; ? f ? ' " "' - ' . V . bmh BH f B B ' SfiX || HI ;y 1 v* ?v \- . - < " %- -. 5 Waynesboro, Ga. strongest aggregj Players in the ! They will play th MONDAY, Aircn\Ti VY JL}JL/i Yl June 15th, 11 Those who miss these themselves the ha COME Tho Doet 1 niiiVDoiu Ever seen in Supplement to The Baml With raw cotton at cents a pound high factored goods a cent a yard lower, The An that some of the mills which' have cotton ox it into goods. - V ? _ V. V. * i "*v.\ ? f, I -' " " i -. ' ' *'* v ^ ,*T- 'f ' '* - Vvyjj^lafr ., has one of the itions of Baseball | State of Georgia. e Bamberg Team E5DAY! f >th, and 17th 1 games will be kicking lance of their lives. 1__ . i ,^SnBB 'till ?I IUJ this section jerg Herald, June 11, 1903 er than it was this time last year, and man alericus Recorder declares it is not surprising 1 hand are selling it in preference to tirfiing , ; V -