HfaawBiSn-"- -'r~m iii * TJie'Bmnhe/y Hei aid. : .... 1 \ ESTABLISED MAY 1st, 1891.. i # " ?t .. A. W. KNIGHT, Editor. > ? c ?? V, RaTES?$1.00 per year; 50 cents for six months. Payable in advance. .. . Advertisements??1 .00 per inch for first insertion; 50c. for each subsequent insertion.. Liberal contracts made for ^ * three, six, or twelve months. Want No"? tieesonecenta word each insertion. Local Notices13c. per line first week, 5c. after' wards. Tributes of Respect, etc., must be paid for as regular advertising. Communications?News letters or on subjects of general interest will be gladly welcomed. Those of a personal nature will not be published unless paid for. ~ * Thursday, July 13,1899. . Bamberg is one of the very he^lthi^st places in the State. Being situated in the iow ..country makes ho difference here. Malaria is almost unknown, and consequently there are no mosquitoes. We war. rant that there has been less fever * in Bamberg, according to population, this year, than in any town in the State. * * * Bamberg wants more people, and ? a hearty welcome is extended to ail good citizens who want to cast their lot with us. There is plenty of room for all who may come, and our population should double itself in the next year or so. We invite per- [ ~ 1 ?c\l? /* ^A?I n /YAA/1 I suns hiiu aic iwmhj; iui a tywu to locate, to come and inspect our advantages, for we feel sure that a personal visit will result in their corning here to live. * * * We want to say in all earnestness and candor to the people of Bamberg that if they want to help the town they must not wait for outside assistance, Self-help is the best help, and if we will go to work, pull to* gether, and show to the outside . world that we who live here believe ill the town and are willing to invest qpr money here, naturally it follows that outside capital and aid ? ? wilfc gravitate in our direction. "The gods help those who help them selves," and this applies equally as much to corporations and communiN ties as to individuals. ! Bamberg has as good school and church advantages as any town of its size anywhere, and in many ^ a great deal better. The Car School and the BamInstitute, or graded ' to be desired **^ial advanr > - the , - -ya .* + -m . ^ r> ' ?- -< -$X\ -J W*3&: .- ^ . ^V'~' iSr. ^;.iu ^\\\ \ We ; !. - - Vowii v . advantages we w - ation. * * * - * * Brother Eodgers, of the Phlm. Post, seems to be having a tough j time. .See what a sad story he reV % v lates .of his inability to take a day's k 7' . - outing on the fourth: ^ ? It made thfe editor sad Tuesday to see m so manypeople going-oif for a day's holi . day Tuesday, when he had to stay hard at wOrk. Much of this is due to delin qaent subscribers, who,, holding i>ack i . .what is doe, prevents us" from Staining the help necessary and places the entire bnrdei upon us. We Jiope that this appeal will fev- ^ ^^hearts of the delinquents, -"*11 be able pr-.-^ . , - i !??. ' . ? . '? ?y * * Br~.* g; . , : P" f ^ ' ' '' x: the matter at their annual mw?g -"this month at Harris Lithia Springs. We arKhearftly in sympathy with the movement, and hope to be present at the meeting. If not, our hearty co-operation is hereby pledged to any action the brethren take on this line, for we think it ^ high time that the newspapers quit ' I^^^^^^Tgddng for B^nB^nM^Vhave received the first issue ef News* a new paper just ^B^^HgV^tarted at Clinton, S. C., of which ^^^^^BpVfpasrfi. S an(j Junius Parrott are the publishers. It is a BT ? neat, clean, and newsy sheet, and we feel sure that our young friends K will have great saccessjji their new * enterprise. Clinton is a live town, and the two Parrott boys are hust lere. v. The railroad situation in ColumWjS * > * * M bia has finally developed into a good thing for that city. The Seaboard Air Line paid into the city treasury last Monday $30,000, for Sydney Park, this b^ing the price fixed by condemnatiorKproceedings. This finally settles the question as to whether the Seaboard will build to Columbia, and we are clad of the - ^-successfnl outcome of the negotiations.^ 3ipw, the thing for Bamberg SSj^*: to do, is tb~-??e that we get that foad which is b^wg^so^niJSte r io u s 1 v _ surveyed from Augusta tb^bajrtesI' **'^fompnrary survey places ^ '.ikf road about ten miles below town, and, if the toad is ever built, .we must have i? to come by here, We cannot afford to tot it pass us by. _ " ' : - ' ?5SHf ?? There 8&ms to be rattier a t.1 :ra 1 demand among the newspapers t. that the State House be completed. s We, too, would like the stru-ture made one that will reflect credit on j. tbe~?iate, and if the money nowap- ] propriated to tlie State colleges is 1 used for that purpose, we shall be 0 in favor of its .completion. Howev- ^ er. we are opposed to any increase in ^ taxes for this work, because we do } not believe the people are in good a enough financial condition to stand " it. * * t * . c There is not another town in the j State of equal size and resources ^ fliof ic? X noil nrn no* in or ntlfl f.'lVrvi J1 CT uiiii 10 v-. ..*-Q ? i greater number of private and pub- ^ lie enterprises than Gaffney is car c rying at the present time. The wa- j terworks are progressing to the tune ( of $18,000 ; the jail is going up at a cost of $10,000; the oil mill is absorbing $10,000 or $15,000 more; ? ! the Methodists and Baptists are to- 1 gether spending $20,000 on new ^ churches, and Limestone College is J j putting $20,000 on improvements. . i/ook at these figures: In round j numlers $80,000 is moving for the upbuilding of the town and the common good. These are the cold facts, but the whole country will feel the warmth of the spirit behind them.?Gaffney Ledger. - ' . 1 . L _ _?. ' We only clip tne aoove 10 snu\> j the people of Bamberg what other , new county seats are doing, and to ] impress upon them the necessity of public improvements and private " enterprise. Every dollar invested j in Bamberg by our moneyed men -Will pay good interest, and will also < impiove and benefit the property 1 interests of the investor, as well as i ail other interests in which he may be financially interested. The bus- i iness men of Gaffnev are spending i their money for the benefit of their ( town, and it is^his spirit which is , rapidly making it one of the best j towns in the State. Bamberg can j do no better than to follow the ex- j ample of Gaffney. ATLANTA'S DISGRACE. * It will be remembered that a short J time ago Dr. Broughton, a Bap ] tist minister in Atlanta, from his < ?1 ^\fo,rAp Wrtf?liuftrn 1 pUJpil, uuaigcu maj wi ?? wv. ? with being a drunkard and a libertine, and offered proof of his char- 1 ges. The city council immediately ] appointed a committee to investigate < the charges, but all trouble was saved them by the Mayor appearing before them and acknowledging that they were true. When their report was made to < council several of the members made red.hot speeches and requestMayor to resign. However' , Promised to "go and sin j majority of council j him another 1 "he J( >> % ? i v. * * > \ 't. V > ^ n?. PLEASAXi i. Mr- A. W. Knign.. }>aS purchased the Bambei* ; and has taken charge of same. T?r>nfll or TClliarllf fn Tiftni- I , ncituuic JUIVIIMVl vv ....... berg county and wish him much J success.?Denmark Times. a - Editor Otis Biabham laid down 1 pen and pencil and scissors last v week, and Editor A. W. Knight, 1 of Sumter, took*possession i eeasy chair of the Bamberg * J' ild. We give good wishes to 1 a the retiring and the advancing. c iarnwell People. t Editor Otis IJjabbam *ask wee^ 3 .id down pen and scissors and jas taken up the pencil and shears. We -svish him great success in his ^ new field of labor.?Denmark * Times. Weary of wielding the pen, which s , was characterized by grace, consis- \ teucv, frankness and all that tended \ w ' I to cultivate and elevate the public j mind, $Ir. Otis Brabham gives way ] to Mr. A. W. Knight, of Sumter, as j editor and proprietor of the Bamberg . Herald. 31 r. Knight is an ener- ( getic, capable, practical repreg^ita- j *ifbnrtn Estate" and will } give the readers of the Herald, an j up-to-date, bright paper fifty-two weeks in the year. And here's good t wishes for you, Brother Brabham, ] in whatever you undertake.?Barn- ] well Sentinel. ( Our congratulations are extended . to A. W. Knight who has just taken t charge of the Bamberg Herald. We i know those people in that town and 1 county, and wen kow that there are ] no better people in the world, and < hpf.ter town in the world than 1 Bamberg. Brother Knight is a good newspaper man and we think that there fs good cause for congratulations all round.?Florence 1 Daily Times. 1 Mr. A. W. Knight, of ihe Sumter Herald, has bought out the Bamberg Herald, and will in future conduct ' the Herald as dditor and propietor. Mr, Knight is a good newspaper maD, and will give the people of Bamberg ?i live .^apcr.?Orangeburg Times and Democrat. Mr, A W. Knight, and family will leave tomorrow for Bamberg, where they will make their future home. .Mr. Knight has purchased the Bamberg Herald and lie will; devote iris time and energy to the ( task of giving the people of Bamberg a first class coun^paperv? Sumter s Daily Item. x ^ < "Mr. A. W. Kuight announces his 3 withdrawal from the Sumter Herald ^ for the purfJ&e of taking charge of 1 the Bamberg Knight is Ia'live man and he is goir^i? a live ' JT&- > - V. 3 ' ' tW* J $:'*** -V V stf. y \ JC" , *h*11 in a gdod fiuid and .\v& expect 0 see the Bamberg lleraVi^ wax frohg and great Under his maiwge lent.?Florence Daily Times. A. W. Knight, atone time ajjriner on the Times, and until recenty one of the editors of the Sumter lerald, has bought out the Herald f Batnberg, S. C., and in future will dit that paper. Mr. Knight?is a [ood all round printer, and if he urns out to be as good a writer ns le is a type setter his success is issured. We wish .him well.? Manning Times. Mr. A. W. Knight withdraws from lie Sumter Herald for the purpose tf.taking charge of the Bamberg leralil. Mr. Knight is a live man mil he is going to a live town in a ,rood field, and we expect to see the Bamberg Herald wax strong and jreat under his management.?t'oumbia correspondence .News and Courier. Mr. Wilkes Knight, who has been mgaged in the newspaper business n Sumter for the past several reai^, has sold his interest in the Sumter Herald to his brother and ias purchased the Bamberg Herald. Mr. Knight is a former Bennettsville Doy and has many friends here who ivish him success in his new veil ;ure.? Bennettsville Advocate. Governor Richardson Dead. It was with sincere regret that the lews of the death of ex-Gov. John Peter Richardson was received this noruing. He had been in failing lealth for some time, but none of lis many friends thought the end 50 near. The end came about 11:15 /clock at the Hotel Jerome, where le has lived for several years. fJnv^rnnr Rinhardson was a mail )f brilliant attainments, while the laine of John Peter Richardson was synonomous with honesty and integrity. Governor Richardson's wife, to whom lie was devotedly attached, was with him at the time of his leath, while numerous friends and relatives hastened to lend assistance :o the bereaved widow upon leaning of his demise. Governor Rich-* irdson was seriously ill early in the spring, but a few days ago had ><> far recovered as to be able to 1 avc iiis room. Early yesterday morning he was unable to leave his bed. Late r in the day his condition was" w orse, but the announcement of his death was a shock for which his friends were unprepared. Many telegrams were jecetved this morning from prominent people of the State and country expressive of deep regret at the governor's death. Owing to the fact that the governor's brother and other members of he family could not get to Columbia until 11 o'clock tonight, the funeral arrangements have not been definitely decided upon, but it is likely that religious services will be held at Trinity in the morning. Today the flags on the state house were at half mast in honor of the patriot and citizen. The state house w-fto ?loeod and vzope >nw Imng on the door. No business jxcept that which demanded immeliate attention was transacted, The dead governor's body lies in ? " 1 TT 1 1 T narior or tne. notei oerumc, mm ^eople called today to pay % "fs.?Columbia Itecord, M and -mon U i.* ' : . [nd. ire just tiiv le is all ru whether he nore to giv jood appeti , t . *w$i\ ake. I can nV? cut anytfting and lave a new lease on'life." Only 50 :ents, at Thomas Black's and Bam>erg Pharmacy. Every bottle guarmteed, A Significant Trip. It is stated on good authority that dr. H. Walters, the president ofphe Vtlantic Coast Line, and Mr. Samlel Spencer have sailed for London. Speculation is rife as to the cause of ;his extended trip just at this time )y these two magnates. Those who lave watched the situation do not lesitate to predict that it means the joint purchase of the Plant^ System ,racks of the Savannah, Florida and Western will be used jointly by the -wo systems to get into Florida, wen as far as Tampa, and lrom hence using the Plant steamship ines, reaching out after Cuban and Puerto Kican business. Without he Plant System as a feeder the Atlantic Coast Line would be effec* :ually bottled up, and, judging by die friendly relations now existing jetween the Southern and Coast Line, such an arrangement is regarled as one of the possibilities of the future. Red Hot From The Gun Was the ball that hit G. P. Steauman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War, It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then i5uckien s Arnica Sake cured bin*. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile gbre on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Thomas 'Black and Bamberg Pharmacy. Kobert Bonner, publisher of the New York Ledger and owner of famous horses, died at his home in New York last Thursday night. Death was due to a general breaking down of the system. The Orangeburg Times and Democrat has gearcbed the woods and found them full of men wfro would like to succeed Dr. Stokes fn Congress, but it warns them that they 'will fincli)r. Stokes a hard man to jeat next time.?Colombia liecord. j c*?* - - ' ^ M#v iiii^iniinn i.?rfOrriTM? county lies in diversified crops. Barnwell Sentinel. Flood in Texas. A terrible flood occurred in Texas last week', which destroyed about $15,000,000 worth of property, and about three hundred lives were lost. The flood extended over a ^district of five hundred miles in length, with a breadth .of possibly fifty miles. The waters of the Brazos river covered the valley for six days to a depth of* from six to twenty feet. All crops were destroyed. This is the most appalling disaster that h as oee.urrprl in thia conf?/%n ir> M5?Ii ... : .v! ' ' ~ I ' ?*';?> ? ' * , ; , i i !'. : i-t. of knowing it has ab*tely cured '* thousands of hopeless^es# Asth- t tiji TTAO i _ -J 1 ijiu, jjiuuuuii") iivmosg a 11 a hji diseases of the ThroaQhest and , Lungs are surely cured it. Call i on Thomas Black an]*anlberg f Pharmacy, ind get a frerjal hot- J tie. Regular size 50/ Ev- \ cry bottle guaranteed, oi.yice re- * funded. i Appoiitmeut of Washinctox, July 6.Senator j McLaurin, f South Oarol^ was ! at the Whit House to day a the | interest ofsome applicati i f. i may he rouoseu to inc. n uun t . altog'fhv satisfy ine and I reject it. My bxher, Will, would probably go irt< it and make $10,000. Anotie equally promising scheme come doug. He goes into that and lose$$D,000. The result is that he bel t made any advancement audhe has been losing time. Meanwhile, in some surer enter prfe I have made, say $5,000 in tkcsame time the other fellow has mae and lost twice that amount. I blieve the only way to succeed is to hep gettiug ahead all the time." I fine, Snnfhpm R. R_ has a survey .ll(* UUftW-.-. w ingcorps out working pn the propoad line between 441en4aJe apd Sava i n ah.?Barn wel 1 Sen ti neh t i t x * -i ii r - * - r CO* VltIK? OF MANSLAt OHTEH. j j The Sliijer'of Sevier Gets Tell Years in ihe renitentiary. Spartanburg, S. C., JuiyS.? John K. Stuckey, u wealthy merchant of this city, was corrected of manslaughter thjl^hforningand sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. On Thursday morning Stuckey was placed on trial for the murder of John Sevier, his bookkeeper, whom he shot in his store on J)e cember 24, last year. Sevier was 7 w shot twice in the side, and he died i three hours after receiving the ' wounds. Iiefore he died lie made a statement to those about him that Stuckev had shot him for nothing; that Stuckev was a bankrupt and killed him to cover it up. lie also claimed that Stuckey owed him $200. An examination of Str.ckey's books, however, showed him to be a 1 wealthy man, and that instead of I the convicted man being indebted to Sevier, the latter was indebted to the former. The case was opened last Thursday. Duncan & Sanders cS; Hydrick & Wilson represented the defendant, while SoliQitor Sease was assisted by A. L. Schumperr. The ease lasted two days, and every inch of ground was contested by the defendant's counsel. They made a sttOng defence for him on I 1 lio nrvmnul ilofunoo HIV. gl Wll I1V4. VI CVll-UlllHOl. ItOWmoiiy was introduced to this effect and a pistol was produced which was picked up oil the floor near where Sevier was sitting. It was claimed that the deceased attempted to shoot Stuckev, who tired on his assailant first. It is understood that the defendant's counsel will make a motion for a new trial and if necessary will take the case to the Supreme Court, as much important testimony considered relevant was not allowed to go in by Judge Gary. | RELIEF CAME. > i mrs- ?Salubrity, Ga., Aug.r ^ writes: ^eD"n| ^ ^ to^ .4 j edicts have j The montl Jand are 0 . ! 5 D^/OUSOfi f. ; J Jor Suppresse . :A j J has cured m t r>:-v J will cure yo home, withoi - >s . ' " ^aj? j clan's ex- 4 ] animations ^ Its marvel j ous action ] on the dls^tlnctlyfem A Inlne or- f w J jane, hpolc * ? _ S and streng- p ? */li 8* J thens them sc monthly periods t . j may be regular and painless. Headache, T . T Dltzlness, Nervousness, that dragging f J sensation and those terrible pains in & ] 7 the back, hips and abdomen qule*iyv 7 disappear. r " ' Sold by all Druggists ct se^i?ost-paid for 9 I fl. A box of "Monthly" Regulating Mils to H J use in connection, is with each bottle p ^ jrf LADIES BLUE BOOK sent free to any ad-jl r s J ulatlng Pills sent for 10c. in stamps. )l i T Address. Woman's Department, New r 3 jj Spencer Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. ^ ' - (. - M e\ Atlant : a x u Atlant IBS Jtt O 0^^ ? ^ ^ ? for Wa ? '<*-1 C P r> rS C rHUfi ai : '% ac & ? Wa ^ ?t J \*fl rJl B o w. A.1 a ? o - ^ ^ o . V 3K <33^ hi == I ^ *. g'.~ a 2 Coo Q .O N 63 ? 3 r-sS ^ ^hb Lh ?sW\ . ^ w'llms 52E bm> oQ Ss 'w ^ is a prcAi ^ ^UlfS g SB g,^a gf\ /oil J caNT 1 Lost 27, me. ;; Here I am again witn a large stock of Engagement iiiul Wedding Kings, Birth Day and Wedding Presents, T ami 8 Day Clocks at ?2.25. Watches from ?1 up. Also Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles, Eye Shades Etc. EYERybODY Is Buying his goods from me excexpt h yo?. GIVE ME A CALL, I T.C.Rouis.: r Railroad Avenilc. BAM BERG. S. G |$ SAY Mm Pita litre are yon going? " 1st niit it Mr. Ohariie Butter's to sil er MME i lisi ladles. De say be nb It beslii ion, aey is' toi er lad bob le or roacb loot. He ail bis tied Mr, i: Feller are nelly coma- j latin aoi vie lo slow nnnnn " liUUUii, j Southern Railway. Br <3jv ( Condensed Schedule in Effect June 11th, 1309. No.ll No.^3f ' ;No. 6 XoJ3 ifl; PBUy Daily eastern time. |dai^daily ?; 530p 7 00a Lv.. Charleston ...Ar il 00a 817p 609p i niaj " .. Summerville .. " 10 18a 7 Sip 7 50p 8 55a.; " .. .Branchville... " 8 52a 602p 8 24p 0 23ai " ... Orangebxug... " <8 22a 5 29p / 9 20p 10 15aj "... Kingville.... " 7 30a 4 3Sp !, 110 48aj " Camden JunctionLv! 350p l| ill 40a| Ar Camden Lv! SOOp y lOlOp 11 OOa'Ar ? Columbia Lv!645a 855p 580p) 7 OOa Lv... Charleston .. Ar 11 00a 8l7p 7 50p! 915a " ...Branchville... " I 8 52a 602p 819p! 9 41a " ?Bamberg ? " 8 24a 583p , 83lp! 9 52a " Denmark " ' 811a 519p t 850pil010a "?Blackvilje " 7 56a 506p 857piI109a " Aiken: " 7 02a1 400p C 10 45p ll 51a Ar.AugusTaun.2hLv " 6 2Qa| 810p Lv. Augusta :. . *'*&" .' v * Ar. Sanders^1' . ' 1 " Te*>~'* i <*; :y ' 7. -. fill aAvi?v ' mm Asheville-Cinoinnati-Lonisville. [ " EA9TPRV TIME jSo.54lNo.bC | eastern time. Daily:Daily L?v. Augusta j 2-4ttp! 9 30p " Batesburg 4 19ajl2 07a jv. Charleston 7 OOaj 5 80p Liv. Columbia (Union Depot) |1140a 8 30a ^j. Spartanburg SlOpill 25a .. .rr.? ....j mOnl 240n T r- V. . ? ' !*y * - - ? - "". " *?fc: a, via Augusta, making connections at a for all points North and West. . Trains Between Charleston and Ashe- fl _ arrying elegant Pullman Buffet Parlor Ulll ections at Columbia with through trains " |/1' LShington and the East; also for Jackson- 1 id all Florida Points. K S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, r1 V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Manager, I? Y shington, D. C. Washington, D. 0. GEORGE B. ALLEN, Dly. Pass. Agt., PDilVU Charleston, S. C. Uliliui. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, W I Pass. Agt. Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agt ishington, D. C. Atlanta. Ga. Pure vigorati d Flour an?" Good Soda Bons ai ifake (Joed Gookerym Even ?ot!n will s]*>:l p""?l Hour while good soda an expc tke jxxjr Hour Licit*,r. f IHVUL BRAND SODA u y?> *1 soda. Not iikc 11; ordinary 1 it. 1 n ine* > oC'i and the next i.uie poor,.but p GOOD EVERY TIME. ^ ''^^1 : \ " * Hi ickensderfer I 'pe writer rpi received the only gold medal awarded any writing machine at the Omaha Exposition, Price. . this Durable. Portable, weighing y^j.y only six pounds. Writing always in sight. K. M. TL'UXEU; neral Southern Agent, tillH '" Atlanta. | rj wan 7V ___ A. V. KNICrHT, 111 ASe- at Bamberg, S, C. #W Col. Jam ||t Tillman has offered is services t]ie presideut for the 'hilippine He will not go, owever, exefcf ^ an officer. He I 5 right. Anjnan w}10 would vol- H ntarilv go to ie Philippines ex- ^ ept as an office WOuld be an JP*0 ant fool.?Edgeeij Chronick^^ l>ui How do yon lik this iss^fljf the Ierald? The si.scrhJj(^ig only ;i,00pei year. ^ ? 1 $15000 for BafiHH 1 he Insurance Companies represented by (r. Moy^Bj )ickin>IMII Hot 'i ' l#f!' U1II A/(U Bt rd ; *X ( O., ' ,-JM ? Grocers. |;| jr J-v-- a. Vj 4 1' 1? V ^ iffelfe ^ uSttVffiS ' ' * ' 1 k K . -f vH ||P ?Crii fc'Rv-"' n :.7,v V %W - advam-iSTe ^ he si: v ... | 'u'" ' . i:-t,-:vrf:.?.liie raihjpad - ? ?-. ,.| ' < <*? ,v ../ *: ;;>. - . t? - ' .; * . ........ . % i\ U'? ft. v '' i; . ' ?. r . .:* .- r. . - % . : : , . - v . . - *v 4 ). t:T . t. LI ? - A '*? :r ^ out* ^ r7>LL j-tir--;>\ *- -if ,n r ML A?f%'tw ". : j - " *' .IP ' * .. jk?, * % s. .'?.* r:r.i "-& . I yif : a-M *v . . ! ! -: ' -l * \^r [?: '" - -? t *, ' gr r?'*. v;;rf . ijAL^ j ii ' . J' ' ' '. :. i' ' '. :," ^ 5V&I/M& ft* : o&%#? ' ' L { V - -ft' ^ ?i' | : ' 1 J-.; "VfJ-V&JW! t?*?SOO Bf. 0, - * ?.... j/ * i tr , ^ilK: . ^ ii ' '.?-;-.' >a:a- '' : C . ':. :.CT;v , -tv. iSjio be*??* - - ?: nl -\. . ; -if ' -?. ;!:? V- t . *(; ' " j? 1. ;;'5 *f}' rj , - - a - i. * . .< * * J ./ v. ' "*'"? : <$Pf ' vfij i; 'W-fel-' - *?>*** *&' '^V S "AK . A^4?a*poo4*a tfi< , * ' o ji "^?r? 'nt twsr ?r fir nv?^r _ *4. '.> ; ,.tv ...... I II lie Hllliunl. years. ^ dd'nethave t*>tpaflEgR6oCrr~^B o i i tin cans lik? bakine O0111Q 111CC holies <111(1 saving enables tis to giv? you better i? at prices to suit hard vahio for.your money Uwjm Srer'-Sfsy RESP'V., I % . .. NES BROTHERS. Eiiotogcaptr GallBry^ DENTIST. ? HERALD BUILUINVj? Bamberg. South* Carolin^if* iU>c1>Tc?sMU4L^rvetUeA <. 77\ .. Worfc Guaranteed. I wfflce n" Latest Stf(es J Iding next to bank. T). BERIVS (Associated with I F.*F. JOHNSON, j PORTRAiis ' II I ^jg^M