r.* The Bamberg Herald. THURSDAY, January 8,1903. Personal Mention. ?Mr. C. R. Brabham went to Charlestoil Monday night. ?B. T. Rice, Esq., of Barnwell, was in the city Tuesday. ?Mr. J. W. Kinard, of Ehrhardt, was in town Tuesday. ?Capt. W. A. Riley, of Fairfax, spent : Tuesday in the city. -Mr. N. R. Hays, f Florida, is on a I visit to his father's family here. v ?Mr. T. D. Beard, of Colston, was in town yesterday and paid us a pleasant * t call. ' 1 ?Dr. H. Manning Brabham, of the ! Buford's Bridge section, was in the city 1 Tuesday. ' ?Mrs. A. C. Reynolds, of Ehrhardt, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jennings. ^ ?Mr. A. Mclver Bostick and family : have returned from a visit to relatives in Hampton county. ?Mr. A. W. Brabham, of the Buford's j Bridge section, was in the city Tuesday ( and dropped in to see us. ?Mr. L. A. Brabham, of the Buford's Bridge section, was in the city yesterday s and paid us a pieasant visit. J -* ?Mr. J. M. Hunter, now of Asheville, l N. C.; is on a visit to his father's family [ ^ near Midway, Mr. A. J. Hunter. * t ?Hon. H. H. Crum, of Columbia, was a ' in the city Monday. His many friends were glad to shake his hand again. a ?Mr. A. Shep. Pearlstine, 'formerly of 3 Branchville, but who is now living in 1 New York, spent yesterday in the city. < ?Mr. W. D. Warren, the popular over- j? seer of weaving in the Colleton Cotton ! Mills, at Walterboro, paid his friends in ? Bamberg and Orangeburg a flying visit L last week. % ^ ?Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Inglis left Tues- j f . day for their new home in Kissimmee, | ' Fla. We regret to lose them, but commend a them to the citizens of the town where ^ I they will live in the future. 1 L C Ntljnbers of horses and mules are being ^ sold in this market these days. ? j The Blackville Exchange Bank, a new j institution, opened for business last week. 0 Mr. John Cooner and family have moved c into the Quattlebaum house on Carlisle p street. u U New Year's day was observed in Bam- & I berg only by the bank, dispensary, and 8 post office. c i G. Frank Bamberg received another arc load of mules last week. As usual, the>} are good ones. There was a good crowd in town last ^ Monday, it being the first Monday in the month and salesday. t! Mr. A. H. Neeson, of Warrenton, Ga., ^ is the manager of the bank recently ? . established at Blackville. * ^ The Lehr & Williams Comedy Co. p played here to good houses last Thursday, g Friday, and Saturday nights. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bamberg are keep- p ing house in,the Mouzon house, opposite F 1 Pamhora'c rpsiflfilifie. iH.1. V? i'iaun WW.^ w - ?. ? Wanted.?30,000 tobacco tags in the c . next 30 days. Will pay from 25c. to 75c. & per hundred for thera. W. G. Hoffman. ? The county legislative delegation is to ^ meet here next Tuesday, to discuss * matters and look into the general finan?*' cial condition of the county. t( We understand that Hon. H. H. Crura v will not stand for re-election as State j ;< Liquor Commissioner, but will return to his farm near Denmark. w The report of the State dispensary E shows that the total profits of the past Ii ye*r, for the State, cities and counties, tl I; > were a little over a half million dollars, d t October sown small grain is so adf 11 |v vanced in growth that there is danger o- * [y its being ruined by late spring cold. e< When possible it should be gra7.ed before r' jointing: s! ifr. t -r tj ^ The Barnwell People says a prominent xcitizen suggests the closing of the county ^ dispensaries on all big winter salesdays. It might be still better to keep them closed ' all the time. p There is much more moving than usual among laborers this season. Owing to e] s- the exodns to Sooth Georgia and Florida p hands are scarce in many sections.?Barnwell People. a * ; Remember the election for a new >\ i. graded school building on the loth. Turn \i ? out and vote for the building. The best si b interests of the town and community de- ri wf - mand better facilities for the school. e '-j _ Mr. T. J. Simmons, who has been living P f* near Lodge for the past two years, will ? move back near Bamberg. He will be on ? ^ Mr. W. H. Bamberg's plantation this P > year, and will move up in a few weeks. 11 City council held a regular monthly ^ * meeting last Tuesday afternoon. Tbeap- it - *?- * ^ t"-? ? ?u ] poiotoiem OI JUT. J. D. IVlUg us uaisua: i was confirmed by council. Other than * J this, only routine business was transacted. ^ f The servant problem is a vexing one b to many housekeepers in Bamberg. Com- t: petent and reliable servants are scarcer here than in any town we know of. No wonder so many married couples board. President Roosevelt last Monday sent to the Senate the nomination of J. D. ? Adams, a white man of Laurens, to be t] United 8tafces marshal for South Carolina. * Adams has been a deputy marshal for P some .time. It is said that all the cotton factories of Fall River, Mass., will be compelled > to shnt down in a few weeks on account v of the scarcity of coal Several concerns f< have already suspended operations for j. lack of fuel. ^ All those wishing spring suits made to ? order, will do well to call at Klauber's S - ^ Thursday and Friday and see the Griffon r< - line. MLr. Simons will be here with a d complete line, and will make no extra h charge for making them to order. ti li?a hannpnpH Prpniilpnt. tl JL UC pV/WVV4 Foosevelt has sent to the Senate the P ** nomination of W. D. Cram, a negro, to *' i? be collector of the port of Charleston. ll f Senator Tillman is expected to bitterly v oppose the confirmation. P Mr. Clay W. Pate, of Washington, D. t( C., and Miss Mary A.Jenkins, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Jenkins, were ^ married at the home of the bride's parents at Kline, Tuesday afternoon of last week, ' Fev. J. D. 3Ioore officiating. ^ We must have the money due us. Those l who are in arrears will have their accounts n placed in the hands of a collection agency, ^ if not paid iu the next thirty days. There ^ .are only a few who owe us, but wc have t indulged them as long as we call. An election look place last week for a colonel and lieutenant colonel of the second regiment. I). O. Herbert, of c Oraugebnrg, was elected colonel, and F. j 1 W. Glen, of Columbia, lieutenant colonel. ( The Bamberg Guards' vote was cast for t these two. ji - We have heard that it is highly prob- \ able that a cotton seed oil mill will be a established at Denmark this year, with s which Hon. II. H. Crum,- now State i Liquor Commissioner, is to be connected, be having been largely instrumental in getting up the enterprise. We understand the lioard of stewards c of the Methodist church are coutemplat- i igg making the elfort to erect a new I .chureli this year. The idea is to build a jhandaowe brick structure. It is possible ( ghat the work of securing subscriptions J "will begin in a short time. 1 We get it by the "grape vine" that the ^ JBaraberg county legislative delegation * will restore the magistracy for Fishpond ^ ,000 in prompt settlenent.?Barnwell People. Mr. J. D. Quattlebaum will take a position with the Barbour Buggy Co. as raveling salesman, and will make Bam)erg his headquarters. He will move lis family here this week. We arc glad 0 have them as residents of our town J igain. Mr. M. B. Yarn showed us a neat thing 1 few days ago in the shape of a new ear greeting. It was a check from the >ank of prosperity, drawn on the bank >f fortune and happiness, the amount of :65 happy days being payable to his order, t was sent Mr. Yarn by a business house rhom he deals with. The check was landsomely lithographed, and was very >retty. We thank our correspondents in all arts of the county for the interesting nd newsy letters they have favored us nth during the past year, and we trust hat they will continue writing for their ounty paper during the year to come. Ye would say to all our readers that our olumns are always open to comniuuieaions on any subject of general interest, f you have a news item, or a suggestion n road making, wheat raising, county or ity government, or on any subject of ublic interest, write it out and send to s, signing your name, (not necessarily jt publication, but as a guarantee of ood faith,) and your letter will receive areful attention. Sales Last Monday. The sales at public auction here last londay were as follows: By the Master: One tract of land conlining G2 acres in Three Mile township, ear Ehrhardt, in the case of A. W. ro n TO flart.rr and D. M_ Smith. fid in first by C. F. Carter for $825. As e failed to comply within one hour, the roperty was resold, and bid in by D. M. mith for $700. One tract containing 225 acres, in Fishoud township, in the case of Rentz vs. lentz. Sold to John Cooner for $575. By the Sheriff: Four tracts, one of acres, one of 290 acres, one of 110 cres, and one of 178 acres, in the case of . O. Patterson, assignee, vs. J. B. O'Neal, old subject to a mortgage of F. M. Bauierg for $2,200. Sold to F. M. Bamberg 3r $20. \)ne tract of 02 acres in Buford's Bridge iwnship, in the case of Mrs. S. E. Bates s. Paul DeL. Black, administrator, fought by the plaintiff for $100. The Bamberg Cotton Mills property ras sold by Jno. H. Cope as Receiver, lid in for the upset price, $50,000, by Jno. I. Bellinger, attorney. It is understood lat the property was bought by the irectors who have endorsed notes for the lill to the amount of $76,000, and they -ere forced to buy it to protect thcmslves. The plan is, we understand, to sorganize the company, allowing all the ;ockholders to come into the reorganizaon on an equal footing, if they so desire, ro stockholder will be forced out, and all rfio wish to come in can do so, but of ourse they will have to pay their pro ita share of the indebtedness. It is robable that the mill property will be nproved by the addition of new m.lchinry, making it an up-to-date and modern laut. The mill has never ceased operations nd will continue to run as heretofore. It ill be reorganized by the purchasers !*** Aotto nil rvLl 11/Hi 11 tiiU iiCAll tUUV J UWJO MUM t?lt v?M tockholders will be invited to join in the ^organization and will be allowed an qual showing with the purchasers. It is roposed to pay up all the indebtedness f the mill and raise an additional amount f about $25,000 or $510,000, with which to ut in some much needed machinery and ?ake some necessary changes and imrovements. When the work has been accomplished , is confidently believed the mill will be laced on a dividend paying basis and rove a profitable investment for the tockholders. The mill will be operated y the purchasers until the reorganization ikes place. A Happy Marriage. Tuesday at noon Mr. A. E. H. Simmons, f Bamberg, and Mrs, Biddy Hiers, of the Ihrhardt section, were happily married, le union of hearts and hands taking lace ?t the residence of Rev. M. L. Law:>n in this Gity, that minister performing ie marriage ceremony. Mr. Simmons went down to Ehrhardt [onday and came back Tuesday morning ith his bride to be. Accompanied by a 2W frjepds they repaired to the Rev. M. ...Lawson's residence, where the twain re re made one. Immediately after tho eremony they left for the home of Mr. immons near town, where friends and Natives had prepared a most bountiful inner aud pleasant reeeption. A most appy afternoon was spent by those forjnate enough to be invited, and the edi:>r returns thanks for an invitation to be resent, sincerely regretting that pressag business matters prevented our atendiug. We would have enjoyed being irith our friend on this occasiou of liappiess and pleasure, but it was impossible o get away. Mr. Simmons is one of our most proseroijs and progressive farmers, owning magnificent plantation near town, and s a fine man withal. His legion of friends ti this community extend cpngratulations nd very best wishes. Mrs. Hiers, the ride, was a Miss Carter before her first larripgc, aud is a sister of Messrs.. Villous and Jacob Carter. She is a fine ady, tnd will receive a warm welcome o this community. Fire Last Thursday. Last Thursday morning about seven 'clock the alarm of lire was sounded, and t was found that the residence of Mr. T. /. Rouis was on fire. A crowd rushed to he scene, and began moving out furniture md pvtinguishing flames. The fire vas put out b.efore very much damage vae done, and the loss is .covered by inurauce. The fire originate*! in the ceip ng near the fireplace in a bed room. ' ' Salesday Visitors. ^.mong our friends here from the xmntry last Monday we noted the followng: Chas. JJcGeivcr, E. T. LaFitte, ieo. J. Fogle, J. J. Fogle, J- Guess, >f Denmark; Geo. J. Hie/s, Isaac W. barter, C. Ehfhardt, C. F. Carter, J". C. HcKenzie, J. D. Padgett, I). M. Smith, G. Clayton, W. E. Seasc .of Ebfhardt; J. Jones, G. II. Kearse, Thos. Glayt.on; of Colston ; J. F. Kearse, Jr., Otis Riucr,W, L Mitchum, M. N. Itice, of Huford's Sridge; J. I). Mile}', of Smoaksj K. I)/ [3cssinger, M. I). Reid, of Olar. Sow ing Midlines at Sacrifice Prices. On account of diseonfjuuingthc handling of sewing machines, E. L\. I lays is altering tremendous bargains ii* the famoys ball-bearing rotary motion Wheeler ers. The offer may be withdrawn at any time, so don't delay. We will lose some money by making these propositions, but we do ** 1? *? - l?o* noiH nn in aH. it in oruei tu ^ci uui. not puiu u^ *?? ?v. vance. We want to put The Herald on a cash l>asis, and avoid the unpleasantness of sending out duns and calling for money through the paper. This paper is the only one in Bamberg county through which you can get the News and Courier, so don't put it off but send in your money if you cannot come in person." Conuty Board Meeting. The county board of commissioners held the regular quarterly meeting last Monday, Supervisor Bruce and Commissioners Hiers, Rentz, Rice, McGeiver, and Fender being present. A. nuipber of pauper claims were before i the board, but all were postponed until ] the next meeting, as some parties had furnished more per month to paupers I than the amount allowed by the board. 1 A resolution was passed instructing the j Supervisor to pay no more than $2.50 per month hereafter tp each pauper, until : otherwise ordered. A petition for a new road from old i Spriugtown Ford to Ehrhardt was pre- 1 sentcd, and the board decided to grant it, < with the provision that the parties interested should procure all rights of way, I make the survey, and have the road cut out ready for the chain gang. This work . to be done without cost to the county. > B. W. Milej', Esq., was elected attorney for the board for the next two years. There being no further business, the board adjourned. Shooting at Midway. There was considerable of a shooting affray at Midway this (Wednesday) morning, and it is hard to get full particulars as we are about to go to press. All the par- 1 ties concerned are negroes. It seems that Andrew Bennett went to Dave Johnson's 1 house Tuesday on some business and got into a row with Johnson's wife. As he was walking off she struck him in the j back with an axe. He turned and in the scuffle for possession of the weapon she was slightly hurt in the head by the blade of the axe. Bennett then went home, and Tuesday night his barn was set on fire and burned, fib went at ppce to the chain gang and procured the blood hounds. They were put in charge of Policeman Dukes, of Midway, and Convict Dortch, a trusty of the chain gang, and the hounds trailed to Dave Johnson's house. Johnson and his brother-in-laws opened fire with shotguns and pistols on the party in charge of the. dogs, wounding one dog. Bennett's son was also wounded in the face. Mr. Dukes, Bennett and Dortch wppe also hit by the shots fired but were not much lujrf. This morning Bennett came to town apd swore out a warrant, and Constable Padgett went dpwp tp arrest them. Again Johnson's crowd opened fij'c, whiph was returned by the constable's party. A mule belonging to Bennett was shot but not killed, and two of Johnson's children were slightly wounded. The constable arrested J)ave and Mary Johnson, Ben, Tnlinc tirnnt. find hroilPllt X\Ulit", iiilVi u u*iuo *- * m*?wj ???? ? 0 them to jail. The preliminary will doubtless take place to-morrow. Although so much shooting was done, nobody is scrinu^ly hurt." These fire the best facts obtainable now. HORSE TIUJW CAPTURE!). Rode the Animal All the Way from Bamberg. On Friday night Constable Henry II.olio way picked up a strange negro who gave the name of John Williamson, trying to sell a hQ.r^e.on the streets for $10. Air. Iloiloway turned the .q.egr.Q over to the poiif-f flh'd he was (ockpd up p,ep,djiig developments. Yesterday morning a tetter came to Ctyuor Commissioner Crum from Bamberg, telling of the theft of a horse be^ longingto his father, Mr. John W. Crum, and giving a description of the animal. Commissioner Crum had no trouble in identifying the horse at police headquarter*. The negro stoip Jjie horse Thursday night and rode in the rain the fifty miles to Columbia by sunset Friday. The liorsp was completely used up by the loug journey.?The State. 1 s * ? am I from $1 IUST EA Gret our price t Cars ITCHELL A A can also give Stadd We Ask: r ?A Fra Dispensary Sales. The county board of control met here last Monday "to make the regular monthly settlement with the county dispensers, the towns and county. Following is the report of sales for the month of December: Bamberg?Sales,* $3,279.99 ; invoice price, $2,3ft7.20; gross profit, $4*82.79; expenses, $161.58; net profit, $721.21. Denmark?Sales, $1,002.00; invoice price, $1,173.23; groSs profit, $428.88; expenses, $96.33; net profit, $332.44. Olar?Sales, $1,010.G0; invoice price, $751.57; gross profit, $259.03; expenses, $68.05; net profit, $190.98. Ehrhardt?Sales, $903,60; invoice price, $664 00 ; gross profit, $239.60; expenses, $66.00; net profit, $173.60. Midway?Sales, $235.80: invoice price, $174.62; gross profit, $61.18; expenses, $35.20 ; net profit, $25.98. The following amounts were paid to the various towns as their, share of the profits: Bamberg, $360.60; Denmark, $166.22; Olar, $95.42; Ehrhardt, $86.80; Midway, $12.99. The county gets $722.10. These amounts are profits for the month of December. The dispensary certainly a paying institution In Bamberg county. Marriage Last Thursday. Last Thursday evening at 8.30 o'clock, at the handsome home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Black, Mr. Fred. W. Free and Miss Minnie Black were happily married, Rev. M. L. Lawson officiating. Mr. Robert Black was best man and Miss Essie Free maid of honor. Mrs. Miles J. Black was dame of honor, and was accompanied by her husband. Promptly at the above hour the strains of the wedding march pealed forth, artistically rendered by Mrs. F. N. K. Bailey, of Edgefield, a sister of the bride, and the bridal party marched into the parlor in the following order; My. Robert Black and Miss Essie Free; Mr. and Mrs. Miles J. Black; then the bride and groom. The elegant parlor and other parts of the house had been beautifully decorated for the occasion with misletoe, holly, evergreens and pot plants. 4-fter Mr. Lawson, in fitting words, had , pronounced them man and wife, congratulations were extended by those present, and a very pleasant reception roll owed, men me party was luviteu into the dining room, where a most dainty and delightful repast was served. The table and diniqg room showed decorations of pot plants, evergreens, etc. While those present wero confined to the relatives and intimate friends of the young couple, still a large crowd was present, attesting the high esteem in which they are both held. The bride and groom went the same night to their home on Edisto street and began housekeeping at once. The groom is employed as salesman in the large mercantile establishment of J. D. Copeland, and is a son of Clerk of Court C. B. Free. lie is a capital young fellow, who has a host of friends. The bride is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Black, and is deservedly popular with all. Her kind and loving disposition and charming manners have endeared her to a number of friends, who join with us in wishing for the young couple all possible happiness and pleasure. Many useful and costly presents were presented to Mr. aqd Mrs. |Tree. December Honor Rol) F. E, Copeland, J. Hicrs, F. 0. Brabham, H. K. Wilson, J. W. Poarlstine, Alice Nance, II. B. Grimes, A. T. Easterby, C. M. Bishop, E. P. Sojourner, W. D. Rhoad, E. L. Price, Mrs. M. E. Bamberg, J. M. Bessiuger, II. W. Silcox, J. W. Blocker, W. H. Carter, M. O. Kinard, W. II. Connelly, A. Karesh, Clvde O'Neal. H. J. Bellinger, MapFPl P- Jones" Miss Jennj.e Felder, Cbas. XJcGeiver, p. P. Harrnpn,' C. IT. Smoak,' p. w. Wright, I^evi Handy, 0.4. Walker, A. P. Cafter, Mrs. J. A. Brabham, J. F- Bishop, P. M. Koarse, W. B. Bishop, Calvin Rentz, S. VV. Clayton, Martin Hamilton, Wm. Paul, L. S. Chitty & Son, Stephen Craven, Joseph Nimmons, I. S. Nimmons, M. B. Yarn, Spann Bros., J$r. C. ?fl,aok. Kinard,Spann&Hays Business Change. Mr. C. W. Rent*, formerly with C. R. Brabham, is now at H. C. Folk's Mr. W. C. Patrick, now with W. G. Hoffman, will go to C. R. Brabham'a. Herbert Delk takes his place at Hoffman's. Mr. J. B. King has left J. A. Spann's, and has been elected city marshal, succeeding Mr. W. M. McCue, who resigned. Mr. A. Kirscb is a&oisting in the bank for a short while, during the rush, ST RE OUR REGUL 0 to $15 a T SOME 9* s and you'll s Wagor MR I CTXA/IQ IXI-/ L.L. VV IU S GOOD AS THEf i you Extra C ard Me Is for you to get our Everything must be nk Will Not Serve Again. A We understand that two members of I the present board of county commission- I crs will not accept the position again, I namely: Messrs. M. N. Rice, from Buford's I Bridge township; and Geo. J. Hiers, of fl Three Mile. The relations of Messrs. fl Hiers and Rice with the other members of I the board and Supervisor Bruce have _ been most cordial and pleasant, and there ~ is no friction whatever. Their terms will 4 expire soon, and they do not care for re- 1 appointment simply for the reason that *1 they have been serving at a sacrifice of their private business interests. They fl feel that they have done their share of fl public service for awhile, aud that new fl men should be appointed. Sj It is probable that our legislative delega- fl tion will have the present kiw changed, fl UUillJ^ i\ W aj W 11.11 tuu tui wiuimaoiwuvi n and having only one from each township, fl this one to be a member of the county fj board. It is also likely that another town ship will be created, Bamberg township 9 being entirely too large. If this action is 9 taken, Denmark township will be created. New Advertisements. L. A. KLAUBER. Klauber is going to have a slaughter sale of two weeks of his entire 9toCk of fall and winter goods. This great sacrifice sale will commence next Monday morning, January 12th, and continue for two weeks. Great bargains can be had at his store during this sale, so don4t fail to visit his store while it is on. M. A. MOVE. Mr. M. A. Moye, formerly of this town, but now of Fairfax, advertises horses and mules in this issue. See his advertisement and give him a call. G. E. Hutto?Trespass Notice. Paris Medicine Co.?Medicines. T.T. O'Neal, Real Estate Agent?For Sale. Chas. McGeiver, Commissioner?Road S Tax Disbursements. Wells & Riohardson Co.?Paine's Celery Compound and Diamond Dyes. A. C. Reynolds?Druggist. Bank of Denmark?Quarterly Statement. Cbas. McGeiver?Trespass Notice. She had been shopping, and he was naturally disturbed. "I hope you didn't spend much money while you were down town today," he remarked. "Not a cent, except cai fare, George," she answered, reassuringly. "I had everything charged." Make It A Point to come in and see the Iron King Cook Stove at close range. You should examine Its every part and feature. We want, to show you the Iron King bridge flue, which makes possible the even heating of the oven plates. We want to show you a lot of good points aixiut the Iron King that you won't jjnd jjrfuiv other stove, ' \ire hQflpstly helieyc the Jron ft-ing is a little bit better stovp than any we have ey er shown before. You know what that means. Come In apd see it at Bite's Hare Store, B A MB Eli G, S. C. Look for the Big Axe. T iCEIVE AR PRICE 0! nd $85 per OTHER ee we mean wh IS Just AND WHITE ?E IS ON EARTH. _ lose Prices on 4 ike Bug prices before you buy as represented or you Ban To Curs i Take Laxative Bromo fi Seven Mffion boxes sold In past 12 months. T?e Formula tells the s Grove's Ch ^ ?A. 4 ? . _ aLL. iiui u ptutrn mraniK; a 1001 Fluid Extract PERUVIAN B Fluid Extract BLACK ROO Fluid Extract DOG WOOD It Cures the Chills thai The Best General Tonic. When You \ Drugs, School Books, 1 tionery, Jewelry, Clc Toilet Articles, Cigar Smoking Tobacco, Diai tied Cane Syrup, and one other things?try A. C. REY> Ehrhardt's Hustling WHEN IN NEED PURNIT of any kind for the home or office, remembei stock in this section, and as I buy in car loa< prices much lower than others can afford to edroom and Parlor Suites, Wai nameled Beds, Chairs, Rockers ugs, Linoleums, Baby Carriage and in fact any and everything to he had in t house furnishing goods. Picture Frames mf tiful line Qf mouldings. Remember, too, tha COFFINS AND C second to none in the State, and will cheer hour, day or night. Have a nice Hearse fo when desired. I also handle a full line of tt Cooking and Heati Don't buy anything in my line until yqu see low prices. I will surely save you money. Lime and O always on hand, in any quantity, from a bar E. C. Hv he Furniture Man. NTHIS! head. MAN'S at we say. Recei HICKOR nearly all 1 * gies. r money refund tlbf i Cold in Oik tninine Tablets. ^ / - This signature, > tary: ronic CI i spirituous fiqnid, of a pleasant bit! >ARK Fluid Extract T Fluid Extract BARK Fluid Extract : other ChOl Toi No Core, No Vant 1 I fF ? I C; I it r< Novels, Fine Sta= ? ?????? o ?cks, Perfumery, ^ s, Chewing and " mond Dyes, Bot- F< a thousand and J IQLDS, Druggist. g rr^r^ UKC, r that I have the largest i lots, you will find the j sell for. J pdrobes, Sideboards, , Carpets, Mattings, at s, Shades, Pictures he line of furniture and ule to order from a beau,t I carry a stock of < _ :askets " fully serve you at any r attendance at funerals 2 le best makes of ? < ng Stoves. a * ? i my goods and get my j* Just try it. r* ement s D rel to a car load. \YS, BAMBERG, S. C. bj * . . -*>^pvt^l>oi.25c.| lill Care ter taste, made of POPLAR BARK PRICKLY ASH BARK SARSAPARJLLA nics Don't Core. PaVjPrice^Oc^^^^ I iNGINES, BOILERS GINS and PRESSES. r #??S| Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and vJf.5 ertilizer Mill Outfits: also Gin Press, ane, Mill and Shingle Outfits. Build- 5*3?S| ig, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Rail >ad tastings; Railroad, Mill, Factory > id Machinists' Supplies. Belting, Pack ig, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files iiers, Etc., (^st every day. Work 150 mds. Mti rMMrtt ' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA oundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works. Renairirur Promptly pone. !. Moye Dickinson, < INSURANCE. IRE, -f LIFE, v TORNADO, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY, CASUALTY. Office at The Cotton Oil Co, C. AND BELL TELEPHONES. Money to Loan. :> APPLY TO Izlar Bros. R. G. F. HAIR, DENIAL SURGEON, Bamberg, A'. C. In office every day in the week. Gradue of Baltimore College of Dental Suriry, class 1892. Member of S. C. Dental ssociation. Office next to bank. argent and Most C omplete Establishment South. 10. S. HACKEE & SOU. MANUFACTURERS OF oors, Sash, Blinds, Moaldiig mi BuUdiR? Material, Sash Weights and Cord, Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty* CHARLESTON, S. C. Purchase our make, which we guarane superior to any sold South, aad there* f save money. - ^