The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, April 16, 1925, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR. ■ r ^ THE BARNWELL PEOPLEMJARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. THE BARNWELL PEOPLE Bntered at the post office at Barnwell, S. C., as second-class matter. JOHN W. HOLMES B. P. DAVIES, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.50 Six Months .90 Three Months -50 (Strictly in Advance.) portuhity awaits those who may de cide to cast their lots with us. ' We Quite a number of people of this section attended a very delightful are quite sure that the offer to fur-■ barbecue dinner which was Riven by nish a suitable site free of cost and I Mr. I). A. Dyches near Dyches* swim- tax exemption for a period of years will be extended to other worthy en terprises. We have one of the l>est t< wns in South Carolina. We who live heie know it. Now, let’s “tell tFTe •wo?ld’’ what we have to' offer. What about reviving 1 the Chamber of |^mmerce and let it do the good work of which it is capable ? THURSDAY, APRIL 16,TH 1925 Getting New Industries. T Why Not Have a Field Dav? The Herald has been a little amused at the -excitement caused in Barnwell by the receipt of a letter from an advertising agency inquiring about the possibility of locating a factory there employing 500 persons. We ad mire the commendable activity of the Barnwell people in securing new en terprises; it is worthy of emulation, but there was nothing to get excite 1 about, for just about every town throughout this section of the country received the same inquiry. TheHei- ald received the inquiry in Bamberg; it was turned ovor-tJ! the chamber of commerce for reply. The requested information was furnished; courteous attention was given all matters con nected with the inquiry, just as cour teous attention is given to all inquir ies. ,lt appears that the inquiry was a form letter sent out for the pur- pose of ascertaining information, and < let’s liegifi plans ft if this ’was the purpose, it served ad mirably. Barnwell’s or Bamberg’s ( banco of—nirfdthg this enterprise is too remote to lose any sleep over.— The Bamberg Herald. The People is very glad indeed th;u . the live-wire action of the citizens in Barnwell in reference to the inquiry has r.t least furnished amusement to The Herald. If nothing else ii compHshed that alone is worthwhile For the information of our Several years- ago, Barnwell County had an annual Field Day that was a credit to the schools, the pupils, the teaehers^and the county as .: whole. It brought scores of children together to compete in sports of various kind.- and was an event that was anticipated for many months. For some reason or other, probably due to the fact that this country became involved it* the World War and turned to moie serious things, the t .vent was diseon-1 and Sadie tinued. Why not revive* it? Barnwell County schools made great strides in recent ' There are high schools in prac every town and the* rural schools < f today compare favorably with the high schools of a few years ago. The people of Barnwell, we are ^■ure, will gladly cooperate with the school authorities in making the event a success. If it is too late now before the* closing of the various tr another session. ■, What say you, Supt. Crouch, Pren. Robison and othe*rs interested in welfare of our schoeds ? have vear ■. ming |mk>1. It was Very much enjoy ed by all. —- Misses Louise anel Laura Mae* Boy les of Allendale were the* guests of Miss Margaret Bexley Sunday. Mis-cs Iris and Myrtie Grubbs and Mr. Otto Grubbs, of this secCoii, _Misses Kitty and Cytralbell Way anel i .Mr. Carlisle Davis, of Norway, w?re ! in Orangeburg recently and whi'e in the* city. V.idted the fishery a -hort Idi dance (»ut of town. Misses Ruby Hutto and Pauline Still, of Blackville, were the admired gue'sts of Miss Linnie Drew Bodiford. Misses Iris, Lillian anel Myrtie Gnlbbs, Messrs Laurice and Algir Grubbs were the guests of the Misses Whedtones of Bamberg recently. Mrs. Latna Sandford, of Sprng- field, was the guest of her (laughter. , Mi ss Mozelle Dyches. She returne! j home* Monday carrying with her as j her guests Misses; Mozelle Dyches Creech. | Mr. Moye* Grubbs, of this secHon, i lias accepted a ve ry responsible posi tion with the Crubhs-Cathacr*d h'U- 1 niture C of Montgomery, A’a. Miss Florev Still was the* guest of Miss Ilamnc Grubbs Saturday night. NULLA BONA TAX EXECUTIONS between the legal hours of sale, ii front of the Court House at BarnwgR S. C., on Monday, the 4th day of May 1925, this being Salesday in said, month, the following described real estate: One lot, Barnwell township, hound ed as follows: North by lot of Henry Myrick; East by Oak Street; South by lejt of Mary Aim* Dune’an; West by land of G. P. Hogg. Levied upon and sold to satisfy the above Ex *cution and Cqsts. BONCIL H. DYCHFS, Sheriff, B. (’ Barnwell, S. C., 1 Ith day of Avail. - 1925. SHERIFFS SALE. •i i ' it ac-j ivvbi'e’vw In accordance with Act 541, page j 925, Acts of the General Assembly, : 1924. I hereby suhmtt^for puhlicatieur Nulla Bona Executions for the year above 1923 turned over to me by the Sheriff j;,,, i of Barnwell Gounty. J. B. ARMSTRONG. County Treasurer. State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. THE STATE vs. MORRIS PEEPLES. Under and by virtue of a Tax Ex; cution t i me directed by J. B. Arm strong. Treasurer of Barnwell Coun ty. I have this day levied upon am will sedl to the highest bidder for ca*h. between the legal hours of sale, in front of the Court House at Barnwell, S. C., on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1925, tins being Salesday in said month, the following described real estate: Two lots. Blackville towrshin. bounded a-*-follows: North by a s’reet: East by Is.*ye Bush; Smith by Sam Young; West by public highway. - -Levied uponand^nld to satisfy the Execution and Costs. BONCIB H. DYCHES, Sheriff, B C The Pcefple is glad to see that l st'veral local business men are devot-j (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEPH^t ing more attention to_>\vindow die-i Double 1 Pond, plays. We could mention a numbe • Asthenia, Martha that have added immensely to the Berry, S. A. ittractivenc-s of their stores by do- Collins. L. B. ing this. In cities, many people* de- De-Ik, H. .1. . , „• , , ; rive a great tleal of pleasure from! Desain, Willie teemed contemporary, we might I . , , . „ ' „ Barnwell were i %vin ' ,ow !,ho PP' n F' ar ' (l incidentally , .. . ,, .. ,i • the sales "of the merchants are great-! aware of the I act that the inquiry , , ly increased. Barnwell peojile* ar* <tate that the people of fact that the bad been broadcast, and it it wen.* merely for the purpose of getting in~ formation, the*, concern in question certainly knows a number <*f things about Barnwell, not the Ie*ast among which is that its citizens are ready i to cooperate in any movement that will advance this city—educationally, spiritually or industrially. It may he* true, as The Herald says, that “Barnwell’s or Bamberg’s chance of landing this enterprise is too remote to lose any sleep over,”—and so fe ns we know, none has been lost—but we are wide-awake* enough at a’l times to “tell the- pop-eyed world” that new industries will find a warm welcome here. Francis, dim Franklin. 1-1 ank Geter, Ccok not a bit different in this respect from j H. :i:i 'i -L F. their brothers and sisters in Colum-j Hartzog. (’. 11. ; bia or Augusta. Spend a little time! Hutto. T. Jeff j displaying your goods in an attrac- j John-on, Isaac manner, Mr. Merchant, , i watch your sales increase, to nothing of the great improvement will make in the business section. “Barnwell, the Town of Opportunity.” The People suggests the above as a slogan for Barnwell, for Barnwell is a Town of Opportunity. If nothing else was aceoniplislie*d in reference to the location of ;e textile industry here*, the meeting of the members of the town council and the business men of the town at. least showed-that the citizens of Barnwell are ready and willing to cooperate in any movement that gives,promise of advancing th > town and also a splendid op- Two newspapers-—a daily anel a weekly— have complimented Th** People recently by “lifting" several live news stories from thi- paper. That they neglected to give The People due credit - was doubtlessly an oversight. The items in question ap peared exclusively in this paper be-> fore being copied by ourteoTitcmpor- ies. Thanks, brothers, fPr the com pliment. n*l Mack. Henry . av^ Mines. Colomius _ it I Odom, Isaac. Jr. | Ray. David | Rhoden. ('. Sabb, James Sanders. John ShifK'S. I.. M. __ Tyleiv A Hie . Washington, (Vlia Williams, Gib 1.09 0.55 9.3S S.2tt 5.01 5.01 5,0! 5.74 5.74 1.82 0.83 5.01 1.07 Barnwell, 1« 25. S. (’., 14th day of Apr''. SHERIFF’S SALE. 7.19 5.01 1.40 5.01 5.01 7.19 .5.01 108.1 (GONTINUED NEXT WEEK.) Slat* of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. THE STATE vs. WESLEY ROBINSON. Under anel by virtue of a T im E'o- cution t > me eiirected by_J. B. Arni- Treasme*!- of Barnwell Coun ty. *1 have this day levied unon .rod will sell to the highest bidder for cash, between the legal hours of <ale, in front of the Court House at BunnveJL S. on Monday, the 4th day of May 1925. this being Salesday in said month, the following described rea 1 estate: One* lot. Blackville* township^ bounded as follows: North by Dan Williams; Easr by T. 1 M. Farrell; South- by Adam Jarkson; West by public road. Levied upon and'-old to satisfy tie above* E>o, ution and Costs. BONCIL H. DYCHES, . Sheriff. B C. Bam v eil, S. 14th day of April . 1925. - v SIHfRIFI S SALE. Just about the time you get u<e i to these new* taxes the newspapers will be,advising you to do you: Chi ism mas shopping early * * $ * * i{:. ♦ * best interests of the served to show that BARN W ELI Sunday School at 1 Keys Sanders State of South Carolina, i County of Barnwell. - , | THE STATE ' vs. J. H. JOWERS. ” Under and by Virtue* of a Ta ; Exe cution t*> nu> directed by J. if A*n- strong. Treasurer of Barnwell Conn- j ty. ! have this day levied upon and j will sell to the highest bidder for cash. METHODISI ( HI K< ll , between the* Jegal hours of sale, in 1 CHURCH CALENDAR. * * :) v .■■■L, ’ jig;:;:. 5tVj 10:39 o’cloe lw C. •i ■ * .5 • pastor at 11:30. .Query: “How far do y ai liv» ? Wind month,- jj-s the distance from the church to ftedate; I Preaching by the front of tjie Court House at Barnwell, S. (\, on Monday, the lib day of May, 1925.' th : s be ing Salesday in sa.i i tb« l-s- following de Sul your home ?” Evening srvice at 8:15 “\ybat is Sin?” 'fhere will be special mimic fo: service*. The public is cordi-tB vitrei and is promised good nv.ff'i a heartv welcome. *a. town- i n*!.*!: • this in- (Vlebrates Seventh Hirthdav. Little Bernice Terrv entertained a numbeV of her little* friends seventh birthday,. Saturday or her iftei - New Shoes ■ for Spring Of course, you want new Footwear for Spring, and you can not come to a better Diace to choose yours than right here, where the newest is on display. L Weiner Barnwell, - S. C. noon, at the Circle Inn. Games vvre enjoyed, after which the gues s veer* , invited into the dining room where! refreshments were served. Then-en- taal decoration on the dining iable was a large* white birthday cuke, head ing seven tiny candles. The favors were baskets filled with pink and white, mints. One* hetuse and lot. Barnwe ship. 1* lundcel a- follows; NoYtli by sti t* ruiming E;*s an*I West; East ,b> Bay Street; South by lands of Jim Lancaster; West by hd; of Warren Jamison.- 1 Levied unon anel sold to satisfy the i aboyt Execution and Costs. BONCU, H. DYCHES Sheriff. P. C. P-arnwe 11, S. C., I bh day of Apri', 1925. SHERIFF’S SALE. Reedy Branch News. April 12.—Mr: Bart Grubbs was stricken with a severe stroke of paralysis abouU-two weeks ago. He died April 10th. 'He* was unconscious from the-time he was stricken to his death. The remains were carried ioj the “Still”, cemetery where the 1 buri el ! took place. The Rev. D. W. Heckle conducted the funeral services. IFs^ wife’pteggiled him to the grave several year^, ago. He leaves to mourn hi« j death four daughters and three Their many friends extend thei.: sin cere sympathy. t State* of South- Carolina, County of Barnwell. THE STATE vs. THOS. DANIELS. Under and by virtue of a Tax Exe cution to me.directed by J. B. Arm strong, Treasurer of Barnwell Coun- , ty, I have this day levied upon and will sell to the* highest bidder for msh, No Locality or Section of the _ ' 9 Country is Immune You cannot prevent windstorms —your only prelection is insurance. Windstorms a n d tornadoes swoop suddenly down without warning, toppling chi nine > tear ing ojf roofs, 'smashing .>k\ Ujjbts and even wrecking stout buiiefipgs. Consider the* cost of repairing a roof, rebuilding a chimney or re- chimney placing w indow panes andj'hmpare cost'^TTf—a eidstorm it with the Insurance Policy. Low rate policies give you pro tection you cannot afford to Ik* without. — Calhoun & Co. * Barnwell; S. C. \ 1 THOSQAY, APRIL 16,TH 1925 Food, when a few cts. worth of ICF will ore- 1 . j . ■ ' ‘' ■ . j vent, besides preserve its flavor and freshness Phone 84 or 91 -J and soon your ICF will be on the way. City Ice & Coal Co. Jt. H. WILCOX, Mgr. Barnwell, S. C We Know Engines When your-enginee isn t working, just as you think it should, drive in and let us hjok it over. It may need the carbon removed, or it may be only a minor adjustment. We will fix it quickly and at a reasonable cost. f % VICKERY BROS. 4- BARNWELL, S. C f f T ♦> f ❖ f ? »,♦ f »> t ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ T T v * t f T V ❖ ❖ Beef is the standard meat of the world. 'f It contains vita! elements, food essentials X that are necessary to keep the body func- 5' tioning properly. Our Bee£ is properly V *r t ♦T. ❖ f ❖ aged and in prime conddition when we sell it to you. OUR MEATS \RK ALWAYS FRESH THE PALACE MARKET “If It’s Good to E;vt,« Wc Have It.” . BARNWELL, S. C. 4* ❖ t T V f KODAKERS! Send vour films to us for dev (‘lop ing and printing. One day service. 1 ’ AY rite lor prices. ♦ "T 4 * Lollar’s Studio 1423 Main^Fftreet COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA AVe sell Eastman Films Gained 60 Pounds. E. S. Hardy, of Marshall, Te*xaq writes: “I had & had c'ise of Bright’s Disease and was told that I would never be ab'(* *o v/drk. I lost flesh till. 1 only weighed 140 pounds; my blood pressure was so higli that T had to be careful of my exercise. , “I took Hobo Kidney and Bladder Remedy and I thinK I am entirely cured; the.doctors sav I am. I am l running a locomotive engine every and weigh 190 pbunds. I ; fee! for suffering of others, and it does me godH-te-inform others of the faith I have in Hobo Kidney” and BladeF*:: Remedy. For sale by all druggists. Prepared by Hobo Medicine Co, Beaumont, Texas. I , “7 r - _ - ^ 666 is a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Billious Fever. It kills the germs. Tutt’s Pills Induce regular habit, good digestion. Relieve the dyspeptic and debilitated and tone up the system AGAINST MALARIA Grocery Headquarters ' - ■ Make this store your headquarters for your Groceries. Royal Scarlet and Premier Brands. Prompt and Courteous Service. 1 S. W. BLANTON Phone No. 83 Barnwell, S. C.