i / k / p' ^ I ? e&L m *+ HnH jSSSjg SHIjaf m% HPP^ BRp?? ^ Following a regnla nual Clearance Sale afte to our patrons that, con January 20th, and conti ary 31st, we will offer z chandise, in either our . store, at prices regaruie: ; Handling almost an be to your interest to c( i New Home sic " - v %. . V, A v. tV V*. - * rNc' * 1 : - We pay the high r We thank oar trie I to come 01 K. I re . ft ' iP:' . f-;' " Rememer the ? k _ The Bamberg Herald. Thursday, January 16,1902. & ^ . J. S. Brooker's Hardware Store. Personal Mention. ?Mr. and Mrs. Willie Stokes, of Walter 4 boro, visited Mrs. J>1. a. Aciamsims wees ?Mr. J. C. Bishop, Jr., of theEhrhardt section, dropped in to see us last Thurs( day. WL ?Mrs. Hayne F. Rice returned Sunday B night from a visit to relatives at GreenBf ville. ?Miss Lizzie Harley, of Beaufort, is H spending some time with the family of Mr. V. J. Hartzog. wr ?Mr. W. B. Rice, of Rixville, Ga., was in the city last week. His many friends were glad to see him. * ?Mr. J. P. Matheny, who is now staying in Birmingham, Ala., spent several days at home this week. ?Capt. D. C. Heyward, of Walterboro, spent Monday night in town, going on to Columbia Tuesday morning. ?Col. J. M. Knight, editor of The Sumter Herald, spent Monday in the city with his brother, A. W. Knight. ' ?Mrs.K.I. Shuck has returned from Fitzgerald, Ga., where she had been to attend the marriage of her daughter, Miss Nettie. ?Jno. R. Bellinger, Esq., went to Columbia Sunday night, where he is arguing cases before the Supreme Court this week. 4 ? ?Mrs* C. J. S. Brooker and Miss Lil lian Bellinger spent several days in Char leston last week, taking in the' sights of Y *be Exposition. ?Mr. Ellzey Copeland, of the Ehrhardt section, was In the city last Saturday, to meet his daughters, who have been visitr ing at Williston. ,s_ ?Messrs. J. Warren Allen and Tracy W. McCallum, two popular traveling men, spent several days in the city this week, selling their customers here spring i goods. ?Messrs. A. C. Reynolds, B. F. Brown, Isaac W. Carter, Geo." J. Hiers, and Thos. L. Pearlstine, of Ehrhardt, were in the city last Monday evening and attended the Knights of Pythias banquet and inIstallation of officers of Bamberg lodge. One hundred bushels Bert oats for sale . by W. D. Rhoad. The Methodists of Walterboro are building a new church. Have your picture taken at Van Orsdell's art gallery, Bamberg, S. C. Remember G. Frank Bamberg when you want a horse or mule. He has just * received a carload of good ones. Are the Methodists of Bamberg going to do anything this year toward building : a new house of worship? We hope so. My stock of spring hardware is in. Cot- ' ton planters, guano distributors, twohorse plows, plow stocks, etc., all at prices i to suit the times. Be sure to see my stock i: . before you buy your farm implements. < * C. J. 3. Bkooker. ] Supervisor E.C.Bruce moved into town 1 v. last week. He and family are occupying the residence owned by him on lower , Main street. We gladly welcome him as a citizen of our town for he is a good man and a first-class official. r> :? i? i 9 ?>uggics>, vtat^uua, uaiui;^ lap iuuc>, whips, etc., at hard time prices at G. ^ Frank Bamberg's. 9 The old Hartzog house, owned by Col. Jno. F. Folk, which was damaged by tire W last year, caught 011 fire again last Mon^ day. The fire started right in the top of 1 ^^he roof about twelve o'clock in the dateline. The wind was blowing consideribly at the time, but the flames were soon iscovered and the cotton mill hose was turned on, which quickly put it out before ? much damage was done. It was occupi^d^by a factory operative named Joshua 111 1 ^ r custom of having1 an anil* the holidays we announce imencing Monday morning, nuing until Friday, Janumv and every item of mer%J ~ Branchville or Ehrhardr ss of cost. iy and everything, it will >me out to either of our Sfswinor M vu mug hi Chattanooga lest prices for Hi nds for the patron it and see us throu member one of th< Dates, comr MORNING. HBBi HL. ' ' JH Lovely weather we've had recently. If a person goes to church he is branded a hypocrite; if he stays away, he is a heathen. r Roger, the little sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mclver Bostick, is sick with malarial fever. Photo buttons, 2 for 2">c. Tintypes, 2 for 20c at Golfs photo wagon. G photographs 50 cents. Remember the spelling bee at M r. Kirsch's Friday evening. Be there and have a good time. Mrs. J. M. Morris has sent us some very fine turnips, for which we express our thanks. They were very large and fine. Smith, the Florida newspaper man, who was engaging ladies to canvass for him, has made an assignment. We fear some in this section have lost money by him. Dr. G. F. Hair has moved his family to town, and they are occupying the residence of H. Spann Dowling, Esq. Mr. Dowling and family are boarding at Johnson's Hotel. Representative A. Mclver Bostick has not gone to Columbia as yet to attewl the session of the legislature, he being detained at home on account of the serious illness of his little son. A carload of fresh stock, direct from market, just arrived at the stables of Jones Bros. Come and see them before the best ones are picked out. G. Frank Bamberg buys his stuff for spot cash and gets all the discounts, therefore can sell you cheaper than other ilealers. The largest and most complete line of vehicles, harness, etc., in this section of the State. Be sure to see that fine load of stock at Jones Bros.'stables before you buy a horse or mule. They will sell you at right prices and treat you right. An electric wonder similar to the famous Lula Hurst, according to all accounts, has been discovered at Cottageville. Mrs. Ruth Adams, wife of Mr. Seal Adams, aged about twenty, we are told, has but to touch with her fingers a table when there commences a ticking similar to that of a telegraphic instrument except it is a great deal louder. If she puts her hand on a chair it moves from her. No extended test lias yet been made, but it is believed that she is another electric wonder. ?Walterboro Press and Standard. Buy the Rock Ilill buggv, the best for the money anywhere, sold by G. Frank Bamberg, sole agent &NNUA m nHHBH mm mm' places and see for your make this sale the mos been in business. AVe from the hard times that | that we must certainly rc in order to make the sale t tion. AVe intend keeping i and ask that you come 01 achines, Be i Plows, Schh HAC Wjiy Paac 1 T M. a age extended us in 1 gh this Special Sale i most memorable s , PEA BRANCH nencing flood; D rv n i i i/*r\ 4r ut? our t? i Spoiling Bee. The ladies of the Parsonage Aid Society will give an old-fashioned spelling bee at i the residence of Mr. A. Kirsch on Rail- ' road Avenue tomorrow (Friday) evening. 1 Lots of fun is promised, as both old and 1 young are to take part. Webster's blue < back speller will be used, and Hon.C. W. < Garris will act'as school-master. The ad- i , mission is only ten cents, and there will be J j a candy counter,so the young men had best \ come prepared to treat the girls. Let { everybody turn out, have lots of fun, and j ! help a good cause. An Interesting Heirloom. Miss Carrie Bamberg showed us an inj teresting heirloom last week. It was a ; table cloth and doiley of pure linen, which belonged to her grandfather's grand! mother. It has been in the family for six i generations, being handed down to each i succeeding generation. Both the cloth and dolies are embroidered with the letters "A. P.", these being the initials of the original owner, Antoine Picquet. The linen is well preserved and is good now for much more service, and is | of a beautiful pattern and quality. This table cloth must be at least one hundred and fifty years old. Fire Thursday Night. Last Thursday night the residence of Mr. J. A. Vernon, situated in the suburbs of the city, on the Buford's Bridge road, was totally destroyed by fire. The fire was discovered between one and two o'clock Friday morning, and had gained such headway that his family had barely time to escape with their lives. Mr. Vernon was away from home that night, being down at Mr. Calvin Kentz's. Nothing was saved, the occupants of the house being fortunate to get out unhurt. The fire started in the rear portion of the house, but the cause is not known. The * house was a two-story building, and was { i insured for SI.000 in the atrencv of G.'< j Move Dickinson. There was also $200 ' ( ; insurance on the furniture. Mr. Vernon's | ] loss is several hundred dollars, which falls ] heavily upon him these hard times. i i ? r ? ! Fifty pounds lard cans for sale by D. ' AY. Shcaley. Do you need a horse or a mule? If so, t go to G. Frank Bamberg's stables. He has 1 just received a carload of beauties, and ; they will be sold at prices to suit the times, i j See what he has before yau buy. 1 L CLE ANNOUNC m ran selves that we intend to t memorable since we have take into consideration, we are experiencing now, iduce prices considerably i sensational in our estimafaith with these promises, it and help us make this the st Grade Bi 3ss Brothers' Poultry, eggs and the past, and hope even though you tales of recent yeah ITfcT 11 VILLE AN] ay, January : B I o see tnem First Load of the Season. We have just received a carload of fine stock, the first new load of the season for Bamberg. We have in this lot twentyfive of the finest mules we have ever handled, also a pair of beautiful matched black horses. Be sure to see this load , of stock before you buy. We have the animals to suit you, and the prices are ( right. Jones Bros. ?? A carload of fresh stock, direct from ! market, just arrived at the stables of .Tones ! Bros. Come and see them before the best ; ones are picked out. : County Expenses. The following statement of the ex- ] penses of the county for the past year has j loeen issued from the Supervisor's office, . and we publish it for the information of , inr rMftprc Expenses of chain gang $2,780.22 Mules, harness, and Lents 257.G0 , Paupers 007.48 Fail 280.30 ! Roads and bridges 1,340.18 i Denmark special road tax 739.09 < Road overseers 190.75 i rowuship commissioners 525.00 Commutation tax 145.05 [ Postmortems 40.00 j Lunatics 113.00 Stationery and books 227.54 } Printing 80.00 < Salaries and postage stamps 3,758.52 ) A-pril Court, 1901 054.05 July Court, 1901 707.97 ) December Court, 1901 1,108.20 Serving jurors 30.00 ( Paid for rights of way 35.20 * inquests 32.50 Vliscellaneous 201.93 f Wood 40.30 : Arresting prisoners out of county 38.25 J . * ...777137711 \ ictai $i3,yuz.<5y s CREDITS. special road tax $739.00 1 Commutation tax 145.05 } Licenses and fines 155.00 f Magistrates' fines C-2.90 ( Work Orangeburg county 53.34 i rotal $1,415.38 t When the amount of credits is sub- i racted, it leaves a net total of $12,487.01 s 'or the expenses of the county for the 1 rear 1901, and the income of the county s low from all sources should be something c ike this amount. c ARANC EMENT OF. most memorable sale of i difference what you may sell almost everything; i you will save money by your purchases. Having discontinuec Ave have had the stocl which has over-burdened stock is considerably lar^ uggies, Che Clothing, an nthpf rnnnffv ni wwaawa v1 M i ii i.* ^ y* i to merit a continu; may not buy one ( s. YOURS F( NE & 0 EHRHAR soth, and con before you s Kni&rlits of Pythias Banquet. Last Monday evening was a most delightful occasion for the Pythians of Bamberg. It was the occasion of the annual banquet and the installation of officers of Bamberg lodge for the ensuing year. Grand Prelate J. M. Knight, of Sumter, was present, and acted as installing officer, this being his official visit to this lodge. The following officers were installed: A.. VV. Knight, Chancellor Commander; Deeania Dowling, Vice Chancellor; B.W. Miley, Prelate; J. W. Pearlstine, Master at Arms; H. C. Folk, Keeper of Records and Seal and Master of Finance; A. E. H. Simmons, Master of Exchequer; "VV. Paul Riley, Master of Work; D. F. Hooton, Trustee; J. Felder Hunter, Inner Guard; EI. W. Adams, Outer Guard. After the installation the Grand Prelate addressed ;lic lodge in appropriate remarks, looking ;o the good of the order and the welfare Df this lodge. The following committee appointments svere then announced: Finance comnittee, W. Paul Riley, J. A. Murdaugh, VV. D. Rhoad. Auditing committee, Jno. F. Folk, W. G. Hoffman, J. W. Pearlstine. Sick and relief committee: Sunday, A. W. Knight; Monday, Decania Dowling; Tueslay, B. W. Miley; Wednesday, J. W. Pearlstine; Thursday, E. C. Bruce; Friday, E. 3. Hays; Saturday, J. Felder Hunter. Then Capt. D. C. Heyward, of Walterioro, a Past Chancellor, and who is now supreme Representative, being present, le was invited to take the chair, which he lid, and the rank *of Esquire was conerred on I). W. Shealey. Then the Knights, with their invited quests, repaired to J olmson s noiei, wnere in elegant banquet took place. To those ! yIjo have attended banquets at this ainous hostelry before, it is useless for us o say more than that it was up to the : lsual high standard. A tempting menu j vas served in good style, which all present , leemed to enjoy. After the inner man ; lad been sufficiently regaled and cigars , ighted, Toast Master A. W. Knight rap)ed for order and introduced as the irst speaker of the evening Capt. D. j. Heyward, who responded to the toast: The State of South Carolina?"Forget! ] vlio of us can forget, who of us but feels l hat nothing, neither time nor trouble, j lor the dim eye, nor the dull ear, can icparate us from the love of South Caro- i iua." Mr. Heyward made a captial < ipeech, which was enthusiastically re- s :ei.ved by all the brethren, who were ] lelighted to have him with them on this ( 4 IE SAL recent years. It makes 110 want, as stated above we f we have it to suit you, seeing us before you make 1 our store at St. Georges, : removed to Branchville, . us at this place, and the ^er than we would care to ittaaooga ai d the best m roduce, and they a ance of same in the lollar's worth. Wf OR BUSINESS, : SON tDT, 5. C. tinuing until A Cai Horses and stables ON i buy. G. G. Fra Gy* THE BE occasion. Grand Prelate J. M. Knight responded to the next toast: The Grand Lodge, . Knights of Pythias, of South Carolina? "An organization which commands respect because of the personel of its members." His remarks were confined chiefly to the achievements of the grand lodge ^ and a history of that body, but he inter- J spersed them with general good stories, which were well received. 1 Hon. C. W. Garris was the next speaker, he responding to the toast. ( Woman? 1 "The perfect woman, nobly planned? To charm, to comfort, and command, s And with a spirit pure and bright, J With something of an angel's light." "The boys" are always delighted to hear a Bro. Garris, for he is a capital speaker. J This speech was no exception to the rule, and he was liberally applauded. This a closed the evening's exercises, and the J company dispersed, a very pleasant affair having been had. a The retiring Chancellor Commander, E Bro. W. Paul Riley, has done tine work I in the lodge the past year, and his honor* ^ of Past Chancellor have been worthily a earned. C To Rent?Three one-horse farms. Apply to II. Ehrhardt,Ehrhardt, S. C.,or d E. C. Bruce, Bamberg, S. C. C ? e New Advertisements. I r. pearlstine & sons. 0 Of course you will be sure to see the ? half-page advertisement of R. Pearlstine , & Sons in this issue. They are going to 2 have their usual annual clearance sale during the month of January, and this is the opportunity of your life to secure ? bargains. The sale commences next ^ Monday, the 20th, and continues until f; Friday, the 31st. They have discontinued their store at St. George, but this great ^ slaughter sales applies to their Branch- v; 11-. 3 Til. ?1 -li. -J. T> _ _ II vine uiiu xjiixuaiai siures. lie sure iu visit their stores during this sale. ^ Franklin J. Moses. ? T( Boston, January 9?Admitting that his r< picture was in the rogue's gallery, and b ;hat, for a period of years he had been S familiar with the "lowest depths oi New o York's opium joints", yet pleading for v nercy from the court, Franklin J. Moses, p )nce governor of South Carolina, was w sentenced here today to four months' jm- a prisonment for the larceny of au oyer- w mat. I m E have at this season of the slash prices on almost c offering to our trade vi been presented to you by tofore. To insure you th of goods we need only t for the nd Florence ake of Shoes ire just the same : future, and we a? i want you merely s, Friday, Janua rload o Mules are I LAST S FRANK B/ S nk Bai ^ AO EN ST ON I EHRHARDT ETCHINGS. A Newsy Letter from the Bnsy Town of Ehrhardt. Ehrhardt, January 13?Rev. R. S. Williams of Salkekatchie, and Mr. Owen VIcMillan, of White Pond, were visitors it Colston last week. Mrs. J. A. McMillan and little son are ; visiting relatives in Georgia. Mrs. Thompson, of Georgia, has return- i ;d to her home, accompanied by Miss L. .... ' V' " * r? ? " _____ Nm mm a m Tr' year, and we will cut and werything in our stocky ' ilues such as have never a reputable concern hereat we handle the best line o say that we are agents * -' ;|? WAGONS, to us as the cash, k you, one and all, to see ana ' : " 5 try 31st, 1902. >f good IIVED AT MY ATURDAY WBERG. / -> ~5 =================^ N - "r. \/ ,fV * nberg, EARTH. were the recipients of many handsome presents. . Miss Washie Patrick, of Bell's X Roads, is spending time with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Burnett, at Robertsville. Bricks are on the ground at our artesian well for the purpose of building a reser- ? " voir. Robertsville is in the- incorporated limits, but has no street lamps. Dir. j. a. unassereau iert tor unarieston Monday evening on a business trip. Capt J. M. Dannelly left Monday for Colston, and from there will go to Charleston on business. Rev. E. M. McKissick will preach in I. D. Copeland's hall next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Messrs. A. C. Reynolds, T. L. Pearlstine, G. J. Hiers, I. W. Carter, and B. P. Brown, of Ehrhardt, attended the banquet and installation of officers of the Knights if Pythias in Bamberg last Monday evenng. Ge Col. Full line of buggies, wagons, harness, ap robes, whips, etc., at G. Frank Bam)erg's. The largest stock in this part of he State. An Attempt to Assault. Spartanburg, S. C., Jan. 10.?Testerlay at Rcidsville a negro, giving as his lame B. W. Hughes, from Greenville, nade attempts to criminally assault two lttle white school cnuaren ana also to issault Mrs. E. M. Fowler, of that place. This morning the negro accosted the wo little white girls as they were on heir way to school, but they ran and creamed, thus baffling his purpose. This ifternoon at 3 o'clock the same negro intered the home of Mrs. E. M. Fowler. ,nd attempted to lay hands on her, but ier instant screams summoned a man rorking near by, at whose approach the 4 , lack fiend fled. Mrs. Fowler's son, C. 0. Fowler, startd in search of the fugitive. He- soon aund him in a lonely spot and the two rappled. The negro assaulted Fowler rith an iron rod. Fowler drew his pistol nd shot the negro in the neck. His capare was then easy. The negro is now in lock up at Keidsille and will be brought here tomorrow.. le got badly wounded. * ' Reidsville is much excited, but no disrder prevails. ~ w, A few ^fine barred Plymouth Hock tiickcns for sale by A. H. Brace. : X"-* -c* ' . . Xtt||