"C? The Bamberg Herald. ESTABLISHED MAT 1st. IS91. A. W. K Mil IIV. alitor. Rates?jfi.oo per year: 50 cents foi six months. Payable in advance. Advertisements??1.00 per inch foi first insertion; 50c. for each subsequent insertion. Liberal contracts made foi three, six, or twelve months. Want Notices one cent a word each insertion. Local Notices Sc. per line first week, 5c. afterwards. Tributes of Respect, etc., must be paid for as regular advertising. Communications?News letters or 01. subjects of general interest will begladh welcomed. Those of a personal nature will not be published unless paid for. THURSDAY, November 27. 1902. - - - - Really it seems that after awhile tinwhole time of our courts will be taken up with damage suits against the railroads. s * * We are not wedded to any particular plan for raising the money to erect a graded school building. While we suggest that of bonding the school district and levying a tax on the whole district for interest or retiring the bonds, still if the proposition to devote the town's dispensary profits (or a portion of theni) to this purpose is thought best by our citizens, we have no objection to it. In fact, we are not captious as to ways and meant; what we want is the building, and any way we get it, so it is fair and equitable, is satisfactory to us. * * This newspaper favors the spending of $2,000 or more by city council in making first-class hard highways of the roads leading into the town of Bamberg. And we go further than the action proposed ? . by the mass meeting: we favor making this expenditure each year for several years, until all the highways tributary to this town are as hard as Main street. But we want to see a decent graded school building as well. Our plan to raise money to erect this building is for the school ;.f. - district to issue bonds for $10,000 and then levy a special tax on the entire school district for the purpose of paying the interest and gradually retiring the bonds. The school has now outgrown ; - . the present building, and something must ' - be done and that at once. "We can spend $2,000 on the public roads and build a > school house as well, and why not go ahead and do it ? Some of our citizens 1 seem fearful that discussion of the school m building project just at this time will retard the good roads movement. Their I ears are noi weix-iounueu, in uur upimuu. Good roads and good schools go hand in : - hand,"each being to a greater or less extent mutually interdependent one upon the other. The road matter has already assumed definite shape. We hope to see some of our patriotic citizens take hold of the school building project in earnest in the next few days, for something should be done before the legislature meets. The Ariel (Quartette *. This company, which consists of four young ladies, will appear at the Fitting school chapel next Saturday evening, the 29th instant. Miss Mabelle Monaghan is the first soprano and pianist; Miss Jeanne Marple, second soprano and violinist; Miss Alzaleen M. Sampson, first alto, who appears in plastique poses dressed in Grecian costume; Miss Eva A. Mao Kenzie, reciter and second alto. The new features offered this season are a Japanese song in costume, reading " with vocal aecompaniment, Japanese fan drill, which with violin and vocal solos, readings, etc., will give pleasure to popular as well as to entirely musical audiences. The Quartette has appeared in many of the cities of the North, and the press speaks highly of them as entertainers. Seats on sale at Rhoad & Bamberg's, 6 -? price 50 cents. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure; no pay. Price 25 cents. ???? ?~ , Denmark Doings. . .... 04 4. T r IT " 1/tf^JIAnA) AlUVUUlUU Vl. *9 AJ. AA., the Midway correspondent of the Bamberg Times, is one of the finest mimics in our count}*. Your correspondent could listen by the hour to his mimicry He also writes a readable and newsy letter. A word of advice to him from a friend: r - Don't mar and disfigure your letters by using the sacreligious language of a socalled old woman. It is a great pitv and a shame that the "Prince of Life and Lord of Glory" should be spoken of in that way. Those who make no profession of religion said they were surprised that Mr. R. W. I). Rowell allowed such "tough stuff" to go into his paper. Our town council has had a great deal of good work done on the streets of Denmark, for which they deserve commendation. Capt. J. B. Guess, chairman of the committee on streets, has taken decided * interest in this good work. Recently the street force has been decreased, and the plan is to bore a fine artesian well. We will take off our hat to the "city fathers" whenever that is accomplished. Go ahead, gentlemen of the council; the whole town will back you in this good work. Rev. Mr. "Willcock, of Orangeburg, is conducting a meeting at the Presbyterian church, assisted by the pastor, Rev. K. McCaskill. Miss Maggie Eaves, of Bamberg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. I). Raney. Mrs. Cauthen Guess, of Henderson ville, S. C., is visiting Mrs. S. 1). Guess. Miss Beulah Roberts, of Savannah, Ga., -is here and expects to open a millinery store. Misses Blanche McTeer and Eva Story are at Mrs. S. D. Guess's. W. II. W. If you are.bilious and seeking advisers, Take DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Just before going to bed. You will find on the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow? That s all; just enough said. These famous pills do not gripe, but move f the bowels gently and easily, cleansing ? theliver. Their tonic elTect gives strength to the glands, preventing a return of the disorder. Bamberg Pharmacy. Fairfax Dots. Fairfax, November 24.?In the presence of a few friends, Mr. C. I). McClendon and Miss Susie Williams were married last Wednesday evening, at the Baptist church. The happy young couple will make this place their home. Miss Bessie Kearse, the daughter of Mr. R. F. Kearse, is visiting her uncle, Mr. E. F. Kinard, this week, at Kearse. There was quite a crowd went from here to Barnwell last week to attend court. Mr. E. F. Kinard and two of his sons took in Merry Makers in Augusta last week. Mrs. Sibie Mixson,the wife of Mr. Reuben Mixson, who liyes near Sycamore, died at her home last Friday night, after a brief illness. She leaves a husband ami six children to mourn her loss. Mrs. Mixson was 68 years old. Better Than a Plaster. A piece of tiannel dampened with Cham-berlain s Pain Balm andl>oundon the affected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular and rheumatic pains. For sale fbj Bamberg Pharmacy. ON WOFFOKIFS CAMPUS. Athletics. Lyceum. Lectures, Per- ( son a is, etc. \Vokf?U{]> Coli.kok. Si'.\i:v\Ni:i iii;,; November '24.?A grc::t athletic wave i lias struck WolTord with lull force. En-1 ' thusiasni of the bi>t kind, ami a large!' amount of it. is being felt by the whole ! student body. The boys having been tie- 1 prived of foot ball this season, are preparing to enjoy and appreciate the com- ' intr base ball season to the utmost. One day last week athletics were discussed 1 in chapel by students and members of ' the faculty. The deep interest being . taken by the faculty is most encouraging : to the boys. The Association has been reorganized and placed on a much tinner basis than it has been heretofore. It in- : eludes t he gymnasium team, tennis clubs, foot ball and base ball teams. Captain Brabham, of the base ball team, is very much encouraged by the bright prospects < for the coming season. Some of the 1 games that will be played next season : will be with I'nivetsity of Virginia, Van- ] .lorliilt Pn iv^rcitr i\f t !?/ li University, University of Tennessee, < Wake Forest, Trinity College vX. C.), i Clemson College. Furman University, and < other fast teams. i ])r. Edwin A. Alderman, President of ( Tulane University, delighted a large audi- 1 ence at the Converse Auditorium last Tuesday evening. His subject being "The Southern Boy and his Opportunities," was naturally one very closely associated with every Wofford student. The lecturer 1 began by paying a very beautiful tribute ! to Dr. .las. H. Carlisle, whose reputation, 1 he said, as a christian gentleman and educator, has extended all through the South. 1 He dwelt ou the difference between the "old" and the "new" South. The advantages of the Southern boy of to-day over that one of the "sixties." The lecturer lielighted his whole audience, and many are the praises being sung in honor of the lyceum course. Prof. Gamewell told the students, in his ' jolly good way, that no other lecturer would be here until they had eaten their Christmas turkey. The mention of Christmas turkey serves to remind us that the holidays are less than one month off. Of course the boys . arc feeling happy over this, but there is something else not near so pleasant, we are also reminded of those "exams." 1 College breaks up for the holidays on the twentieth and continues until through the thirtv-tirst. The date of the Glee Club's entertainment, a moot court, lias been fixed for I December (ith. [ To-uiglit will be the occasion of one of | the greatest and most pleasant social : events during the entire college year. ' The senior class of Converse will give a ! reception for the juniors of that college. Many Wofford boys have received "bids," and of course wili be on hand to take ' part in this very pleasant reception. President Snyder delivered two lectures , during the past week, one before the r> i * vr \ *i , cuariestuii 1. ati. v. ix., mc utuu Anderson, S. C. The gymnasium team is hard at work practicing for its hrst exhibition, which will be given some time next month. Dr. Smart, a former South Carolinian, having lived in Barnwell county, and a graduate of Wofford, preached at Central Methodist church yesterday morning. He based his sermon on the duty of the parent to the child and the way a child should be taught, first at home, then in the Sunday-school, and third, in the day schools. Dr. Smart has been pastor of all the largest congregations in Southern Methodism. He stopped in Spartanburg on his way home from St. Louis, having resigned his charge there to accept a call at Norfolk, Va. This church at Norfolk is said to have the largest congregation of any Methodist church in the South, it having been served for several years by Dr. A. Coke Smith up to last spring when the general conference made Dr. Smith a Bishop. Bishop Smith is also one of WolTord's sons. Mr. T. H. Daniel, class '01, who is private secretary to Congressman Johnson, leaves this week for Washington to attend the coming session of congress. Mr. L. D. Thompson left Saturday for his home in Laurinburg, N. C. He will leave there to-day for New York, where he goes to attend the National Convention 1 of the Chi Phi Fraternity. Messrs. H. T. Sliockley, J. W. McCullough, and R. C. Oliver will leave to-night 1 for New Orleans to attend the National Convention of the Kappa Sigma Frater- ' nity. ^ ^ \jT O Ofll/l/irtt fit iur. i. V. n;uiiu i | a ovuvivav *W the Ca; lisle Fitting School, gave 011 last Saturday night an address on the progress ' of the South. He chose this as the subject of his inaugural address on becoming president of the Calhoun Society. Dr. Carlisle was very sick for a few days last week. At last accounts the Doctor wa. a great deal better. Mr. C. B. Gallaway, 'Ob, is confined to his room with the mumps. W. Brabiiam. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking into a blazing home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping inmates front death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect . coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all throat, chest J and lung troubles. Keep it near, and avoid ' suffering, death, and doctor's bills. A tea- * spoonful stops a late cough, persistent use 1 the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by Bamberg Pharmacy; H. C. Rice of Denmark. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle* free. Woman Suffrage. The Fairfax Enterprise, edited by Mrs. 1 Virginia I). Young, in commenting' on a 1 little paragraph in this paper as to a woman being arrested out West for too ' much voting, has the following, which she requests that we copy, and we do so 1 . with pleasure: "We thank our good brother Knight for calling our attention to the paragraph reporting a woman's arrest for casting her ballot three times. Her excuse w as that she 'wanted to make money.' "The paragraph referred to, purporting to come from a Denver paper, (where women have had fuli suffrage since 180:5) expressly says 'it is the first time in the history of Colorado that a woman has been arrested 011 the charge of repeating!' "Now isn't this extraordinary? 1 "Women are mothers and sisters of ; men. they share the common human < nature. A good man is just as good as a good woman, and vine versa:?and yet for nine years women have had all the temptations of their brother men out in Colorado to do some fraudulent voting, j and only one jvoor creature, probably in dire waiit of a new wrap in that bitter cold climate, has stooped to repeat her vote for money. This certainly is a splendid showing for the women of Colorado!?in contrast with our men voters here in South Carolina. 4Tn the late election you recollect what frauds were perpetrated in Charleston 1 and Columbia? Hundreds of men (the ! News and Courier and the State declared) 1 voted three and four times, and it was ' positively asserted that a certain candi- 1 date used a barrel full of silver pieces ' bnying votes!!! ' So this solitary instance of a woman's , lapse from rectitude really should operate on the minds of our legislators when 1 the}7 assemble nej t January to put up an amendment to the State constitution ! giving to us women a chan.ee to help the politics of the State by honest voting." 1 ilotv to Piwent Crouy. 1 It will lie good news to tlx* mothers of small children to learn that croup can he * prevented. The first sign nt croup is i hoarseness. A day or two before the attack the child becomes hoarse. This is i soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely i as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and 1 it will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many 1 thousands of mothers and has never been 1 kjiojvn to fail. It is, in fact, the only 1 remedy I h$t can always be depended upon ? and that is piea.;aut and safe to take. For i sale by Bamberg Fliarm*cy. { Real It of M. K. Izlsir. IJi..u kvim.k, Nov. 24.?1M1. M. E. Izlar lied in Tryon, N. C., Saturday night and was laid to rest here to-day. Mr. Izlur was a son of Maj. Laurie T. Izlar. His lift- was cut short while yet a you nit man. lie leaves a wife and one child. Many friends gathered to pay him their last :rihute, and he was laid to rest with the Knights of Pythias ceremony. The stores will all close here next Thurslay to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The lyceuni club will be entertained next Friday evening by the Ariel Quar:ette. The marriage of Mr. Forrest Gyles to Miss Carrie O'Neill is announced for Wednesday evening. Dr. Arthur Izlar is up from Florida for t few days. A Thanksgiving Dinner. Heavy eating is usually the first cause if indigestion. Repeated attacks inflame the mucous membranes lining thestom.1c.I1, exposes the nerves of the stomach, producing a swelling after eating, heartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves Lin* inllammation, protects the nerves and ares the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing and sweetening the glands of the stomach. Bamberg Pharmacy. Barnwell News. Bauxwelt., November 23.?The cotton i crop of this county is harvested. A few scattering top bolls, not amounting to one-half of 1 per cent, is all that is left. If the mills, in bearing the price of cotton, are depending on the top crop, they are liable to be wofully. undeceived shortly. Mrs. George W. Ray, who was a Miss Emma Ray, died last Friday. She leaves her husband, one son and four daughters one of whom, Mrs. Atkinson, is married. She was a good woman, esteemed by a large circle of friends. G. Robinson Black, of Millettsville, died last Thursday. His father was E. Junius Black, deceased, and his grandfather was Edward Black, at one time Congressman front the district containing Burke and other counties, in Georgia. His uncle, George R. Black, was also a congressman from the same district for a number of years. G. Robinson Black married Miss Katie Morrall, who survives him. Little Duncan Bellinger, who broke his leg above the ankle a few days ago, is not doing well, but his friends hope for the best. A phyician from Augusta was summoned to attend him. The unusual warm weather of the fall seems to be producing considerable sickness and it is hoped that a killing frost will not be long delayed. A dinner for the inmates of the poor house is being arranged, under the auspices of charatible ladies' societies of the town, for Thanksgiving Day. Services in one of the churches will be conducted by either the Methodist or Baptist resident minister, or probably both. Oats and other small grain are looking very well. Mrs. Owens, of Baldock neighborhood, moved to Barnwell recently, and will make this place her home. Miss Ola Williamson, a fair daughter of the Old North State near the Virginia line, is visiting relatives in Barnwell. Cured of Piles After 40 Years. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, laceration, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on the pack age?all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Bamberg Pharmacy. One-Third Vote. The tabulation of the vote of the state so far as state offices and congressional candidates are concerned was completed last week. The tabulation of the result of county election is proceeding, but it will take some time to complete them. The result as to the state officials is: Governor, Heyward 31,608; lieutenant governor, Sloan 30,209; secretary of state, Gantt 30,704; attorney general, Gunter 30, 667; treasurer, Jennings 30,653; comptroller general, Jones 30,653; superintendent education, Martin 30,653; adjutant and inspector general, Frost, 30,654; railroad commissioner, Caughman 30,667. First District?Legare, 3,749; Prioleau, 175. Second District?Croft, 5,134; Dixson, 247* birlcprson 4 Third District-Aiken, 5,082; Scott, 58. Fourth District?Johnson, 4,642; Blalock, 61. First District?Finley,4,535; White, 34. Sixth District?Scarborough, 3,981 Seventh District?Lever, 4,220; Dantzler, 167 Constitutional amendment?26,454 yes; 1,365 no. As will be seen Governor Heyward got the highest vote, but that was only aoout one-tLiird of the vote ca?t in the primary. Luck in Thirteen. By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey, of Walton Furnacd, Vt., got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a horrible fever sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcers, eruptions, boils, burns, Dorns and piles. Only 25c. Guaranteeo by Bamberg Pharmacy; H. C. Rice of Denmark. Called to Give up Gospel. Richmond, Va., Nov. 19.?There was a touching scene in the Methodist Virginia conference here to-day when Rev. R. C. Garland, minister of six years' standing, was given a location or retired from the ministry. He is still a minister, but he has no charge and no way of getting one. There are no charges against the minister and all agreed that he was a true Christian and a charitable man. When his name was called the presiding elder of the Lynchburg district, Dr. Paul Whitehead, arose and raised the question of the efficiency of the Minister. There was no blot upon his character, but he did not think he was adapted to the ministry of the gospel. After many had been heard pro and con Mr. Garland himself told his story, which was that he had been felt called of God to preach. By working at the Tredgar iron works he made money to send liim-j self to school. At that timp ho did not know his A. B. C. 's. After going to college for a year he had entered the Virginia conference. He had been successful and in one year lie had converted one hundred ami tPR souls. He could not ask for a location. A vote wag taken and he was retired by a vote of 09 to 91. Slsrtliug, Bijt True. "If everyone h-pew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Rilis is," writes D. H.Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you'd .ell all you have in a day. Two Weeks' use has made a n.evv man of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver * ' * T"> K IT troilUlCg. sop paup/ere; ipiu ff. 1 C. Rice of DenmarkIn the (Iaye when eschatology was a vexed question a gentleman eajled 011 Dr.' Talmage and introduced himself as an I evolutionist who did not believe in the future state. "The fact is sir," he eon-' tinucd. "I am an annihilationist. I beIjeve that when I die that will be the end ?f m/ti." "Thank God for that!" exclaimed Dr. Tutting? as he showed the gentleman the door.' Another Dickey preached a domestic >cnn/m ia a few words the other day. Jy number'of his ttnfik &ijd to him: "I came ter see you 'hftllp grttjn' married, but J done los' my liccnsp." To which Rrotber Dickey, after ^ iponenrs reltection, replied; "I)at ain't nuthiu' tPl' gr'WYC 'bout-^I ivish ter de Lawd I'd er Jos' mill'." Cut this out and take it to Hamburg i'harmacy and get a free sample of Clmm>cr!ain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the >est physic. They ?:ieuusc and invigorite tlie stomach, improve the appetite and egulatc the bowels. Regular size, 25c. >er box. City Council Meeting. A called meeting of city council was held Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of! taking action on the resolution passed at j thi! good roadsmeeting held Monday alter- I noon, which resolution requested council ! to order an election for the eitizensof the ! town to decide whether or not the town shall appropriate two thousand dollars for the purpose of building and improving highways leading into Batuberg. The following resolution was offered and passed unanimously: Resolved, That the Mayor order an election to be held on Tuesday, December 16th, 1902, for the purpose of deciding whether or not the town shall appropriate two thousand dollars for the purpose of building and improving the roads leading into town, and the following shall be the question to vote on: "Shall the town appropriate $2,000 for the purpose of building and improving the roads leadinto town ?" M.J. Black, J. E. Felder, and H. F. Bamberg were appointed managers of Said election. The Thanksgiving services at the Methodist church will be held at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the public is cordial- , ly invited to attend. j (? This signature) is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets | the remedy that cure* a com id wuo u?j News from Walterhoro. Walterroro, Nov. 24.?Thursday night at the Episcopal church two of Walterboro's most popular young people were married. The groom was Mr. II. N. Stokes, one of the most successful business men, and the bride was Miss Bessie B. Fishburne, one of the most loved and successful teachers in the graded school. The church was most beautifully decoracd with chrysanthemums and evergreens, and presented a scene of loveliness as the happy pair stood beneath the overhanging garlands and took the vow that made them man and wife. The attendants were Mr. L. M. Stokes with Miss Ida May Fishburne, and Mr. M. C. Fishburne with Miss Edna Stokes. Rev. W. C. Kirkland performed the ceremony in an impressive manner before a large audience. After the ceremony the home of Mr. L. N. Fishburne, father of the bride, was thrown open, and was soon crowded with friends and relatives of the bride and groom who enjoyed the delightful reception tendered them. Cake and cocoa were served. The bride and groom received many beautiful presents. The Colleton Tobacco company has secured the services of Mr. W. A. Perkins, an expert in tobacco raising, of Palmetto, S. C., for the next year. Mr. Perkins was here last week and inspected the land of this section. Restated that the lands here are as good as any in the State for the cultivation of tobacco. Late yesterday afternoon as Ned Tooraer, an old negro man, was crossing the railroad track in his wagon near Bennett's, he was struck by the down train and knocked high in the air. His wagon was demolished and he and his horse were greatly bruised, but the old fellow is still living and it is thought will get well. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, biliousness or constipation. This is a new remedy and a good one. Bamberg Pharmacy. The (tales of Gold. If you are tempted to reveal A tale someone to yon has told About another, make it pass, Before you speak, three gates of gold. Three narrow gates?first, "Is it true?" Then, "Is it needed ?" In your mind Give truthful answer. And the next Is last and narrowest, "Is it kind ?" And if, to reach your lips at last. It passes through these gateways three, Then you may tell the tale, nor fear What the result of speech may be. A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust blacksmith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he sufferd such tortures from rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the kidneys, purifv the blood and cure rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness, improve digestion and give perfect health. Try them. OnlySOcts. at Bamberg Pharmacy; H. C. Rice of Denmark. Both Winter Months. A Tennessee paper says in one of the mountain counties only one man took a newspaper, and the citizens for some distance would gather in to hear it read when it came. A listener one time asked what the republicans were doing in congress. "Oh," replied the reader, "they're playing the dickens over there; they have passed a law adding two months to the year, and the worst of it is that they have made them both winter months." "Blast their fool souls," said the listener, "and I'm nearly out of fodder." One Minute Coasrh Cure Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Cures cough, colds, croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, asthma, lagrippe and all throat, chest and lung troubles. I got soaked by rain, says Gertrude J). Fenner, Muncie, Ind., and contracted a severe cold and pough. I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended One Minute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 118 lbs. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm,relieves the pough at once, draws our. inflammation, cures croup. An i ideal remedy for children. Bamberg j Pharmacy. j "Mrs. Smallrashun," remarked the star boarder, "if I am not too curious, I would like to know why you give the boarders gp many eggs for breakfast when they ' are so dear r "I am trying an experiment, Mr. < Hunker." \ "Of what nature?" ] "You know that eggs make coffee set- ( tie?" t.'Veg." j "Well, I hope for the same effect on ' my boarders, but so far I must confess to a lack of success." ' " : 1 4 Tij??ely Suggestion. j fliis is flip spusoij of life year when the prudent and careful housewife rcplcn- ' ishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough f Jlemedy. It is certain to be needed be- : fftl'c flip wihfpr is over, resuiis are piu.cli ipofp promptaa4Wfsfactory >yhen it is kept fit hjtipl apd given :>s soon as 1 the cold is contracted and before it lias f become settled in the system. Jn almost i every instance a severe cold may be ward- a oil oft' by taking Mijs remedy freely as i soon as the Hirst indication of tl)p eo]<) J appears. There is no danger in giving it ?'i to children for it contains no harmful I substance. It is pleasant to take ~boih ( adults and children like it. Buy it and #o>i U'jll get the best. It always cures ! For sale by Bamberg Pharmacy. j Dr. I}. II. Montgomery, physician of the | Pacolet mills, and Mrs. posset,'wife of the Qvcrseef of the weavic room, eloped one day last week. He left a Wjfc and three ehiliii en- she left a husband and one child. Dr. Montgomery is a nephew of the late 1 j)/esjdent of the Pacolet mills. Yob Know What Yob arp Taking When you take tirovc-'s Tasteless Chili Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simpty iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 50c. ? ywm fl I Ki ^ecofft jMlHiODsys tMWlg DO'loiBUI I f& WF WANT a reliable person In ea * . Iff exchange tor a bicycle. Write toda W J. L. MEAD CYCI The Cot ton Market fi Cotton is selling in Bamberg to-day i I Wednesday) at 7J- to S cents the pound. Receipts of the week 125 bales and up- n wards. 9 PICTURESQUE BRITTANY. A Market Scene In This Quaint French Province. Brittany Is a land where the peasants till the earth In zouave trousers, toreador Jackets covered with arabesque D' embroideries and green waistcoats around which run lines of crimson. The women wear short rod skirts, great medici collars and coifs that flut ter about tbelr heads niie tue wings 01 doves. From beneath the points of p their black caps the children gaze at I you with wide eyes full of the curiosity of animals. These people live in houses built of sculptured granite and sleep in openwork closets carved like the mouchara- ? bieks of Egypt. In spite of the "Breton Interiors" and "Returns of the Fishermen" with "~ which painters swamp the market this race is still unknown or misunderstood, for they should be seen not in paintings, but in their homes, in their old time streets, on market days and when, in fair time, the tents are pitched in the village market places. Fiery little horses draw to market ? fish, fine vegetables and all the early produce of Roscoff. They are spread out upon the sidewalk. Chickens cackle; goats bleat; pigs, tied by the ^ leg, strain toward the vegetables, sniff, j ing at the fresh greens'. farmers in sabots, carrying great blue umbrellas under their arms, with the two ribbons of their felt hats floating down their backs, pick their way at among the Dlnan china displayed on g< the ground?capacious soup tureens, A cider Jugs and plates covered with ~~ painted flowers and grotesque figures. The peasants converse with but few gestures; they bargain in gutteral tones. These taciturn people forget themselves in the barrooms on fair days. The taverns are full of noise. You ?. may hear the sound of an accordion lu and the plaintive note of the biniou (a II sort of bagpipe), leading monotonous dances. Into the harbor come boats laden with fish; other boats go out The H fishermen are full of business. Next A week will occur the departure for the al new country. There are women who r weep. Above all this agitation the smoke of the village chimneys mingles with the great white clouds. The quiet sea mirrors the sun.?Artist Castaigne in Cen tury. x r LITERARY TREASURES. J Some Which Hare Been, and Some ? Which May Be Lent to View. f The world, we have been assured fj time and again, knows nothing of Its greatest men. Perhaps It Is equally ignorant about Its greatest books. Are we quite sure that the Idols In our lit- . erary pantheon are arrayed in their due order of precedence? The rules of precedence change, and who shall asBert that those prevalent at any given Jc time are the final ones? But, above all, are we quite certain that there may not be a notable work of genius lying J] unnoticed and unknown amid the wrecks of the river of time, waiting only for some lucky accident that shall reveal It in all Its beauty to an aston- ar ished world? Such accidents with such results have been frequent In the history of the past Indeed such accidents have preserved or have revealed to the world no Insignificant proportion of its now Bi acknowledged masterpieces. The books of the Bible themselves have experienced the narrowest es- 1 capes from what might have resulted 0 In their total loss. The most notable example Is that of Deuteronomy, which ? disappeared from the Jewish world for over a century. The story of Its re- I discovery by the high priest Ilezekiah fl during the reign of good King Josiah H la AAf V* In f V?r* HI/I n nmnt IO OCl IVltU 1U kUV V/IU AVOki4UiVAiv? M Shakespeare was practically forgot- I, ten In the days when Addison wrote S his "Account of the Greatest English I Poets," with never a mention of the ? name of the very greatest, yet It was g shortly afterward that Shakespeare I was resuscitated. B Fitzgerald's "Omar Khayyam" and BBlack mare's "Lorna Poone" dropped stillborn from the press and later won a sudden popularity by accident?William S. Walsh In Era Magazine. Patience With Eccentricity. Many of the leading people in English society regarded Thomas Carlyle with a feeling almost akin to reverent iellght when he chose to behave like an ignorant boor in their drawing :ooms, even taking his seat, it is said, jnbidden in the presence of the queen, rhis generation, however, has little paiigpee with such eccentricities. It was an English bishop who, when :he historian Freeman had worn out ills patience with his rudeness, introluced him to a waiting audience as the distinguished scholar that so gdrnirably describes and illustrates the savagery of our ancestors." ELECTION NOTICE^ election will be held in the town of Jamberg on Tuesday December Pith, 11)02, qr the pufposp of deciding whether or iqt the town shall appropriate two thous- fl ,nd dollars ($2,000) to aid in building and L niproving roads leading into town. M. _ '. Black, II. F. Bamberg, and J. E. Feldcr fsj .reappointed manager* of b.aid election, ly order of council. E, R. Hays, j }. A- Jknxinoh, Mayor. da; Clerk of Council. ' ,n?> Bamberir, S. C., November 35,1P02. : coi 5. Moye Dickinson, INSURANCE. ~ nnti, \ ??. II TOK.VAIH), tps! 1<(II>1'.XT, .tec 1,1,11 til, ITT. {*? MKIMI.TV. ' Office at The Cotton Oil Co. , C. AND BELL TELEPHONES. I E SENTS WANTED ride and exhibit a sample 1902 model lufaeturc*. YOU CAX MAXE $10 TO es having a wheel to ridofor yourself. ISIS Guaranteed $8 fo $1S 901 Models S $7 t0 $!l d Hand Wheels &?4apq ur Chicago retail stores, all y VlM tfO pood as new T ay bicycle OX APPROVAL to any:ent deposit in advance and allow FREE TRIAL. absolutely j *ing from us, as you do not need the bicycle does not suit you. r& wheel until you have written for our FACTORY PRICES & FREE TRIAL OFFER. jundrles and sporting prtxxls of all kinds, at In our big free sundry catalogue. C'on ful Information. Write for it. ich town to distribute catalogues for U3 in ty for free catalogue and our epeolai otTea. .E CO., Chicago, 111. 10LIDA? GOODS. Go to M. C. Sandifer's store when out shopping for holiday and Christmas goods. A full line of Toys to please the children. oils, Toys. Drums. Rattles, Toy ores, Rubber Balls, Morns, Etc. Of course we cannot mention every article carried in stock, so come and see what we have. Also a full line of RUIT and CONFECTIONERY Give as a call and save money. Will appreciate your trade and give prompt service. ft. C. SANDIFER, BAMBERG, S. C. Money to Loan. APPLY TO Izlar Bros. ? Bice, ttorncTs and Counselors at Law, BAMBERG C. H., S. C. 3R. G. F. HAIR, DENTAL SURGEON, Bamberg, S. C. In office every day in the week. Gradue of Baltimore College of Dental Sur?ry, class 1892. Member of S. C. Dental ssociation. Office next to bank. GO TO D. J. DELK -FOR[ovirs, Bate, Binte, and BINDER'S TWINE. e sells the Deering, the best on earth, lso extra parts of Deering Machinery, so Wheelwright, Black Smithing and epairing of all kinds. Braking a Specialty. xours jor satisfaction, P. J. DELE. luggies^Wagons We have received one carload of lNCHOR buggies. One carload of 1nger buggies. and one carload of tlie famous [aydock buggies. We can surely suit you in a vehicle of ly description. Full line of HARNESS, LAP ROBES, WHIPS, Etc. Don't fail to see us before buying a uggy or Wagon. We can and will save you money. rONES BROS., BAMBERG, S. C. SEABOARDI Air Line Railway. | North-South=East=West I Two Daily Pullman Yestibuled Limi-1 ted Trains Between South and N. Y. I F1RST CLASS DINING CAR SERVICE | The Best Rates and Route to all I Eastern Cities Via Richmond and I Washington, or via Norfolk and 9 Steamers. To Atlanta, Nashville,. Memphis, Louisville, St Louis, H Chicago, New Orleans, and all I points South and Southwest?To B Savannah and Jacksonville and H all points in Florida and Cuba. Positively the shortest line between North and Sontli For detailed information, rates, schedules, Pullman reservations, &e., apply to any agent of The Seaboard Air Line Railway or to J. J. Puller. Travelling Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. wmmummmaamamaaammmmammmammmmc&mmwmmmm C. 13, "Walworth. Assistant General Passenger Agt., I S i VAXXAIf. - - - Gn? B IOTICE FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that on the loth y of Deccntlier, 1002, at ten o'clock a. I will file my final return with 15. \V. ley, Esq., Probate Judge for Bamberg rnty, anil ask for Letters Dismissory, Administrator of the Estate of Sal fie tkefield, deceased. W. P. RILEY, November 11, 1002. Administrator. LETTERS DISMISSORY. )n the 28th day of November, 1002, at u'clock'a. m., I will tile my final acinnt as executor of the last will and [anient of the estate of W. M. Kearse, eased, with the .Indite of Probate for libera count}*, and will thereupon ask letters dismissory. L. A. BRABHAM, Executor, iamberg, S. C., October 28, 1002. ^ SILVER1 ^ and plated ware of all kinds. A large stock, both useful and ornamental, suitable for wedding and Christmas presents. Prices right. See our Beautiful Pictures The most exquisite line of pictures ever brought to Bamberg. They must be seen to be appreciated. Come and see them at BROOKER'S HARDWARE STORE, BAMBERG, S. C. LOOK LOR THE BIG AXE. a ii r^nr a r^miTrv i j uz> i /\kxi v n| A HANDSOME LINE OF I FALL NOVELTIES, % consisting of water sets, vases, decorated cups and saucers, baby dolls, cake plates, etc. School Books and School Supplies I g some nicely bound story books and novels. y ?- *' * A big stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Sundries. FANCV WRITING PAPER. . ;||j| LADIES' AND GENTS' PEARL HANDLE PEN KNIVES. ijjg A. C. REYNOLDS, 7 msm EHRHARDT, S. C. 1 ? We have just replenished OUR LINES nc : || MILLINERY, SILKS, Dress Goods, Notions, Gloves, . i- -j, Laces, Etc? S ALSO A NICE LINE OF FURS AND JACKETS just received. Come in and see our goods. Glad to see you at any and all times. Mrs, K. I. Shock & Co,, BAMBERG, S. C. - t IA Carload of Moles I JUST ARRIVED. I Now is yonr time to get one cheap. They l|| will be sold regardless of cost If yon want a mule cheap, come quick. Complete line of ?|| Buggies, Wagons and Harness on hand. Sfi jj|l| I QUATTLEBAUM l| I & DAN NELLY, I EHRHARDT, S. C. f|J ' TH Erv,EaHTABirR"FAT ' MA ^SDJPBRLQK i'N QLtfLlItf j&SfiS JSCD032? jSpf >' " TOiSL'UOTHERS . MM l" F 8