The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, November 22, 1906, Image 8

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( Ulbr lambm* Irralh Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 1906 Short Locals. Ladies' fast black stockings 4c. a pair at Klauber's. Remember the sale closes Saturday night. Mayor G. Moye Dickinson is erecting a neat cottage on the corner near his father's residence. Mr. W. R. Fishburne, an old Bamberg boy, has been appointed as game warden for Richland county. The handsome homes of G. Frank Bamberg and Jones A. Williams will soon be ready for occupancy. The cotton crop is done in this section. > The gins are all idle, and none of the siapie is coming iu uuutici. Mr. J. M. Jennings bas secured a fine flow at the artesian well for Mr. Jones Williams at bis new residence. The Greenville Mountaineer has been purchased by the Piedmont Company, publishers of Greenville's afternoon daily. Mr. A. H. Bruce, who has been with A. Rice for the past year, has gone to Branchville and accepted a position in the store of his son in law, Mr. Hebron Berry. "Look for the big red canvas front," where you will find the most select stock of merchandise to be found in Bamberg county and at tremendous reductions. * The Baptist State convention will meet in Spartanburg on the 27th instant. The convention sermon will be preached by the Rev. W. B. Oliver or the Rev. W. E. Wilkins. Klauber realizes the situation. A short crop, little money in circulation, therefore the tremendous redactions in all lines in order to sell off all surplus stock. Don't fail to attend his sale Saturday. Rev. Wm. Haynsworth has resigned the second church in Darlington, after five or six years ot taitnrui service. r? e uupc some good church or churches in this State will keep him in our borders.?Baptist Courier. Our passenger trains continue to be late almost every day, and the delay is a source of great annoyance to our business men and the traveling public. We ought to get after the railroads and see if conditions cannot be bettered. Rev. J. B. Traywick, pastor of the Denmark Methodist church, preached in the Methodist church here last Sunday night. The church was lighted by electricity, this being the first service for which the lights were used. Fourteen clerks were kept busy Saturday supplying the eager buyers with the numerous bargains offered at Klauber's big sale. This is certainly the greatest merchandising event ever seen in Bamberg. Next Saturday is the last day. Last Thursday Chief Hand carried the navy deserter, Fisher, to Charleston, where he was turned over to the United States authorities. There was a reward of $50 offered for his capture, which w& paid to Poliecemen Hand and Dickinson. There was a typographical error in the advertisement of sale of land by J. A. Chassereau. The date of sale should have been Monday, November 26th, and it was Snblished as Monday, November 20th. iemember the sale takes place next Monday, the 26th. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist church will observe two days of the week of prayer, and meetings will be held at the church at four o'clock next Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Special programs have been prepared, and the services will be highly interesting. Thank offerings will be received. School was suspended at the graded school last Thursday and Friday on account of the furnace being out of fix. This week the weather has been warm and school is going on, but we are not informed as to whether the furnace has been fixed. We presume, however, the trustees will have the matter remedied as soon as possible. - - . Edwin Olapp shoes just in at Elauber's. You had better hurry if you want a pair. Work has been stopped for three weeks on the new building for the Bamberg Banking Company because the contractor cannot get brick. The trouble is that the railroad does not furnish cars for ' shipment. After considerable trouble and correspondence, the bank officials have at last induced the railroad to furnish a car, and the brick will possibly be here this week. It will be the first of January before the building is ready for occupancy. Millinery. Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. I have bought out Mrs. M. L. Counts's millinery, and have moved same over to my store. I am daily receiving new goods. Have just received a lovely line of ready-to-wear; also hats of every description and have others to come. Also have a complete line of dress goods and trimmings, laces, embroideries, linen, drawn work, muslin, underwear, in fact everything that you need. Will be pleased to have you call and inspect my goods, and will appreciate your patronage. Respectfully, J. A. SPANN. Bamberg, S. C., October 31,1906. Two Runaways. There were two runaways on Main street last Monday, which created a little excitement. Two mules were hitched to a wagon standirg in front of the Bamberg Furn iture and Hard ware Company. The wagon was being loaded with furniture when they dashed off up Main street at a lively gait, turning the corner at Copeland's store. There was no one in the wagon but a little negro boy, but he grabbed up the reins which were lying loose and swung manfully on. He succeeded in checking their speed somewhat and some one stopped them near the dispensary. No damage was done. Later in the day Mr. E. D. Felder'g horse hitched to a wagon was being * A * - ?1~ iUr. ?* O *?*ATn oil OTT hofWAPn driven mruugu wc uai * w n uaivjt ww ?r wv.. Burton Felder's store and Brickie's bicycle shop, when a cat jumped out and scared the horse. The wagon struck a post and he ran out on the street with only the shafts clinging to him. But he was not frightened much and was stopped without difficulty. Some damage was done to the wagon and harness. The Cotton Market. Cotton receipts continue very light on this market, and it seems that the crop in this section is about gathered and sold The staple is worth 10 5-16 cents the pound here to-day. Taken as directed, it becomes the greatest curative agent for relief of suffering humanity ever devised. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c, tea oi tablets. H. F. Hoover. Ehrhardt News. Mr. Isaiah Rentz, of the Clear Pond section, who 'has been clerking for Messrs. C. Ehrhardt <fc Sons, died very suddenly last Friday evening at the home of Mr. Jacob Ehrhardt of hemorage. Mr. Rentz was taken sick at the breakfast table Friday morning, and he died at seven o'clock that night. Mr. Rentz had made many friends here during his stay in town, all of whom offer sympathy to the bereaved family. He was buried at Bethlehem Lutheran church by Ehrhardt Lodge, No. 98, K. of P., he having applied for admission into that order and received the first degree just a few days before he died. Mr. Eddie Bishop left last Tuesday for Columbia, where he will enter Draughn's business college. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Copeland went to Bamberg last Monday. Mr. J. D. Jenny, of Jenny's, was in * ? ' 1 Ct_4. J town a snort time last oaiuruay. Capt. W. E. Sease, who has" been sick for some time, is now in town, drinking the artesian water here for his trouble. From the very first day he has been improving. That this water possesses mineral properties is shown by the analysis, and that it has curative properties, especially for kidney and bladder disorders, has been demonstrated more than once. The citizens of town don't appreciate this water as they should. Mr. T. D. Jones and family spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mr. F. P. Sease, of Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Loadholt, of Jenny's, spent last Sunday at the home of ' Mr. J. F. Copeland. Mrs. T. L. Belvin left last week to spend time with her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Grant, in Cheraw. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodson spent last Friday in Walterboro. An infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Priester died last Thursday and was buried at Allendale last Friday. John Copeland. Ehrhardt Graded School, Nov. 19th. A YEAR OF BLOOD. The year 1903 will long be rembered in the home of F. N. Tacket, of Alliance, Ky., as a year 01 Diooa; wnica uoweu so copiously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that death seemed near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, with the result that after taking 4 bottles I was completely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guaranteed for sore lungs, coughs and colds, Hoover's Drug Store, J. B. Black. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. CITATION NOTICE. The State of South Carolina?County of Bamberg?By Geo. P. Harmon, Esq., Probate Jndge. Whereas, J. A. "Rentz, made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the estate of and effects of J. I. Rentz: These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said J. I. Rentz, deceased, that they be and appear before me; in the Court of Probate, to be held at pamberg, on Thursday, 13th of December next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 20th day of November, A. D., 1906. GEO. P. HARMON, Probate Judge. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. All creditors of the late Mrs. E. A. Folk are hereby directed to render an account of their demands, duly attested, to the undersigned. All parties due the estate are requested to make prompt settle ment of their indebtedness. G. E. HUTTO, Administrator. Midway, S. C., November 20,1906. um t ICTPR'^ Rocky Hountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brings Golden Health fend Renewed Vigor. A specificfcor Constipation. Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood. Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tablet form. 35 cents a box. Genuine made by Holusteb Drug Company. Madison, Wis. feOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE MONEY TO LOAN .We are prepared to negotiate loans on improved farms at a low rate of interest, in sums from $500.00 to $10,000.00, for three, five and ten years. J. O. PATTERSON, JR., J. W. PATTERSON, Barnwell, S. C. Porter Snowden Co. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchans Charleston, - - S. C. Florodora Extra Staple Cotton a Specialty i CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED DR. G. F. HAlRl DENTAL SURGEON, Bamberg, 8. C. In office every day in the week. Graduate of Baltimore College of Dental 8ur1 gery, class 1892. Member of S. C. Dental > Association. Office next to bank. I I'XF'.CARTER'I - t Attorney-at=Law It , { BAMBERG, S. C. Investigation of Titles a Specialty i Office at the Court House. X I I TITLES LOANS I EXAMINED NEGOTIATED S J. ALDRICH WYMAN I ATTORN EY-AT-LAW I Civil and Office upstairs, next to I Criminal Practice Bamberg Banking Co. I ^NOVEMBER SPECIALS I Rpautiful Plaid Silk Belts, rich CAn silk and well made at Wki' Immense line Plaid and Lace Collars?all the newest effects rn rn < Plaid Silk Belting, a strong and heavy X HI belting, very popular, for a belt *0 JO Only yo j Ladies'Extra Fine Ribbed Hose 2 jet black; an ideal winter hose ^ 2 Ladies' Hermsdorf Black Hose, made , *13 a of fine Maco yarn, elastic and OCp /O u durable J "Q -j. Ladies'and Misses all wo?l,knit- 2 I > I tea gloves, gray, navy <uiu icu ? ? "3 Lovely Persian Bands for trimming ^ I m suits, coats or Etons, exquisite S I C/5 colorings I C All silk Pull Braids, good width 1ft- Q I p all colors, extremely popular at I H Lovely Plaid Waistings, cotton and ^ I Cj I oilb- nfFan+a QA_i-nph wiHp ripVl I " OA AIY UAA.VW) uu HAV41 muv) - - . w ^ plaids, special../. Handsome all silk Plaids, lovely ef- 2 " } fects, in Brown, Navy, Green, OC/, Li rn and Gray ^ O Children's excellent Union Suits, well q ^ ' made and all sizes, a winner 25c Ma I : 00 Shetland Floss, the softest and rich- 5/1 rn | est yarn in America, all * ^ | ^ I O | ^ colors on hand 70 I O Germantown wool, the old time fav- O C orite for slippers, etc., all popu- 1Ap Z lar colors, at ffl O 70 Furs for everyone?furs for the little > ones, furs for the girls, tf f A tin CO H furs for mamma V* I" V" < Wool knit Underskirts, all colors, shown, very warm and ser- * , ^r viceable. KOHN'S EMPORIUM Orangeburg, South Carolina 1 .J I When Yon Want a Bicycle 1 I Remember Where To Get it! I !S I have Columbias, Ramblers, Clevelands and B Rugbys, Chain and Chainless. jK> jj Repairing of Fine Quns a Specialty jfc Jt W. H. PATRICK,! BAMBERG) - - SOUTH CAROLINA 8 "j^SSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmSSSSESSSSSSSSSESSS^ I WM. SCHWEIGERT, A. S. MORRIS, THOS. S. GRAY, K President, vice-president cashier BMUnioiL ^avimte; flanKlj[p AUGUSTA ...... GEORGIA With Resources of Over Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars and a Board of Directors Chosen from the Most Successful Business Men of the, Community Invites You to Become a Depositor, Promising You Every Reasonable Courtesy. Four Per Ceat Interest Paid on Sayings Accounts correspondence invitep :::::: CITATION NOTICE. 6HI ft VP iur YTNCftN o The State of South Carolina?Count] . lUVIEDlLIVlUJUno of Bamberg-By Geo. P. Harmon, Esq. t INSIJPANCF 33 Probate Judge. !! F,pp o Whereas, T. U. Cox made suit to me, U ? 1 iff 4 > g1"801 l"m letters of administration of thi J todisi Ann 3! estate of and effects of Auldsie M. Cox; ]f IUK^VjJJj3isiT < > These are therefore, to cite and admon I 11 a rh it v 4 > an(* singular the kindred and cred t ra ii 11 a1 tv 11 *tors ?*the 8ai^ ^ nl8(lle M. Cox, deceased i S^Ti X* 41 that they be and appear before me. ii < Office at The Cotton Oil Co ^ Court of Probate to be held at Bam MM berg, S. C., on Friday, 30th of November next, after publication thereof, at 1] topodacq NOTICE". o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, i: I niaWI #-? W w ? w > w ?. All persons are hereby warned not (o a.ny they have, why the said administraenter on our lands for any purpose what- should not be granted, ever. Hunters, book agents, peddlers of Given under my hand, this 13th day o. all kinds and all persons trespassing will November, A. D., 1906. ______ Kp nrosecuted * . HAKMUN. F. E. Copeland J. S. Bishop Probate Judge. J. E. Bishop Mrs. L. A. Bikle jjCf D IS OFFERED TO Mrs. Theatfe Copeland L. R. Clayton flELr WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE C. R. Clayton J. J. Zeigler Hr . .. G B Clayton J. C. Hafvev We earnestlya]' y?<?nS person i Ehrhardt,"S. C., Novembers, 1906. n? matter how limited their means 01 I : : education, who desire a thorough\businesi training and good position, to write at * once for our great half-rate offer. Sue MONFV TO I OANf cess, independence and probable fortun< mUi>GY 1U LrU/Yi^N gUaranteed. Don't delay-write to-day On farming lands. Easy terms; Ga.-Ala. Bus. College, flacon, Ga. reasonable interest rates and lon? ~ | AAV terms. Will take up mortgages 1 ^ I A IH11 or negotiate new loans.Y.V.V.Y On farming lands. Long time. J. ALDRICH WYMAN No commission charged. Borattorney-at-law rower pays actual cost of perExamination of Title* a Specialty - feeling loan For further In_xr , , r? . ^ o r formation address Office upstairs next to Bamberg Banking Co John B. pa|mer ,5. Sori Box 38a, Columbia, s. C. * . >. A. f ; V/. ' f ^ J ' $ -I; ;Ii ! ;I: il; ;I; iliil: -I:Hi >1; il:ili ft ! ft ft$ % % jlj I ?? we ARB NOW OBTTINO IN OUR ' H IFall Stockiil St AND WE HAVE A COHPLETE LINE OF i i ( f 'M w: J Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries ^ jij Hardware, Stoves, Etc. i? r 1 1 Hmr HnnHc ^ur ^ne ?* Dry Goods is complete in every 1 I! It VJtHHJS* department. - -j jjj' Dress Goods mall of the latest styles. | ? ; ^hnec Our ^ne of Shoes were well selected and we have a shoe 2 1 j. ?^iiucd. t0 gujt everybody and at prices to suit every purchaser. I ? Si Furniturp **ave ^a8t a(*ded a ^ine ?' Furniture to oar * I Z rurniiurc. business and have on hand all kinds of Bed Room Suits, Dressers, Dining Tables, Side Boards, Bed Lounges, Safes, Chairs, <j J ^ ;*? , ; Etc., at most any price. In fact we have everything usually found in a j f ;; * first-class Furniture store. Z II Clnthincr ^an(^^e tte famous Griffon Brand Clothing and Z ? wuuuiigt bave suits in slims, mediums and stouts, also a nice J KlyrM & line of Boys' and Youths' Clothing. j Jf We have just received a car of Snow Cream FIourf^E ; j vjrocenes. \ye alS0 carry Obelisk Flour. When in need of '# 7 * Groceries,of any kind see us and get our prices before purchasing. P I! I Agents for Mowing Machinery. In fact we handle almost everything found in a first-class General'I JJ j Merchandise Store. 3* * I!I We invite the public to come and inspect our stock * t ? and get our prices. We have accommodating salesmen ?g , ?? who will take pleasure in showing goods and quoting & : 7. IIII prices whether you make a purchase or not. Jt jt jt I YOURS FOR BUSINESS ^ 1 Mitchum Brothers! Ehrhardt, ------ South Carolina ?('. ^ I q ;I a*il?l?SI;tl-a?q- -I?gjsC^ ; ^ 7 BNEWIl^TOF" " "I; : I FARMS FOR SALElgf ON ' EASY AND- REASONABLE TERMS '' -* One tract containing 1400 acres; 1300 acres cleared and balance in mar* fl M gins of timber; 1 dwelling and 35 tenant houses in good condition; 150 m , . acres under wire fence. Lies about 2} miles from Cave's station oafl Southern, and about 7,miies from Allendale, with a population of about. JN : One tract of 900 acres; 850 acres under high state of cultivation, balance H % in margins and timber; 1 dwelling; 30 tenant houses. This properfy -HB '' );M& lies within 3 miles of Seigling on Southern Railroad, and about 5 miles jH from Allendale. Price on application. One tract containing 910 acres; abotit 400 acres cleared, more can B^iiT easily reclaimed. About 800 acres of this tract to well timbered wfthAI S 'f hardwoods. No buildings. This DroDertv lies Northeast of Midway on MBGfflHM I the Southern Railroad, and a portion lies'within few hundred yards of the depot. Few places its equal for farming and stock. Will go at the HI || low price of $10 per acre. jH' *;j? One tract containing 50 acres, more or less, abont two-thirdsof whkbtiflY % W is covered with pecan trees just coming into profitable bearing. Only J those who have noted the increasing growth of the business can ventur# w M to forecast its future. This grove is located five miles from Denmark, a ^ railroad center. Will go at a bargain to a quick buyer. Price on application* Wf Que tract containing 260 acres. About 100 acres cleared; 4 room dw&^sHw I ing, barn and stables and other oyutbuildings. A good portion of-thir'H property is well timbered with hardwood.' About two miles North of town of Bamberg, on Southern Railway. Price $10.00 per acre. fl One tract containing 442 acres, more or less ; 160 acres Reared and abool *Hf :f 260 in hardwood timber; 4 room dwelling, barn and stables and other:(B^ '' '-^? I outbuildings. This property lies about one mile North of the town of Hjr ^ I Midway, on the Southern Railway. Price $10.00 per acre. fly ' : One tract containing 160 acres. About 76 acres cleared, balance I hardwood timberno buildings; lies about one mile North-east of MidwayS* ||H I on the Southern Railroad. Price $10.00 per acre. Ml; . One tract containing 660 acres, 600 finely timbered with hardwoods, a finaiO , | 1?|J I mill site with sxlfflcient water power to drive saw, grain mill, ginnery or Stt ':vJE I cotton mill, has strong dam with some fixtures on the spot. This property tB I lies near a belt of fine timber and about five miles from Atlantic UoartJHr ^ I Line Railroad. Price only $4,000. " Wgji One tract containing 214 acres; 140 to 160 open lands, balance in marlfMr' 9 I gins of timbers, one tenant house, lands in good state of cultivation and HI I will be sold at the low figure of $20 per acre to a quick buyer. Hf . One tract in Three Mile Township, containing 600 acres, more or leas /Ml 300 open and in high state of cultivation, 200 acres clear of stumps and HI 9 I about 800 acres under wire fence; clay subsoil, mostly level; about 100 HI . I acres in timbers, with dwelling containing 5 rooms 20x20 and 8 rooms M 116x16 feet; 6 tenant houses, large barn and stables, all in good repair. IB * >; I Such properties are seldom put on the market. Call quick if you wish a fl | bargain. Price and terms on application. EH ' . SOne tract containing 180 acres, more or less, luu acres Cleared, oaiance m i-MKjaaBSBfiai timbers; 2 tenant houses with 4 rooms each, barn and stables, good iff-, ^ I water, lands in good state of cultivation. Price $3,000.00. * I TOWN PROPERTY One brick store, single story, 25 x 75 feet on the East side of street, in first-class order and in business center; also a 6 room dwelling '-? with necessary outbuildings, barn and stables, all in first-class condition Vi / and an ideal opening for a boarding houce, can be enlarged to any reaa- .Iff ; onable capacity; a large lot with fruit and shade trees and garden, alUul' '4 under fence; lies contiguous to the store property and within ipO feet of Hf v Main street. A bargain for some one. Price and terms on application: One dwelling, with 6 rooms and bath, on Second street, good water piped I through house, kitchen and stables. This lot contains If acres with garden, ffl ; /-/ I fruit, nut, and shade trees, under fence and all in first-class order and a tftf ' r K I bargain at $3,000, but will beaold for $2,800. # l? One 8-room dwelling fronting Church street; one servant .house, two III I barns and stable; half interest in flowing well piped to house and over I premises; cemented walk and flower pit?lot contains one acre more or m ' I less?under fence and all in first-class condition. Price on application, 6 lots in town of Denmark measuring 25x100 feet on Palmetto I other prominent streets and near railroad. Price on application. llv > ; One 4 room house and lot in town of Midway. Will go at a bargain: 3 X Two large open lots in town of Midway. Can be bad at a bargain : I | T fVIVPAI ^ Ertate _ i ?J. 1. V nLirtLr, Bamberg, S. C. 1 II ll II If II ITITIT "ITITITII II ITU >1 il m 1*T I ""r$ y Hfyyp)1 y ? ? ? )> )fr )) JJ mjoJO ILffjIj ; |HOLTDA YRATESf J 1 Via Southern Railway J JA The Southern Railway will sell Excursion tickets : i ? between all points East of the Mississippi and South 0 v i @ of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers to and from St. S^110 r a Louis and intermediate points. :::::::: ^ ; Rate One Fare ZLSfJZ For Round Tripf'i Ah Tickets sold December 20th to 25th inclusive, DeSs cember 30th-31st, 1906, and January 1st, 1907, with a ^ ?7 limit good to leave destination returning not later W [ Ah than midnight January 7th, 1907. For full infotmaI x tion, apply to any Ticket Agent of Sou. Ry., or write 1 R. W. Hunt, Q.B.Allen, Id @ Division Passenger Agent, Asst. Qen. Passenger Agent ^ Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Qa.