' ' ?. ' " .'" .. . . 'IrXfi: #: -- - ". - . - ' , -' \- v/- I - IHGSSlilSliSSI? KSWiS?j?#ftPie? " .. 'V i\ ' *.^v. " v - --' V- v ; "* >?- . ^Sr A?- jl> . v; i nSSWMCf " * , I have just received anot P k Hill Rubies Ha . < ? .. .I.. ..?t-!?t/w. find th m ?'?- v * : ? Supplement to -THE BAMBERtt ________ . . J ! ~ Cor-UMB^Ohio., Octo^r 27.-Jolm^grttt, cei atvone of the city hospitals with a broken nee terp Reserve. An X-ray examination to-day sh An operation will be performed, bat there ishttle ?*,taktado??. . i ' - : .x.' ''l.^' - . >\ ; '~- .--i^ ve also a large Ipt of other . V- -v /. . : ! .. . HERALD, Th^iday, October 31, 19?!. hope that it willa^ijl. Sigrist's body is paralysed from '