.;: ' ' ^ ! r Personal Mention. ?Rev. P. E. Monroe, of Ehrhardt, was in the city Friday. V ?Mr. J. R. Owens, of Denmark, was in the city last Saturday. ?Mrs. A. McB. Speaks returned-last Friday from a business trip to Atlanta. ?Mr. T. S. Rice, of Richlarid county, spent several days in the city this week. , ?Mrs. Frank Utsey, of Grover, Dorchester county, is visiting Mrs. H. G. Sheridan. ' ... 1 HTCno Mnmia Homcnri VlQ.Cl 51/*- I iuioo iiiauii^ ixujl x luvi* &'mv ww cepted a position at Roylston, Ga., where she will be this season. ?Miss Sadie Johnson has gone to Spray, N. C., where she has accepted a position as milliner for the season. ' ?Mr. J. Izlar Sims, of The Orangeburg Times and Democrat, visited the family of Prof. H. G. Sheridan Sunday. , # i ?Miss Lizzie Sheridan, of Orange- , burg, spent Sunday in the city on a , visit to the family of her brother, Mr. H. G. Sheridan. ? " 1 ^ j - v A ?uaaei ^iyae lungue rciumcu Monday to resume his studies at the Carlisle Fitting School, after visiting several days at home in Barnwell. ?Rev. T. G. Herbert returned home last Saturday, bringing with ( him Mrs. Herbert and the children, who have been /visiting relatives in Sumter. _ ( \ ?Mr. E. D. Suioak, who has been visiting friends and relatives in this and Colleton counties for some weeks, left last week for his home in Spartanburg county. After a week's stay , ; at home he will leave for a visit of about two months to his daughter in Tennessee, and from there will go to visit his two sons in Roanoke, Va. j Surprise Marriage. < Mr. J. Harry Murphy and Miss Blanche Garland surprised their many friends by ; x getting married last Sunday afternoon. ' The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. . B. Traywick at his residence in Denmark. V These young people had been keeping company for some time, but the news of their union was certainly a great sur' v prise, as none of their friends knew that . they contemplated such a step. How- : ever, without notifying aiiybody, they ; drove to Denmark and were quietly , married.- i Mr. Murphy is the second son of Post- ; master J. P. Murphy, and has been as- < sistant postmaster hereforseveralyears. i The bride is the only daughter of Mr. G. W. Garland, and has for a year or two ! been the efficient day operator at the ; telephone exchange. She is possessed of , AW/) A ATTTAA4- /)IO_ UlVdt giautuuo uiaiuicio aiiu aovv^v uw i position, and she numbers her friends < among old and young. Everybody who 1 uses a telephone is under many obliga- i tions to her for kindnesses rendered. ] ? 1 Always sweet tempered and obliging, J we have heard it said many a time by our business and professional men that . she was the finest operator they had ever known. The young couple are residing for the i present at the home of the father of the ^ groom. The Herald in common with their j very many friends, extends congratula- j tions, and wishes for them a long life of J happiness and prosperity. But we who 1 have to use the 'phone so often can hard- } ly forgive Harry for robbing^us of such 1 fino nrumfnr ' a uiiv vyvxuwA ( ] St. John's News. I-v . -vc St. John's, March 23.?Some of our i farmers have been planting corn this 1 week, quite an early start. j Mr. J. C. Folk went to Olar Thursday ' on business. , Miss Clara Copeland has been visiting Mrs. J. J. Copeland for the past week. A pindar shelling was given at Mr. Jesse Copeland's, also one at Mr. H. C. Bishop's last Saturday night, which < were enjoyed. ( The committee of the River's bridge ' memorial met last Saturday, the 14th, ! and appointed the 1st of May for mem- . orial day. Messrs. Bernard and George Kearse ? and family, of Bayard, Florida, have re- 1 turned to their home in our neighbor- < hood. We are glad to have them back with us again. j We are sorry to say our school will be out the 27th of this month, but we are# expecting to have an entertainment at j the close. Our teacher, Miss Bailey, < will uc iiiUKWU vcrjf rnucxi vy ueir uieuiy ] ' friends. Bradley Hiers. ( St. John's graded school. 1 1 t Negro Killed Near Denmark. : Orangeburg, March 23.?News has i reached this city of a killing which oc- j curred near Denmark on Saturday night. ] Govan Salley, a negro, was the victim, ( and he was killed by another negro whose name cannot be learned. It seems that the negro who did the shooting, upon reaching his home on Saturday night, found his wife and Salley together, and ' without any preliminaries he fired. There ^ were four bullet holes in the body. ] Salley was 28 or 30 years old, and was a son of C. D. Salley, a well-known and j respectable colored minister, who lives i near this place. The dead man was married ana, with his wife, lived on the < place of Sheriff John H. Dukes, just j outside of Orangeburg. At intervals, it seems, he would leave home ostensibly in search of work. His reputation was not very good and he had been repeated- ] y warned that his mode of living would eventually be the means of his undoing, i * BIG FIRE IN BISHOPVILLE. Two Stores Burned Resulting In Loss of Thirty Thousand Dollars. Bishopville, March 20.?Thursday night about 2 o'clock fire was discovered in the rear of the stores of the Bishopville Dry Goods company, which was soon in full force. The volunteer fire department responded to the fire alarm and it was not long before they had the flames under control, although the wind was very high. The fire was kept confined to these two buildings, which prevented the loss of a whole block. TVip JLUC UiU-ue w guucuu utuct i^vtwiuui and faience blues are shown as among the best new shades of blue, but we also may see peacock and robin's egg blue. Such bright shades look better on millinery than as dress material. Peacock breasts are seen on many of the richest hats, while the pretty "eyes" are used indiscriminately. Purple in one or the other of its many shades will be the favorite, the only danger being in the fact that cheap goods of all kinds will be offered, so that the fancy for a really beautiful color will become so common that the lady who owns one gown or suit in any of the shades will feel like despair. That is very bad. The velutina in the purple shades is particularly rich and SEALSKIN KIMONO COATEE. beautiful, especially the dark damson and wine, while the delicate amethyst as well as lilac and mauve is lovely for evening. A little good lace, taste in the making, and the lady has a grown of beauty. Velutina is plain and ribbed as well as figured in bright dots and other designs in silver and gilt The ribbed makes up oti elegant street costume with the addition of a band of fur around the sleeves and waist and such other trimming as the wearer likes best It is much liked for children's wear, beiag so handsome and durable at so little cost With the advent of winter evening dress becomes a question that must be considered. Lace and embroidery over silk are still the favorite, and indeed nothing can look richer or more elegant A ?Own on exhibition last week was exceptionally beautiful. It was ecru colored lace over a mauve silk' slip. All along the front of the princess shape was a design in daisies, the ox eyed kind, and these were wrought very high above the lace, each with a dark center. The dress was cut me 'oftmftnrho+ In n nnmnfldonr ILLULLI lUVt , ovuivnuut u v* j>v?r~._ form, with the superimposed daisies all along the front and out on the shoulders. The sleeves were short puffs. Another evening dress, this one for a young girl, was of white dotted net over a pink slip. This, too, was princess shape, and the skirt was laid in three sets of narrow tucks which did not meet in front The front breadth was entirely plain save for the flat border of heavy cluny lace down the seams. Between the tucks and at the foot were two scalloped and bound rufiles of the pink taffeta. The square neck was outlined by four of the ruffles of taffeta with lace between. The sleeves were short and puffed. .1 have mentioned these two in detail because they were really representative gowns and can be copied in any material The princess shape Is always . in fashion for those whose figures are so perfect that they dare indulge. Hats grow more and more aggressive and top heavy every day. Velvet laid on the frame straight is one of the newest styles. One of these had a high crown covered smoothly and the brim done in the same way. The color was a dark purple, with an immense bunch of short willow tips in bright green, with e. white aigret set in their center. The hat was to tip sharply to the right side, and under the brim on the left was an enormous bunch of velvet violets with leaves. And all around the edge of the brim was a fall of open embroidery in white batiste. OLIVE HABPEB1 V | Ready-to-wear Hats and Sailors jjj eg. is complete, also can suit you to a jl eg. nice line of Dress Novelties, Silks, eg. Laces, etc. Will tell you next week 1* eg. the date of our Spring Display >|? 13 oi rauern nats. * ^ | Mrs. K. I. Shuck & Co. |j| i|, Bamberg, ' South Carolina* 1Y0U ARE LOSING MONEY ||j If You are INot Buying Your Goods of Ua a , We have one of the best and most up-to-date lines of v Dry Goods; Notions, Shoes, Hats, ?.^f I Caps, Clothing, Groceries, Etc., a Ever brought to this town and at prices to suit you. A Come See Us and be Convinced That What We Say is True J. W. PEARLSTINE CO. 'ft I LEADERS I ] ^ x We are Leaders In the v ' 1 Piano and Furniture Business ; |||f ^ because we carry more and better v a S SP f Pianos; more and better Furniture, ? than any other house in the South; M as and because we sell on smaller V-^if S? profits and easier terms than any jR-tslH ? other house. ^ Are not these very ? Now Listen a Moment 5c We want to sell you your Piano / . 5s ? and Furniture, or an Organ as it V A maybe, under the positive guaran- A tee that it will be at least Ten Per ? Cent, better than you can buy else- | A where at an equal price. Ajtk? ? Give Us a Chance and We Will ?.;|| @ Prove Our Statements to be True @ 1 THOMAS S BARTON CO. H 5? "THE BIO STORE" X a Broadway ----- Augusta, Georgia Spli stop.?to- ia Spending that dollar foolishly and put in the bank where you can not only save it, but it will earn you interest. If you will start the "saving habit," you will be surprised how your bank account will grow PEOPLES BANK I BAMBERG - SOUTH CAROLINA J M fUlC UAVE IT!l VV ha Bn V h*.' il l An up-to-date drug store with a choice assort- I ment, of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, I Stationery, Cut Gl^ss. Combs, Brushes, Rubber - Goods, Cigars, Etc. We can serve you promptly I and at right prices. Give us a share of your trade I Hoover's Drug Store!