The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, April 30, 1925, Image 4

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] ■ I f .1 T mtm PAGE FOUR. i THE BARNWELLJ*EOPLE, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. APRIL JWTH, 192.1 THE BARNWELL PEOPLE Entered at the post office at Barnwell S. C., as second-class maUer. JOHN W. HOLMES a 1840-1912 l B. P. DAVIES, F^ditor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 0ne Year $1-60 Six Months - 90 Three Months (Strictly in Advances) — 50 THURSDAY, APRIL 30TH, 192." Discrimination Against the South A local asparagus grower was curious to know the', difterencc in raU^s on asparagus shipments from California to Boston an<l from Barn well to Boston. In response to an inquiry, Atlantic CoasU Line Rail road Company ndvi>n*s him that the rate from California to Boston, a dis tance « f some .‘5,000 miles, *is $1.75 per 100 pounds, or about 56 cents a crate. The rate from Barnwell to the Massachusetts city is 71 to 75 tents a crate, whereas the distance, is shorter l>y about 2*,000 miles. Why this discrimination against the South? Is it for political reasons, or is the lower rate enjoyed by the California growers due to better or ganization? If the latter is the case, it miyht be well for the officers of the association to get busy and get nn adjustment in the rrite on South Carolina “grass.” . If the discrimination is due to political reasons, ‘it will not be the first time that the South lias paid 110“ penalty for being solidly Demo cratic. time, securing al>out 20 lbs. for each acre of cotton which is to be (justed. As to the proper machines for dust ing, all those who are interested in purchasing a machine will be - able to secure from my office the avail able dcjta as to^ the best machines. AJ^rcr cotton has been seno:u !y d im aged by boll weevils this year, pleaae remember that you have had .effi cient warning. Take heed now and _ •e'-sjv 7 • Financial Statement of Town of Barnwell, S. C. « FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING MARCH •ilst, 192): v RECEIPTS: 1924:— October 1st: CASH ON HAND Fines and forfeitures for October, 1921 T" . NONE 125.00 make arrangements for the proper j l* * nL ‘* s ari< l forleiturcs for November, 1924 425.00 control.—H. G. Boyjston, Co Agent, j Fines and forfeitures for December, 1924 125.00 I Fines and forfeitures for January, 1925 54.00 interesting Budget of |^‘ nes aT,< l forfeitures tor February, 1925 ,‘547.50 j Fines and forfeitures for March, 1925 NeWS frOlTI Snelling I Business licenses collected during October, 1924 1 , [Business licenses collect«‘d during November, 1924 , Snelling, April 27.—Mr. W. C. Birt, I Business licenses collected during December, 1924 ... ... of Williston, was a visitor here Friday. | Business licenses collected during January, 1925 |5lr. .nd Mrs. Heyward Anderson, Busines licenses collected during February, 1925 Business^. Ij^ensea collected during Anarch, 1925 IVoperty tarek collected during October, 1924 of Dunbarton, spent Monday with the latter’s parents, Mr. :ind Mrs. II. M. Cook. • 2 Mrs. S. E. Moore lett last Monday j property tuxe- collected during December, 1924 190.0.0 681.50 185.00 31.50 .‘1G.00 11.00 13.00 .101.31 Property taxes collected during November, 1924 3,603.71 The People is devoting considerable space this weex to articles"and letters about the War Between' the States. We have also published several “Re miniscences” during the past few weeks. These articles are- quite timely, inasmuch as, at this season of the year, the South' delights in (Icing honor to rapidly thinning ranks of heroes who wore the gray in those bloody days. We re printing quite a number of extra copies this week for distribution at the annual re union of Camp Mon-all, at Meyer’s Mill, tomorrow, and wish especialy to call attention to the article headed “Barnwell County’s Part in the War Between the States. This article, written by Miss Janet Pearlstine, tells of the heroic part played in that conflict by Barnwe 1 County soldiers, some of whom are still living. If you receive a copy of this issue and aiv not already a subscriber to The People, this is an invitation to held | for Wauchula, Fla, Mrs. Ella Rutland has returned home after visiting relatives and friends at Williston. Miss E-Mtelle Still spent last week end at Barnwell with Miss Elizabeth Carter. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Still, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sanders and Miss Estelle Still attended the closing exercises of the Hercules school last Friday night. Messrs. Micagy Bill and (4. L. Hill motored to Augusta Sunday after noon. f . Miss Lucy Cook, who taught in the Hercules graded school the past ses sion, returned to her home here Fri- daja . Mr. James Cook, of Fairfax, spent last week-end here with his | arents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cook. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Cook will be glad to learn that their little son,'Jack, is improving af ter a severe attack of pm umonia. Mr. II. M. Cook was a visitor in Dunbarton Saturday. Property taxes collected during January, 1925 Property taxes collected during February, 1925 Property taxes collected during March, 1925 Compound taxes collected during October, 19*1 __ * » Compound taxes collected duiing November, 1924 Compound taxes collected during December, 1921 Compound taxes collect! 1 duiing January, 1925 _ Compound taxes collected during February, 1925- Compound taxes collected during .March, 1925 { Boiii*ov.;ed from Home Brink, Oct. 50, 1921 - . I Misce'loneous receipts during October, 1924 ... . Miscellaneous receipts during November, 1924 Miscellaneous receipts during December, 1924 .... Miscellaneous -Feeeiptp. durijig January,' 19^5 .. Miscellaneous receipts during February, 1925 4.332.03 . -2.624.13 933.96 514.69 36.00 119.00 198.25 39.00 4.00 8.00 3.299.31 . .00 2.00 ■ 5.50 „JK) 27.00 Miscellaneous receipts during March, 1925_: . 20.75 TOTAL RFCF.IPTS/ 1 --I - 317,993.17 Local and Personal News from Hercules DISBURSEMENTS: Street and wage hands for October, 1924 Street and wage hands for November, 1924 - Street and wage hands fo.r December, 1924 Street and wage hands for January, 1925 Street and wage hands fo.- February, 1925 . . —_ Street and wage hands for March, 1925 ... Salaries, (Mayer, Police and Clerk) October, 1924 Salaries, (Mayor, Police and Clerk) November, 1924 Salaries, (Mayor, Police and Clc**k) Dec iviber, Ubl Salgri-s, (Mayor, Polite and Clerk) January, 1925 (.Mayor, Police and Clerk) Februaiy, 1925 . Hercules, An:il 28,—We regret ven much that we did ffOl hgve sei)[!o^ | ^ '•anacity for the folks that a the closing exercises of our Salarie.- ,! Salarief ttended ! ,v tineiie school. Surnla Everybody seemwl to enjoy , nichic at the school hoiiac on April , Supplies 24th. Mr. I). L. L.ewis, of Colufhbia, j ^upplb s and Supt. II. J. Crouch'spoke on con- . Interest solidation and we hope their speeches •) Interest and Note-- paid duting X-owmber. 1924-t will result in the addition «»f . other { ii*t6rc.-.t and Notes paid during December, 1921 class rooms and teachers for the Interest and Nob s paid during January, 192a next term of school. Interest and Notes paid during February, 192 > Mbs Mary Creech spent Tuesday ( Interest and Notes paid during March. 1925 night with Miss Ina Sanders. ! Kent (office and phone rent Fire Dept.) October, 1924 Miss Mary Creech lef*. her - Sunday j Rent ( Dice and phone rent Fire. Dept.) November. 1924 p. m. for her home in the Reedy lU-nt (office and phont lent File Dept.) December, 1921 Brunch section. We regret to give I K,:nt (idl'bv and phone rent 'Fire Dept.) January, 192a (office and phone rent Fire Dept.) February, 1925 (office and phone recut Fire Dept.) March, 192.> •Uaneous disbursements duritu the . --sttpi: (Mayor, Polici and ( lerk) Ala -h, 1925 and F«. •.d Stull - purchtr-e)! (b4-o’oer-. 1924 and Feed Stuffs put chased November. 1921 ffn l Feed Stuffs purchased Dec; mbor.-!621 and Fed Stuffs i>iircha-« d .la'.u.iry, 1925 \f -J K. n d (i l O r . i In Food, when a few cte. \ worth of ICE will pfjp vent, besides preserve its flavor and freshness. Phone 84 or 91-J and soon your ICE wil be on the wa}\ City Ice & Coal Co. R. H. WILCOX, Mgr. Barnwell, S. C. Engines and Feed Stuf-’s purchased February, 19 and Feed and N des Stuffs purchased' March, 1925. paid duiing October, 1921 you to receive newspaper pub! County. regularly shed in | hi Barn well ‘Tis a hard life, Just as we had decided how we were going to spend the Pulitzer prize money, the judges announced that the award had been made* to the Charleston News and Conner for the best edi torial during the past year. W hen your en£inee isn't working just as you thmk it should, drive in and let‘us look it o\ r eir. it may need the carbon removed, or it may be only a minor adjustment. We will hx it quickly and at a reasonable cost. * bet up, but school closing means her Kent leaving this section. Mr. and Mrs. Harley and family, during October. 1924 The People congratulates Editor Robert Lathan and the Charleston News and Courier on winning the Pulitzer prize for the best editorial during the past year. County Agent Says Many Boll Weevils y From the obsoivmtions which have been made recently, it is apparent that there will be a heavy emergence 1 • .> of boll weevils this spring.' Up to the same time this year at least 10 times as many weevil- had merged as had come out last year at the same tinje. From the above facts, • W'nutura-Uy conclude that tin early damage from boll weevils tills year will be heavy unless the weather con ditions arc e^eed|pg.y fiivoi pble, and in such case the damage w< uld he minimized to a great extent. An early application of dust 10 days to two weeks before the first squares are big enough to punetutxx followed by a second one in four to Wx days, will go a long way towards reducing the number of old weevils. For best re sults the calcium arsenate in the dust form should be used; hbwever y liquid arsenate may be used, but the results will not be as good; there fore*, the* dust form is preferable. Then later, for all tho^e who would make half a bale* of cotton, per acre*, or better without bill weevils, system atic dusting should be* done. The main reason 'for calling this important matter to the farmers’ at- tention at this time is, should there be* extreme damage doix'-trr'^otton, cal cium arsenate will soar in price, whereas it is now being sojd at a very re asonable price e>f 7 to 9 ^enits iund. I would advise the pur chase* of a supply of arsenate at this 1 per Mr. and Mrs. \iken Creech and fami-, Miscellaneous disbursement* during Xov. mober, 192- I.V .and Mis- Hattie Sanders attended , Miscellaneous disbursements during December. 1924 the spelling contest at Barnwell Fri-, ^jj^. ;i a , UMlUS disbursements during January, 1925 day night. 1 Mlse laneous (iisbursemen.ts during February. 19‘2o Miss Alice Creech spent last week.! .. lul Water for March, 1925 wi.h her sister, Mis. Lawton ( reech, . disbursements during at Williston. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken Creech motored TOTAL DISBL UM-.Mr.N I S to Williston Sunday p. in. '-April Ht, 1925. (’;tsh on Hand - - VICKERY BROS. BARNWELL. S. (’ Mareb, 1925 $15,883.74 . $2,109.13 " I Dfi V i 1R.X FAILES, Clerk. Mrx W. W. Hart, 1 of Barnwell. spent last week with her daughter, 1 Miss Ina Sanders. We w’ere frnghtc'ned just a little bit , wa >' the last day of school, when a dog < ’ 1 ' iame luririiiMg irdo Miss Cook s room. : l '' s ' The dog apparcmtly liad fits, a7 he would run a few steps and fall. One ‘ of the larger bays hit the d >g with a i stick and killed it. We hope the — ^ parents will take warning and keep! Nxtice is hereby - given fhat the all dogs off the school grounds next regular Spring feachets T.xa.n-ma- ,1. (i. MOODY. JR.. .Mayor. evith a gift of flowers or candies even a telegram. But whatever r -x'dtr'do, or* sure that-you wt-rtt*-hoc- a letter. Teachers' Examinat : ou. held at' the Cou-t House grounus r.( j tion will lx in Barnwell en Friday, May 8th, and Saturday, May 9tli, 1925. Both days Mr. and Miv. Bob Haney, of Char- Ure mpjired to complete the exarnina- lesi •»!, were the week-end guests AfjTiirn. Questions for Prunary, Ele- his father. Mr. W. W. Harlev. mentary. and High School cmtiii ates .Miss Ida Black, of Oalib* *. 1st week-end vith Miss Ina S spent mder prop< rti< s were almost solely"due to. its action on the kidneys. —Wi iu* for the, interestit.gx .-Utry—af th*s discoveiy. Six .IkiUIcs of Hobo Kidney ami Bladder Remedy cost $6.00. A small price to pay for ce lief from“lerrible pain and agony. Money reTindid if not ehtindy satis- ;ieii with results obtained. Hobo .Medicine Co., Beaumont, lexas Attend 1 Sheriff’s Funeral. wil*—lie- >fferedd. -tart i rornpt- Quito a nuin'ber of Barnwell people attended die funeral of Sheriff Henry H. Howard at Aiken Sunday after noon, among them )K*ing Col. Edgar A. Browh, who is a cousin of th|i* -lain officer. Sher iff Boneil H. Dy. bo. V. ± S. Owens, Esq., Capt. J. B. Arm-- ^ strong and son, Ben, Mr. W. L Jack- X son and others. It is estimated that ‘t* about 1,200 people gathered to nay j £ their last tribute of respect To /the I i Sheriff’s memory. ’ X f Tire examination will . ly at 9:00 o'clock a. m. HORACE J. CROUCH, County Supt. of Education. narnwTlU S. (’.. April. 30. 1925. 2t. Mother’s Day May 10th. Inasmuch as there seems to be some confusion as to the correct date for Mother’s Day, The People wishes to stal * that it is May 10th this year. TJie se* ond Sunday in' May of each year h:*s been set aside at; A he d^y on vhict to honor that g’ -rtest of all poifcrpr—Mother. Th | DOUGHTY’S | } the old reliable -j- l DRY CLEANERS | AND DYERS l since 1 895 J iPhone 6562, Columbia! A Remarkable Herb The herb Hobo has been known of - a long time. It has been much used for its purifying^ qualities in the treatment of Leprosy^ Eruptions and iu -t'»m is to i Dropsy. Orwin commended it highly we ! .r a i-oh red ' flower foi Mother if in the treatment of Psoriasis. she C Jiv-ng and a white one if she is lead Many rons and daughters also tal e advantage of the «pe b.l occasion to remember Mother in some 4 ' special \ During the few years this herb has been discovered growing in East Texas and Western LojjLsant and it has been fbuhd that its vuritiing No Locality or Section of the Country is Immune You cannot prevent winds forms —your only protection is insurance. Windstorms a n d tornadoes swoop suddenly down without warning, toppling chimneys, tear ing off roofs,' smashing skylights and even wrecking stout buildings. Consider the cost of repairing a robf, rebuilding a chimnejff or re placing window panes and compare it with the cost of a Windstorm Insirrahce Policy. j - ■ . ra te policies give you pro tection you cannot afford to be w ithout. Calhoun & Co. Barnwell, S. C. T — ♦> Beef is the standard meat of the world. £ It contains vital elements, food essentials ^ that are necessary to keep the body func- V tinning properly. Our Beef is properly ^ & aged and in prime conddition when we sell cj» it to you. OCR >1eats are always fresh THE PALACE MARKET “If It’s Good to Fat, We Have It.” ‘PHONE 69 BARNWELL, S. C. » . 666 is a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Billious Fever.. It kills the germs. -Tuffs Pills- Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they wish. Cause food to assimilate. Nourish the body, give appetite. DEVELOP FLESH fi Tru-li-Pure Butter Your orders will have our prompt attention S. W. Blanton