* " \ ' % t l ? mill i i ni irnr ""?.I ry??g i^itiojF\ A SERMON' V>? TflE REV? 5RAV//Iende^ ^!^PSubject: The New Note. Brooklyrf^ N. Y.?Preaching at the Irving Square Presbyterian Church. Hamburg avenue a ; I f Artr n. vrz/nrt' ' IAS l~OWC* C O MCATO* ?/.* A. JOf I ^J pn?p Our handsome catalog of Ru*3. Car- ! wL LI L L, pet-?, Linoleums anil Lace Curtains | |1 r h illustrated iu natural coior* seat free ] S I fi * L j 0,1 re,lue?f? Ic will showyou how you j * can save 5^0 on every dollar you j-pend tor ftujs Carpets, Linoieums, Curtain?, etc. Buy direct from the manu;a.*ttirer. I save all intermediate profit*. Write a postal to-day ; and receive our eaialotr absolutely frek. SiKRLING i MILLS MFG. CO., Lept. A, f5 Fifth Ave., New Yori. A lot of unnecessary sympathy is i wasted on old bachelors and spins- j ters. Because of thc^ V nrrniiTiTimw?~nrnr~nfi? ? ] rt rVtta nnn'fip? the hlood. eradicates disease, regulates the digestive ! organs and brines Good Jlealth! Manufac- I tured by Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, X. Y'. j Sold by druggists. You may have noticed that foolish ! people are always happy. H. H. Gbzen's Hoxs. of Atlanta, Gr., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in lue I world. See their liberal offer in advertise- | ment in another column of this paper. Judge no man's sincerity by what he says, but by what he doesn't. Itch cured in GO minutes by Woolford's I Bauitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. ! Cnurtshin is the .1uicv grape and | marriage the appendicitis. Stt ugly, grizzly gray hairs. Use w LA . \ - ? . t - , / ' AisiSi! 44 NIJB^ACK Loaded Black Powder Shotgun Shells "Nublacks" are as per feet as brains and ingenuity, coupled with first-class materials and modern methods of manufacture, can make them. They are sure fire, make even pat terns, shoot hard and strong and will stand reloading. Ask for "Nublacks" next time. S THEY HELP MAKE BIG BAGS I Telegrapheses Shorthand feZT Bookkeeping mai> link wikes kun 5 Telegraphy, ihkol'gh jbl'iloixg (kewmj. ga: Are You Ruptured ? Why not have it Cored? Send at once letter or postal, wltb your address and p Inclpal facts. We will mail trial treatment,without coat to yon, that will glre imm dlate relief from the effects o.' cumbersome and dangerous truss*a We also send our free book on the "Cause, Care and Cure of Rupture." This explains how you may be Entirely Cured by small cost by thHernia. Healer Co., 4-39 W. 8, Erie, Pa, / (Y YOU TC P ii r a c_ SP E P S roperly causes Sick Headache, Dizziness, F ctive and the Bowels clog up with waste ma rstem. Dr. Mozley's HON ELI2 .stress of Dyspepsia, and tone up and assist t tomach. It has cured sope of the worst cases pspepsia while a bottloi Lemon Elixir is near Lemon Elixir for more than twenty-five years, and . .. ''Vi Avery & Company | successors to avery & McMillan, SI-53 Sonth Forsyth St., Atlanta. Ga. -all kinds ofMACHINERY | JUU4 Jleliahlo Frlck Engines" Boilers, all ^ Sixes. Wheat Separators. ;,BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. \J Large Engines and Boilers supplied -"- ^ promptly. Shingle Mills,. Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines A Mill Supplies. Send for fres Catalogue. ?Pwij V- ^yL Removes all swelling in 8 to as ? ^ J. days; effects a permanent care >fl\ ^rv in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment ' << free* Kothingcaa be fairer write Dr. H. H. Green's Softs,; *.:>? ^ ^IT gSBSpecIaiutt. Box b Atlanta, Gr ' &> 1 uu 0 x w inn ' No. 7B Base Ball, 25c. No. 2XB Bat, 10c. ? No. SB Base BaiUlOc. No. AB Mitt, $1.00. No. XB Glove, $1.00, No. AA Mitt, 50c. No. 14 Glove, 50c. No. 5 Mitt, 25e. No. IS Glove, 25c. BASE BALL UNIFORM? FOR BOYS. No. 4 quality, on team onler% $4.uoper auu ? No. 5 quality, on team orders, $3.00 per Suii. SPECIAL.?No. 6 Quality, $1.00 per Suit, Our Special No. 6 Boy's Uniform consists of shirt, autton front wltn one felt letter, In sizes up to H inch chest, padded pants in sizes up to 30 incft waist, peak cap, web belt, and either plain or striped dockings. OHDBR NOW?DONT OELAY. New tiase Eall Catalogue Free io any address. Mail Order Dept. v A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 12S FJassau St., New York. Don't set into the habit of going . ' i iround with your bristles up. , $ I.CO, retail.