other fellow's willin'; Sail right in, this country's free. No one's got a mortgage on it, It's just yours as much as his; If your town is shy of boosters, You get in the boostin' biz. If things don't seem to suit you An' the world seems kinder wrong, What's the matter with a boostin' Just to help the thing along. 'Cause if things should stop again, We'd be in a sorry plight, You just keep the horn a-blowin', Boost her up with all your might. If you see some fellow tryin' For to make some project go, An' you can boost it up a trifle, That's your cue to let him know That you're not going to knock it, Just because it ain't your shout, But that you're going to boost a little 'Cause he's got the best thing out. Editor Indicted. Lexington, June 12.?Editor N. Rogers Bayly, of the Batesburg Advocate, was indicted by, the grand jury last Tuesday for an assault with intent to kill and carrying concealed weapons. The indictment charges the assault as having been made with a pistol on A. J. Bethea, private secretary to the Governor; Prof. W. C. Allen, the Rev. J. I. Allen and Dr. S. W. Page. It is said that these parties were members of a wedding party stopping at the Batesburg Hotel, and while there the assault is alleged to have been made. It was stated that they were ordered around their room in the hotel at the point of a pistol. This case was continued after the defendant gave bond. Mayor W. C. Bates, of Batesburg, was one of his bondsmen. It is said that the town authorities at Batesburg took no action in the matter. " ir n l i up neeps twi. A cute little Boston terrier pup showed some of his higher brothers in the Darwinian scale on Massachusetts avenue, Cambridge, how to keep cool yesterday. He was trotting along behind an ice wagon, and each time it stopped to make deliveries the cunning chap sprawled out underneath, where the chilly trickles from the melting ice would strike his fevered body. The way he splashed on his pink stomach made all the bystanders lqng to follow suit.? Boston rost. / ^ V<:"*rv . r - pfral 3 like for your groceries | w to be fresh and sweet? J* If you do you should >|i i 3. buy them from E. B. t f Price. He buys all s goods in small quanti- w i 31 ties and they are there- ^ ?1 fore alwavs fresh. He ? A believes in. Mi i T QUICK SALES AND F T SMALL PROFITS 4v and his prices are as Ai Jm reasonable as can be ^ 5 found anywhere. All w goods delivered in city fli Jk limits free of charge. Zp *2 Give me a trial oraer w on your next bill Ai $E. BART PRICE I 'Phone 51 Bamberg, S. C. f i: W. P. RILEY I FIRE, LIFE o o ACCIDENT o ^ i i T a 1V.T.*"* E? 4 i I ll^lOUKAil Vl-i A| J[ BAMBERG, .... 8. C. j| JOHN F. FOLK ! ' ' ' ' I AGENT FOR.... Ford Automobiles | The Car That Goes |! * .. J W k TfHCC Cleaned, Polished, Oiled IT A1 vJlEi J from $1.00 to $1.50 each Clocks Cleaned, Polished and Oiled from 50c to $1.25 each. Jewelry repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed ' H. E. Dickinson, Bamberg, S.C. j DR.' GL RHAIRI i X Dental Surgeon - - - Bamberg, S.C. < > X In office every day In the week. Gradu-' >, X ate of Baltimore College of Dental Sur- XI X gery, class 1892. Member S. C. Dental <. X Association. Officelnold bank building- <,, - Whithrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. : The examination for the award of vacant scholarships In Wlnthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the county court house on Friday, July 3, at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be not less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 3 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to Pres Johnson before the examination for scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 16,1908. For further Information and a catalogue, address President D. B. Johnson. Rock Hill, S. CT Clemson Agricultural College Exami. option. The examination for the award of Cthrtiarahi-na fn Clemson Agricultural -? 7 w College will be held in the County Court House on Friday, July .3rd, at 9 a. m. Applicants must fill out proper forms, to be secured from the County Superintendent of Education, before they will be allowed to stand the examinations. For detailed information apply to the Supt. of Education or to the President of Clemson College. Applicants for admission to the eollege, who are not seekng for the scholarships, will also stand entrance examinations at the court house July 3rd. '. ' The scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session of the college r>ne>ns Spntpmher 9. 1908. For catalogues and information apply to P. H. MELL, President. ID. J. DELK | CARRIAGE WORKS . I ANYTBIN6 ON WHEELS | Delivery wagons, one and two I horse farm wagons, ice wag- I ons, log carts, sewing machine I wagons, or any kind of special I work built to order on short g i notice. First-class repair ana i paint shop, does pipe work and , carries piping and fixtures, brass fittings, engine supplies, injectors, steam gauges, engine oils, large stock of buggies, harness, lap robes and whips for sale cheap. All work will be appreciated and satisfaction guaranteed D. J. DELK BAMBERG, 5. C. v:.s vf .* * , -... "' . ?-r. 'I '? - , ' j-. -:m > , | Sacrifice". iWe have slaughtered prices, and all goods must go regardless of cost reduced prices will hold good for 01 June 15th to Jul I All Lawns, colored and white, that sold All other brand from 10 to 15c, now going from 8 to 11c. portion. Dress Ginghams that sold at 12^c and 15c Children's Para n? 20c to $1.00. IOI Wt UllJjr aon. xxw. 5? Silk Mulls, usual price 50 cents, now going Ladies'Silk Pj ? at only 35c. ' pnce $3.00, n ? A beautiful line white mercerized figured Umbrellas, all @ goods that sold from 15c to 25. Prices $2.25, now 4 @ have ^ cut> now llc t0 20c* Girls' Sailor H? * We have on hand a lot of Embroideries and now anc* ? Insertions, usual price from 6^c to 30c, China Silks in ? now from 5c to 20c. . V usual price 4? X Ladies' long silk gloves, black and cream, Fans in all styl JSP now going at 85c. ish you. ?? Ladies' % length black silk gloves now * Nice Line Ladi< @ going at 45c. embroidered, - ? - ? - ? ? ? A onlonrlirl lnt I. Men's and 4pys7 Straw Hats, usually sen ~ ? at from 2oc to $1.25, now going at from nants from 3 20c to 80c. 10c and 15c, to 11c. Fruit of the Loom Bleach, 1 yard wide, us al price 12^, now 9^c. Ladies' and chi been selling Fruit of the Loom, % yard wide, now 9c. going at 80c Prompt and Polite Attention Gt ? Better get these Great Bargains are going, they can't last long at th All Prices _ _ Quoted ^ 1 cash i bamberg, s. c $ ib ' !? ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftft ft ft ip ft ft ft ft $ I PANAMA HATS CLEANED 1 ? new bands put on and in * ? ? ft CI?ix_ Ti J P1a?n ? to offer you. Our line of Silks, Laces, Em- ? broideries, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, 7 .? * x v. r j ?Wo alan r ~9 IS tne D SX lO UC lUUilu aaj nucit. > v 4 have a full line of Parasols to suit all ages and 4 , 4 purses. Our prices are the lowest w 1 I Mrs. K. I. Shuck & Co. f i ' J| T Bamberg, South Carolina, r / v YOUR BEST FRIEND ] In time of need is a fat bank account. It will stand by Xou when all others fail. The way to acquire this fab ac count is to begin depositing and keep at it. Promptness, courtesy and careful attention to the wants of its customers are some of the features of the Business Policy of this bank. 1 A. Bank Book; In Vour Name Issued by this Banking House, entitles you to every con- 4 '?j?l?1?~ |j vemence 01 mouem uau&uiK. When opening a bank account, you want a safe bank, con- I veniently located?one whose constant endeavor is to serve J you best. On these lines, we invite your account. I ^PEOPLES BANK, Bamberg, S. C. J ' @@@@@@@ Sale I s bleach with prices in pro- 9 lsoIs, silks and lawns, from irasols, in all colors, usual 9 ow $2.25. w styles, usual price 50c to 2 .;%Jj 0c to $1.75. * its, usual price 50c and 75c, g all colors, 28 inches wide, x >c, now 30c. s? es at prices that will astott is' Belts, whites and blacks, ? 3 going from 10c up. X of curtain goods in rem-. to 12 yards, regular price O , r' now closing out at from 8c X ldren's white slippers, have ? < } at $1.25 and $2.00, now A 3RT rSSB laranteed. ? ^ lese prices ? ^ 8 Guaranteed 5 8 to be as- aIJm Peoresented r ? ^ ^ NOTICE ?0 LIQUOR DEALERS. > Office of County Dispensary Board of Bamberg County. Bamberg, S. C., June 2nd, 1998. . v Bids are hereby requested, in an*- T v cordance with the terfns of the Dls-- . v>; . pensary Law now in force, for the following kinds and qualitiesof li quors, beer, and other articles* here- ' in enumerated, to be furnished to j the State of South Carolina for use ' ^ of the County Dispensary Board of Bamberg County, to Wit: Fifty barrels Corn Whiskey, 90. " proof, different grades. Fifty barrels Rye Whiskey, 90 proof, different grades. Five barrels Alcohol, 188 proof. Fifty barrels Gin, 90 proof, dif? ferent grades Five barrels Sherry Wine, two m Bids will, also be received for Case Goods, including Rye, Corn and ' y* Scotch Whiskies, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Beers, Ales, and Porter. Also glass, corks and tinfoil, wire and V- .i-j omer arucies uaeu ivr a vuum.i t. waw Dispensary All goods shall be furnished in :;M. compliance with and subject to the " terms and conditions of the Dispensary Law of 1907, and bidders must observe the following rulesr ;'^^^?B 1. The bids shall be sealed, and there shall be no sign or mark upon the envelope indicating the name of the bidder 2. All bids must be sent by express or registered mail to Jno. F. Folk, County Treasurer for Bamberg County, at Bamberg, S. C., on ' or before 12 o'clock of Monday, the . 5th day of July, 1408. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder on each kind,. the Board reserving the right tQ.;/??H reject any and all bids and any.;, parts of bids the Board reserves the right to increase or decrease > Vi&g the above quantities at the same^\?$ price as the bids submitted. : 3. All goods to be delivered f. 0. b. Bamberg, S. C., freight prepaid. Terms, to be paid for within ninety days and subject to regauge at our warehouse. Also state discount for cash payment. Bids will be opened In the office of the County Dispensary hoard at Bamberg, S. C. E. C. HAYS,- - v&Il J. A. WALKER, G. B. CLAYTON, C:W County Dispensary Board for Bam- * berg County. ? Dr. 0. D. Faust DENTIST BAMBBRQ, S. C. ? ? ?- ? ? - -? ? wvar/i _ OFFICE IN FOLK. lHJlLUinu g . ^ L Shoe & Harness Repairing ;fj I have moved Into the store lately oe- .: cupled by The Bamberg Herald, where I am better prepared to serve you s ever. All sorts of harness and shoes re- . paired and satisfaction guaranteed, I ; manufacture harness of allklnds, bridles halters, etc. Give me a trial. D. f. Johnson, Bamberg, S. C. ' - .