?> ',*1 The Bamberg Herald. ESTABLISHED MAY 1st. 1X91. A. II'. KXIGHT, Mlitor. ! Rates?$1.00 per year; 50 ceuts for six months. Payable in advance. advertisements?$1.00 per inch for first insertion; 50c. for each subsequent insertion. Liberal contracts made for three, six, or twelve months. Want Notices one cent a word each insertion. Local Notices Sc. per line first week, 5c. afterwards. Tributes of Respect, etc., must be paid for as regular advertising. Communications?News letters or on subjects of general interest will be gladly welcomed. Those of a personal nature will not be published unless paid for. TlfltSDAY, July 33, I90S. ' Ben Tillman might be elected president of the United States if the stump speaking and voting could be confined to South Carolina. We'll wager he'd get more votes than Billy Bryau. * * The Columbia State says that American women come very near ruling the world even if they do not vote at home. Exactly. And they do it without all the trouble and bother of voting, too. * * >*" * Pope Leo died last Monday afternoou. Now that he has passed away, what will the newspapers do ? He has been good for several columns on the front page every day for the past week or more. * * * Gentlemen of the city council, please don't forget about that matter of the street crossings on Railroad Avenue, and do take steps to make the passenger trains run slower through town. We ? j don't want to be arbitrary about this thing, but really it is very important. * * * Tf 1AnoriKtfl Ph ion if If could "make ** ??' b oyer" some "prominent citizens" in that city, it might put a stop to the vote buying and selling, for it is certain that so long as money is offered for votes, they will be for sale. Get after those high in society, contemporary. They are responsible for the present disagraceful condiefe ^ tion of affairs. *** Far be it from us to criticise the State Press Association, but if a certain individual hasn't "worked" that body for several thousand dollars worth of free advertising, then we're not a judge of such things. Certainly "Sunny Jim" knows a good thing when he sees it, and V-' of course the Association will meet at the same place next year. *** Senator B. R. Tillman spoke at Bishopville last Friday, but there was nothing ?g startling in his utterances. He thinks Bryan is talking too much, that the Democratic party is sick, and that the silver I I question must be put aside for the present. We imagine that the Senator is himself somewhat sick over bis experience with that light he saw in the West. We hope city council will keep our merchants from blockading the side walks of Main, street by displaying goods thereon during the fall and winter. They should remember the great difficulty pedestrians have on this account, especially on days when the street is crowded. Give us relief, gentlemen, and you will have the sincere gratitude of your constituents. We who have to walk Main street have some rights which should be respected. ipSeveral newspapers in the up-country 8c? are asking for an inspection by competent engineers of the Toxoway dam in North ; Carolina. This is a dam built to form an p artificial lake for pleasure purposes solely, p and it seems rather strange to us that, in view of the great damage and loss of life that would inevitably result should it break, that action has not been taken long fy. ago. We want no repetition of the Johnston horror in this State, and if the dam is a menance to life and property it should Bga be cut. Surely there is some remedy at law ifthe owners will not come to terras otherwise. Some people are evidently of the opinion that the editor of a newspaper delights in ripping somebody up the back, and in saying harsh things generally, but such $ is not the case. Why, bless your soul, the -V average newspaper man is always on the qui vive to say something good about people and to hold them up in the best H light possible. (And there are some awful lies told along this line). It is unpleas^ ant for an editor to write stinging articles, and no one is ever handed out a hot roast with pleasure. Really, it seems to be the ^ newspaper man's mission in life to offer excuses for the faults of humanity, and |J tell only the good things. WN# Pity Shown.. "For years fate was after me continuously" writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I bad a terrible case of pile9 caus-1 ing24tumors. When all failed Bucklen's ? . arnica salve cured me. Equally good for burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c 1 at J. B. Black, Bamberg; H. 0. Rice, Denmark. Selfish Man. vv An old German couple, said to be liv; ing in Germantowu, had recently met slight financial reverses, which caused the wife considerable worrimeut, while her better half was inclined to take the matter philosophically and make the best of the situation. In the course of her complaints she one day said: " "Ach! I vish I vos dead!" "I don't," said her husband. "I vi9h I vos in a beer saloon." "Dot's it! Dot's it!" replied the spouse. hi--. "Dot's just like you; you always rantsde Bpf. best." Banberg Pharmaey Will Bay it Back. You assume no riskwhen you buy Cham berlain' colic cholera and diarrhoea rem-J DKo.monii will rofnnr) rnnr KUy. oauiucigi uaiuiw j .. ... . v.?uu j money if you are not satisfied after using it It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. No man or woman in the State will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets aftertryiug them l They produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, improve the appetite, strengthen | digestion. Sold by Bamberg Pharmacy. The Easley Progress thinks "that Barnwell girl who drove ten masked men from the jail, w ho were after a prisoner for the purpose of lynching him, will evidently know how to manage an unruly husband if she should be so unfortunate as to get one of that kind." Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever wTas made is Dr. King's new life pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brainfag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by J. B. Black, Bamberg; B. C. Rice, Denmark. . EHRHARDT ETCHINGS. An Interesting Budget of News, Eh- , tertainiiigly Told. Eiikhardt, July 20.? All of those folks who have been working at the Yankee sawmill near Green pond have returned home for the summer. They say that fever is an every day disease, besides the low, flat, marshy country is otherwise unhealthy. We are glad to hear of Mr. A. C. Reynolds again. He is located in Baltimore, so we are informed, clerking in a drug store at a good salary. Messrs. C. Ehrhardt A Sons have just completed the cover to their water tank located in their mill yard as a Are protection. Mr. J. I). Dannelly has purchased a new wheel of the Orient type for the purpose of riding home for his meals these hot days. YY alkiug is much too slow for a hungry man. One can scarcely pick up a paper now without reading of some great game of K.-.11 Knur flio n!t(f advertising, on being asked why he did newspaper advertising altogether, said : "In my experience I have found that the man who doesn't read the newspaper never uses soap," and we guess be was about right. Buggies Buggies Buggies Wmrnns ! * UgVIIV W agons Wagons I have on hand the Largest and Host Complete Stock of the best Vehicles ever shown here. This stuff was bought right and is being sold at Prices that can't be beat. Be Sure TO SET My Prices Gi Frank Bamberg n*e Law Department of the South Carolina College. In addition to the regular lectures by be professors of law of the South C&rlina College, the trustees and faculty xa pleased to be able to announce for he coming session a very attractive eries of lectures to be contributed by ome of the leading members of the iench and Bar of South Carolina. Lmong those who have consented to Leliver one or more lectures to the law lasses of the College are: Hon. Charles J. Simonton, U. S. Circuit Judge; Hon. William H. Brawley, U. S. District Fudge; Hon. T. J. Pope, Chief Justice if South Carolina; Hon. C. A. Woods, Associate Justice; Hon. Eugene B. 5ary, Associate Justice; Hon. Edward dcCrady, Hon. J. C. Sheppard, Hon. 3. Duncan Bellinger, Hon. S. J. Simpion, Hon. J. P. Carey, and Hon. Andrew Crawford. The trustees and faculty feel that in securing the assistance of these distinguished judges and lawyers they lave accomplished something that will prove of the greatest benefit to those taking the law course in the South Carolina College. The number of those ?nro41ed in the law department during the last two years has been the largest in the history of the coMege, and the lope is entertained that the prospect >f these additional lectures may still further increase the growing number af law students. The great value of the training afforded by schools of law has been too thoroughly demonstrated to render necessary any arguments in their support. The day of preparation for the I bar by solitary study in a lawyer's j office has practically passed. Everyone familiar with the working of a law school must have been impressed with the Increased interest and zeal that result from the mere association of young men who have come together for the common purpose of studying law. The daily discussions of questions of law, not only with the professors, but also with each other, beget an enthusiasm for the law which possibly, in some Instances, could never have been acquired otherwise. w The advantage of attending a professional school in the State in which a man is to practice his profession is in no case more obvious than in that of a lawyer. Besides the familiarity gained with the decisions and statute law of the State, the friendships that he forms at such a school add very materially to his future usefulness as a citizen. The career of lawyers as a class is more apt to be of a public nature than that of those engaged in any other profession or business. Not only are all of the judges of the State drawn from the bar, but the occupants of the legislative and executive offices are also drawn very largely from the same source. As so many of the members of the legal profession are naturally destined to public careers, it is of no little importance that the young men who have decided to become lawyers should come into close touch with other young men of their own State who have chosen the same H/e- work. The mast lasting friendships are not infrequently formed during the part of a man's life that is usually devoted to preparation for the bar; and it is unfortunate if this period should be spent in a State other than that in which he is to live. Several years spent at a profession school in another State sometimes find the student so completely out of touch with the young men of his own State that when he returns to practice his profession he finds himself laboring under a serious disadvantage, which in some instances is never overcome. A law school, however, should be patronised not alone by those Intending to practice law. There is hardly a calling in life far which one would not be better prepared by having taken a course in law. Almost everyone who has made an earnest study of the law will agree with Burke that it is a "science which does more to quicken and invigorate the understanding than all other kinds of human learning pat together." The hope is indulged, therefore, that the attendance upon the law school of the South Carolina College may include some who have not determined to make law their profession. Columbia as thfe capital of the State presents many advantages for the law student The sessions of the Supreme Court of the State, of th^ State Circuit Courts, and of the Federal Courts, give Mm frequent opportunity to hear arguments by the leading lawyers of the State, and to witness the practical administration of the principles of the law. In prosecuting Ms studies he wifi also Had that hWring accuse to the law library of the Supreme Court, as well se to the College library, will to of the pmtnt Taiae to mm. r?Z~?* FIRE INSURANCE ....CALL ON ... HEM J. BRABHAM, Jr., N. B. I also am agent here for the strongest surety company in the world. GO TO? D. J. DELK -FORhm, Bates, Binders, 11 BINDER'S TWINE. Ele sells the Deering, the best on earth. Also extra parts of Deering Machinery, also Wheelwright, Black Smithing and Renairing of all kinds. Inking i Sfitiillf. Yours for Satisfaction, A. J. DELK. f TO THE If you want any maehii Lombard Iron Works, on the market, made b} Columbus, Ga., write oi F. M. POOS BAMBE1 I / THE OLD STATE I Life Assurance Co ASSETS. - - INSURANCE IN FORCE Guaranteed Diridend and Gi Term and J An Guaranteed Cash, Paid Up 1; Before Placiny Yoi JNO. F. FOLK, R ident Age BAMBERG, SOI Sanborn Chase, Genera / SEABOARD Air Line Railway. North=South=East=West Two Daily Pullman Vestibuled Limited Trains Between South and N. Y. FIRST-CLASS DINING CAR SERVICE The Best Rates and Route to all Eastern Cities Via Richmond and Washington, or via Norfolk and Steamers. To Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, St Louis, Chicago, New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest?To Savannah and Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Cuba. Positively the shortest line between North and. South For detailed information, rates, schedules, Pullman reservations, &c., apply to any agent of The Seaboard Air Line Railway or to J. J. Puller, Travelling Passenger Aerent. Columbia, S. C. 1 IChas. F. Stewart,! Assistant General Passenger Agt., R Of tialveatoo, Texas. "Wine of Cardui U indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear, tag-down pains, and having tried sev* era! doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Whv nnt. hecrin tn cet well todav? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disorder Thedford'g Black-Draught should be used. For advice and literature,addreos, giving symptoms, The Ladles' Advisory Department. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. IwiNEo'CARDUl Buggies ^ Wagons We have received one carload of ANCHOR BUGGIES. One carload of ENGER BUGGIES. and one carload of the famous HAYDOCK BUGGIES. We can surely suit you in a vehicle o any description. Full line of HARNESS, LAP ROBES, WHIPS, ETC. Don't fail to see us before buying i Buggy or Wagon. We can and will save you money. JONES BROS., BAMBERG. S. C. ^ AAabba ftiALSnAAn u. muyu uiuriiisuiii INSURANCE. FIRE, LIFE, TORNADO, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY, CASUALTY. Office at The Cotton Oil Co. 8. 0. AND BELL TELEPHONES NOTICE. The county commissioners of Bamberj will be at Howell's old mill on Saturday 2oth day of July, 1903, at ten o'clock a m. to let out bridge ai said mill to tin lowest bidder, reservist the right to re ject all bids. ]??. BRUCE, Cour^ Supervisor, i Bamberg, S. C., July 15, 1903. PUBLIC iery made and sold by the or the best Gin and Press ? r* /"i r* r the Lummus Crin uo., 01 r -call on 3ER, Salesman, RG, S. O. 4 ORGANIZED 1844. MUTUAL of Massachusetts. - - $21,678,560.35. - $94,966,674.00. dd Bond Policies, Endowments lited Payments. iisuranre, Extended Insurance. T 4.4, fi* insurance i^uii \jit | lit, T. H. DICK, Special Agent, I UTH CAROLINA. 8 l! Agent, Florence, S. C. I ^ / C Jim Dumps asserted, "Too much meat J ^ S I yf That, without meat, shall keep us strong, M ftoree) 1 without the heat" g M Exo1u4m CboM and Steaks i 8 J\/\ W ,my family to the exclusion of eteaka or chops, \/S 1 \ is t^e old btandard. A. Ubasokb." II jl filAivacTti/l MulacV'-^B Iuuiatd iiuu muiwoM always on hand at Jones Bros'. Stables. 1 Remember we make a specialty of ... . I Fancy Driving Horses! | and can always supply your wants in this line. I Give us a call when in need of stock I I JONES BROS. I When You Have Money To Invest - slflil You expect good returns. In case you decide to invest in ' MACHINERY Only the best can bling good returns. Write W. H. GI6BES & CO., Columbia, S. C. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Woodworking Machinerg. Corn Mills, Etc, Complete Ginning Outfits, GASOLINE ENGINES?PORTABLE AND STATIONARY. 5; Closing Out Sale Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coolers. : :j|l| Just received a full line of Mason's Fruit Jars, y|j|fH in all sizes, also extra rubbers. , BROOKER'S HARDWARE STORE, BAMBERG, S. C. |SUMMERGQODS!| This is the season when you need the dainty, light I I summer fabrics, arrayed in which the fair I ladies delight the eye and charm I the heart of man. In . IWHITR HOODS and SUHMER11 14- DRESS GOODS ^ |[ We can certainly please you, for our stock was I never more complete. In fact we have too many, and they must go while the season is on. I To this end we are offering special prices in I every department. Come before the stock is I broken, for at the prices we are now offering E goods they surely can't stay with us long. I Yours to Please, I L.A.Klauber jjl WOFfgTTf JBICbw GMri-hfllfUt jRmjMH fr--?? ! OUrrhMa^DyMAUry, mi r M "T* ?* ? 1 B the Bowel Trotfhks of ' V^ri^MBgj BB I \x$pr *tfk ^ to* Bowel*, Streefthem Tw/kjf&fe &sts (Wj 25 oats it Ingbte, th^irciaw mil 8* cento to C. J. MOFFBTT. M. D? ST. LOUIS, MO. ATLXJTTA. Ga~, Nor. to. 1900. We haro handled Dr. Moffett's TEETHINA (Teething Powders) ever since tts first introduction to tfcs poMto and trade as a proprietary medicine, and oar trade in it has steadily increased from year to year an til oar orders novv amount to two or three hundred gross per year, irhlch is a rery stroageridenoe of its merit and the satisfaction to is giving to the mothers of the count?/, for they say nothing so effectually counteracts the effects of the summer *g hot sun or overcomes so quickly the troubles incident to teething. - "vv \a' THE LAMAfi * RANKIN DEUO CO.. Whnlissls Druggists. ^ 1 1 CARLISLE F1TTIINO SCHOOL BAMBBRQ, S. C. ?' ?r/-?mon a thnrnmrh nrenarafion for College.and Utters to our young meu auu ^uug r..r? __ _ _____ for business life. Certificates of graduation to those who complete the full course, > Students have access to fine library, two debating societies. Pure artesian water from flowing well on the campus. The course of study embraces English, History, Latin, Greek (optional), Mathematics and Science, Music, vocal and instrumental. Total expense for entire year?including board, fuel, tuition and all fees, $107. Music $3 per month. A liberal discount on board and tuition when two attend ; from same family. Send for catalogue. BOARD OF CONTROL, Rev. Marion Dabgan. Rev. H. B. Browne. Judge. C. G. Dantzler. Hon. Geo. H. Bates. Pres H. J. Brabham. J. A. Byrd. J. M. Moss. FACULTY H. G. Sheridan, Head Master. Will 0. Owen, A. B., Eoglish and History. " J. Clifton Redmon, A. B., Latin and Greek. Miss Pet Stephens, Assistant Instructor in Mathematics and Science. Miss E.Sidelle Watson, Instructor in Music. . V