- I-.11 v>.S '. A; - - V ' w* ' ' ' ; ' ' c- ; "* '* ? . . A correspondent writes us that one : fck night last week the guard house at Cope s caught on fire and a prisoner confined in it came near being burned alive. The < c, v prisoner's cry for help soon attracted a j ?"\- large crowd. Mr. J. L. Quattlebaum, . ; trestle foreman of the Atlantic Coast , I ' . : .V. - , v ' : . - , , \ > v 4 DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.! BAMBERG IS AGAIN HARD HIT BY THE FIRE FIEND. A Lot of Wooden Buildings Destroyed?The Property Loss Will Aggregate Something Like $15,000Yesterday (Wednesday) morning about 1 o'clock the livery stable of J. S. Jennings was discovered to be on fire. This building was situated on the west side of Main street, in the rear of Johnson's hotel, in a perfect nest of wooden buildings, and the fire quickly spread to these and they were destroyed. Jennings's stable w2s a wooden building, covered with iron, and was erected only a few months ago. This is the second time that Mr. Jennings has been burned out, his stable being burned in the fire last spring which destroyed the cotton mill annex, Bamberg's stables, Delk's shop, and other buildings. The fire broke out in the loft of the stable, in the rear, and it is not known how it originated. The fire burned rapidly and nothing could be saved. Mr. Jennings lost all his horses, vehicles, grain, forage, harness, etc., absolutely nothing being saved. He lost seven head of horses, Dr. J. J. Cleckley lost a horsej and Mr. W. L. McPhail a cow, in all nine head of live stock being burned. Mr. Jennings places his loss at $3,000, with insurance of $1,500. The next building to catch was the buggy and carriage shop of M. M. n 1. ?J?3 i, omuaK, sii/Uaieu iicac ty uic ouauic, on the west side. This building was owned by G. H. Smoak, and he carried insurance of $400. His loss is about $1,200 or more. M. M. Smoak lost a lot of buggies, harness, etc., as well as all his tools, unfinished work, gasoline engine, blacksmith shop, etc. His loss on stock is something like $3,500, and he had insurance of $2,000. Nothing out of this building was saved. The stables of E. L. Smoak next burned. He had a lot of stock, but these were, saved. However, two were hurt in a culvert up the railroad after being turned out and died of their injuries. His insurance is 51,000, and he puts his loss at $2,000, as he lost three buildings. J. J. Smoak also ran a livery stable in this *1 1* 1--A f 1 .1, L!. 1 DUiiaing, out ne savea an ms nurses and vehicles. His loss is confined to corn, forage, etc., amounting to several hundred dollars. The dispensary was the only brick building burned. The building was owned by G. A. Jennings, and was insured for $1,200. The loss on the building is possibly $1,800. Much of the stock of the dispensary was saved. The stock carried was about ^6,000, and Dispenser E. L. Price estimates that he saved about $2,000jor 52,500. The insurance on stock is 51,5000. Mr. Parker Jennings had all his household goods stored upstairs in Smoak's shop, as he had recently moved here and could not get a house. He lost them all, his loss being about $600. The fertilizer warehouse of J. D. Copeland, next to the. dispensary, was burned, but this loss is covered sy insurance. There was insurance jjl uuiiuui^. Mr. S. W. Johnson lost his sample -ooms and all the outbuildings in the ear of his hotel. He lost four or ive buildings, his loss being about 51,000, with only $250 insurance, rhis hotel has been open for twentyax years, and during this time has lever closed its doors day nor night lor missed serving a meal. All told, there were twelve buildngs burned, all of them bein&of vood except the dispensary. The otal property loss will be something ike $15,000. How long before our people will jet stirred up to the point of estabishing waterworks for fire protecion? It seems to us to be nothing >ut folly to erect these wooden fire raps. No one was surprised that his lot of stables were burned, as hey were too close together and ituated in such a public place that heir burning was only a question of ime. It is to be hoped all of the >uildings will be replaced with brick tructures. J. M. Dempster, a shoe drummer, >f Kershaw, was arrested in Charotte Tuesday on the charge of ablucting Miss May Foster, of Greenrille. She is sixteen years old. lempstersays he escorted the girl o Charlotte as a favor to a man tamed Barron. The girl is in love vith Barron and her father objected o her seeing him. She was taken ?ack home. The State Senate refused to pass he compulsory education bill by a ote of 19 to 18. Senator Black, of, his county, voted against the bill. 1 r : ' "/ ; " ' ' - ' v" ' - - ' ii, ? if* ? # ?tt ?f? f|f COME IN AND INSPECT OUR * J (New Stock;! :i: WE HAVE A COriPLETE LINE OF tT ?? TJ $ Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries tt? Hardware, Stoves, Etc. W 4? $ Ifl Ht-v finnHc Our line of Dry Goods is complete in every jf Oiy vJUUUS. department. A ? TIr ?-v 1 (! i?. uress uooas in an ot me latest styles. i * Hi* ? Our line of Shoes were well selected and we have a shoe l\ t ^nOCh. t0 sujt everybody and at prices to suit every purchaser. * > I? *' t; Cut-nitiir#? We have just added a line of Furniture to our II ? Furniture, business an(j have 0n hand all kinds of Bed Room t) ? t J Suits, Dressers, Dining Tables, Side Boards, Bed Lounges, Safes, Chairs, t J ? ? Etc., at most any price. In fact we have everything usually found in a ? ? first-class Furniture store. tl!' ? '* flnthifio* We handle the famous Griffon Brand Clothing and doming have suits in slims, mediums and stouts, also a nice W ja line of Boys' and Youths' Clothing. > i * Cirrhr(*rtt*e. ^ave jU8t received a car of 8now Cream Floor. S? VJruwcrica# We also carry Obelisk Flour. When in need of 2 Z Groceries of any kind see us and get our prices before purchasing. * ? ? ? ? ? II E Agents for Mowing Machinery. 2 ? 4 I* #( |# ? J In fact we handle almost everything found in a first-class General ? ? 2 Z Merchandise 8tore. x 2 Z ! V We Invite the public to come and inspect our stock ^ and get our prices. We have accommodating salesmen * t f ? who will take pleasure in showing goods and quoting j ? prices whether you make a purchase or not. jt j* Jt IJ YOURS FOR BUSINESS , H i Mitchum Brothers 1 |? < > H Ehrhardt, ------ South Carolina T, I. S*" *A~*S**S*'S**A**S**A**Z**2** ' * S*T2**4.TaTTt*.**"p*?< n / <1 Hoover's Drug Store > IS ALWAYS UP*TO-DATE ^ < UAROE ASSORTMENT OF TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, * SOAPS, BRUSHES, RUBBER GOODS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, : AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. , Remember us When in Need We Serve jou Promptly and Efficiently I TELEPHONE 44 BAMBERG, S. C. 8 X V rr ILruring uic ^cosuii ui lyuy I Wfll Confine my Repair Business to Guns, Bicycles, and Gasoline Engines " Having discontinued the repair of Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Grist Hills, I will be in position to give my line of work I PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION W. H. PATRICK, ? - - Bamberg, S. C. [ A CORDIAL INVITATION y ? ^ \. Is Extended to All to Make Use of Our Unrivalled Facilities We are able and willing to afford to every customer ACCOMMO? DATIONS EQUAL to those obtainable elsewhere. Our officers will be happy to discuss any banking business with prospective customers, and we desire VISITORS from out of town to make this bank their headquarters when in the city. :: ? - :: :: :: PEOPLE'S BANK BAMBERO, ... SOUTH CAROLINA V ?/ I LET US SAVE YOU SOME M0NEY~| It is an undisputed fact that all^oods have made a sharp advance in price. We anticipated this and bought very largely some months ago at the old prices*. W e are in position to sell goods way below the market price. A trial order w ill convince you that wc sell first-class goods cheaper than any other firm in South Carolina. 1,000 yards WHITE INDIA LAWN, soft and sheer, can't J be matched for 15 cents; our price. * llfW 1,200 yards WHITE 404NCH LAWN, a dainty cloth that f A_ will really surprise you, at only 1 Vv 900 yards 40-INCH WHITE LAWN, extra fine weave, very closely woven and as good as can be.had, a particular bar- f ' gain at 13C 750 yards WHITE PERSIAN LAWN, a sheer goods with silky finish, will be ever so popular this spring, we are proud 111of this, at ,...: V 2,500 Pure LINEN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS; these | are made of superior Linen, full size, and a grand value |J^ D ' for only.. .'. I THIS COUPON will secure for aov reader of the Bamberg Herald I by return mail a sample of the biggest bargain in 45 iuch White 9 Silk Chiffon Batiste ever offered. G^Paste to a postal or enclose I in envelope. Write your name and postoffice. I Be Sure to Write Us for What You Want I We WILL SAVE You TIME AWU mUNEY THEODORE KOHN'S ORANGEBURG, - - SOUTH CAROLINA I FARMING IMPLEMENTS 1 ? We have a full line of Farming Implements of every ff 1 ? ? kind and description. If you are going to farm this 5 t V year it will pay you to to see us before buying. * * jr Avery One and Two Horse Plows, Middlebus- : |v| jf: ters, Avery Harrows, Farquhar Plow Stocks, : Plow Points, Backhands, Trace Chains, Etc. : p*| ?# In short, we can fit you out complete, and onr prices ^ V are lower than you have been paying. Call on us ? I for Farming Tools of every kind. Opr stock of f! Furniture, Coffins and Caskets j || is kept up-to-date, aad we can sell yon anything , j fcjgJ J!;; von want in the way ot Furnitnre and Hardware. 5 ? We are undertakers and famish a hearse for funer- j ; |j als. We are here for business, and will be glad to - z a r^, 2 ? serve you in any of our lines. | Bamberg Furniture & Hardware Go. j I ?j? Successor to E. C. Hays ------- Bamberg, S. C, | ||| $ -I-;2- -I--I?-I? -I--I? ;I? il? i I GET READY NOW 1 We Are Ready 4AA"V In Everything^?" to Supply Your IUII/ That a Farmer ? Wants ForIIIVI Has Need For X Plows, all kinds, Hoes, Collars, Bridles, ^ Plow Stocks, Trace Chains, Backhands, etc. ? J I C. J. S. BROOKER || Sr tub uAhmirtnc mam _ . ' da uDCDtt C C .aEn' m I lie JlrtW/TtrtMi I mil - m - UnUTlUUIVU) 4? ?p| LISTOF ^!^ ? Farms for Sale if OIV EASV AND REASONABLE TERMS - JHBI One tract containing 442 acres, more or less; 350 acres cleared and about JB : 250 in hardwood timber; 4 room dwelling, barn and stables and other Hfrffi outbnildings. This property lies about one mile North of the town of p Midway, on the Southern Railway. Price $10.00 per acre. /V One tract containing 214 acres' 140 to 150 open lands, balance in mar^ JH||| gins of timbers, one tenant house, lands in good state of cultivation and rff will be sold at the low figure of $20 per acre to a quick buyer. . vHPti One tract containing 650 acres, 500 finely timbered with hardwoods, a fine ? mill site with sufficient water power to drive saw, grain mill, ginnery or cotton mill, has strong dam with some fixtures on the spot. This property Hm lies near a belt of fine timber and about five miles from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad,x Price only $4,000. \ Ml One tract of land, containing 85 acres in high state of cultivation, baim,::H^ I and stables and tenant House, just one mile nortn oz town, will go as a bargain. Price on application. j . One tract containing 910 acres; about 400 acres cleared, more can be M&i easily reclaimed. About 800 acres of this tract is well timbered witb hardwood9. No buildings. This property lies Northeast of Midway on 1|?} the Southern Railroad, and a portion lies within few hundred yards of the depot. Few places its equal for farming and stock. Will go at the tff >? low price of $10 per acre. tR One tract containing 260 acres. About 100 acres cleared; 4 loom dwelt ing, barn and stables and other outbuildings. A good portion of this jHteJ property is well Umbered with hardwood. About two miles North of the town of Bamberg, S. C., on Southern Railway. Price $20 per acre.' >JRJ| I One tract containing 150 acres. Abont 75 acres cleared, balance in fH;"| hardwood timber; no buildings; liesabout one mile North-east of Midway |D S. C., on the Southern Railroad. Price $10 per acre. LP One tract in Three Mile Township, containing 500 acres, more or lftSa'-ll%g| 800 open and in high state of cultivation, 200 acres clear of stomps and'JB^ about 800 acres under wire fence; clay subsoil, mostly level; about 100 acres in timbers, with dwelling containing 5 rooms 20x20 and 8 rooms '^K /"-d 16x16 feet; 6 tenant houses, large barn and stablea, all in. good repair. P..,^ Such r roperties are seldom put on the market. Call quick if you wisk * m bargain. Prices and terms on Application. One tract containing 180 acres, more or less, 100acres cleared, balance in ii timbers; 2 tenant houses with 4 rooms each, 'barn and stables, good water, lands in good state of cultivation. Price $8,000.00. u| TOWN PROPERTY 0 I One brick store, single story, 35 x 75 feet on the East side of ***** B street, in first-class order and in business center; also a 6 room dwelling with necessary outbuildings, barn and stables, all in first-class condition m and an ideal opening for a boarding house, can be enlarged to any xeas m onable capacity; a large lot with fruit and shade trees and garden, all nf undenfence; lies contiguous to the store property and within 150feet of Main street. A bargain for some one. Price and terms on application One five-room dwelling on Carlisle street, with lot containing If ' |K|| acres, more or less, barn and stables and other outbuildings, all under fP fence. Will go at a very low figure to a quick buyer. Priceon application, ffl One seven-room dwelling on New- Bridge street, lot contains 9 44 fpp^ acres, with barn and stables, three four-room and two two-room tenant Iflf ! houses, and other necessary buildings, all under fence. ffl % 6 lots in town of Denmark measnring 35x100 feet on Paimetto and iff Ifw other prominent streets and near railroad. Price on application. One 4 room house and lot in town of Midway. Will go at a bargain. HI Two large open lots in town of Midway. Can be bad at a bargain figure; -3K I T n'MPA! Real Estate Agent, J8?| J* I " 1 Bamberg, S. C. ^ *????i?rta i j J MRS. A. McB. SPEAKS M. P. McOOWAN &?W ][New Millinery Store!S Si The store formerly occupied by Mrs. M. L. Counts, next to Planters' jR* Mercantile Company, will be occupied on February 1st by Mrs. 1y. 5K ^ V McB. 8peabs and H. F. McGowan, under the firm name of Mrs. A. ? McB. Speaks & Co. They will open up a new, first-class line of $ Millinery and Fancy Dry Ooods ^ ; J and solicit the patronage of the public, promising best goods at j l\ J reasonable prices. Call to see us when we open up. :: ^ y j* |} Mrs. A. McB. Speaks & Co. Bamberg, C. |[jf ihffiiDaaiiDihattipiOiCihihihgigiipipaiihipmihgii '