The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, October 03, 1901, Image 3

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' / I * The Bamberg Herald Thursday, October 3. C. J. S. Blocker's Hardware Store. Personal Mention. ?Mr. A. ('. ('alter, of Ehrhardt. was in town Momlay. ?Mr. JetT H. Smith, of Mitlway. was here yesterday. ?A. C. Reynolds, of Ehrhardt. spent Sunday in town. ?Mr. J. D. Milcy, of Smoaks, was in j the city yesterday. ?Mr. G. H. Snioak lel't last week for a trip to Ocala, Fla. ?J. I). Quattlehanm, of Ehrhardt. was in the city Tuesday. ?Mr. G. C. Fender, of Ehrhardt. was in the city last Friday. ?Mr. J. C. Folk, Sr., of Folk's Store, was in the city Tuesday. it., n o t mnr sieveral ilavs ill iUl. Vf. V. . v... - , Jacksonville, Fla., last week. ?Miss Addys Ilavs is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hays in Greenwood. ?Messrs. M. B. and .T. A. Kennedy, of Govan, were in town Monday. ?Mrs. II. S. Howling lias returned from a visit to relatives in Anderson. ?Mr. E. P. Sojourner, of the Denmark I section, was in the city Monday. ?Mr. Vance W. Brahham loft Monday for Baltimore to attend a medical college. ?Capt. Geo. P. Bamberg is still very ill, but his many friends hope for the best. ?Mr. T. A. Green, of Spartanburg, spent several days in the city last week. ?Mrs. H. F. Rice is at home from the mountains, where she spent the summer. ?Mr. A. Wilson, of Viola, paid us a pleasant call while in the city Tuesday. ?Mr. II. Z. McMillan, of Colston, was In the city Tuesday and paid us a pleasant call. ?Mr. Robert Black went to Charleston Tuesday to enter the Charleston Medical College. ?Mr. N. P. Murdaugh lias gone to Ehrhardt to clerk in the store of R. Pearl stine & Sons. ?Messrs. Wilson Riley and I). CJ. Copeland returned to the Citadel at Charleston Tuesday. ?Messrs. J. B. Kearse and Joe J. Brah- \ ham, of the Buford'sBridge section, were in the city Monday. ( ?Mr. Thos. Black, a son of Dr. J. B. Black, has gone to Edgetield to attend , the Co-educational Institute. ?Mr. Harry Bellinger left Tuesday ^ morning for Charleston, where he will ; enter the Porter Military Academy. I ?Mr. Arthur J. Knight, free rural route : inspector, was in the city last week on a visit to his brother's family, A. W. Knight, s ?Messrs. A. M. and W. M. Brabham, 1 Jr., sons of Mr. C. R. Brabham, left last week for Spartanburg to attend Wofford College. ?Dr. E. P. Carter, of Ehrhardt, has < gone to Columbus, Ohio, to finish his 1 medical education by taking a course in 1 sys pnarmacy. ?Mr. Willie Free, a son of Clerk of ( Court C. B. Free, who has been away for * the past two years, serving in the army ' in the Phillippines, returned home last 5 ||?: week. 1 ?Mr. G. C. L egg, who lias been with the Bamberg Nurseries for the past two years, has gone to Jacksonville, Fla., to ] live. Mr. Legg made many friends while | here, who regretted to sec him leave. ( v m Save all the hay you can before frost, l It will be needed before next year. 1 J i It is time well spent to go and examine Spanu's dress goods before you buy. j Next, Monday is salesday. If you come ] to town, come in and pay your subscrip- j tion. j Highest cash prices paid for corn and ; peas by E. L. Price. j < Buy your tickets in time for Ralph Bingham's entertainment next Tuesday evening. * < Come and see Spann's all wool goods for ladies' waists. They are beauties Edison's latest phonograph, cost $25.00, 1 bran new, for $12.50, at Reynolds's drug ?|f. store, Ehrhardt. < Get your money's worth. Where? At J Spann's. H. F. Rice, Esq.. has moved into the ] Smith residence, lately occupied by Maj. { Havelock Eaves. . Clearing sale of jewelry at half price, i at Reynolds's, Ehrhardt hustling druggist. ( Free rural delivery will be established | - on several star routes in Barnwell county, the service commencing November first. : Ladies should see Spann's line of ladies' ' and children ready made wear and save . those dreary hours of sewing. , A. C. Reynolds is our authorized , agent at Ehrhardt, and will receipt for money due this paper or take new sub? seriptions. Haud power hay press for sale at Brooker's hardware store. Our subscribers have paid up very well ] during the past week. Let others come; , we need the money due us, and now is the time to pay. Don't fail to attend Ralph Bingham's < entertainment at the Fitting School chap- j el next Tuesday evening. This is strict- j *]ya first class show. 1 Prettiest line of chamber sets you ever s saw at Brooker's. Call and see them. ] The chain gang has finished up the work on the Cannon's bridge road, and 1 is now in camp near Flat Pond school house on the Govan road. Men, boys or children should not pass Spann's when looking for something nice in clothing. * The circuses have begun to come to this SLitc. If any come to this section, the best advice we can give our people is to stay' away and save their money. The Baptist State Convention meets in Florence the first part of December. The annual conference of the Methodist church meets in Columbia about the same time. No trouble to show goods, so come and see Spann's stock when you start out shopping. Don't shoot birds before the first of November. It is unlawful to do so before that date. All violators ot the law should be reported and dealt with accord mg to law. If you want a stove, don't fail to sec my stock In-fore you Inn* is all I ask. C. J. S. ]>i:ookf.i:. Dr. C. E. Kinscy, of Smoaks, with iiis ' family, has moved into town, and will make this their home. We welcome them, for wc are glad to get good citizens. The Doctor will practice his profession here. The largest line of men and hovs* hats in town at Spann's, and the styles and prices are right. Mrs. .Tano Bellinger, mother otMno. H. Bellinger, Esq., of this city, died in Coalburg, Ala., last Thursday. She was 77 years old. The body was carried to Asbepoo station, below \Yalterboro, aim | interred in the family burying ground last Saturday. Mr. Bellinger attc'tided the funeral. This is a very progressive aire, and Quattlebaum and Dannclly seem to be! setting the pace for the buggy dealers. They arc offering the best buggy to be bad for the money and are also giving a i cash prize to their customers. The State pharmaceutical association is j making war on the habit of allowing mi- J licensed persons to 1i 11 prescriptions in j drugstores. Several arrests have been! made, and it is the purpose of theassoeia- J tionto require all drug tores in the State! to employ a licensed druggist to till prescriptions. Mr. John Blume, at the- Bamberg j><?st j office, is our authorized agent. He will! teceipt you for any money due for sub-1 script ion, or will be glad to take your name and money as a new subscriber. He can tell you exactly what you owe, so call in and pay him if it is not convenient for you to call* at our office. I Beeraft. tin; optician, n il! In* in Brain li: villi*. Tuesday, October 8th. When in need of any kind of hardware,: remember ?the "old reliable," C\ *1. 8. Brooker. Mr. A. Kirseh and family moved into the Dr. Lewis house on railroad avenue last Monday. W e want a good correspondent at every post office in the county. We will he glad to receive news letters from anybody. Send them in. When you want the latest in shoes buy a Battle Ave from Spann. They have the style and service combined. City council held its regular month meeting Tuesday, but only routine business was transacted, there being n< matters of importance before the body. If you would get in the "band wagon" ' and have some cash, buy a buggy from Quattlebaum & Danuellv. To advertise their business they are making a very liberal olTer. Big line of glassware. See my ten and to cents counters. C. J. S. Rkookku. Mr. A. P. Gray, who tendered his resignation as town marshal to the city council a little over a month ago, has withdrawn the same, and will continue to serve the town as marshal. From the appearance of things now. it seems that the Seaboard Air Line is going to build its branch road from' Charleston to Augusta. They ought to build by Bamberg. A free glass of soda water given with every purchase at Revnolds's drug store / U HCAl O.llUiVito. It pays to do business with wide-awake people. They give you Ylie best goods for your money, and take care of you when times are hard. Quattlebaum A: Dannelly are making a most liberal offer to buggy buyers. See their ad. elsewhere. My line of lamps is the swellest 1 have ever carried. They are simply beauties. . Vou can lind no better assortment in any city. ^ C. J. S. Bkookkk. , Miss Lavinia IT. LaBordc has been appointed State librarian by Governor MoSweeney. She has been stenographer in i the executive office for some time past, uid was not an applicant for the position. She is an orphan, and is said to be a deserving young ladv, and needed the position. $20.00 violin for $8.00 at Reynolds's, Ehrhardt. The little seven-year-old son of Mr. J. 2. Folk, Sr.. of Folk's Store, captured a i arge eagle about the seventh of Septemx*r. The bird had broken its wing by <omc means, and the little fellow ran it lown and caught it. The eagle measures ox feet and one inch from tip to tip. Mr. . Folk made a cage for the bird, and it ?eems to be getting along well in cap ;ivity. Glasses and Spectacles.?C. C. i Becraft, scientific optician, will be in Bamberg Friday, 4th, Saturday, ~?th, and Monday, Tth. If you wish your eyes ac- , iurately fitted, call at the Johnson Hotel, i Next Monday is salesday, being the irst Monday in October. The county :>oard of couiinissioners will be in session icre that day, holding their quarterly necting. There are two public sales, by .lie Master: In the ease of \Y. E. Cope- 1 and ct al vs. Addie E. Copeland ctal, one lundred and eight acres of land in Three Mile township. In case of C. 1?. Free as idministrator of J. G. Copeland vs J. F. Bopeland, thirty-tive acres of land in ' Three Mile township. Jloth tracts arc , *ald to be desirable lands, and will nor loubt sell well. I, Spann's line of black dress goods is a strong one and prices so low the)* will , airprise you. * j The Southern Railway wants to discontinue its station at what is called ; East Denmark, this being tiie site of the 1 Md town, whieh was the business por- i lion before the Southbound Railroad was >uilt. Tliere are still some resiliences 1 .here, and as the Southern has a freight i tnd passenger station at the new town, : t wants to discontinue tne om one. ooiuc >f the citizens oppose it, and Railroad Commissioners C. W. (5arris and J. C. ; tVil>?orn held a hearing at Denmark last J Saturday to take testimony in the matter. . \ decision has not been rendered yet. i Rock Hill buggies have more style, run 1 lighter, and give better satisfaction than my on the market, (J. F. Ramberg. agent. I Letter to Mr. (i. A. Jennings, Rant herg. S. (': Dear Sir:?It certainly takes' a brainy man these days to earn enough money to buy a house. Such a man will at once see the folly of purchasing a thin, mixed l>aint. for he is then paying over $i.(K> per gallon for a lot of linseed oil put in a ?an and labeled paint. L. A: Al.isascftiipaste paint, and you mix a gallon of oil Co every gallon of it. Remember that hack of our statement we put our capital md our annual sales of four million pounds?our insurance guarantee?our i ,N years of best paint making. The 15amberg Pharmacy will be pleased Co talk to you further. Yours sincerely, Lonumax v!V AIaktixez. New Advertisements. T.,^. i? Si'/vll- Cmnitv Treii^nrer?T:iv ?l UU. 1 . X Wiu, V * . x.. Notice. Richa"d Morris?Notice to Creditors. M. O. SANOIKKlt. Sec Sandifer's new ad. and then call on him when you want goods. He lias a good line of dress roods, dry goods. shoes. I groceries, etc., and sells at close prices. His expenses are low, and lie can afford to work on a small margin of prolit. M lis. K. I. Sin CK X' CO. Notice the new advertisement, and he sure to go to their store when you need ' millinery, notions, dress gomls, etc. (1. Frank Ramhcrg is trading buggies ami wagons for oews?paying ^Ac*. per pound gross for the cattle. Next Tuesday Evening. Next Tuesday evenim:, October tgf.ii, Ralph Ringham will he jit the Carlisle Fitting School chapel in one of his famous entertainments. This will certainly lie a line show, and our people will eer- I tainly he pleased with it. Prices: gener-1 al admission, :>o cents; reserved seats, oil J cents. Seats now on sale by \V. ]>. Rhoad j at Spann's store. Secure you! seats early, as there is hound t<> 1 e a rush. Here is : what the pa-tor of the Presbyterian i church in Marianna, Arkansas, has to say ! of Ringham and his entertainment: "Now I wish to say t hat 1 never saw an I audience in this town so completely cap- | tured as they were by the perlormaneeof ! Mr. Ringham last night. While we had i been prepared by published testimonials, and by personal experience on the part of I some of our people who had heard Ralph ! at other places, to expect something par- j tieularly good, we had not expected any-1 thing so perfect in its way. 'The half had j not been told.' I must say that you arc j altogether too modest in \our advertising matter. Ra'jdi is, in mv judgment. I not only tin* peer. hut easily the superior of any man on the platform to-day. Ami this is hut the oelto of w hat 1 have heard I on every hami thm morning." liny the lloek JI ill huggv ami he in the swim. <t. Frank I'amhcrg, agent. Tin- Iron Age tolls of a young man in the West, who, discouraged at the outlook of country school teaching, applied for employment in a sheet steel mill, and in eleven months was in charge of a sheet train as roller, earning from to $10 a day. September Honor Roll. ; i Here are the names of those who paid for their paper durinir the month of September. We trust those who are owinir will come up vithout delay, ami that the October list will be much larirrr: F. F. Ilomrh, ('. J. S. Hrooker, ('. W. (tatris. P. H. .Tones. Isham Padirett. Jr., W. K. Willis, Crusher Abel, J. Mitchell, Jr., C. II. ITrabham, 15. II. Carter, Rev. S. i\ Chisolm, Arthur 8tradiey. II. W. Ilerndon, A. Besi tiger, <1. B. Clayton. M. Smoak, L. A. Brabham, W. II. Morris, B. Rishcr, (t. II. Kearse, I. A. Johns, <i. \\\ Beard. Mrs. W. S. Miley. W. T. Faucett. K. I). Fclder, <L ('. Fender, Mrs. C. F. Lyons. K. M. Zeiglcr, I. F. Sexton* E. E. Pruininond. ' T. A. (ricen, S. W. Johnson, M. C. Sandifer. ('. E. Sandifer, H. (r. Hart/.oi;. II. Z. McMillan, J. W. Free. J. C. Byrd. (r. Frank Bamberg says he can't sell buggies high enough to give away money, but lie is veiy nearly giying away buggies and wagons. The Cotton Market. Cotton is sell in <? in Bamberg to-day (Wedncs-day) at 7} cents. Receipts of the week, S( 0 bales and upwards. Shooting Affray. Last Sunday afternoon Lang Artcrberrv and Lewis Robinson, both negroes, had a pistol tight in which Robinson was slightly wounded. The affair happened about on the line between the plantations of Capt. W. 8. Bamberg and Mr. W. E. i Spann, and originated over a woman. Robinson tired onee, and after that his ; pistol snapped. Arterberry tired three times, two bullets taking effect, one in ' the side, which struck a lib a id glanced, 1 and one in the hand. Arterberry was not 1 hit, and Robinson's wounds are not i dangerous. Arterberry was arrested M011- 1 day morning ami gave bond for his ap- 1 pea ranee at the next term of court. He < claims that Robinson tired at him lirst. t Buy the Rock Hill buggy and you'll be t pleased. G. Frank Bamberg, agent. 1 Roll Call Hunter's Chapel Chnvch. < Every member is earnestly requested to < answer to their names on Saturday, 12th j October, 1001, at 12 o'clock m. By order . of the church. J. II. S'rornENMTKE, Pastor. I). O. IIvxtek, Clerk. * Buy the Rock Hill buggy and be in the j swim. G. Frank Bamberg, agent. Unclaimed Letters. , List of unclaimed letters in the Bam- i hcrg post olliee for the month of Septem- 1 tier: i Men?Howard Adams, H. T. Ashly, ; Julius Carter, John Carter, Tobe Giover, t George Gardner, L. G. Ileinbel, Collin j Jackson, John Poo, Morris F. Shuford, K. r. Mm, u 1111am in kit. Women?Lucia Baxter, Marrie 15riant, Ina Barnes, Carrie Chapman, Mamie Folk, i Hallie Bross, Mrs. M. A. McMillan, Mrs. ( C. Mitclium, Mrs. L. .1. Kennels. < An I'gly Shooting Affair. i Hampton, Sept. MO.?A deplorable * shooting oceurreil at Ilorse (tall, several miles from here, yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock. The parties were from Hampton. .Mr. Albert Terry and Airs, i Sallie Rivers Smith were in a party- that ] went down to attend a meeting at that ] place. Air. Terry has been very attentive to Mrs. Smith for several years, and it is ] reported that she refused liim time and j a train, because he drank, and that he had , threatened to kill himself if she did not accept him. Yesterday afternoon about -< 1 o'clock he caught her by the hand and told her lie was going to kill her. Slit tried to escape, but only moved a few 3 -tops when he shot, the ball striking her in the hack. Then he jumped into his < huggv, drove hurriedly away, and when 1 about one mile from the young lady he 1 turned the pistol on himself and tired. 3 Both Mrs. Smith and Mr. Terry were still 1 alive this morning, hut it is feared they 3 cannot recover. Mrs. Smith is the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Lauricn Rivers, who was jailer here for many years. She has a great many friends in Hampton. Mr. Terry is the eldest son of the late Rev. X. Terrv, and is well connected. It is believed Mr. Terry was under the in- , lluenee of whiskey. 1 i.atbk. , Hampton, Oct 1.?Albert Terry is still alive, hut in an unconscious condition and is not expected to live. Airs. Smith's condition is not considered serious. The hall struck above the small of her hack, J broke one rib and lodged in tlesh of back underarm, She is about 2(5 years old ' and has been a widow four or live years. She was separated from her husband before his death. Buy the Bock Hill buggy and you'll be pleased. (r. Frank Bamberg, agent. it ir^md that strong pressure is being brought to bear on Col. Wilic Jones, of Columbia, to induce him to run for gov:i?>r. It is said further that Col. Jones has been regarded a> the strongest con- j testant for McLaurin's seat, but that the Colonel could not go to the senate without great financial sacrifices which he is unwilling to make. We do not know what special qualifications (\>1. Jones has for either the governorship or the senatorship He appears to be immensely popular with a little coterie about Columbia, but "the wool hat boys" will have to be consulted before he can be elected to either of these high positions, and the name of I "the wool hat boys" is legion. We think, however, that a man who cannot accept a salary of five thousand dollars a year, with numberless perquisites attached, witlioni orent financial sacrifice, had bet Ut stay out of politics altogether, or else offer his services gratuitously to his admiring countrymen.?GalTney Ledger. "Links with the past," has been a standing headline in the English newspapers ever since the new century began. The tin me is an old one, but many of the examples cited have been most interesting. It would seem impossible, for ex- ; ample, if it were not proved, that Miss! C'onrtenay, who signs herself an octogem ! arian, could have talked with the boatman who took out Mr. Alexander Popo for his constitutional row at Richmond i From Paris an even more striking inst-j anee is reported. A gray-haired prison- j cr was brought before tlie police justice j for some trilling misdemeanor. "Have you no relatives?*'asked the judge. "No. My parents are long since dead, and my j only brother also died a hundred and j thirty years ago." "A hundred and j thirty years! No trilling with the court," I cried the outraged justice "Put I'm not joking, your honor,'1 said the prisoner. "Just listen. My father married young, at 1!>. and within a year had a child who i died shortly after birth. After the death ! of his liivt wife he married again, at 7(?, I and ! am the offspring of that marring*. I 1 am now nearly ?d years old. Reckon i up, if you please, and see if my only j brother did not die JdO years ago." The I justice could only admit this apparently ! iw.i-i w 1 i 11]<* link v.-it 111 hi- oast.?New York j Hl\ I \ .. .v.. .... t I Kvening j "Ditl v??n ask the* i>ltl 111:111 f*?r liis daiiirh-1 ; tor?" ] "Not yet." "Why not V" "I'm going to wait until he begins to ' feel the beuelit of his fall advertising." .MilIt'll 1 (?a.. Sept. 2s.?Summer timejj. with her wealth of fruit and llowei- and 'J malarial bacilli, is fast ebbinir into tin; j ~ past?the "ra^basr of time"?and since there is no pathway by which we can iro i 1 back to the dead past, we pause on the J threshold of another season 1.0 content-j plate the joys and sorrows forever llown!1 r After an absence of some weeks, the la health hunters of Milieu have returned ( from their refit<teein<f towns and are en- j ( sconced in their homes down on theprci-; y ty Ogeechee stream. The heat of sum-j n mer did not cloy Milieu's progress and in j consequence she now enjoys the comfort j 1 and beauty of electric lights. ! I A cloud of black smoke from j b the towering chimney of our cotton fac-1 c tory tells further the tale of progress. | ]j The fifty operatives' homes arc com-; 1 plcte, every one neatly painted and con- j n taining four rooms and a piazza Ncarii] by the factory in easy reach of each home j is an artesian well giving forth a natural u tlow equal to that of any of the eight we a have within the town's limits. d The High School had a formal opening b on Kith ult. I pass over a mention of the I exercises to arrive at the comic recitation ]; rendered by one of the teachers, entitled s "Mrs. Byrd wanting to be a Mason." It b was so characteristic of woman's curiosity i concerning the secret orders that I was j n deeply impressed and amused by it. We | all, or at least many of us, have husbands who join the Masons and Pythians and ? to say that we do not care about knowing what they do at the lodges, especially when the third degree of "Pythianism" is conferred, is just a little more than I can G believe. But as Mark Twain tells us in "Tom Sawyer" when Jim is so anxious G to whitewash the fence, we want what is SJ hard to get and what we can't attain at s< ill, is the ultimatum of our ambition! ai A gentleman who identified himself s( with Milieu in 1S47, having previously lived in Massachusetts, died recently at the advanced age of S4. There is a little incident connected with his life that is G worthy of note: He wandered South af- pi :cr his" wife died, hoping to divert his in grief. A son was left to the care of rcla- ta tives. Time passed, he married again and br in the 00's the civil war broke out. He Ci took up arms in defence of the South, C< which land he had grown to love so well, b) <Yt Gettysburg he fought bravely?on the w incmy's side was a youth in his twenties nr who was also fighting?a fateful ball sa (truck ami killed him. "When the clouds or )f disaster and ruin wore clearing away er md the dead and dying numbered and lamed, the Massachusetts youth was unong the sacrificed. With trembling roice the old gentleman related the story ? md would invariably ask "Is it not possible I killed my son?" The memorial services held here as a , oving tribute, to a martyred President v were beautiful. Incorporated in them j was a lovely poem?an acrostic?written 10 >y Mrs. C. V. DcLoachc. Mrs. DeLoache J s a brainy woman, and as she was born . md partly raised in Bamberg and has ' here a host of friends, I request it to be j ublished for their benefit. M. 0. Ban irk. Bamberg is getting to he quite a market or vehicles. <r. Frank Bamberg sold a i . h arriage to a gentleman near Aiken, this gentleman having been to Augusta, Barnwell and Blaekville. Prices and (piality will tell, and (t. Frank Bamberg seems ,o have them both. 3! William Mckinley. [An Acrostic.] pt Watch by the bier of our martyred (lend, 1,1 [n silent prayer commend him to God, Let the unsullied record of this Godlv , life, ' C(' Lift ours to a higher and holier sphere increase our faith, our truth, our love, Ynd make us joint heirs to that home above, More gloriously fair than this land we! love. Murdered! Our much loved chief and friend Jowardly slain by the assassin's ball? ?indlv extending a friendly hand [11 peace, love and good will to all. Nations mourn o'er our noble dead. Lovingly, tenderly we'll 1 ly him to rest Ever remembering lie was the necdy's is friend, i~ct the friend of all?lie's among the ? blest. - a Elect n.\ Tyleh DeLoaciik. It G. Frank Bamberg is not giving money iway these days, luu lie i>. saving a great uany men money on the buggies they (i my. lie is underselling them all, and says he expects to keep it up. <[)h. Democracy! "Washington, Sept. 28.?The Southern utuntinn is somewhat mixed here tonight. Col. Clark Howell, editor of the Atlanta '"J Constitution, is dining with the ICresi- hi lent. Think of it, tlie arch high priest r<1 >f free silver and death-to-the-diteh "v Bryan man dining with a Republican president. re The man whose righteous sarcasm and fi ndignation was too feeble to express his '* feelings because of the friendship between // senator McLaurin and Mr. MoKinley and trying thereat "Traitor!" in bold horse * iead type. Think of him leaving the >osom of the rock ribbed Democracy of Georgia and rushing six hundred miles :o take dinner with a Republican president. What a pity tomorrow is Sunday. |T| Let not a day later than Monday see a I meeting of these keepers of the South land's well;.it,Stale i H'inocraiie executive L'onuniltirs, to expel fromtJ^* Democratic A liosts the sainted Colonel no well and put N Lite hraml of Cain upon his traitorous con- I' iuct. This is another chance for Col- ? ;>nel George Johnstone's oratory and in- L famy. "The heavens themselves are | weeping tonight and the trees are wet with tears at the spectacle."* Colonei Crenshaw is vindicated! Good bye, Mr. Bryan, and farewell Commoner. If the Southern situation is not mixed it is quite likely that Colonel Howell will be before this dinner is over. If this rushing of Southern Democrats to the fj White House is not stopped a special path will have lo he made across the Po- ? toinac tlats through the hack yard to the President's domicile. Come early, gentlemen, and avoid the rush. Hock Hill buggies have more style, run y lighter an 1 give better satisfaction than H any on the market. G. F. Hamburg,agent. Mr. C. A. David's cartoon in last Sunday's Greenville News, represents Senator Tillman handing the contract for the ^ brick work on Clcmson's new dormitory to a Negro contractor, while The State ~jj ami News and Courier remain as dumb, as oysters. A i'ew weeks ago Senator { Tillman was quoted as saying that he was opposed to the encouragement of . Negroes in tin ir aspirations to positions uf responsibility. It has heen declared ? for years, ami so far a* we know there K has heon no denial, that the senator has ? none hut Negro overseers on his farm, ] and this Clemson college incident leads j lis to wonder if no competent white eon- j _ tractor could he found to huihl that college j * dormitory.?Yorkville Kmpiircr. i ~ A divorce case in Kansas the other day j *' was tried on the golden wedding an- ; * 11 iversary of the couple seeking divorce. ' 5 It looks as if a couple that had stood each ! ^ other for ~>0 years could have lived it out. j c Young Oorge M. Pullman has heen ordered by the court to pay a thousand j dollars a year to his divorced wife. The I Chicago Daily News remarks that it is g fortunate for Mrs Pullman that her former husband will not have to earn the p money which she is to receive. The Roosevelt wiii make moi iiu.-ie aliout tin: White House than it ha ;no\\ m in some time. MASTER'S SALE." ilu State of South Carolina?County <l Eambery?In Court of Cninmon PlenWm. K. Copelaml. Kuyenia IV Cliasse eau, ami Mary K. llenulon. Plaint 11T. rainst Athlie E. Copelaml. Annie E 'opelnnd, JelTerson A. Copelaml, Lillal 'opelaml. an infant over the aye of 1ears, ami .Tos. T Copelaml, an infan mlcr the aye of 14 years. Defendants. t?v virtue /if a iliwren uf sale ill OfU'ti * 'J ? -- , ion to mo ?Iiri-**to?l, in above entitled ease will sell at publicanetion to the highest idder, before I he court bouse door in tin ounty of Batnlieri:, State of South C'aro na, on -Monday, the ?tli day of October liOl, (the same being salesday in sail ion:h) between the legal hours of sale lie following real estate, to wit: All that tract of land and premises sit ate. lying and being in Bamberg count} nd State aforesaid, containing one bun red and eight acres, more or less, am ounded as follows: North by lands of J . Copeland and ofF.M. Bamberg, east !>} mds of Jno. 11. ('ope. south by Lemor watnp, and west bv lands of F. jVl. IJam erg and of Mrs. Emma Goodlett. Terms tsii, and purchaser to pay for papers am . venue stamps. T. .1. COUNTS, Master Bamberg County. Bamberg, S. C? Scptembet 10, 1901. MASTER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree of the ourt of Common Fleas for I}ambcr<! ntnly made in the ease of C. I?. Free, lerk'of the Court of Common Fleas foi lid county, as administrator of the perinal estate of J. G. Copeland, deceased, jainst Jacob F. Copeland et al, I will 11 at public auction, to the highest hid:r. for cash, in front of the court house Bamberg, S. C.. between the usual hours sale, on Monday, the seventh day of n?vt ti/.i'mr v. all that I iwutl IJV.1V, . ?..v , ecc, parcel or tract of land situate, ly?T and Iw.-iii^lt in Bamberir county, conininir thirty-five acres, more or less, and mnded on the north by lands of .T. F. ipeland, on the east by lands of J. F. :>peland and Charles 11 art/., on the south r the Lutheran church lands, and on the est by lands of II. It. Bishop. If bid is >t complied with within one hour after le, lands will l>e resold on same day and i same terms at the risk of the purchas. Purchaser to pay for papers. T. J. COUNTS, Master Bamberg County. Batnbcnr, S. C., September 10, 1001. TAX NOTICE. The treasurer's ollice will be open for e collection of State, county, school and 1 other taxes from the loth day ofOctor, 1001, until the 21st day oi' December, 01, inclusive. For the convenience of e taxpayers I will be at the following; aces on the days and dates named below: Denmark, Monday and. Tuesday, Oetot 21 and 22. Lees, Wednesday, October 22. Covan, Monday, October 2S. Olar. Tuesday, October 2t). Klii'hardt, Friday and Saturday. Novem r s and 1). Hunter's Chapel, Monday, Nov. 11. Farrell's Store, Tuesday. Nov. 12. Midway, Wednesday, November 12. At the court bouse from then until the st day of December. The following is the tax levy: For State purposes, a mills ; for county irposcs, 2 mills; constitutional school, 2 ills, makinsra total of II mills. Special school levies: Bamberir, No. 11. 1.1 miils; back indebt Iness nulls. Hunter's (.'Impel, No. .">(?, 1 miil. Denmark, No. 21. M rail's. IJinnaker's, No. la,:) nulls. Barbary Branch, No. is, 2.1 mills. Govan, No. oil, :> mills. Cuflic Greek, No. no, 2 mills Clear Pond. No. 2a. 2 mills. Olar, No. 4a, 2 mills. Lees, No. 17, 2 mills, i )ak Grove, No. :>0, :j mills. Hopewell, No. 1, a mills. Denmark road district, 1 mill. 1 will receive the road commutation tax 2.00) from October lath until February t, 1002. .1NO. F. FOLK, Treasurer Bamberg County. 10DERN GINNERY! inning at (>() cents per In tic. minikin A- Tics ni it'iiofcsdlc cost. COTTON SEED We ] ay tlie highest price for seed. We ive 1'iit one price, and that is always the ghost market price. Have just put in a unplete system of modern gins, and larantee satisfaction in every respect. 11 r in otto is honest dealing. We have diieed the price of ginningbecause 1 benefits the f(t ruier, ' be n< jits Jla ntbcrfj, nit it bene jits tis. We solicit your patronage, feeling sure it we can please you. HE CBTTOI OIL COfffi I0T IN THE RAGE OR THE SENATE hut believe I will bcnellt the people more by paying high prices for their produce and selling goods at lowest nrices. I have received my fall stock which embraces a full line of lothing, Dry Goods, hoes, Groceries, Etc., anil willl>c pleased to have you call an;! inspect same. I will save you money if you come to see me. igiiest Price Paid for CottGn. A. G. VAll'S, tx! ,1OM t., MIDH'AV, S. ispensary. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 'his preparation contains all of th( igestants and digests all kinds of ->niS it, (rives instant relief and nevei ills to euro. It allows you to cat a! lie food you want. The most sensitive tomuchs cr.n take it. By its use man] housands of dyspeptics have beer ured after everything else failed. II ire vents formation of gas on the stom eh, relieving all distress after eating )ietingunnecessary. .Pleasant to take t can't help but do you goo4 Spared only by E. C. DeWitt^Co., OhloaR) Ihe $1. bottle contains 2 y% times the 50c. six** nw~<< <?>' f Come to our I W/Sll I IU Hill L j you whether j . I MMBBBMMH ?- QUE LI 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; Dress Goods, Si ; is complete, up ; Mb Hi I?! BAHBEI I ' I ____ I J. F. ALLEN. President. C. B. ADDISON. | The Bank < mirxsox, > Board of Directors?I). F. MOORE, HAM, (I. W. CONE, W. I). BARNES. Transacts a general hanking ami excha proved tire and burglar proof vaults, with modern ingenuity and science can devise, porations solicited. All business enlrustc attention, and every facility and aecommoi ciples will be extended to patrons. A SAVINGS D will be operated in connection with the B /lonAoitc Pciwiul oftAnti/tn will l?n trivp ... .. blinking business. A cordial invitation is bent on business or not. We sbali be irlai I $100.00 F FOil ANY THAT CANNOT WHEELEF When used strictly by directions. Tin inent on the market. The liver, kidne system treated separately. WHEELI Intermittent, Bilious The I lest Tonic. Great Appetizer. A 1 pounded. Contains no poison. Fori i ])ll. j. li. a)la g- jiamiii:n<} ri CUTTING For the next thirt considerable rednc of FURXITUR1 Solid oak Chairs, wort Rockers to match, wo Solid Oak Cobbler Rock Curtain Poles, imitatioi Ebony at 25c. each, with b Solid Oak Bedroom Si I carry a full line of Furniture, Pictures, Baby Mattings, Rugs, Shade: and my prices are right. It a i . i i\r i Dcloiv nuyini?. >v c maKc a Frames to oVder. Full and c< ini>'s on hand. A^ont 'or W1 chines. A ijfood machine, the k a Ae'cioosj New prices. in reach of everybody. Jit Can please any one wanting anything in t and all solid oak at that. Nice Rock in ?r I from $4.00 up. l.edsteads from $1.00 up. ture, Imt i do sell the best that can he ha called to my line of DRESS < Dross Patterns in all styles and prices, anybody. Full line of i GROCERIES i etc., always in stock at very bottom price? j the lowest possible price mi every article Thanking my many customers for their p; the same. I am, yours to please, uyr. H EHRHAE \kf D PI? PV V Y ? i * ii ? J6. ikW JR?A ^ j FIRE, LIFE, s ACCIDENT j.iySUlLVNCE. ;!__ KAMHKKO, -S. C. jDr. H. W. BLACK, DENTIST. | Will bo at EIIKIIAKT from TUESDAY a | to SATURDAY alter the second .Monday in each month. V . \r". ^-aoent.? f store when in i - ? ^ -J i- /^/>/\ >e g"iaa iu see 'ou buy or not. i2TE OP- NERY Iks and Notions =to=date, cheap. ihuck ? Go. *G, S. C. Vice-President. I). B. KENDRICK, Cashier. of Brunson, | 'on Hi Carolina. I JR., 1)R. J. L. FOLK, M. F. BRAB- I I 1 1 nge business. Equipped with latest im- | i time locks, insuring every protection that Accounts of firms, individuals and cor- | id to us will receive prompt and careful j la!ion consistent with sound hanking prin- J i EPARTMENT ank, and interest will he allowed on time n those not accustomed to transacting a extended the public to visit us whether [1 to greet you. REWARD! I, CASE OF VI> FEVER ' BE CURED BY VS TONIC, : only combined Chill and Fever Trcatys, stomach, blood, brain and nervous SR'S TONIC will cure and Continued Fever. ojjical prescription,scientifically cornsale by r> JIAliMACY, BamherfJ> S' C' | PRICES! y days I ^v i 11 offer < fwvnc Ml) oil Viiwlc C. For instance: h $1.25, for $1.00. rth $1.65, for $1.25. ers, worth $2.75, for $2.25 J i Oak, Walnut, Cherry and rass trimmings, lits at $10.00 up. Carriages, Easels, Carpets, s, Picture Frames, Etc., vill pay you to give me a look specialty of making Picture mipleteline of picture mouldleeler Wilson Sewing Ma; Oivgon, for 81 o. Bamberg, S. C. mm DAILY! st received a solid car FURNITUREliis line. Bedroom Suits from $10.00 up, Jhairs from $1.00 up to $4 50. Bureaus I don't sell second-hand or cheap furnid cheap for cash. Special attention is , GOODS. with trimmings to match. Can please HARDWARE and in addition to irivinir my customers purchased, 1 irive the Chinaware FREE, atronaire and soliciting a continuance of . v ' W _I_N V A ;DT, S. c. is. g. mayfTela i | fiTTORHEY AT LAW, i ! . DENMARK, S. C. ! L. (\ I XULIS, 15. W. Ml LEY, j lioferee in bankruptcy. Probate Judge, j INGLIS $ MILEY, Attorneys at Law, I5AMBERG, S. C. Will practice in the Courtsof the State, Prompt attention given to collections. i 0 - - ' - ' ? t fy * \*) Newberry College. Commodious building?; pure water. Three curses for degrees, with electives. (iood library; working laboratory. Ellieient preparatory department. Hoard, tuition, and ail fees per year need not exceed ?100 in collegiate depart meat: fau m preparatory department. Next session begins October 1st. For catalogue address OEO. B CROMER, President, Newberry, S. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate of W. M. ICearse, deceased, will present them at once, duly attested, and those owing said estate will make immediate payment to me. L. A. BRABHAM, Qualified Executor. \ Kearse, S. C., Sept. 17, 1001. ' I For all forms of Malarial poisoning take JohBMB'* Chill and Fever Tenic. A taint ?f Malarial poisoning in your blood moans misery and failure. Blood medicines can't cure Malarial poisoning. Tho antidote for it is Jobntoo't lock. Get a bottle to-day. Costs 50 Cents If It Cores. J Largest and Most Complete Establishment Koiitli. GEO. S. HACKER I SON. MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and ord, Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty. CHAJlLESTOy, S. C. Pnrpliiisc mir makr> xchirh ws oiiaran tee superior to any sold South, an3 thereby save money. Buggies^Wagons Jj We have received one carload of . ' || ANCHOR BUGGIES. One carload of ENGER BUGGIES. and one carload of the famous IIAYDOCK BUGGIES. | We can surely suit you in a vehicle of inv Hpsprintion Fall line of HARNESS, LAP ROBES, WHIPS, Etc. Don't fail to see us before buying a Buggy or Wagon. 4 Wre can and will save you money. JONES BROS., I BAMBERG, S. C. GUARANTEED $5,000^DEPOSIT ':4 tA.-ALA. BUSINESSCOLLECE. Macon.C*' DIXON IRON WORKS I Is the place to get your wants in the machinery line supplied. Come, write, or wire us when in need of Engine and Boiler Fittings, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Brass Fittings, Valves, Pumps, Injectors, Belting, Packing, Shafting, Couplings, Pulleys,"Oils, etc. All these are carried in stock, and I can serve you promptly. General Repair W ork .. 1 is our Specially. Now is the time to have your ginning machinery repaired, and we urge our old customers to bring their work now, to avoid the annoyance and delay which you are subject to by waiting until the busy season begins. Who wants a 30, 34 or 30 inch Rock Mill to grind meal as well or a little better than the best? Wherever you are, GOME AND SEE OS. f \Y e also have Engines and Boilers of -- - A . AA almost any Ilorse Jfower, irom o to .ju, on which we can name very close figures to parties wanting them. Come to see us when in need of anything in the line of Machinery. j D:xcn Iron Works, J Bamberg, S. C. If THE WORLD'S 1 MEDICINE^ I 155 % For all forms of fever take John* KM mm ?on's Chill and Paver Tooic. It is ^B m 100 times better than quinine and BB SB does in a single day what slow qui- HO pm nine cannot do in 10 days. It's B5 fgg trast to the feeble euros made by Hi ENGINES. BOILERS ~ GINS and PRESSES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and Fertilizer Mill Outfits: also Gin Press, Cane, Mill and Shingle Outfits. Pudding. Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Railroad Castings; Railroad, Mill, Factory, and Machinists' Supplies. Belting, Pack ing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files Oilers, Etc., cast every day. Work 150 hands. / toiatmra n SulrCo \ i AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works. Renairing Promptly Done.