The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, May 28, 1925, Image 4

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'' PAGE FOUR. THE BARNWELL PEOPLE, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 28TH. 1925. THE BARNWELL PEOPLE W: Cnter«Hi at the post office at parnw^'* S. C., aa second-class matter JOHN W. HOLNVES 1840—191 2 B. P. DAVIES, h^ditor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.60 Six Months Three Months * — 60 (Strictly in Advance.) THURSDAY. MAY 2KTH.192'.. A Country Editor’s Bank Roll. The editor of a Country newspaper with $f»0,0O() to put in- a hank is a novelty and the one attracting notice in Dallas. Texas, recently was natur ally asked for the secret of his suc cess. “I, attribute my ability to re tire with such a bank account after thirty years, v he said,, “to close ap plication to duty, the''most vigorous rules of economy, everlastingly keep ing at my job and to Tbe death of an uncle who left me $4!*,99!J.r)0.’’- Exchange. “Better 11 omes-Week” 4s (). K., but what we need is 'a “Better Stay at lb me We'-k.” ♦ ♦ PERSONAL NEWS OF BLACKVILLE IM IMI S or TIIK SKVKNTH liKADE KN.M'lY IMCNIC. Mr. and Mrs. II«»(Ter:'.»n Buist Pur chase Ayer ResiJen e. -l yric Theatre Reopens. Blaekville, May 2tl.—An enjoyn^le affair of.last Saturday Was ihe picnic given by Miss Elizabeth Peteryon for the pupils of the sevent h grade,’of which she has been the teacher for tjhc p.ast term. Dyr’nes' swimming pool, a very famous* ‘‘rendezvous,” at this season e-peeiady, was. the spot chosen for the imnorfant cVeii! 1 . VHhV' IH- vited friends, a’ong with the pupils, sner.t a very pleasant day. Of course, ‘•‘water snorts” was the impor'aiit fea ture of the day, next to the “eats.” Blaekville was well represented .last; Sunday evening at^the Bapti-t Chu'vh in Williston, quite a crowd gotrrgj-to enjoy the sacred concert given by the Appollo Music Club, of Bamberg, which |Usso famed for its high class tmterlturements. Protracted services, wall begrn at the Methodist Church here next Sunday, conducted by the Rev. R. W. Hum phries, the pastor. All are cordially invited to att *nd these services. Mr. W. II DeVVitt, Sr., was a vis-' itar in Barnwell Monday. M is. A malic Johnson and children'. of Camden, are visiting home folks here. It will be of interest fo Mrs. Johnson’s friends t > learn that she in tends moving In Charleston in the near future. Mr-. Julius St robe} and daughter, Miss Meta, motored to Augusta Wed nesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Dave Kittrcll; a former resident-of Blaekville. Mr. Joe (loodson, of Ulmgr, was a business visitor here Thursday. Mr. John Aygley. of Seiglingville, a good many years and locate in ColdiVibia, carrying on the same line of business. Mr. DeWitt is the oldest son. of Mr. W. H.'•DeWitt, Sr. Mrs. Ida Kearse Hutto, froip. near here, is spending some time in Jack sonville. Fla., with her daughter, Mrs. James Cooper, who will be < < rdially rcmemlxmed here as Miss Sara KeftVser Mr. and^Mrs, l leffernan Buist were, visitors in, ■Barnwell Tuesday niorn- ., _ .#;■ a. ! Matthews and ether friends here last I week. _— I Williston was well represented at I the bankers’ meeting in Aiken last week by Messrs.-W. I). Black, A. M. Kennedy, ;W. K. Prothro, H. M. Thompson,-(I. W. Whitaker and Miss, Mayo Rountree. Mg. Mr. and Mrs. George Mack iy spent last w^e)<-<Vi(i in Orangebu g with home folks. - News t hat the Lyric Theatre would •oneri again-'last Saturday afternoon, after being cUsed for several vyfeeks, ' A;:i ( i‘ V,, fhirhas**b- was received with a thrill of de- I light and exeitemenf'4>y almost every body here, e-pccially the young folks. There are very few amusements here, to break the monotony of the long summer days, and a good Clean mov ing picture seems! to bp a “necessary luvu' v” in these modern' tirries. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Dobson, f Columbia, are the new managers of the.Lyric i neaur ,, nt ; Tf , xas . ^ an , ^.cUve now, and they have the be st wishes ; h . llni from thjs heib and call it Hobo for a, prosperous business from this , Kidney'.and Bladder Remedy. This whole section, not only for their goo<l, j ( . 1 ] m but for. the goqd of >the Community.! The old saying thaC’“a blessing is | never apfireeiated until it is lost” was n'oved, while the theatre was closed. ! . A Wonderful Discovery Th ; . remarkable herb “HOBO” as analyzed by “Schwartz” was found to contain besides other principles a variety of acid which he named Gal- itannic Acid. He also found it ■ to contain a proculiar acid discovered by Schwartz and Rochlcder and named een used , r i in Dropsy -congestion of "the spleen, Scrofula and Leprosy with good re sults. . In recent -yea** this herb has be< n discovered growing in East Texas and Louisiana and further ex periment has slviwn that its wonder fully purifying properties^ were due itS action to on the kidneys. Th ■ Hobo Medicine Cbmoa'iiy , of being said to hi* a Dfurcctic Apnient an 1 Anti-Scorbutic. Six bottles — a guaranteed treat ment costs $6.00. the entire purchase price within fif teen days from date of sale, thep ip . t ~ ■ , * •' that event the said $50.00 so dejH>sited with the AJaister shall be forfciU-d as liquidated damages, and the Master shall re-advertise, the said prenvisep to be .sold the next salksday on the same terms and conditions hereina bove recited. Purchaser to/, pay for stamps and papers. • * ' G. M. GREENE, Master, Barnwell County. Master's office, May 12, 1925. .”t. nusme visitor here Wedne s Annie Mae ^ nunglilo nl, from near Kline, is (),.> guest of h r sistervj- Mis.- H. 11. Youngblood. The “spirit of optimism” seems to’.’l brevadc the air, since load ’d "Ku- , kumber Krates” are in evidence, with ! a prospect for bringing good prices. | , Miss Ear on- r. a former Blaekville ; teacher, wh s? home is in New York,] is the guest of her sister, Mr-.^L. H. | Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee. of Den mark, were guests of .Miss Theo San- difer Wednesday afternoon. Miss- Eva. Blume and Mrs. Amalie Johnson --pent the. week-end with re!-f allies in Charleston. Mj^. Adelle H\ man and little daughter, of Pampliro, have n'A’urm home after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Johnson. Mrs_ Jim Price, of Donmaik, was ‘he guest of Mrs. Julius Str die! for while*-. Inst Tbnr. d.'.y.. . Et it nds of Mrs. N. Matt delighted ti lea*!i that she be improving from serious .received in an iiUtomobil- some time. ago. ’ TREASURY DEPARTMENT ' Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. * Washinigt/m, D. C., May 7. 1925. Notice is hereby given to all per sons who may have claims against “The First National Bank of Barn well”, South Carolina, that the same must he presented to J. U. Yjinn, Re ceiver, with legal proof thereof, with in three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. I. W. MclNTOSH, Actihg ComntroHer of the Currency. - SHERIFF’S SALE. ■: *—•••_ I *• • — »■ --1 j 1 . r State of Siiuth Carolina. ,. County of BarnwelJ. THE STATE ", vs. R. S. WHALEY. Under and by virtue of a 1 Tax Exe cution to me directed by J. B. Arm-, strong, TVe^surer of Barnwell County, I haCe this levied upon -and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, be tween the legal hours of sale, in front of the Court House at Barnwell, S. (’., on Monday, the first day ef June. 1925, this- being Salesday in said month, tiie following described real estate: Fifteen acres of land in Barnwell Township,.bounded as follows: ... North by lands of W. H. Duncan and Parsons; East by lands of W. MI. Duncan; South by lands of W. E. Mc- Nab; West by lands of Halford. Ivovied upon and sold to satisfy the above Execution a*ud Costs. . Boncil II. Dyches/ Sheriff, B. C. “Barnwell, S. C., 13th day of April. 1925.—3t. Georgia Duster The Most Practical Cotton Dusting Machine .A. on the Market. •.-■ ^ .... . — i For Salfjb^ C. KEYS SANDERS Barnwell, S.-C. It SHERI IF'S'SALE Social and Personal r ■, • . News from Williston was a day. Mrs..Shannon Rav. Sr., of Ba.mberg. visited friends in Blaekville Wednes- ,, day afternoon. Mr. .Mike Illunie, who has.a position in ^harlestan,. Was the guCst of his parents last week-end. ' * The illne-s of Mrs. William Altman- is a smmv of legret t > her many f riends. It will be ot interest :<» m.anv friends to learn that Mr. and Mrs. HcfTcvnan Buist have purchased the resilience of Mr. ’Bob Ayer, who, it wiU be iememlJered, moved to Florida some time ago. The home is comfort able and mmle n ami is in-a yj ry de sirable, location. Mr. and Mi - s. Bui<t are to he congi atiihatnl on what seems tp b(> a vet v wise in.estmeht.' \ Mr. Hubert DeWitt, of Columbia, visited .relatives here last wCek, Misses Bertha.,O’Kelley and Elise Rav, ’of Denmark, were among, the visitors here Saturday aft< rnoon. Dr. Murchispu filled his usual ap pointment at the Presbyterian Church - Sunday morning and nigrht T and im pressed his hearers with his splendid sermons.’ M .• Mrs. Dora Cr-Kee! and daughter. Mi <s Marian, spent the week-end in Elko, with t) or daughters, Mrs. Bales and Mrs. Yoitngblood. Mr. Faust DeWitt, of Wjishingtqn. Was a visitor in Blaekville AVednes- <lay. He is a former resident—in fact one of the “home boys” of this old town—and he received cordial greet ings from friends'and relatives. It will he of interest to many to learn that Mr. DeWi*t has decided to leave Washington, where he has been en gaged in the automobile business for Williston, May .25. Mrs. W. C. j Smith, Sr., was hostess at the May i *_ ^ A * i meeting of the Martha Watson-Chap ter, 1). A. R., in place of Mrs. W. G. Thompson, Jr., who was unable to en- tertain on aceount of illness. New of ficers were elected as follows: Mrs. G. W/Whitake v regent; Mi Hattie Newsom, vice regent; Miss Elizabeth Johnson., chresponding secretaiVl Mrs. J. W. Odioine. treasurer; Mrs. E.. W. Black, historian; Mis. M. F. Weathersbeg, registrar; Mis. W. If. Manning, recording secretary; Mrs. J'. E. New-om, gleaner. During the so cial hour the hostess served brock ice cream and ; >und cake. Hart’s Battery Chapter, U. D. C.. j were recent hosts to Confederate \et-i # • * - erans-of Williston. their wives and widows and the World War Veterans and their* wive r Dinner w -erveit in the dining mom at the Baptist Church and was enjoyed by about 10 gues'ts. ~e Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Jr., en tertained the Bridge Club Tuesday evening, three tables being arrange \ salad course foll'ow’ed by fresh o -■ i■ hes and cream were served before the game«. . Miss / GretMien Hail entertained •'’l Motidav night with rook in hi,nor ot* Miss Sadie W -t. of Spartanburg. A salad course with iced, tea was served during the evening. MissY.ois Pace, of North t ar dina, is’^th*] guest irf Mi-. P. S. I sery. H ft .. » ot Wedding Presents - We have ju t received a bcauti-’ ful eh ction of Silverware. Cut Ghiss, etc., suitable for gifts for the June bride. Look at what—ww havi>:—to—offer—iK’f’iri- making your selection elsewhere. Mace and Deason BARNWELL, S. C. State of South Carolina, C # ounty of Barnwell. TH INSTATE ’ * .' ’.'VIC J . ELVIRA BRENNAN. Under and by virtue of-.a Tax Exe cution to mo d ecUxl by( J. B. Arm strong. Treasuu-r of Barnwell ( >unty, have this 'levied u-ion and wilt to tiHi 1 tghest bidder 'for cash, be- tween the legal nours of san*. in front if tn<* Court HoitseTg J^Trivvel', S. on >ionday, the first day -'f June, 19:5, this be rg. Srlosda'' in said mmi i;, the following de.-criUed - real estate: One house and lot in the -town of Black'’rl , e. S. Cr. bounded ty- i'ollovrs: North by Lewi^.^Yise; South by Public Highway and Mrs. J.D.\\ h.tile; East by J. M. Farrell, und 'Vest by Lavinia Minus. Levied unon and sold to -atisfy the above? Execution and Costs. Boncil H. Dyches, Sheriff. B. C. Barnwell, S.. C., 9dr-day of May. 1925.—3t'. M VS I FR S SALE. MASTER’S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. Cou! t of Common Pleas. Susie Nelson Smith, Plaintiff, vs. I Will Hay, Defendant. By virtue of a .decretal older to mt the.above State of South Carolina, • County/of Barnwell: Court of Common Pleas. Arthur, T. Vanderbilt and C. G. Wil son. as Receivers of the SoUfthern Cotton Oil Co., a corporation. Plaintiffs, vs. Mrs. A. M. Harrison, W, C. Magahce. as Trustee in Bankruptcy of Mrs. A. M. Harrison, and Intyujia-tional Agricultural Corporation, Defendants. By virtue of a decretal 1 order to me directed in the above cau>=e, I , will sell at Barnwell, S. (’., in I font of the Court House, on, Uomlpv; June 1st, 1925, the sejne being salesday in said month, within the legal hours ot entitled cause, j following real property: Barnwell, in front of the Day and Night Service . * . ♦ At any time of the v clay or night that you need SERYfICF/ you get it from us. We are here to see that you get what you want, when you want it. Phone 64 day, or 28-J night, if you arc having motor trou ble of any kind. ^ • VICKERY BROS. B ARS W ELL. S. C. -4- ••• / ' Sj> ! I I HALL & COLE, INC. ESTABLISHED IS Is. ? COMMISSION MERCHANTS I RUTS AND VE(iETARLES All that certain piece, pafrel or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in Bai nweil County, in. the State of South Carolina, containing one hundred and fifteen (115) acres mope or less, and bounded now or formerly ,as follows, to wit: On the directed in I will self a Court House, on Midday, June 1st, 1925, it being salesday in said month, Within the legal hours of s;f]e, the fol lowing described real property, to-Wit: AIL that hit or parcel of land, sit uate, lying and being 1 in the corporate Mrs.ri.-B. ILirb-y. of l^unwell. was limits of the town of Blaekville, Coup- ■\ or th by lands of the estate of J. P a visitor heiv Tuesday. I ty of BarnWeil and State aforesaid, Morris - deceased; on the East by Mr. M. A.-Smith has n-turneil/fiom and bounded as follows, to-wit: Lot i an ds 5f Mrs. Annie Hogg; on the a- visit to rrl:>t ives -a-mi, friends in; \ 0 _ ^ with improvements thereon,! South by lands .of W. H. Harden and Batvdjuig. . I ' j in a plat filed wjth the Clerk of Court on the West' -by lands of. Theresa Mrs. W. A. Ij^Ngwiomy visited her cf Barnwell County by Li P. Boylston, Harley!. ^ j-''— : daughter, Mrs.’^tuht. Black,' ih Bam- v/ho conveyed this lot to S. ft. Rush, j Teims-of sale, cash, purchaser to pay bergfftist ^ * , he conveyed same, to • M. -N. Bates,! fur papers and stamps. As an evi- Dr. and Mrs# J. L. Srpith and Mr. who conveyed same to Susie Nelson, dunce of good faith, the .purchaser at and ~firSr;Q;«'A: Kennedy motored to the same beginning at a stiike on.the a ajd sale will be required to deposit Greenwood Tuesday. . I'Southwest corner, thenci* running with the Master, immediately after Miss Fairy' Bell BTvime, of Blagk- North 110 feet, more or lewS,to a the fall of the hammer, tlvl sum of ville, was the guest, of Miss Gladys stake, thence 150 feet to the North- One Hundred and 00-100 Dollars, the Blume last week. ; east corner, thence along witlj a street same to be applied as part payment Mrs. Angus Riley and daughter, of ' or j-oadway 90 feet, more or'iess, to pn the purchase price or Ik 1 forfeited Bennettsvillc, have been vtsiFing Mr. nhe Southeast corner, thence along the as provided for in the order for judg- aitd Mrs. W. R. Kennedy. - I estate lands of Stewart Holman 150 ment and sale. | l I X Special Attention‘Given Asparagus Shipments. v .V t 91-102 Faneuil Hall Market BOSTON, MASS. Mr. and Mi's. O. N. (’ourtney and | feet to the beginning. Miss Lou Belle Scott spent Monday in Term's of sale, cash, the successful Augusta. bidder' at said sale to immediately de-. Mr. Rurdell Ussery came over-Cfppig posit with the Master a certified check Atlanta' in his ear several da vs ago to hr cash for $50.00 to comply with the visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. said bid, and upon the failure to so Ussery, - * 1 1- , 1 — - t.i.Uon— Mrs. R. S, Martin and children and Mr. H.' R. Thfipnas, of St. Matthews,- G. M. GREENE, V Master, Barnwell County. ❖ i< ! I I L I were recent visitors here. Mrs. Laura Burckhalter, of Savan nah, Ga., was, the g(icst of Miss Bettie comply with his, her or their hid, Ahe premises to be resold at the, risk of the f<trmer purchaser or purchasers on thK same salesday or some subse-. quent salesday. If the purchaser or purchasers at ihe said sale fail to pay ” , , BOILER FLUES MILL CASTINGS AND SUPPLIES SELTINO, PACKING AND LACING WOOD, IEON AND STECL Urine KN(>INK fiKI'Al US in unto for quick w>>rk. LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA. GA. « BUY CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL COINS Minted by the United States Government as a Tribute to the Valour of the Southern Soldier. Certifictes entitling the Holder to- theife Rare Souvenir Coins on the date of Distribution, July 3. 1925, are now available to the public., ,V ■' 1 ■ 0 • * -■ Demand for-these Memorial Coins is enormous. Limited quantities have-l>een allotted .to each city in the South. Only holders of Coin Certificates, can, therefore, be abso lutely sure of obtaining the Cuins on their Release date. Premiums' on the ‘Coins go -toward the completion of ihe great Confederate Memorial being carved at Stone Mountain, Georgia. , - / •—* BUY Coin Certificates NOW! i For your children’s Children. r v ' Hom^ Bank of Blarnwell , Bank oF Western Carolina r t Barnwell, S. C.