The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, September 18, 1902, Image 3

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The Bamberg Herald. THURSDAY. September 1M902. I). J. S. Brooker's Hardware Siore. Personal Mention. ?Mr. Jones Williams, of Ulmer, was in the city last week. ?Prof. J. A. Klein has been spending several days in the city. ?Capt. D. H. Rice, of tfie Olar section, was in town Tuesday. ?Mr. J. A. Peters, of Ehrkardt, was in to see us last Saturday. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Qattlebaum, of Ehrhardt, were in town Monday. ?Mr. and Mrs. H. Karesh, of Olar, spent Sunday in town with relatives. ?Miss Edna Butler, of Walterboro, is visiting Misses Florie and Leila Black. ?Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Simmons, of ' Folk's Store, visited relatives here this week. ?Mr. G. F. Kinard, of Ehrhardt, was ; in town last Friday and paid us a pleas- 1 ant call. ?Mrs. Jno. H. Cope and little son, i Glenn, went to Charleston yesterday < morning. jj*i ?Mrs. T. A. Caldwell, of Appomattox 1 H., Ya., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. i ,R. C. Jones. 1 ?Messrs. C. R. Clayton, B. F. Brown, and J. W. Goodson, of Ehrhardt, were in town Tuesday. ?Mr. aud Mrs. F. N. K. Bailey and 1 family have been on a visit to the family of Dr. J. B. Black. ?Miss Bessie Carlisle, of Benuettsville, i who has been visiting Misses Florrie and 1 Leila Black, returned home last Saturday, i ' - ?Mrs. J. D. Copeland and Mrs. W. Paul Rilev came home Tuesday night 1 from Hendersonville, N. C., where they 1 spent the summer. < The Fitting School opens next Tues- \ day. The outlook for a good attendance \ is bright. ? Wanted.?To sell a nice family horse, 1 or will exchange for a good mule. Ap?. ply at this office. < Bamberg county can offer advantages j to the Black ville territory, aud we believe ' that section has much to gain by joining ( this county. . The post office at Clemson College was * broken into last Friday night and the 1 safe blown open. The burglars secured J about $260. J Rev. W. W. Daniel, D. D., president of Columbia Female College, preached at the Methodist church last Sunday morn- < . ing and evening. You are Idsiug time and money runn- ? ing around. Go to J. A. Byrd's and get what you want at the right price. 1 Mr. C. A. Woods, of Marion, has been unanimously elected president of the " South Carolina College. He was not an applicant for the position. It is stated in the daily papers that t Hon. G. Duncan Bellinger will settle in j Columbia and practice law after his term as Attornev General expires. ^ A colored excursion will be run to-mor- a row to Savannah over the Southern by a Tom Thomas. A large crowd no doubt j will take advantage of the cheap trip. ( Fob Sale.?My house and lot on lower p Main street. Six-room house, 2? acrts land, barn, stables, and all necessary out- t buildings. D. J. Delk. c '? Work is progressing nicely on the resi- \ dence for the Head Master at the Fitting t School. As soon as it is completed the i r two cottages to be rented will be built. t If you want to see the best and cheap- c est lot of single and double harness in the State, then take a peep into Frank Bam- a berg's repository. ' I A movement is on foot to make Black- * ville a part of Bemberg county. We trust 1 it will be successful, for we will gladly " welcome the good people of that section. r Ready any moment to show you the a most complete line of clothing in town, J. A. Byrd. r Judge R. O. Purdy, who was elected by t the last legislature, has been holding rj special terms of court in different parts ^ , . of the State, and has made a very fine j impression as a presidin g Judge. t Just received the prettiest lot of buggies [ you have seen in a long time. Be sure to see them at Quattlebaum & Dannell)'s j before you buy. c A protracted meeting will begin at the j Methodist church next Monday. Rev. M. r W. Hook, the pastor, will be assisted by i Rev. E. O.Watson, of Charleston. There c will no doubt be two services each day. E Do you want a light running buggy or v a handsome set of harness at an ordinary price? See Quattlebaum & Dannelly before you buy. A number of the patrons of the graded school were present at the opening Tues- t day morning. Talks to the children were d made by several gentlemen. The attend- 1 ,r anee bids fair to be larger than hereto- 1 fore. 4A dollar saved is a dollar made," and if you would save money and at the same i time buy the swellest and best buggy and i harness for the money, see Quattlebaum & Dannelly. They are the buggy people. Mr. J. W. Stokes returned Monday from c a trip through the West. He bought a s car load of fine horses and mutes for G. 1 Frank Bamberg while away. They nave v arrived and are now on exhibition*at the stables. I must have money. All repaired work left over in my shop, if not called for by the first of October will be shipped to the city and sold to the highest bidder, for j repairs. You will find your names on y the paper. T. C. Rons. c The cotton crop is being gathered and r marketed very rapidly. Ginneries in this \ section find it hard to keep up with their t ginning. The two ginneries of the oil a mill, located here in town, have already t ginned nearly two thousand bales of cot- s ^^ton. tl Others are as good but none so cheap as Quattlebaum & Daunelly. They can please you if will only try them. In the second primary for Spartanburg county Jesse Mahaffy lacked only three ? votes of a majority over his competitor F. f C. West. Mr. West, thinking the people ' had had enough elections, withdrew and allowed the nomination to go to Mr. Mahaffy. See Brooker's fall stock of hardware. c He has the most complete line of goods 1 in this section of the State. Buys in large c quantities and pays cash; therefore can r sell at satisfactory prices. 1 This thing of loafing negroes block- c ading the sidewalks on Main street should be stopped. On Saturday afternoons it is almost impossible to get along, and even when one does squirm through the / > crowd the experience is decidedly un- < pleasant. We hope the authorities will ( remedy the nuisance. ! ? ? ? . - .. i See J. A. Byrd's line or stun, mars np to snuff, before you buy. Mr. J. J. Simmons was painfully hurt j last Thursday by a negro throwing a bale j of cotton out of the giu house door iu the . upper story, which fell upon him. Mr. \ Simmons was considerably bruised about , the body and his right arm was sprained, , but was not hurt otherwise. His escape from death is to be marveled at. Bagging and ties for sale. Bagging by ; ' the 1,000 yards 3} cents; by the 100 yards 4 c?nts; less quantity 4$ cents. Ties 85 ? cents per bundle. Bamberg Cotton Mills. , The Secretary of State has granted a charter to the Miller Lumber Company, of Bamberg and Barnwell counties. The : company has a capital stock of $50,000 1 and proposes to do a general lumber business. The officers are Adam Miller, president; R. C. Gaurley, secretary and treasurer, both of Big Run, Penn.; and Isaac Pfifer, vice-president. This is the company which runs a big saw mill near p Olar in this county. Brooker's fall stock of hardware is in, and as usual it is composed of new and up-to-date goods. If you need hardware of any kind, see his line. Now is the time and his store is the place to buy, for f prices were never lower. k'" Political knives are already being whetted for use two years from now. Mr. Robbie Hart/.og, son of Mr. V. J. Hart/.og, won the Citadel scholarship. The dispensary is to be moved from its present location to the Kinard it Spann store. The graded school opened Tuesday morning, and there is a large attendance of pupils. The oil mill is running 011 full time now, and is turning out plenty of meal and hulls. The new artesian well at the Fitting School is keeping up its tine flow and the water is fine. Arrange your plans early to attend the 34th annual State Fair at Columbia Oeto- j ber 23th to 31st. Several from Bamberg went to Savannah last Sunday 011 an excursion over the Seaboard Air Line. In the second primary Heyward received in Colleton, his home county, 2,192 votes, against 58 for Talbert. D. W. Shealy wants to buy beef cattle ? -i ? it- - ----?- t> * /-b i\cf ??i/?/ic anu win pay iiit: very ui^iiwi jhivw. him if you have any to sell. After Saturday Kirsch will not deliver ice. It will still be kept on hand, and customers will be served at the ice house. The boys and girls are leaving for college. As usual, Bamberg will be well represented in the various educational institutions of the State. Col. F. N. K. Bailey has declined the presidency of an Alabama College at $2,000 annual salary, preferring to remain at Edgefield. See J. A. Byrd's shoes before you buy. Rhoad & Bamberg are opening up their lew stock of goods this week. They are icing assisted by Messrs. P. K. Rhoad md C. D. C. Adams. A good many of our friends from different sections of the county were here ast Thursday attending the county executive committee meeting. It seems that Bamberg county is never ;o be free from politics. We understand ihat some men have already anuounced in intention to run for office two years hence. Our paper is late this week but it is not )ur fault. The parties from whom we get >ur outside, write us that their eugiue )roke down Tuesday morning and that jaused a delay in our shipment of paper. The two rural free delivery routes exending out from Bamberg should be nade daily, and there should be another oute established from this place to Ehrlardt. It would be of great benefit to a arge number of people. The Woman's Home Mission Society if the Methodist church will meet with drs. H. J. Brabham next Wednesday ifternoon. A full attendance of the nembers is requested, as business of imlortance is to be transacted. W. D. Rhoad of Bamberg writes a hort, pleasant note, "Wishing me much uccess," and Rhoad reasons well, sendng me a check. So did dear Circuit Rider Brabham of hat said good Bamberg town.?Circuit iider. A meeting was held in BlackvilleTueslay night in reference to the matter of nnpvinof Rlaekville to Bamberg county, ,t which several gentlemen from this >lace were present and made short talks. )ur limited space forbids a report of the >roceedings. The county executive committee met in he court house last Thursday and delared the result of the election. There vere no protests or contests. We publish he official couut in another column. It s well to keep these primary ligures, as hey will be valuable for reference in :oming elections.Don't walk around and sulk and talk igainst your town. If the place is not jood enough for you, leave it, but don't mrt yourself and the town by always >ointingout its defects and shortcomings. The world is not a perfect place, by any nauner of means, and Bamberg does ibout as well as any. General Bahiberg, of Bamberg, remits efreshing news. He addresses his good etter to E. A. Wilkes, Esq., and adds "I hink my health is somewhat improved.", rhe " 'Squire" is glad to learn that the leneral is improving and hope he may ong be spared to exercise his gifts and alents for the benefit of the church and lis thriving town.?uircuu ruaer. The announcement is made that Capt. ). C. Heyward has tendered the position >f private secretary to the governor to Mr. L E. Norment, of Darlington. Mr. Nornent will be remembered by many people u this section as the reporter of the St ate ampaign meetings during the past sumaer. Normeut is a- capital fellow, and ve are heartily glad of the appointment. New Advertisements. mrs. k. i. shuck & co. See the new advertisement and l>e sure o attend the grand fall opeuing Wedneslay and Thursday, October 1st and 2d. This firm is showing an exceptionally landsome line of new goods. a. c. reynolds. The hustling Ehrhardt druggist has a lew advertisement this week, which will nterest you. j. a. spanx. J. A. Spann's half page advertisement contains interesting news to the bargain eeker. Look out for the next advertisenent. The prices quoted will be way lown. T. D Beard et al?Warning Notice. H. C. Folk, Master?Master's Sales. Card of Thanks. To the Voters of Bamberg County:?It s impossible for me to see each one of 'ou personally, so I take this method of txpressing my gratitude for the endorseuent given my record as County Superisor. As in the past, so in the future ny sole purpose will be to administer the .ffairs of the office for the welfare of all he people, striving to give justice to each ection of the county. I will do my full luty, and ask your earnest co-operation. Gratefully yours, E. C. Bruce. The Cotton Market. Cotton is selling freely in Bamberg tolay at 81-t cents the pound. The re:eipts of the week have been something ike eifht hundred bales. -0 Card of Thanks. Bamberg, Sept. 16th, 1902.?I take this nethod of extending my heartfelt thanks o the Democratic voters of Bamberg :ouuty for the very liberal support given ne in the recent primary election, and rust that I may so act as to merit the .ontidence reposed in me. Very respectfully, J. B. Black. An Ugly Marge. The governor has been informed by jitizens of a town in the Pee Dee section >f the State that the magistrate there had performed a marriage ceremony for a vhite man and a colored girl, and the complainants state that the community jas been scandalized. Such a marriage s of itself a crime. The governor has uformed the magistrate of the matter, ?nd asked him for an explanation. If the charges are true the magistrate will be removed, and other proper legal steps takeu.?The State. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is a poor man, but he says he would not be without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if it cost live dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. No external application is equal to this liniment for stiff and swollen joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains. It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis. It is for sale by Bamberg Pharmacy. Died After 11 is K'nd The official executioner of Tokio died recently. His death was curious in itself and, considering his profession, was little short of remarkable. He was crossing a railroad track near Tokio when he was run down by a fast express. The body was found by the track with head as neatly decapitated "as any which had been cut off by the official executioner himself. Otherwile there was not a mark on the body. I r ? i ii r .1- ., ?*TTW? 1 ill I Thanking the Ladies for th I since our last big ad. We in * I Big Bargains Arr I and we defy < FINE DRESS ( Clothi] I AT ABOU1 I Ladies' & M I We Will give you some pric I But look out for it, it will b< J. 1 BAMBERG, Q. FRANK Buggies, Wagons, Han You'll find the biggest stock and OfficiaTResult Second Primary Election, September 9th. 3' Cs <5 2 55 *"!. J? 5 P ~ ce ? C,S2i!ej'1K Zg"Z,ogc?g?~c P o *; ? ?r <- p. p AnC.(UtimeranS 196 30 2? 131 40 29 38 31 35 17 34 90 'o 707 m n 1 ? ITS 2 28 fo 20 2! 10 S 1? 4?7 Fmn BAorrv?VEBKOR 174 11 17 31 41 70 42 11 13 18 23 30 00 6 553 Jobn'T. Sloan 132 24 23120 10 74 8 35 20 20 3 23 80 10 015 i TCoinU''?F STATE 212 10 2?120 51 29 37 44 34 12 17 40115 21 780 J.'Harvey Wilson ' 04 20 14 25 0123 12 2 0 35 0 ? 30 1 -384 4TSr "mAL 248 30 38 102 55140 ? 44 2 33 22 47 100 22 024 fl' L Walker 57 0 2 48 2 12 15 2 32 14 4 0 40 0 240 *WrtA*T OEKEKA, # J Jf #| ,, ? g ? , 3 ? 17 410 John I) Frost 227 30 10jl35 30 101 25 10 20 18 21 o0 59 5 . 4, ^C?aAuDShCrIS9,0SEB 210 28 JSW 30.18 J9 37 28 34 2. 47 82 17 840 W. Boyil Evans 89 8 121 17 27 35 31 u u io ;> o iw u CONGRESS G.Duncan Bellinger 217 57 15103 55 104 38 41 24 14 23 38110 17 826 G. W. Croft 87 9 24 51 2 47 12 5 10 33 3 14 37 5 339 HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES J. B. Black 227 29 34 27 52 74 47 16 7 33 12 36 61 11 666 E. T. LaFitte 76 7 6 128 5 78 3 30 27 14 14 16 86 11 501 SUPERVISOR E. C. Bruce 261 22 15] 89 56 64 28 6 6 23 17 40 23 16 666 \V. T. Cave 45 14 24 66 1 88 22 40 28 24 9 12 124 5 502 MAGISTRATE AT RAMBERG VY. W. Liglitsey 173 13 49 235 R. S. Simmons 132 23 I 3 158 Total vote of each club 300 36 4oll55 57 153 50 46 39 47 26 53 147 22 1168_ EVERYBODY USES PANSY FLOUR, Soft, Pure, Winter Wheat. FINEST MADE. " Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or get your money back from . . . PHCENIX FLOUR MILL, -ORRHOAD & BAMBERG, Selling Agents, BAMBERG, S. C. . *??? * Everything that G. Frank Bamberg You Know What You Are Taking has in stork is new ami up-to-tlate. No When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill old style vehicles carried over from year Tonic because the formula is plainly to year. They are bought right, too, and printed on every bottle showing that it is are going to be sold at prices that defy simply iron and quinine in a tasteless competition. form. No cure, no pay. Price 50c. V"' Wmmmmwrnsmmmmmmmm ieir Liberal Patron also want them to Tying Dai competition on an> iOODS, CH ng! " HALF PR] en's SI ;es in our next ad., iat anything you \ V < T 4 TO ? BAME )R lecc I an Rr lutiuy bup m best prices. Fortune Favors A Texau. "Having distressing pains in head, back and 9ioraach, and being without appetite, I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehead, of Kennednle, Tex., "and 9oon felt like a new man." Infallible in stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at Bamberg Pharmacy; H. 0. Rice, of Denmark. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of Bamberg?Court of Common Pleas. John H. Kinard etal., plaintiffs, against Rosa Vaugh n et al., defendants. Pursuant to the decree in this cause, I will sell in front of the court house, town of Bamberg, county and State above named, on the first Monday in October, 1902, within the legal hours of sale, the following described realty, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Bamberg county, containing one hundred acres more or less and bounded North by lands of C. Ehrtiardt ,inri A Bennett. East bv lands of A J. W. Cone, South and West by lands of C. R. Folk and Mrs. M. A, Folk. Terms of sale?one half cash, balance on lime, credit portion to be secured by bond of the purchaser with mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. C. FOLK, Master Bamberg County. MASTER'S SALE. The State of South Carolina?Bamberg County?In Common Pleas. Hermine Dickinson and Clinton Dickimon, by their guardian ad litem, G. Moye Dickinson, Plaintiffs, against D. II. Counts, Defendant. Partition. Pursuant to decree of his Honor Judge James Aid rich made in above stated cause, 12th day of June, A. D. 1902,1 will sell at public outcry in front of the Court House door in Bamberg, on Oct. 0, 1902, to the highest bidder all that certain lot or parcel of laud, with the buildings thereon, lying and situate in the corporate limits of the town of Bamberg and founded, North by lands of Margaret Lee; Kast by vacant lot formerly owned by J. T, O'Neal; South by lands of J. A. Vernon; West by public road or street known as Cox Avenue. Terms of sale cash, purchaser to pay for papers. H. C. FOLK, Master Bamberg County. Bamberg, S. G\, Sept. 16, 1902. CITATIOM MnTIPF VI I f~\ I 1 vy I 1 i * w w b.? The State of South Carolina,?County of Bamberg,?By B. W. Miley, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, Alfred Smith made suit to me, to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and effects of Perry Brabham ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Perry Brabham, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Bamberg, S. C., on the 24th day of September, 190*3, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 9th day of i September, Anno Domini, 1902. B. W. MILEY, j Judge of Probate. WARNING NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to trespass upon any lands of the undersigned, and lands of estate of John Kinard, for the purpose of hunting or otherwise. \ iolators will be dealt with according to law. T. D. Beard, Mrs. O. Beard, S. W. Clayton, J. F. Clayton, P. M. Varn, C. M. Yarn, W. H. Yarn. Colston, S. C, September 12,19(<2. age. Our trade ha bear in mind that Lly By Frt r article in our ston ILDREN'S ^ Clc ICE. LARGI noes & which will be sma lave seen. Very >PA sou 5ERQ ibes, Whips ?I AtflCAJ JL ? JBbakes short roads. AXLE d? ^*k?nd light loads^ [ (jREASE ^d^ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. . Hade by STANDARD OIL CO. 1 \mMmmmrn,,T * For Sale at Lot Prices. 1 House and Lot 011 Railroad Avenue. 1 House and Lot on Cannon street. 1 House and Lot on Midway street, : 1 Farm, 2 miles southwest of Bamberg, 250 acres. Spec'al bargain. 1 Brick Store 011 Main street. 1 Two story Brick store on Main street. 1 tract containing 127 acres, 60 acres cleared, 3 room dwelling with piazza running full length, barn and stables anu other out buildings, all new, good well water OH feet, good garden and orchard, 2 miles South-east of Bamberg. A bargain at $1,300. Also several Farms, all at prices to suit the times. If you want a bargain come and see me. .T. T. O'NEAL, Real Estate Agent, - - Bamherg, S. C. fi. Moye Dickinson, INSURANCE. FIRE, FIFE, TORNADO, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY, CASUALTY. ! Office at The Cotton Oil Co, is. C. AND BELL TELEPHONES. jw. P. RILEY, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE. BAMBERG, S. C. Dl{. G. F. HAIR, DENTAL SURGEON, liamberg, S. C, In office every day in the week. Graduate of Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, class 1892. Member of S. C. Dental Association. Office next to bank. n 1 is been entirely satisfactory | we have :=: :=: :=: :=: | sight and. Express I f_j JL i, consisting of WEAR, SHOES, I rthing! B LINE OF Pumishino's : ll 11 in ad. and small in prices. 1 respectfully, |J lNN 1 TH CAROLINA, I Look Here Ladies! | COME to our FAU and WINTER OPENING, | WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st and 2d. =^>THE LATEST IN MILLINERY<^-^ f|| and the prettiest line ever sTiown in Bamberg. Also a new and complete line of SILKS, LACES, CORSETS, GLOVES, NOTIONS if of all kinds, and a nice line of - -SI NICE DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. ||1 Will be Glad to See you at Any and All Times. || Mrs. K.!. Shuck ? Co. 1 BAMBERG, S. C. -|| " 7 T H n M11F I f l l? jpjjTiT CSolera-lafanlBB, Jfik - P k JlHHHIMBjl Diarrhoea,Dysentcry,aad r ^ the 8owel Troubles of HJJUllkii .Children of Ai>iMge. Vgjgf ^JbitCITHiNOJOWClttitftl"ft, Bowl^st^hS1 ^?s's ?"ly 2 KD'- at Druggists, "teething1 easy? mail 26 euta to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D. ST. LOUIS. Ma 0FTIC8 OT D. H. Hardy, Secretary of State, Austin, Tex., Nor. 21. 1300L I hare found Dr. Moffett's TEETHINA a tplendid remedy and aid for my teething children. When my oldsft >3 ber was a teething child, every succeeding day warned us that we would inevitably loso him. I happened upon TEETHINA, and began at once administering it to him, and his improrement was ma-ked in 24 hours, and from that day on he recuperated. I have constantly kept it and used it since with my children, and have taken great pleasure in sounding its praises to all mothers of young children. 1 found it Invaluable even after the teething period was passed. HB8. D. H. HARDY. Carlisle Fitting School ? OF WOFFORD COLLEGE. BAMBERG, S. C. j Young men and young women prepared for college or for business. Four classes and four teachers. Personal attention given to each student. Separate boarding departments for boys and girls. # Fine buildings, fine library, literary societies, thorough work. Flowing well, five hundred feet deep, on campus. Tuition and board for entire year, $107.00. Next session begins September 23rd, 1902. Write for catalogue. fi H. G. SHERIDAN, Head Master. | 1 J|fr USE FERTILIZERS JK} Jfj WHit Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company. 1| ; X/M "Largest Manufacturers JjBH of Pertllfzers on Earth" gp. jUffi YOU WILL BE SWtPIISED AT THE 8ESL!LTS._ W& - ^ W THE VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COM, If ,1