ICbftpulpitig^ ~ s? J>unSyry"_S?-."V/^c>/v lj J3y TH?: n^'y? I; ' xjjtrtn&L.. o?-/?5o: l1 . V- .- - \ rW^r--? women's health and is invaluable in 1 - 11.. * .1 N ana auring tae periou ui vuaugc licited and grateful testimonials on jynn, Mass.. many of which are from ; special permission, give absolute evi- \ ham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. ? Vegetable Compound a curing Female Complaints, such as [ c, Falling and Displacements, InOrganic Diseases, and it dissolves $ ng Invitation to Women 1 m of female weakness are invited to E r advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who ? e of charge for more than twenty Sj her mother-in-law, Lvdia E. Pink- E ecially well qualified to guide sick I tv, don't wait until too late. Black opals of great beauty are found in Queensland, Australia, besides fifty-six other kinds of precious stones. TEN YEARS OF PAIN. Unable to Do Even Housework Because of Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clinton St., Napoleon, O., says: Tor fifteen years I was a great sufferer _ from kidney troubles. My back pained a me terribly. Every turn or move caused . ^sharp, shooting pains. My eyesight /y~. was poor, Uiiitt. ?.pvL? ^ appeared before me, ' ' ant* * ^ad dizzy * spells. For ten years I could not do housework, and for two years did not get out of the house. The kidney secretions were irregular, and doctors were not helping me. Doan's Kidney Pills brought i me quick relief, and finally cured me. They saved my life " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wrinkles. A small boy of an Inquiring turn of mind says the Philadelphia Inquirer, J looked at his father earnestly and asked: '"Father, what are wrinkles?" "Fretwork, by son, fretwork," replied pater familias, confidently. Jpil CAPUDINE Bf | IMMEDIATELY CURES J, j TV headaches IN 6 TO 12 HOURS ?wu? OA rc -r I I Winchester ! ft hi . ii uTra? j* h ^ vk- .. ;,v.? ^ " *-T;> 'i-> j |f |f 5 fl <;. > ft, i A V/ />n J ?sa,''. t*'^ Shotgun Shells ! "Leader"and"Repeater"and | Repeating Shotguns I! make a killing combination for field,fowl or trap shooting. No smokeless powder shells enjoy such ; a reputation for uniformity of loading and strong shooting qualities as 5 "Leader" and "Repeater" brands do, and no shotgun made shoots harder or better than the Winchester. THEYARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER | ??_____i? XT IK I IN REFERENCE TO A O JOHN It. DICKEY'S Old Reliable EYE WATER It carp* tore eye* and pranulatod lid*. It strengthen* weak eye*. It cools and soothe* a sore eye. It refreshes and strengthens a tired ey#. It don't hart when applied. It feels good?children don't dread it. Th?. genuine always enclosed in a red folding bo*. Avoid imitations cr something recommended jnst as Fftr chronic wire eve lids, sties and diseased condition of roots of eye lashes, use Dickey's Old Reliable Eye Salre. At all stores or by mail 25cts. DICKEY DRUG CO., Box 50. Bristol. Tenn. >s-e ugly, grizzly. gray hairs. Ustr " L? Grows Cabbages 5?^ " deal firmer and richer. S Physicians who have 1 a foods, declare that the \ most wholesome and ni ^ Send a postal card for our free b< explains why and Low Potash ? T here's if money for you in fj\ a that little book. vii^^ I jectcrs. Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Sav | Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IR< COMPANY, Augusta^ Ga. ! I i A nnnTELEGRAPHERS WANTED! 1 I lege. In charge of ex-railway officials. I Vf UUv N. R. K. in School-rooms. Positions pnyi 1 our graduate* under a $120 Guaranty j Write for Catalog. .NATIONAL TELEGRAPH ANDREW CUTHBERT, ESTABLISHED MORE A high grade college for girls and young 1? ! and special courses. Highest point above sea 1 | Climate ideal. Has a great history and num women in Georgia and the South. Next session REV. J. W. MALONE, F iNACOOCHEE INSTITUTE, SAGuflT"Superior health resort. Most beautiful spot in the state. Telephone communication. Coeducational. Christian. The PROFANE and those who DRlNK not admitted. Morals of the community excellent. Good board from IS to $10 per month. Course of study: Music. Literary. Art and Elocution. Full faculty. Graduates and SPECIALISTS. Opening Sept. 4,19(17. Write for catalogue today. J. T. WADE, Proa. J.D. JIcPHAIL, V.Pres. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY -^5^. LEXINGTON, KY. ifedal awarded Prof. Smith at World' I Fair Book-keeping. Ba*iue??. Short-band Typer ^3>r Writing and Telegraphy taught. Situation.. Oraouatca reseire Kt. Umverdty diploma. Begin now. addren. W1LBCK R. SMITH Bret t. Lexington, Ky. MALSBY COMPANY, 41 6. FORSYTH ST., ATLANTA, GA.. ianufactoreri of ind Detlirs ia ID Kinds of MAC HINERY m u Bi A I_I ^ ? > i i f *"* Mmu d u r r l. i e. o. Portable, Stationary and Traction Engines. Boilers, Saw Milts and Grist Mills, Wood-working and Shingle Mill Machinery. Complete line oarriod in stock. Write for catalogue prices. Address all communications to Atlanta. Ga. We hare no connections in Jacksonville. Fie. Every GOOD ^?Jk M feature in buggy build| iag and 1?0ITE of the bad ones combine in the making of the WHITE STAR BDGGY. M g \j)p^ The latest additional improve- ? M Tpjfk to an already incompar. a M. ^^^^ahle vehicle is the "A-Grade" 1 E?4Hinipson's Eye Water (At34'-07) < J^TT**JrW WflTrTA 81 F^?Hi \2-Jy> I Cures Chilis 3 Malarial Fevers 30 W. L. DOUG $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES ????*SH0ES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF k^S3 THE FAMILY AT- ALL PRICES. nan (To arty one who can 1 )Douglass does not n Reward i Than any other man TTFE REASON W L. Douglas shoes are worn h in all walks of life thrm any other make, is he( excellent style, easy-fitting" and superior weai The selection of the leathers and other material: oI the suoe, ana every ueiau 01 me limiting >? m the most completcorganizafcion of superintendent skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wag suoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot 0 If I could take you into my large factories at Br and show you how carefully "W L. Douglas shoes would then understand why they hold their shs wear longer and are of greater value than any ot My $4 Gilt Edgo and SS Gold Bond Shoe VAUTION! The genuine have W L. Douglas >o Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. L Dot direct to factory. Shoes* sent everywhere by mail. CRESCEN SB GREATEST HEAI dQj gW Non Poisonous, Non Irri Hon ? a pain from any cause. As si ft/J sweet milk. Cures burns ir ,s.7 > cures sores and mflammati fowls?cures cholera, sora Par Sale by all First-Claw. Dealers. Hfgd. by CRESC1 ISHK-r.:-'".- j| ^ ^ -Address the office KALI WORKS 93 Nassau St.. New Yorlc^j Mocadccck Bidg., Chicago y ^2^#^ Cardie: Bldg.,AiIanta,Ga. 1 epaTRS ?1BS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c, fer any maid N % ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES jairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting. tn> i', Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines ON WORKS AND SUPPLY . "rorn this inetituto before next March. This is am xclnsire Tslesraih Institute, not a Business Col? Established Twenty-ouo Years. Main lines of L h uk $60 per month and upward absolutely guaranteed' I ' Bond. Ymi can work for your expenses* INSTITUTE. Cincinnati, Ohio. A A T T T> A T V, U Lt Is & \J L, GEORGIA. THAN FIFTY YEARS. ./U idies, offering superior advantages for regula* evel in South Georgia. Perfect health record. jS3 bers among its alumnae some of the noblest - -& opens Sept. IS. Address \|sM resident, Cuthbert, Ca. . CUMBERLAND-EVERBEARING 1907 RECOKD APRIL 20 TO JULY 4TH. ftu* Productiveneer. Stock limit. . A ft j ed BUY NOW. -iant EAB- ? 1 ft, w LY aad have berriea 10 o"l l? ^ Week* next Spring. Send tor 1 .,\1 1 new catalogue and booklet j 1 I,; 'How to Beautify Home." Vo THE CUMBERUHO NURSERIES, 1 e quinine; pleasant to take; children like it, Idom fails to make permanent cure. !;] Guaranteed under Food and Drugs Act of June I , 1906. At your druggists; or sent prepaid receipt of price. y? THUR PETER & CO.. Gen'IAgts. Louisville. Ky. - 'l e excelled. jckton.Mass., e&tim are made, you ipo, fit better. /