I'--' > ^ . _____?_? ? , - ~ r~ utyr Stamherg t|?ralii ? ^ Thursday, Feb. 28th, 1907 ' ' ============================== : j&' Short Locals. City council is considering the < waterworks proposition, but no 1 definite steps have been taken as i yet. Our good friend, Col. Jas. T. Bacon, of the Edgefield Chroniclers down j with the grip. We sympathize with ?b?: him. In this issue Supervisor Kearse notifies all road overseers to warn out the hands and put their roads in? *: good condition. Mr. Sauls, a highly respected citi* aen of Colleton county, died recently. He was the father of Mrs. C. W. Garris, of Denmark. We have heard no discussion or y suggestions so far as to the next city fe eouncil, but it is time our people j ; were thinking about it. e?;:-'A See the change in ad. of E. A. j Hooton. His goods have Jteen delayp ed by the railroads, but it' will pay to wait for his opening. Court convenes here next Monday. K There are a number of criminal and f; civil cases to be tried and it is likely |V that the term will continue for two J; weeks. spy See the new ad. of J. T. O'Neal, , tgif re&l estate agent. He has bargains j & to Offer you in both town and coun?& try property. See him you wish to pfe buy or sell. j 9 It is rumored around ^towni that whiskey is being sold here illegally. < & The officers of the law should be i .J especially vigilant during this period 1 prohibition. 1 ||>- r rMr. and Mrs. G. Frank Bamberg 1 ?~v y went to Anderson last week on ac- J rv count of the death of Mrs. Bam- 1 |i*! berg's father, Mr. J. B. McGee, who ||^diea Wednesday. \ fe; r.. There,"have , been some thirsty j people in town since the dispensary ( was closed, but there was a notice- . able absence of drunkenness on the j streets Saturday afternoon.' j See the ad. of W. B. McDonald in i this issue. He wants to paint your roofs with his famous cement' roof paint. He has done considerable work for people in Bamberg. 1 : The Crescent Comedy Company ' tfill play in the opera house here all 1 of next week, commencing Monday ] night. This company has played in J Bamberg before and delighted their 1 audiences. I Rev. Thos. Leitch held a special \ service for men in the opera house 4 Sunday afternoon. There was a very J large crowd present, and many came ; forward for prayer at the close of ' the service. ^ j i. It seems that the county board of f ! education had a hard time getting a man to accept the position of member of the county board of control. Six appointments were made before j a man was found who would accept. ( M. M. Smoak announces that he is g ready for work again at the Rouis jj lot on Railroad Avenue, next to i Jones Bros. He is prepared for all ] Kinds of blacksmith and wheelwright ] work, and has his same force of ( hands. ( The construction force of the Bell 1 Telephone Company has about finish^ ed the rebuilding of the lines for the local exchange. Cable has been sirung oh the principal streets, and the telephone service is much improved in consequence. '* Under the county dispensary plan, \ Ttoe Herald expects to publish each s py month the itemized report filed by t each (licenser in Bamberg county, j shewing the amount of sales, expenliv ses, profits, etc., showing exactly what each dispensary is doing and , |v V how economically they are being run. J : Next'Sunday and Monday, March ^ 3rd and 4th, are the dates appointed j agf for the second official visit of Presid- j M ing Elder Kilgo to the Bamberg Meth- \ odist church, this being the occa- ] pr; sion of the second quarterly conference for this year. The conference will' no doubt be held next Monday Bag . morning. i ,The Herald has received the fol- < ? lowing invitation: "Mr. and Mrs. r'. p Charles Olin Freeman request your < ?" presence at the marriage of their ? Ipydaughter, Sallie* Fannie, to Col. > i|g;.y William Duncan Bennett, on Thurs- i Eg Jay, r eoruary tne twemy-eignm, at t Bp: twelve o'clock at their home near 1 pp- Talbotton, Georgia." There was an interesting meeting ] g&-. - of Bamberg lodge, Knights of Pythi- 1 as, last Monday evening. There was x Sp an exceptionally large attendance of ? the members. The rank of Esquire J * was conferred upon Messrs. Clarence * f' , Free and J. M. Sizemore, and it is J *? safe to assume that they will never 1 ?vforget their experiences. r ... Mrs. Dr. J. B. Black came up from ? Bamberg on Friday to visit her son and Col. and Mrs. F. N. K. Bailey at ^ the college. Dr. Black, who has t been a very active and useful mem- ^ ber of the senate, joined her on Sat- \ urday. Having been away from \ home during the session of the legis- ^ Bature, Dr. Black was forced to j liacrtfm" Romfvaror rvn MnndftV? r UCfeJUWl VV V. ^ Edgefield Advertiser. 2 The Bamberg Banking Company's t | new building is ready for occupancy, i :v., but the furniture for the bank has v not arrived, and they will not move c in for two months yet. The furni- c ture was delayed in manufacture on c V account of high water, and was de- r stroyed by fire when ready for ship- I ment. This will cause a delay of r some time, so the bank officials de- s cided not to move into the new building until the new furniture was in position. ' |V " Itpppff Good People Leave. Mr. and Mrs. A. McB. Speaks, with their daughter, Miss Willie Meriwether, left Varnville on the 12th instant for their new home in Bamberg. Mr. Speaks has been a resident of our town since his youth, (not that he is aft antediluvian by any means,) i and so genial in his nature, that no social function was considered complete without his presence. And if he contributed to our social pleasure, he was always near when sorrow invaded our homes. His ready sympathy, his unostentatious acts of kindness swell the list of our indebtedness to neighbor and friend! Mrs. Speaks came to our hamlet about eighteen years ago: Establish: ing a business in which she displayed marked financial ability. A publicspirited woman, she contributed much to the advancement of our town, and endeared many friends, who deeply regret her absence.^ Our good wishes attend them. m With friendly interest we have watched Miss Willie develop from infancy to maidenhood? "Standing with reluctant feet, Where the brook and river meet, Womanhood and childhood fleet!" And seen the expanding bud unfold lovely traits of character and person. Her exquisite coloring vies in the tints of the American Beauty Rose; her "eyes so soft and brown" play sad havoc, we fear, with the hearts I of her admirers.?Varnville correspondence Hampton Guardian. Married Near Cope. j Miss Mary Hampton McMillan, the only daughter of Mr. C. C. McMillan, nf the Cone section, was married one I day last week to Dr. Bailey, of Greeville, S. C. The marriage ceremony was performed at old Union church. Dr. Bailey is to be congratulated upon winning this excellent poung lady for a life partner. Their future home will be in Greenville. SVe were unable to get more definite Information about this happy event >r we would have given a more complete account of it. The couple have )ur congratulations and best wishes for a long life of unalloyed happiiess.?Orangeburg Patriot. Will Ordain Two Deacons. At Hunter's Chapel church, in Bamberg county, Pastor W. R. Smith will ordain two deacons on lext first Sunday. Bro. Smith has nvited one of the. editors of The Press to assist him on that occasion, md we accept the invitation with ! Measure. By the way,, both W.* R. md J. R. Smith, brothers in the flesh md spirit, are doing admirable work >n their fields, which are mostly in Orangeburg county. There are not imong us two more faithful pastors, md but few who reach a larger lumber of people than they.?Bap;isjt Press. County Expenses. The following is a condensed state nent of the expenses of Bamberg :ounty for the year 1906. This statement shows that it costs nearly 520,000 a year to run the county: Salaries, ,.....$4,951,53 Paupers, 849.83 toads and bridges, 1,352.64 2hain gang, 4,053.71 bounty Commissioners, 231.00 Miscellaneous, 8,420.92 Total, ". $19,859.63 Mr. and Mrs. Bos tick Hurt. The many Bamberg friends of Mr. md Mrs. A Mclver Bostick will regret to learn that they were both severely injured while out driving in Beaufort one day last week. It seems they were driving along on Bay street when their carriage was run into by another turnout. Mr. Bostick was badly cut in the left side, ibout fifteen stitches being taken to ilose the wound. He is said to be getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. Bostick has been in feeble health for some months, and ;his accident is likely to retard his recovery. Revival Meeting. Much interest is. being taken in the neeting at the Methodist church conducted by Rev. Thos. H. Leitch. The services are indeed interesting, ind large crowds are present^ at ivery service. The Baptist church vas closed Sunday on account of the neeting, in order that that congregation might worship at the Methodist church. Much good is being done. Men vho have heretofore been careless aid indifferent to their soul's salvaion have become aroused, and there eems to be a general awakening of he professing Christians in Bam>erg. The meeting will continue all if tmis week. The singing of Mr. Marshall adds much to the enjoynent of the services. Notice as to Pensions. Congressman J. 0. Patterson vrites as follows: Please announce hrough your columns that any person ?h ? A* nrtAHA in VIXU W5I VCU UU1CI.J uajro Ul liivic 111 he military or naval service of the Jnited States during the late civil var, or sixty days in the war with dexico, and who has been honorably lischarged, and who has reached the ige of sixty-two years or over, is enitled to receive a pension of $12.00 >er month or more in accordance vith age, provided that no person :an receive a pension under any ither law at the same time. This loes not apply to widows and ch'lden nor to Confederate soldiers nor ndian war soldiers. Further inforaation and application blanks, if deired, will be furnished by me. Very truly yours, J. 0. Patterson, Vashington, D. C., Feb. 25., 1907. *" / , K . *S " ' * Panama Canal?Erie Canal. Machinery is digging the Panama canal a thousand times quicker than the shovel dug the Erie. Machinery produces the L. & 31. paint at 50 times less cost for labor, than if made by hand. The L. & M. gives the best job in the world, because L. &3I. zinc hardens L. &M. white lead and makes L. & 31. paint wear like iron for 10 to 15 years. It only requires 4 gallons of this celebrated paint and 3 gallons of linseed oil at 60 cents per gallon, to paint a moderate sized house. If any defect exists in L. & 31. paint will repaint house for nothing. Sold by H. F. Hoover, Bamberg, S. C. SPECIALJ0TICE5. Advertisements Under this Head 25c For 25 Words or Less. BEFORE buying or'selling a'farm or any property, write THE CAROLINA REALTY & TRUST COMPANY, Bishopville, S. C. STAYED.?From my lot the night my barn was burned, two cows and three yearlings, color mostly red. Reward for their return or information leading to their recovery. L. C. PRICE, Bamberg, S. C. FOR SALE.?Setter puppy, light brown color with white ring around neck and white spot in forehead. Apply to D. M. BOLTIN, F. F. D. Box No. 25, Cope, S. C. Notice to Road Overseers. To the road overseers of Bamberg county: You are hereby ordered to warn out at once all hanas subject to road duty and put your roads m good condition. By order of board of county commissioners. ' J. B. KEARSE, uounty oupervisur. - Bamberg, S. C., February 26, 1907. FOR BARGAINS IN Farms and Town Properties CALL ON OR WRITE J. T. O'NEAL Who has 48,447 Acres oif Land for = Sale, in Tracts of from 50 to < 40,000 acres, some of. ! which are finely ! timbered < < < ALSO houses and lots, and unim- < proved lots, suitable for residences, on .< prominent streets. \ i ^ ALSO one single story brick store ? 25x75 feet in business center of Main street, with a nice six-room dwelling and large lot with necessary out buildings in rear of same. ALSO one large open lot on Main]I street, measuring 70 feet front by 110 feet deep. The only opportunity to secure a Wilding site in the business center of Main street. A bargain awaits you in these properties. COME AND SEE ME l r J. T. O'IVEALJ Real Estate Agent - - Bamberg, 5. c. IT H 0 Y E DIC KIN SO N | it 'insurance it !! fi*e. j! it life, * Jt <>, tornado, o it accident, jt it liability, jt o casual.tv' 4 jt Office'at The Cotton OU Co. j[ Dr. 0. D. Faust : DENTIST 1 BAMBERO, S. C. office in folk building 1 n o i A --v w m k v r\ 41 * * UK. U. F. nAiKi 5 < Dental Surgeon - - - Bamberg, S. C. o < 0 i > < ? o . < In office every day in the week. < 1 J [ Graduate of Baltimore College of ] [ _ i Dental Surgery, class 1892. "Mem- 4 / < berS. C. Dental Association. Office < > \ < I next to Bamberg Banking Co. < [ WANTED!: FIFTY COLORED LABORERS , AT ONCE r-?? 1 s 1 ror Lugging, Kauruau and Sawmill Work. 1 STEADY WORK < GOOD WAGES Paid Every Night With Checks which may be turned into office every j two weeks to be cashed. House Rent Free ? Also can use white labor Call or Address I 8RE0N LUMBER CO. j ULMERS, - - - - - S. C. | Located oa S. A. L. Railroad. \ -A/av.' ! v\ - ': gpp ? For T? v * n KC Fe TRADE MARK ~ J. U.IV. REGISTERED V V F. S. ROYS! V |w. P. RILEY I ! FIRE, LIFE <' I ! ACCIDENT o I t INSURANCE ! J [ BAMBERG, .... s. C. J J I MONEY TO LOAN On firming lands. Easy terms; reasonable interest rates and long terms. Will take up mortgages or negotiate new loans.Y.Y.Y.V ? A W rvr>ir?M U/VMA1V ?_! AL?iyi\lV(I m. Avm*-m* _ ATTORNEY.AT.LAW ~~ Examination of Titles a Specialty M Office upstairs next to Bamberg Banking Co i Instead of patronizing a Chinese Laundry, send your linen to the "JET-WHITE" ? * Our Work is Second to None , Our Motto \ "THE BEST" ? . 1 Jet White Steam Laundry 221 King Street, Charleston, & C. D. A. K1NARD & CO., Agents Phone 1-A Fresh Meats! When in Need off I Meats Gall on... I WILLIAM ORRI Phone 88 Bamberg, S. C. I Free Delivery in City Limits . - I ill Kinds of Fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, I Jausage, Etc. always on hand* jt ji I ORDERS PILLED PROMPTLY I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I WILLIAM ORRl D. J. DELE Has in stock a nice line of I Ipen and Top Buggies and Harness B for sale cheap, tie is agent for B Sickford & Hoffman's Celebrated Grain I hill, the Woodruff Hay Press, and I >eering Harvesting Machinery. B Also Condncts a First-class K REPAIR SHOP] and bnilds anything on wneeis ^ to order. Now is the time to have ? your buggy repaired and painted a to look and last as good as new. n lorseshoeing a Specialty !j| RUNS A?- ? Jrist Hill on Saturdays f I have also added a 0 FIRST-CLASS RICE HILL f and will grind on Wednesdays 0 and Saturdays. M I have also just put iir a 3 * food Year Tire Setting Hatfu&e j, 3 and can now put on rubber tires 3 and repair Bicycle Buggies in 0 Factory Style. X D; J. MLS.ll HOLLISTER'S ? locky Mountain Tea Nuggets 8 \ A Buiy Hpdidw for Busy Ptopls. 2 Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. \C A specific for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver ? od Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure jM lood.Pad Breath, Sluggish Bowels. Headache |S od Backache. Its Rooky Mountain Tea In tab- w ?t form, ^oenu^box. by M ' 1 1 1 -A ? I 5 1 ' $ %8 V 7 venty-one Years 1 V *. ' -"* *??? _ -j.. lysier s rtjlizers have been the standard because they are made ^ from honest materials. j t See that the trade mark ^ is on every bag. None ll^f 111 genuine without it. rER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. ^tlriiigtheSeasonof^o^ I Will Confine my Repair Business to ^ ) Guns, Bicycles, and i Gasoline Engines t|j| (Having discontinued the repair of Steam Engines, Cotton (Jlns and 1 Grist ilfils, ! win be in position to give my line of work :: :: :: :: V PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION I . : Get Your Easter Dress Magnificent line of NEW IMPORTED DRESS GOODS JUST 1 | RECEIVED. This shipment includes the newest weaves, that M are now most popular in Fashionable New York. H VELVUNA, a lovely woolen fab- CHIFFON TAFFETA, one of the* tic soft as velvet, yet with splendid handsomest woolen goods ever wearing qualities, fall 45 inches bought; as lustrous as a taffeta silk, wide, exquisite black and lovely but far more durable; fall 45 inches. ? ?? - w-m.Mj.i a* a* wide. Tt !s nrovinsr a trade AA B HI grejr. ? vtg apsvuu - . . ___ at <1?UV j winner. 8pecial fi*vV fl ' CHIFFON PAN AHA, one of the CORDURA, one of the newest I most wanted material for spring Black Goods. It is thinner than " skirts and suits. Crisp and dura ble; rich and pretty. These ere ex- P"i"?a> ** MiM tra wide, over 45 inches. Lovely has a luster like silk; is 42 inches 8hades of black, grey and tan. 0&* wide, and costs 7CfV ^ Our special price.. Oe/v only 1eiv mi v SILK FINISH BATISTE, the ideal goods for an Easter dress. Lovely for the new Jumper suits. We show exquisite shades of Tan, Brown, Roseda, Cardinal, Helio, Baby Blue, Pink, Navy, Cream and Black. There is an exquisite finish to our superb silky Batiste. Can't be gfo, matched in the State for our price ?Alv ? BAMBERG HERALD COUPOIV 1 Not Good After February QS, 1007 | This coupon reill bo accepted as Ten (10) cents Cash on an order I K^Sfl of any kind of these Dress Goods advertised. Jt jt?? jf j /, Write Tour Nahe and Address ii * THEODORE KOHN'S I ORANQEBURQ, - - SOUTH CAROLINA | Just a few.days and see my line before * ) you buy. The delay in freight has A | caused me to be a few days late. But * ) y the Railroad's loss will be your gain. Z | / So watch for my doors to open. : :: W| E. A. HOOTON I | Bamberg) - South Carolina Z .